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Canadian Genealogy
Roads and Railroads,
Victoria County, Ontario Canada
The earliest roads were blazed trails and wagon
tracks that wriggled towards their destination along the higher
ground. It took a whole day to drive with an ox-cart from Lorneville
to Beaverton, where today a railway train covers the intervening
eight miles in a few minutes. At first supplies were secured from
Cameron's store in Beaverton, but preferences soon turned to Purdy's
Mills, now Lindsay, which began to develop about 1830. The main
route lay east to Cambray and then south to the old Fenelon Road.
The village of Cambray sprang into existence chiefly through its
being an eligible, though diminutive, millsite on the main highway
from Eldon to Lindsay.
The first railway in Eldon came in 1871, when the line from Port
Hope, already completed to Lindsay in 1857, was carried through to
Beaverton. This road cut across the southwest corner of Eldon,
passing about two miles north of Woodville. In the following year
another line, the Toronto and Nipissing, running from Toronto to
Coboconk, in Bexley, passed through Eldon, entering just west of
Woodville, passing north through the limestone escarpment by way of
an old river valley opening at Argyle, and leaving the township at
the northeast corner. Eldon gave this latter railway a bonus of
$44,000. The gift was beyond municipal means, yet the development
brought about by the new facilities for transportation ultimately
justified the gratuity .A third railway, the Canadian Pacific grain
line from Port McNicholl, on Georgian Bay, to Bethany Junction, in
Durham County, was built through Eldon in 1912. Entering from the
west on Lot 17, Concession I, it parallels the great escarpment as
far east as Balsam Lake Station, then slips south through another
valley gap in the cliff, and passes out into Mariposa southwest of
Record of Municipal Institutions.
In the early days Mariposa and Eldon were linked together as a
single magisterial and militia division, but each held separate
township meetings. In Eldon, these meetings were called once a year
by Henry Ewing, who had been made a magistrate. The first taxes were
collected by John McAlpine, and amounted to thirty dollars. The
first assessors were Colin Campbell and Donald Gunn. Alexander
Campbell represented Eldon on the first council of the Colborne
District, which gathered in Peterboro in 1842.
Municipal institutions as we now know them were set up in 1850. The
first township council included the
Reeve, Israel Ferguson
Councillors, Archibald McFadyen, James McPherson, William McCredie,
and Neil Smith.
The officials appointed were as follows:
Clerk, Angus Ray
Treasurer, Donald Smith
Assessor, Duncan McEachern
Collector, John McLaughlin
Superintendent of Schools, Rev. John McMurchy
Auditors, F. W. Stevenson and James McLaughlin
It is said that in signing his declaration every pathmaster, fence
viewer and pound keeper down to the humblest subscribed his own
signature in full, an uncommon record in these pioneer times.
At first the council meetings were itinerant. For several years the
home of James McPherson was a favorite rendezvous. In 1854 business
was transacted in the schoolhouse of Section Number One; and in the
following year a room was rented for One Pound at the home of
Archibald Currie, Lot 5, Concession II. In 1856 the earlier nomadic
system was resumed. After 1858, Woodville became the council's
regular headquarters.
The population was 641 in 1838 and 951 in 1842. By 1886 the
township, including Woodville, totalled 3482, and by 1920 had
decreased to 2485, a shrinkage similar to that in the sister
townships In 1880, the assessment was $22,943.60 and the taxes, for
all purposes, $2633.16. The assessment of Eldon .and Woodville was
$1,096,667 in 1886 and $2,063,607 in 1920.
The Early Kirk
in Eldon
Long before any churches were built, the early
settlers held religious meetings in their houses. The first to
organize these conventicles was Archibald Sinclair. A man named Gunn,
who came from Thorah, also took an active part in these early
After a few years independent missionaries began to come in. One of
these was a Rev. Mr. McPhail, of Sunderland. The first regular
minister was the Rev. John McMurchy of the Established Church of
Scotland. For some time he had to preach in houses and barns, until
a church was built on a lot of two hundred acres near Lorneville,
which was donated by Squire Cameron. McMurchy soon married and his
parishioners then built a manse. He died twenty years later. By the
eighties, his old church stood empty, a bone of bitter contention
between the Established Church and the Canada Presbyterian Church.
Village Centers of the Township.
Eldon has a number of small villages, but here as in Mariposa the
elements of growth 'have been lacking. Woodville, Lorneville,
Argyle, and Kirkfield are all on the railroad but all are entirely
without water power, or even sufficient water for ordinary urban
needs Bolsover, which once secured limited waterk power from the
Talbot River, is four miles from the nearest railway station.
Glenarm and Bartley have neither rivers nor contiguous railways. It
is through no accident that the village crop has been meager.
