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Farm Scenes

These images are taken from Wills's Cigarettes of England.  They were issued by the Imperial Tobacco Co of Great Britain and Ireland. 1914

Canadian Farm
After a few years of successful agriculture the wooden shanty of the pioneer farmer is replaced by a substantially built house of stone, and up to date farm buildings. Although the man who measures his property by miles usually employs mechanical power for his ploughing, harrowing, and reaping, the average Canadian farmer, with his 100,300 acres, has to depend upon horses for the same purpose.

Settlers' Ranch
The picture shows a group of roughly built log houses in the West. Such structures as these serve many purposes; for in the pioneer stage, dwelling-houses, stores and Government offices are invariably timber built. So rapid is the growth of townships and farms in Western Canada, that this stage is usually very short, and before many years have passed substantial stone buildings will probably take the place of these log shanties.

A Typical Farmhouse
For many years past the pioneer farmer out West was content to erect his rough dwelling of logs. Today, however, even his temporary wooden residence is built in much more artistic style, as will be seen by reference to the picture. Thanks to the C.P.R., it is now possible for the settler to purchase a "Ready-made Farm." Provided with dwelling-house, barns, and stabling, and with the land ready fenced and the first crops sown.

Lumberman's Camp
Lumbering is one of the oldest of Canadian industries; for in 1769 William Davidson, the pioneer lumberman of Canada, supplied masts to the British Navy. Today Canada provides timber for many industries, ranging from building to paper making. Every year thousands of men spend the winter cutting timber. When the returning spring thaws the ice, the logs are floated down the waterways to the sawmills.

A New Town in the West
In some of the Western Provinces new towns develop with a rapidity that is almost incredible. Let us take Edmonton, the capital of Alberta, as an illustration. Less than 30 years ago. Edmonton was a mere fur trading outpost in the wilderness. In 1890 it boasted a few wooden shanties, and resembled the little township in our illustration. In 1905 the population was 9,2000; and by 1913 it had increased to 60,000.


Boiling Maple Syrup
In early spring, when the sap begins to flow, the maple trees are tapped, and vessels hung to catch the sap. This is afterwards boiled down over a steady fire, leaving the sweet dark colored maple syrup. For making maple sugar the boiling is carried further, and the liquid sugar is then run into moulds. The preparation of maple syrup and sugar, which is an extensive industry in Canada, was originally carried on by the Indians.

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