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The Esquimaux
The Esquimaux are so totally different in
physiognomy and person, in language, manners, and customs, from all
the other natives of America, that there can be no doubt that they
belong to a different branch of the human race. The conformation of
their features, their stature, form, and complexion, approximate so
closely to those of the northern inhabitants of Europe, as to
indicate, with some degree of certainty, their identity of origin.
In the accounts I have read of the maritime Laplanders, I find many
characteristics common to both tribes: the Laplander is of a swarthy
complexion, so is the Esquimaux; the Laplander is distinguished by
high cheek-bones, hollow cheeks, pointed chin, and large mouth, so
is the Esquimaux; the Laplander wears a thick beard, so does the
Esquimaux; the Laplander's hair is long and black, so is that of the
Esquimaux; the Laplanders are, for the most part, short of stature,
so are the Esquimaux; and the dress, food, and lodging of both
peoples are nearly the same. The last coincidence may possibly arise
from similarity of location and climate; and, taken by itself, would
afford no certain proof of identity of origin; but taken in
connation with the aforementioned characteristics, I think the
conclusion is irresistible that the Laplanders and Esquimaux are of
the same race.
That the Esquimaux and the natives of Greenland are also of a
kindred race, is a fact ascertained beyond a doubt, from the reports
of the Moravian Missionaries, who have settlements among both.
The way in which they must have passed from the one continent to the
other, must now be left to conjecture. There is nothing improbable
in the supposition that some of them might have been drifted out to
sea by stress of weather, and wafted to the shores of Greenland;
whence some might, in course of time, remove to the opposite coast
of America. From the southern extremity of Labrador to Behring's
Straits, the Esquimaux language is the same, differing only in the
pronunciation of a few words. We had a native of Hudson's Bay with
us, who had accompanied Captain Franklin to the McKenzie and
Coppermine Rivers, and who assured us that he understood the
Esquimaux of that quarter, and those of Ungava, although some
thousands of miles apart, as well as his own tribe.
In manners, customs, and dress, there is a like similarity. The
Esquimaux have ever remained a distinct people; the other natives of
America seeming to consider them more as brutes than human beings,
and never approaching them unless for the purpose of knocking them
on the head. Every one's hand is against them. I have seen Esquimaux
scalps, even among the timid têtes des boules of Temiscamingue; yet
no people seem more disposed to live at peace with their neighbors,
if only they were allowed. Circumstanced as they are, however, they
are likely to suffer hostile aggression for a long time. Even a
coward, with a musket in his hand, is generally an overmatch for a
brave man with only a bow or a sling; but once possessed of
firearms, they will teach their enemies to respect them, for they
will undoubtedly have the advantage of superior courage and
The Esquimaux is not easily excited to anger; but his wrath once
roused, he becomes furious: he foams like a wild boar, rolls his
eyes, gnashes his teeth, and rushes on his antagonist with the fury
of a beast of prey. In the winter of 1840, a quarrel arose between
two individuals about the sex, which led to a fight; the struggle
was continued for a time with tooth and nail; when one of the
parties at length got hold of his knife, and stabbed his adversary
in the belly. The bowels protruded, yet the wounded man never
desisted, until loss of blood and repeated stabs compelled him to
yield the contest and his life. Gallantry seems to be the main cause
of quarrels among them. Strange! that this passion should exercise
such an influence in a climate, and, as one would be led to suppose,
on constitutions so cold; yet nothing is more certain than that the
enamored Esquimaux will risk life and limb in the pursuit of his
With unmarried women there is no risk, as they are entirely free
from control; not so with the married, who are under strict
surveillance; but the husband's consent asked and obtained—which not
seldom happens—saves the gallant's head, and the lady's reputation.
