Notes of a Twenty-Five Years Service in the Hudson's Bay Territory
I started from Stuart's Lake on the 22d of February,
and arrived at Fort Alexandria on the 8th of March. Although the
upper parts of the district were yet buried in snow, it had
disappeared in the immediate neighborhood of the establishment, and
everything wore the pleasing aspect of spring.
Chapter I.
Journey to Norway House
Chapter II.
Arrival At York Factory - Its Situation - Climate - Natives -
Rein-Deer - Voyage To Ungava - Incidents of the Voyage - Arrival At
Ungava - Situation and Aspect
III. Exploring Expedition Through The Interior Of Labrador -
difficulties - Deer-Hunt - Indian Gluttony - Description of the
Country - Provisions Run Short - Influenza
IV. Distressing Bereavement - Exploring Party - Their Report -
Arrival of Esquimaux - Establish Posts - Pounding Rein-Deer -
Expedition up George's River - Its Difficulties - Hamilton River -
Discover a Stupendous Cataract - Return by George's River to the Sea
- Sudden Storm, and Miraculous Escape
Chapter V.
Esquimaux Arrive from the North Shore of Hudson's Strait, On a Raft
- Dispatch from the Governor - Distress of the Esquimaux - Forward
Provisions to Mr. E - Return of the Party - Their Deplorable
Chapter VI.
Trip to Esquimaux Bay - Governor's Instructions - My Report to the
Committee - Recommend The Abandonment of Ungava Settlement - Success
of the Arctic Expedition, Conducted by Messrs. Dease and Simpson -
Return by Sea to Fort Chimo - Narrowly Escape Shipwreck in the
Ungava River - Inhuman and Impolitic Measure of the Governor -
Consequent Distress at the Post
VII. Another Exploring Expedition - My Promotion - Winter at
Chimo - Obtain Permission to Visit Britain - Ungava Abandoned
Chapter VIII.
Climate of Ungava - Aurora Borealis - Soil - Vegetable Productions -
Animals - Birds - Fish - Geological Features
Chapter IX.
The Nascopies - Their Religion - Manners and Customs - Clothing -
Marriage - Community Of Goods
Chapter X.
The Esquimaux - Probable Origin - Identity of Language from Labrador
to Behring's Straits - Their Amours - Marriages - Religion -
Treatment of Parents - Anecdote - Mode of Preserving Meat -
Amusements - Dress - The Igloe, rr Snow-House - Their Cuisine - Dogs
- The Sledge - Caiak, or Canoe - Ouimiak, or Boat - Implements -
Chapter XI.
Labrador - Esquimaux Half-Breeds - Moravian Brethren - European
Inhabitants - Their Virtues - Climate -Anecdote
Chapter XII.
Voyage To England - Arrival at Plymouth - Reflections - Arrive at
the Place of my Nativity - Changes - Depopulation - London - The
Thames - Liverpool - Embark for New York - Arrival - The Americans -
English and American Tourists - England and America - New York
Chapter XIII.
Passage From New York To Albany By Steamer - The Passengers -
Arrival at Albany - Journey To Montreal
Chapter XIV.
Embark for the North - Passengers Arrive at Fort William - Dispatch
from Governor - Appointed to Mackenzie's River District - Portage La
Loche - Adventure on Great Slave Lake - Arrive at Fort Simpson -
Productions of the Post
Chapter XV.
Statements in the Edinburgh Cabinet Library - Alleged Kindness of
the Hudson's Bay Company to the Indians - and Generosity - Support
of Missionaries - Support Withdrawn - Preference of Roman Catholics
- The North-West Company - Conduct of a British Peer - Rivalry of
the Companies - Coalition - Charges Against the North-West Company
Chapter XVI.
Arrival of Mr. Lefroy - Voyage to the Lower Posts of the Mackenzie -
Avalanche - Incidents of the Voyage - Voyage to Portage La Loche -
Arbitrary and Unjust Conduct of the Governor - Despotism - My Reply
to the Governor
Chapter XVII.
Situation of Fort Simpson - Climate - The Liard - Effects of the
Spring Floods - Tribes Inhabiting Mackenzie's River District -
Peculiarities - Distress Through Famine - Cannibalism - Anecdote
Fort Good Hope Saved by The Intrepidity of M. Dechambault -
Discoveries of Mr. Campbell
Chapter XVIII.
Mr. Macpherson Assumes the Command - I am Appointed to Fort Liard,
but Exchange for Great Slave Lake - The Indians - Resolve to Quit
the Service - Phenomena Of The Lake
Chapter XIX.
Reflections - Prospects in the Service - Decrease of the Game -
Company's Policy in Consequence - Appeal of the Indians - Means of
Preserving Them, and Improving their Condition - Abolition of the
Charter - Objections Answered
Chapter XX.
Wesleyan Mission - Mr. Evans - Encouragement Given by the Company -
Mr. Evans's Exertions among the Indians - Causes of the Withdrawal
of the Company's Support - Calumnious Charges Against Mr. Evans -
Mr. E. Goes to England - His Sudden Death
XXI. Sketch of Red River Settlement
Chapter XXII.
Sir G. Simpson - His Administration
XXIII. Vocabulary Of The Principal Indian Dialects In Use Among
The Tribes In The Hudson's Bay Territory
Notes of a Twenty-Five Years Service in the
Hudson's Bay Territory, 1849
Canadian Indian Tribes |