Woodville, on the Mariposa boundary and partially
within that township, is an incorporated village with a population
of 400 in 1920, according to the assessment rolls. In early days the
locality was known as Irish's Corners. The first store here was kept
by John Campbell, who was known, from his religious persuasion, as
"John the Baptist." The first blacksmith was Alexander Stewart, who
lived on the Mariposa side of the boundary. Campbell's store was
later rented by two Morrison brothers, who added the manufacture of
potash to their activities. Artisans, other stores, and the
inevitable tavern grew up around the "Corners." At first the nearest
Post Office, known as Eldon," was located a mile to the east, but in
the fifties it was moved west to Irish's Corners. The name of the
latter hamlet was now changed to "Woodville." John Morrison became
the first postmaster in the village proper, and retained the office
until his election in. 1867 to the first Dominion parliament as
Liberal member for North Victoria.
in 1878 Woodville was made a police village, administered by
elective commissioners. The commissioners in 1881 were Peter McSweyn,
William White, and Roderick Campbell. Its chief industries at this
time were a grist mill, two foundries, a cheese factory, a planing
mill, and a sash and door factory. Steam was the sole motive power.
The village had also a Town Hail, a lockup, three hotels, and a
number of stores and mechanics shops. A weekly paper, the Woodville
"Advocate," which is now defunct,' was established in August £S77 by
Messrs. Henderson and Cave. There were also two churches, a .,frame
Methodist church, accommodating 250, and a brick Presbyterian
church, built for $12,000 in 1877, with a seating capacity of one
thousand. Woodville reached its peak of population at 556 in 1886,
and has since declined. Great excitement prevailed in 1877, when it
was proposed to change the village's name to "Otago." A Plebiscite
gave a majority of one vote for the new title, but no further action
was taken.
Lorneville is a village of 100 persons at
the junction of the old Midland and Toronto and Nipissing railways,
two miles north of t Woodville. It owes its existence to the
railroad and some of its population consists of railway men and
their families. As there have been no other stimuli to growth, the
village has remained static for half a century. A recent directory
lists a general store, an hotel, two masons, and a buttermaker. The
name is doubtless a compliment to the Marquis of Lorne, son of the
8th duke of Argyll, who was governor-general of Canada from 1878 to
Argyle is on the Grand Trunk railway about two
miles north of Lorneville. Its name commemorates the Scottish shire
from which, more than from any other, the pioneers of Eldon came. An
earlier apellation was "Scotsville." The present population is
somewhat less than fifty. The business roster comprises a general
store, a blacksmith and two carpenters.
Bolsover is a hamlet of about one hundred
inhabitants situated on the Talbot River some four miles west of the
railway. The village was founded by D. McRae, M. P., who built mills
here in the fifties. In 1881, it had a grist mill, a sawmill, a
carding mill and a shingle mill, as well as several taverns,
(including the famous hostel of "Biddy Young"), stores, and a
Presbyterian church. The decline of lumbering and the aloofness of
the railway have, however, brought about its speedy decline, and its
former industries have passed into oblivion.
Kirkfield has a population of about three
hundred. It lies in a valley, at the intersection of the Portage
Road with the main road from Palestine to Carden. A station on the
Coboconk division of the G.T.R. is situated a little further to the
north. Alexander Munro was the first settler on the village site but
it is to John McKenzie and his sons, William, Alexander, Ewen,
Duncan and John, that chief credit for material progress is due. A
generation ago the McKenzies operated flour mills, woollen mills,
and a sash, door, and planing mill. All these plants were dependent
on steam power. The McKenzie brothers were also large grain buyers
and dealers in telegraph poles, posts, and railroad ties. William
McKenzie, later Sir William of Canadian Northern fame, was one of
these brothers, and served his apprenticeship in railroad
contracting on the local construction work on the Toronto and
Nipissing Railway.
Other businesses in the eighties were the general stores of A. C.
Mackenzie, M. Perry, J. W. Shields, and M. O'Neill, the waggon shops
of Alex. Munro and Wm. King, the tinshop of N. Emsuier and W. A.
McCrae, the harness shop of Albert Hadfield and R. G. Wright, the
butcher shop of Robert Boynton, the smithy of Alexander Fraser and
the hotels of A. Gusty and Hector Campbell.
The disappearance of the northern forests and the consequent lack of
cheap fuel made steam power mills impracticable and these industries
in Kirkfield faded away. A business directory of recent date gives
the following analysis of the village as it now remains: Two stone
crushers, five carpenters, three merchants, two butchers, two
bankers, one tailor, one harnessmaker, one blacksmith, one painter,
one barber, one grain buyer, one veterinary surgeon, one doctor, and
one druggist.
Hartley is an Irish Methodist hamlet in the southeast corner of
Eldon, and Glenarm, or "Hardscrabble," a Scotch Presbyterian village
half way up the Fenelon boundary. Neither has ever exceeded fifty in
Eldon township has thus no fewer than seven villages, but in every
case factors necessary for expansion have been lacking. The advent
of Hydro-Electric power to centres like Woodville will doubtless
suggest possibilities, but the cost of power transmission, the
freightage to markets beyond a limited neighborhood, the competition
of immense urban corporations, and our unfavorable banking system,
will all render problematical any great industrial development.
Whether such growth is always desirable, is a matter for debate. It
is sufficient here to note that the development of human communities
depends far less on chance or local enthusiasm, than on definite
scientific laws.
Southern Townships
Victoria County