Their courtships are conducted in much the same manner as among the
inland Indians, the choice of partners being entirely left to the
parents. Some are affianced in childhood, and become man and wife in
early youth: I have seen a boy of fourteen living with his wife who
was two years younger. There are no marriage festivals, and no
ceremonies of any kind are observed at their nuptials. Polygamy is
allowed, ad libitum; and the husband exercises his authority as
husband, judge, or executioner; no one having any right to
interfere. Should, however, the woman consider herself ill treated,
she flees to her parents, with whom she remains till an explanation
takes place. If it lead to a reconciliation, the parties are
reunited; if not, the woman may form a new connexion whenever she
I know not whether the Esquimaux can be said to have any idea of
religion, as the term is generally understood. The earth, say they,
was in the beginning covered with water, which having subsided, man
appeared—a spontaneous creation. Aglooktook is the name of the man
who first created fish and animals: chopping a tree which overhung
the sea, the chips that fell into that element became fish; those
that fell on the land, animals. Their paradise is beneath the great
deep; those who have lived a good life, proceed to a part of the sea
abounding with whales and seals, where, free from care and toil,
they fare sumptuously on raw flesh and blubber, in secula seculorum.
The wicked, on the contrary, are condemned to take up their abode in
a "sea of troubles," where none of the delicacies enjoyed by the
blessed are to be found; and even the commonest necessaries are
procured with endless toil, and pain, and disappointment. Although
the "tomakhs," or dead men, become the inhabitants of the sea, they
indulge in the pleasures of the chase on their old element, whenever
they please; and are often heard calling to each other while in
pursuit of the deer.
The Esquimaux have their "men of medicine," in whose preternatural
powers they place the most implicit confidence; by working on the
superstitious fears of the people, these impostors obtain much
authority. They are allowed to take the lead in every affair of
importance; and, in short, all their movements are, in a great
measure, regulated by these harlequins, who appear to be the only
chiefs among them.
They dispose of their dead by placing them on the rocks, and
covering them over with ice or stones; these tombs prove but feeble
barriers against the wolves and other beasts of prey, who soon carry
off the bodies. The property belonging to the deceased is placed by
the side of his grave;—his caiak, or skin canoe, his bows, arrows,
and spears. Thus equipped, the emigrant spirit cannot find itself at
a loss on arriving at a better country!
It is said by some that the Esquimaux abandon their aged parents:
from inquiry, as well as observation, I am led to believe there is
no foundation for the charge. It is not reasonable to expect that
the more refined feelings of humanity should be found in the breast
of a savage, or that he should honor his father and mother in the
same degree as he whose principles are molded by the precepts of
Christianity; yet I must do them the justice to say, that they
appeared to me to treat their parents with as much kindness, at
least, as any other savage nation I have met with. They do not deny,
however, that old people no longer able to provide for themselves,
and without any relative to care for them, are sometimes left to
No people suffer more from hunger than the Esquimaux who inhabit the
shores of Ungava Bay; seals being extremely scarce in the winter
season, and no fish to be found; so that the poor creatures are
often reduced to the most revolting expedients to preserve life. An
Esquimaux, who had been about the post for two years, proceeded, in
the winter of 1839, to join some of his relatives along the coast.
When he returned in the ensuing spring, I observed that his mother
and one of his children were missing. On inquiring what had become
of them, he replied, that they had been starved to death, and that
he and the rest of his family would have shared their fate, had it
not been for the sustenance the bodies afforded.
The Esquimaux always pass the winter near the element that yields
them their principal subsistence; and as they are unacquainted with
the use of snowshoes, they cannot follow the deer any distance from
the coast. As soon as the rivers are free from ice in summer, they
proceed inland and find abundance of food. Their manner of
preserving their meat is quite characteristic. When an animal is
killed the bowels are extracted, then the fore and hind quarters are
cut off, and being placed inside the carcass, are secured by skewers
of wood run through the flesh. The whole is then deposited under the
nearest cleft of rock, and stones are built round so as to secure it
from the depredations of wild animals until the hunters return to
the coast; when the meat is in high flavor, and considered fit for
the palate of an Esquimaux epicure.
