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Life in the Provinces

These images are taken from Wills's Cigarettes of England.  They were issued by the Imperial Tobacco Co of Great Britain and Ireland. 1914

Salmon Cannery, Fraser River
British Columbia, with its 7,000 miles of coastline, and its 220,000 sq. miles of fresh water lakes, is one of the largest and most prolific fishing grounds in the world. The total output of fish for 1911 was valued at 11 million dollars, the number of men employed being over 17,000. In the fishing season the waters of the Fraser River for miles are covered with hundreds of boats attached to the fishing fleet.

Salmon Cannery, British Columbia
To encourage the fishing industry and prevent the depletion of the rivers, the depletion of the rivers, the Dominion Government has established fish hatcheries for the artificial propagation of salmon. The canneries on the Fraser R. are fully equipped with large cold storage plants, and labor saving machinery such as the "Iron Chink," for cleaning and cutting the fish. The Fraser R. canneries can deal with ten million salmon per year.

Drying Cod
The fishing grounds off the Atlantic Coast of North America provide employment for some 30,000 persons during the summer months. On the shores of the picturesque fiords of Labrador the fish are cleaned and cured with salt. They are then spread on "stages" and exposed to the action of sun and wind. The "stages" are hurdles covered with boughs of fir or spruce, and supported on strong stakes some feet above the ground.

A Brick Yard
The extraordinary agricultural development of Western Canada has called into being hundreds of new settlements. At first these are merely collections of wooden shanties, but these rough structures in a short time become quite inadequate. Brickyards are started where suitable clay can be found, and then commences a busy time making the bricks to be used for the more substantial buildings required for the rapidly growing towns.

Timber Raft
Our picture shows a typical lumber raft on one for the great Canadian waterways. Some of these rafts are half-a-mile in length, and contain as much as £90,000 worth of timber. The lumbermen for lumberjacks as they are termed, are mostly French Canadians, though many Swedes and Scots are to be found among them. These men live on the raft in rough shanties built of wood.

Grain Elevator, Fort William
At Fort William, on Lake superior, is the largest grain-elevator of its kind in the world, with storage capacity of 40 million bushels. Fort William is the "gate-way of Canada,: for through this great lake port all grain and produce of W. Canada must pass on its way east. It is also the lake terminus of three railways-the Grand Trunk Pacific, the Canadian Pacific, and the Canadian Northern.

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