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Victoria County, Ontario Canada Biographies -N-O-R-S-


Norris, G. A. (1824-1886). Physician. Born Kingston, Ont., son of Rev. J. A. Norris, a Methodist minister. Studied at Victoria Univ., and in London (Eng.) and Paris (France). The first Canadian to pass the Royal College of Physicians. Settled in Omemee. Reeve for many years. Conservative. Methodist. Twice married. Five children.

O'Leary, Jeremiah (1802-1894). Born Cork co., Ireland. 1830, came to Canada. Taught school in Clarke tp. 1836, married Sarah Loughlin. Eleven children. 1850, removed to Lindsay. Clerk of Ops, 1850-92.

Ray, Angus (1806-1884). Born Islay, Scotland. Migrated first to North Carolina and then to Eldon, settling near Lorneville about 1833. School teacher, postmaster, township clerk, farmer. Presbyterian.

Read, John L. (1830-1918). Founded store in Bobcaygeon 1858. Several times reeve. Thrice married. Two sons. Conservative. Presbyterian.

Reazin, Henry (1831-1902). Born in Pickering township. Educated Toronto Normal and Toronto Univ. Taught at Whitby, Manilla and Lindsay. 1870-1902, Inspector of Public Schools for West Victoria. Twice married. Seven children. Quaker. Conservative.

Reazin, Samuel (1829-1907). Brother of H. R. 1850, married Eliza Mills. Two sons, three daughters. Settled in Fenelon. Several times reeve. Justice of the Peace. Lumber and grain business. For 20 years foreman of the Sylvester Works, Lindsay.

Russell, William (1831-1883.) Born Kilkenny, Ireland. Treasurer of Ops. Twice warden of Victoria. Married Caroline Dickinson of Emily. Conservative. Unsuccessful opponent of Hon. S. C. Wood in South Victoria in 1879.

Seton, Ernest Thompson (1860). Born South Shields, Eng. 1865, brought to Ops township. Attended log public school at Farrell's Corners (east of Lindsay) and the Lindsay Grammar School. Later became naturalist to the Manitoba government. 1898, published "Wild Animals I Have Known." A score of subsequent publications on natural history. Associate member R.C.A.A.

Sherwood, William Albert (1855-1919). Born Omemee. Educated local Grammar School. Became prominent Canadian artist. Many Canadian genre pictures and many portraits. Lectures and magazine articles. Associate Royal Canadian Academy. Member Ontario Society of Artists.

Silverwood, Albert E. (1876). Born Oakwood. Educ. Oakwood P. S. and Lindsay C. I. 1901, married Eva M. Ferris, of Lindsay. One son, one daughter. President and Managing Director of Silverwoods Ltd., London, Ont., dealers in cold storage products and rifts of ice cream and butter.

Smale, Frederick J. (1871-1908). Scientist, business man. Born in Ops, son of Isaac Smale. Educ. Lindsay Collegiate Institute and Toronto University. 1892, while in final year at Varsity, won 1150 scholarship with thesis on Phosphines. 1895, degree of Ph. D. from Leipsic University, Germany, after three years of post graduate study. Appointed lecturer in chemistry at Toronto University. 1900, entered Wm. Davies Co., Toronto, where he became Assistant General Manager.

Smale, Newton (1868). Brother of F. J. S. Liberal. Unsuccessful opponent of S. J. Fox in provincial election of 1902. Assistant Manager, Victoria Loan and Savings Co.

Spratt, Michael J. (1854). Roman Catholic Archbishop. Born in Lindsay. Educ. Lindsay Sep. School, St. Michael's College, and Grand Seminary, Montreal. Priest at Toledo, Elgin, Trenton, and Belleville. 1911, made Archbishop of Kingston.

Stafford, Rev. Michael (1832-1882). Roman Catholic priest and apostle of temperance. Born Drummond township Educ. Theresa College, Montreal, and Regiopolis College, Kingston. 1859, ordained priest. 1868-1882, resident priest at Lindsay. His ceaseless fight against the universal drunkenness which debauched and impoverished the countryside is due more credit than any other single factor for the present prosperity of the county.

Staples, Daniel (1837-1885). Born Cornwall, Eng. 1859, came to Canada. 1863, settled in Laxton township. Township clerk for 18 years.

Staples, Joseph (1826-1878). Born Cavan township. 1862, settled in Bexley. Reeve from the very first. Warden of Victoria for 2 periods of 3 successive years (1866-68 and 1870-72). 1867, unsuccessful Conservative opponent of A. P. Cockburn in Ont. election., 1872, defeated John Morrison, late member, in the Dominion election. Did not run again in 1874. Married Miss Peel, of Bexley. Died of consumption.

Stewart, Thomas (18564918). Lawyer. Born Ormestown, P. Q. 1859, brought to Lindsay. 1877, admitted to the bar and began practice in Lindsay. Married Lillian Greig, of Oshawa. Two sons, one daughter. Liberal In 1905 and 1908, unsuccessful opponent of S. J. Fox in provincial elections. Presbyterian elder. Over 30 years a member of Lindsay Board of Education, and Chairman of Board 1900-1912.

Sylvester, Robert H. (1847-1914). Born Inniskillen, Out. 1873, married Miss M. J. Clemens of Darlington township. One son, three daughters. In early eighties, began large factory of agricultural implements in Lindsay in partnership with his brother Richard. Took part in Fenian Raid campaign, 1866. 1903-13, Lieut-colonel in command of 45th Regiment. Conservative. Anglican.


Victoria County

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