The Esquimaux do not share their provisions as the Nascopies do,
although they relieve each other's wants when their means can afford
it: each individual engaged in the chase retains his own game, his
claim being ascertained by distinctive marks on the arrows. When a
whale is killed a rigid fast is observed for twenty-four hours, not
in gratitude to Providence, but in honor of the whale, which is
highly displeased when this is neglected, studiously
avoiding the harpoon afterwards, and even visiting the offender with
sickness and other misfortunes.
Should the summer and fall hunt prove successful, the Esquimaux is
one of the happiest animals in the creation. He passes his dreary
winter without one careful or anxious thought; he eats his fill and
lies down to sleep, and then rises to eat again. In this manner they
pass the greater part of their time; night and day are the same,
eating and sleeping their chief enjoyments. When, however, they do
rouse their dormant faculties to exertion, they seem to engage with
great goodwill in the few amusements they have, the principal of
which is playing ball, men and women joining in the game. Two
parties are opposed, the one driving the ball with sticks towards
the goal, the other driving it in the opposite direction; in short,
a game of shinty. They have dancing too, ye gods! such dancing! Two
rows of men and women, sometimes only of one sex, stand opposite to
each other, exhibiting no other motion in their dancing than raising
their shoulders with a peculiar jerk, bending their knees so as to
give their whole bodies, from the knee upwards, the same motion, and
grinning horribly at each other, while not a foot stirs.
As to the music to which this dance is performed, I know not well
how to describe it. By inflating and depressing the lungs so as to
create a convulsive heaving of the breast, a sound is produced,
somewhat similar to the groans of a person suffering from
suffocation; and it is to this sound they grin, and jerk their
shoulders. The whole performance is quite in keeping; the music
worthy of the dancing, the dancing worthy of the music. They have
boxing too, but do not practice the art after the fashion of the
Cribs and Coopers; they disdain to parry off the blow; each strikes
in turn with clenched fist; the blow is given behind the ear, and,
as soon as one of the parties acknowledges himself defeated, the
combat ceases. They are also adepts at wrestling; I have witnessed
frequent contests between them and the inland Indians, when the
latter were invariably floored.
No one enjoys a joke better than an Esquimaux, and when his
risibility is excited he laughs with right good will, evincing in
this, as in every other respect, the difference of disposition
between them and the Indians, whose rigid features seldom betray
their feelings. Much the same diversity of character and disposition
is to be observed among the Esquimaux as among other barbarous
tribes. Some instances of disinterested kindness and generosity fell
under my notice while residing among them, that would have done
honor to civilized man.
An Esquimaux who had attached himself to the establishment from the
time of our first arrival at Ungava, kept a poor widow and her three
orphans with him for several years, and seemed to make no difference
between them and the members of his own family. It must be
acknowledged, however, that the unhappy widows seldom fall into so
good hands; their fate is the most wretched that can be imagined,
unless they have children that can provide for them. In years of
scarcity they are rejected from the community, and hover about the
encampments like starving wolves, picking up whatever chance may
throw in their way, until hunger and cold terminate their wretched
Whatever may be said of the awkwardness of the Esquimaux dress, it
must be allowed to be the best adapted to the climate that could be
used: a pair of boots so skillfully sewed as to exclude the water,
and lined with down, or the fine hair of the rein-deer, protects the
feet from wet and cold; two pairs of trousers, the inner having the
hair next the skin; and two coats or tunics of deer or seal skin,
the outer having a large hood that is drawn over the head in stormy
weather, and a pair of large mits, complete the dress. The women
also "wear the breeks," their dress being similar to that of the men
in every respect, with this difference, that the female has a long
flap attached to the hind part of her coat, and falling down to her
heels; a most extraordinary ornament, giving her the appearance of
an enormous tadpole. This tail, however, has its use; when she has
occasion to sit down on the cold rocks she folds it up and makes a
seat of it.
In the winter season the Esquimaux live in huts built of snow; and
we may imagine what must have been the necessity and distress that
could first have suggested to a human being the idea of using such a
material as a means of protecting himself from cold. Be that as it
may, the snow igloe affords not only security from the inclemency of
the weather, but more comfort than either stone or wooden building
without fire. The operation requires considerable tact and
experience, and is always performed by the men, two being required
for it, one outside and the other inside.
