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Southern Townships, Victoria County, Ontario Canada

The six townships, Emily, Ops, Mariposa, Verulam, Fenelon, and Eldon, which lie in a double tier in the southern half of Vlctoria County, have a history somewhat different from that of the seven townships of the north. Not only were they opened up a generation earlier, but the natual conditions of land and soil have given them a past development and a future destiny dissimilar to that of Bexley, Somerville, Laxton, Carden, Digby, Dalton and Longford. The highest usefulness of the former will always be found in agriculture; the latter will serve coming generations best as a land of park and forest.

The story of the Southern Townships tells of steady progress from pioneer hardships through toil to prosperity. A general account of the changing social and economic life of the century has already been given in Chapter Number One. In passing now to a more intimate account of the early settlements in each township, we shall place against that background the actual men and women, still cherished in local memory, who bore the brunt of pioneer stress and sacrifice.

Southern Townships

The Beginnings of Emily Township

The Robinson Immigration

The Mill Village of Omemee

First Village Council

The Municipal History of Emily

The Township of Mariposa

First Township Council

A Trio of County Villages

A Section on Recent Statistics

The Township of Ops

Pioneers in Southwest Ops

The Eastern Concessions

South and Center

Some Annals of the Scugog

Forgotten Highways of Long Ago

Officials and Figures

First Township Council

The Township of Eldon

Survey and Settlement

Roads and Railroads

First Township Council

The Early Kirk in Eldon





The Township of Fenelon

Early Settlements in Fenelon

The Village at the Falls

First Village Council

Farm Villages and Summer Villages


Sturgeon Point

Population and Assessment

The Township of Verulam

Survey by John Houston in 1831

First Settlers Hunter and Bell

The Mill Village of Bobcaygeon

Bobcaygeon Since Incorporation

First Council

Slow Development of Verulam

Some Verulam Hamlets



Ancona Point

Victoria County, Ontario Canada Centennial History, Watson Kirkconnell M.A., 1921

Victoria County

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