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Canadian Genealogy
Victoria County, Ontario Canada Biographies -A-B-
Victoria county is as large as ancient Judea and
larger than Attica. Remembrance of that fact and of the marvelous
achievements of the Jews and Athenians should give us a
non-parochial perspective in which to view the modest record of our
own race and locality.
There follows below, a list of 146 brief biographies representative
of the county's citizens during the past century. There are
doubtless flagrant errors of omission and judgment. For the former,
lack of time is responsible for the latter, the author. None of the
persons sketched has been approached in any way, and the record
(based on press and similar sources) therefore lacks the
invalidation of cash subscription, on which all modern manuals of
current biography are based.
The first impression given by the list is that the native born are
few but eminent. Fewer than one-fifth have been born in Victoria
county, but most of that minority have been far more distinguished,
on the whole, than nearly all of those who removed here from else
where. In the academic world, we have the records of Edward Kylie,
Frederick Smale, John F. McLaughlin, and R. J. McLaughlin. Dr.
Alexander Ferguson and Dr. Robert Curts reached the very foremost
rank in surgery. Pat Burns and Sir William McKenzie have excelled in
the world of finance. John Campbell and Samuel Corneil have left
their record in scientific husbandry. W. A. Sherwood was an artist
of note. And F. P. McEvay and Michael Spratt became Roman Catholic
Archbishops. Few of the counties "foreign born" citizens measure up
to these "native born."
The second impression is that these native born have had to leave
their home county in order to secure recognition and distinction.
Out of 52 federal and provincial members elected between 1867 and
1917, for example, only 2 (George McHugh and John Carew) were born
in Victoria. The professional, industrial, and municipal life of
Victoria shows a similar dearth of the county born. The county's
best individual records have been made abroad. Honor at home is
traditionally non-existent.
Surname Search
Anderson, John (1830-1892). Furniture maker.
Born in Lanark Co. of Scottish parents. Married Jane Rankin.
Furniture business, first in Oakwood, and, after 1852, in Lindsay
Baker, Charles Leon (1818-1913). Merchant. Born in Quebec.
Barr, Charles D. (184S). Born near Brockville, Ont. On staffs
of Montreal Gazette and Toronto Globe: 1873, purchased the "Canadian
Post," Lindsay. Past President Canadian Press Association. 1891,
appointed Registrar of Deeds for Victoria county.
Barron, John Augustus (1850). Judge of the County court,
Perth, Ont. Born Toronto, son of F. W. Barron, M.A., Principal of
Upper Canada College, and Eleanor Thompson. Married Elizabeth C. C.
Dunsford of Lindsay. Two sons, three daughters. Called to the Bar,
1873. Practiced in Lindsay. Liberal member for North Victoria in
House of Commons, 1887-1892. Q. C., in 1888. Appointed to the bench
Beall, Thomas (1828-1912). Merchant. Born in Cornwall,
England. Settled in Whitby, Ontario, 1860, opened jewelry business
in Oakwood, 1863, transferred to Lindsay. Married Mary Ann Hicks.
One son. Prominent in fruit growing. 1879, won medal for grapes at
Dominion Exhibition. Prominent in South Victoria Agricultural
Society and Ontario Horticultural Society. Conservative, Anglican.
Bell, Alexander (1803-1909). Verulam pioneer. Born in
Fermanagh. Lifelong abstainer and non-smoker. Lived to age of 106.
At his death had 142 living descendants.
Bick, George (1820-1891). Verulam pioneer. Held many
municipal offices. In 1886, ran unsuccessfully as Liberal Candidate
in East Victoria. Asst. fire ranger for 20 years. Four sons, one
Bigelow, Obadiah (1834-1912). Miller and merchant. Born in
Tecumseh township, Ont. 1844, brought to Lindsay by his father,
Hiram Bigelow. 1857, married Lavina Davidson of Mariposa. One son,
one daughter.
Bigelow, Silas (1830-1895). Merchant. Brother of foregoing,
and in partnership with him, 1854-1877. In 1863, married Lydia
Bateman. Two sons, one daughter.
Blackwell, John (1772-1878). Pioneer. Born in Limerick,
Ire-land. In 1796, married Miss Leeward of Limerick. Settled in
Emily, 1825; and moved into Ops, 1835. Died aged 106, leaving 141
living descendants. Wesleyan Methodist.
Boyd, Mossom (1815-1883). Lumberman. Born in India. 1833,
settled near Bobcaygeon. Married (1) Caroline Dunsford, who died in
1857, leaving 6 children; and (2) Letitia Cust, who died 1881,
leaving two children. Farmed 1833-42. Moved to Bobcaygeon and bought
up Thos. Need's mill, which ultimately became a huge enterprise.
Active advocate of Trent Canal. Unsuccessful Conservative candidate
in election of 1854.
Boyd, William T. C. (1859-1919). Son of foregoing. Later
partner in business. Several times reeve of Bobcaygeon. Three sons
(all deceased) and three daughters.
Britton, Charles (1817-1913).Merchant. Born Port Hope, son of
Jeremiah B. Came to Lindsay with father, 1837. Two sons, two
Britton, John Wellington (1814-1885). Brother of C. B. Took
part in California gold rush of 1847. Great hunter.
Broad, Thomas (1823-1905). Born Cornwall, England, 1846,
married Elizabeth. Symons. Three sons, four daughters. 1850, came to
Canada. 17 years on Mariposa township council. Many years J. P., and
on county council.
Broad, John (1830-1891). Born in England, 1857, settled near
Little Britain. Tailoring, general store, postmaster for 27 years.
Browne, David (1828-1897). Born Tyrone, Ireland. 1844, opened
store in Lindsay. Member of first town council, 1857. Collector of
Customs, 1873-97.
Burns, Pat (1856). Multimillionaire rancher and meat magnate.
Born near Kirkfield. 1879, went to Manitoba. 1899, founded ranching
and meat business at Calgary. 1901, married Eileen Ellis, of
Victoria, B.C. One son. Liberal. 1915, honored by the pope by being
made Knight Commander of the Order of St. George the Great.
Burrows, Palmer, M.D. (1841-1908). Born Ottawa. Married
Charlotte Needler. One daughter. Medical health officer of Lindsay
for several years.
Victoria County