Blocks of snow are first cut out with some sharp instrument from the
spot that is intended to form the floor of the dwelling, and raised
on edge, inclining a little inward around the cavity. These blocks
are generally about two feet in length, two feet in breadth, and
eight inches thick, and are joined close together. In this manner
the edifice is erected, contracting at each successive tier, until
there only remains a small aperture at the top, which is filled by a
slab of clear ice, that serves both as a keystone to the arch, and a
window to light the dwelling. An embankment of snow is raised around
the wall, and covered with skins, which answers the double purpose
of beds and seats. The inside of the hut presents the figure of an
arch or dome; the usual dimensions are ten or twelve feet in
diameter, and about eight feet in height at the centre. Sometimes
two or three families congregate under the same roof, having
separate apartments communicating with the main building, that are
used as bedrooms. The entrance to the igloe is effected through a
winding covered passage, which stands open by day, but is closed up
at night by placing slabs of ice at the angle of each bend, and thus
the inmates are perfectly secured against the severest cold.
The Esquimaux use no fuel in winter; their stone lamps afford
sufficient heat to dry their boots and clothes, or warm their
blubber and raw meat when they are so inclined. They are inured to
cold by early habit; the children are carried about in the hoods of
their mothers' jackets until three years of age; during this period
they remain without a stitch of clothing, and the little things may
be sometimes seen standing up in their nests, exposing themselves in
the coldest weather, without appearing to suffer any inconvenience
from it. The Esquimaux never sleep with their clothes on, not even
when without any other shelter than the cleft of a rock.
It is well known that they eat their food, whether fish or flesh,
generally in a raw state; hence their appellation, "Ashkimai," in
the Cree and Sauteux, means, eater of raw meat, and is doubtless the
origin of the name Esquimaux first applied by the earlier French
discoverers, and since then passed into general use. They sometimes,
indeed, warm their food in a stone kettle over a stone lamp, but
they seem to relish it equally well when cut warm from the carcass
of an animal recently killed, which they may be seen devouring while
yet quivering with life.
In winter they prefer raw meat, especially fish, which is considered
a great delicacy in a frozen state; the Esquimaux stomach, in fact,
rejects nothing, raw or boiled, that affords sustenance. Like the
inland Indians, they can bear hunger for an amazing length of time,
and afterwards gorge themselves with more than brutal voracity
without suffering inconvenience by it.
The Esquimaux breed of dogs are wolves in a domesticated state, the
same in every characteristic, save such differences as may be
expected to result from their relative conditions; the dog howls,
never barks. These animals are of the most essential service to
their masters, and are maintained at no expense. How they manage to
subsist appears inexplicable to me; not a morsel of food is ever
offered to them at the camp, and when employed hauling sledges on a
journey, a small piece of blubber given them in the evening enables
them to perform the laborious work of the ensuing day.
From ten to fifteen dogs are employed on a long journey. They are
harnessed separately by a collar and a single trace passing over
their back, and fastened to the fore part of the sledge. The traces
are so arranged that the dogs generally follow in a line, conducted
by a leader, who is trained to obey the word of command in an
instant; the least hesitation on his part brings the merciless whip
about his ears. The lash is about fifteen feet in length, the handle
eighteen inches; continual practice enables the Esquimaux to wield
this instrument of torture with great dexterity. The sledges are
about five feet in length and two in breadth; the runners generally
shod with whalebone or ivory, and coated over with a plaster of
earth and water, which becomes very smooth, and is renewed as often
as it is worn out.
