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Canada in Pictures

These images are taken from Wills's Cigarettes of England.  They were issued by the Imperial Tobacco Co of Great Britain and Ireland. 1914

A Backwoods Village
The picture shows a small village in the Canadian backwoods. This settlement, which is typical of many in the great Dominion, comprises, perhaps, a score whitewashed cottages, each with its acre or so of fertile land reclaimed from the forest. Not far off is the river-the great waterway which affords easy communication between village and village-with a great lumber-mill fed by a dam below the rustic bridge.

During early autumn bears can be hunted with an almost certain prospect of success; for during that season the wild berries, of which Bruin is very fond, ripen, and the bears, usually very wary and sly, boldly come into the open during the late afternoon and evening to feed greedily on the huckleberries and blueberries which furnish them with the supplies of fat so necessary for their winter hibernation.

Crossing a River in the Rockies
Great parts of the Canadian Rockies are still unmapped and unexplored, and are among the finest hunting grounds in the Dominion. Sportsmen visiting British Columbia usually engage a reliable guide. Tent, food, and camp implements are carried by a train of pack-ponies. The guide rides at the head of the cavalcade, frequently turning to see that the pack train is safely following the track.

Moose Hunting
The Moose is the largest and most powerful member of the deer tribe. An adult bull stands 8 feet high at the shoulder, and carries broad antlers which have a spread of about 5 feet. He lives chiefly on young shoots and leaves, and the roots of water plants. A favorite device of the Indian hunters is to lure the Moose within rifle shot by skillfully imitating the call of the cow by means of a birch bark trumpet.

Ploughing the Prairie

The mammoth farms of Western Canada, with their miles of rolling prairie, have created a demand for highly efficient agricultural machinery on a big scale.  Our picture shows one of the smaller forms of the tractor-plough, and immense plough, or rather series of ploughs, hauled by a traction engine operated by steam or gasoline.  American enterprise has evolved a 25-furrow tractor-plough, attached to which are harrows, a drill, and a seeder.

Threshing Wheat

The farmer out West sows his seed in April, and in August it is ripe for harvest. In some parts of Canada the weather is sufficiently reliable for wheat to be left until ripe enough to be threshed immediately after reaping. A modern steam harvester will cut thresh, and sack 130 acres of wheat in a day. The wheat is then hauled to the railway, and conveyed to grain elevators.

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