The Esquimaux caiak, or canoe, is about twelve feet in length, and
two feet in breadth, and tapers off from the centre to the bow and
stern, almost to a mere point. The frame is of wood covered with
seal-skin, having an aperture in the centre which barely admits of
the stowage of the nether man. These canoes are calculated for the
accommodation of one person only; yet it is possible for a passenger
to embark upon them, if he can submit to the inconvenience—and
risk—of lying at full length on his belly, without ever stirring
hand or foot, as the least motion would upset the canoe. Instances,
however, have been known of persons conveyed hundreds of miles in
this manner. These canoes are used solely for hunting; and, by means
of the double paddle, are propelled through the water with the
velocity of the dolphin; no land animal can possibly escape when
seen in the water; the least exertion is sufficient to keep up with
the rein-deer when swimming at its utmost speed. When the animal is
overtaken, it is driven towards the spot where the huntsman wishes
to land, and there dispatched by a thrust of the spear.
The Esquimaux of this quarter have not the art of recovering their
position, when they upset. An accident of this kind is, therefore,
sure to prove fatal, unless aid be at hand. It is seldom, however,
that aid is wanting, for these accidents never happen except in the
excitement of the sport, especially harpooning whales, when there
are always a number present. The ouimiack, or skin-boat, is a clumsy
looking contrivance, but not to be despised on that account; from
the buoyancy of the materials of which it is built, the ouimiack
stands a much heavier sea than our best sea boat. This kind of craft
is rowed by women, and used for the purpose of conveying families
along the coast.
The few implements these people use for hunting or fishing, display
much taste and ingenuity. Their caiaks are proportioned with
mathematical exactness, the paddles often tastefully inlaid with
ivory; their spears are neatly carved, and their bows are far
superior to any I have seen among the interior tribes, combining
strength and elasticity in an eminent degree.
Their mode of capturing the white whale is extremely ingenious. A
large dan, or seal-skin inflated with wind, is attached to the
harpoon by a thong some twenty feet in length. The moment the fish
is struck the dan is thrown overboard, and being dragged through the
water, offers so great a resistance to the movement of the fish that
it soon becomes exhausted by the exertion, and when it emerges lies
exposed on the water, to take rest ere it dive again. The Esquimaux
then approaches from behind, and often secures his game with one
thrust of the spear. The Esquimaux also uses a javelin with
considerable skill, and some are so dexterous in the use of the
sling as to bring down wild fowl on the wing.
The complexion of the Esquimaux is swarthy; I have seen some of
their children, however, as fair as the children of the fairest
people in Europe, yet these become as dark as their parents when
advanced in years. This circumstance cannot be accounted for by
filthiness or exposure to the weather; for I have observed, on the
coast of Labrador, the descendants of an Esquimaux mother and a
European father of the third generation as dark as the pure
Esquimaux; and these, too, enjoyed the comforts of civilized life,
were cleanly in their persons, and not more exposed to the weather
than others.
The Esquimaux are low of stature, but I do not think the epithet
"dwarfish" applies to them with propriety. With the view of
ascertaining this point, I once took five men promiscuously from a
party of twenty, and found their average height to be 5 feet 5
inches. Some individuals of the remainder measured 5 feet 7 or 8
inches, and one exceeded 6 feet. The fact is, the Esquimaux are
generally thicker than Europeans; their peculiar dress also adds
greatly to their bulk, so that they appear shorter than they really
are. They are so bound up in their seal-skin garments that their
movements are necessarily much impeded by them, we can, therefore,
form no idea of their agility; but I do not hesitate to say that
their strength exceeds that of any other nation on the continent.
The Esquimaux features are far from being disagreeable; some females
I observed among them whose expression of countenance was extremely
prepossessing, and who would pass for "bonnie lasses" even among the
whites, if divested of their filth and uncouth dress, and rigged out
in European habiliments. The women fasten their hair in a knot on
the crown of the head, and anoint it with rancid oil in lieu of
pomatum; they also tattoo their faces, with the view, no doubt, of
enhancing their charms in the estimation of their blubber-eating
lovers. Their teeth are remarkably white and regular; the eyes are
black, and partake more of the circular than the oval form; the
cheek-bones are prominent, forehead low, mouth large, and chin
The Esquimaux generally enjoy good health, and no epidemic diseases,
as far as I could learn, are known among them.
Notes of a Twenty-Five Years Service in the
Hudson's Bay Territory, 1849
Notes on Hudson Bay Territory