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Agriculture Benefits from Science,
Victoria County, Ontario Canada
Scientific investigation has been little less
important than improved transportation in its effects. Agriculture
was long an art but is now rapidly becoming a science. Botanists
produce and test new and better varieties of plants (such as the O.
A. C. No. 72 oats, No. 21 barley, and No. 104 winter wheat) and
study the control of rusts, rots, moulds, mildews, and other
parasitic forms of plant life. Entomologists have saved hundreds of
millions of dollars to this continent in the last half century by
their intelligent fight against insect pests. Chemists, commencing
with Sir Humphrey Davy and Liebig, have analyzed the soil and laid
down the chemical prerequisites of successful agriculture. In 1874
the Ontario Government established an Agricultural College and
Experimental Farm at Guelph. Since then many hundreds of
enterprising young men have studied there and have returned to
uplift the standards of farm efficiency in the community of their
upbringing. For many years Victoria County, like all other counties
in Southern Ontario, has had an Agricultural Representative
stationed in it to study local problems and to give expert advice.
Many farmers, however, still fail to realize the urgency of the
rules laid down by scientific agriculture and have yet to put their
farms on an efficient basis.
Two of the most important points on which stress can be laid today
(1) the adaptation of crops to soil and
(2) the maintenance of soil fertility by an intelligent rotation of
crops, definitely planned out, and by the generous use of
fertilizers. The former question has already been touched on in the
discussion of recent crops.
When all due allowance is made for the vagaries of
seasons, it remains overwhelmingly evident' that many farms in this
County are being mined, not farmed, and that the fertility of the
land is being steadily depleted without any thought of the future.
Another tenet of scientific agriculture is the
establishment of thoroughbred strains of stock. Three organizations
in this county, the Hereford Association, the Holstein Association,
and the, Victoria County Pure Bred Stock Association are seeking to
promote the establishment of thoroughbred flocks and herds, but are
meeting with considerable hostility from those who have muddled
notions of economy or who are jealous of their own personal right to
keep mongrel stock.
The first deliberate attempt to develop thoroughbred stock in
Victoria was made in 1880 by the late Mossom M. Boyd, of Bobcaygeon.
His aim was to establish a cattle breeding station by which
ultimately to revolutionize the herds of the district. With this end
in view he visited the principal stock farms of Ontario and bought
several pedigreed Herefords and Durhams. In 1881 he began to
assemble his famous herd of Aberdeen-Angus cattle. Among his most
successful animals were the cows Etaine of Aberlour (8203) and
Wanton (4610) and the bulls Chivalry (1765) and King of Trumps
(2805) King of Trumps was many times first in Ontario at the
Provincial Exhibitions. He was killed on May 20, 1887, by a fall in
the course of a battle with Chivalry on board the barge Paloma, on
Pigeon Lake.
In 1881 also, the late John Campbell of North Mariposa began to
build up a flock of thoroughbred Shropshire Sheep. His ewes "Nancy"
and "Topsy," his ram "Gold Medal," ,and many other animals, won
countless prizes, sweeping their class even in international
expositions. In 1884 Mr. Campbell also won the gold medal then
awarded annually for the best cultivated and administered farm in
The late George Laidlaw of the "Fort Ranch," Balsam
Lake, was a pioneer in the establishment of ranching on a large
scale in the waste places of North Victoria.
It is well to remember that to a Victoria County man, the late
Mossom M. Boyd, of Bobcaygeon, belongs the sole credit for the
creation of a new animal, the "cattalo." Mr. Boyd first secured
ordinary hybrids by crossing buffaloes with domestic cattle. He then
mated the hybrids among themselves and produced a new stable type
which he termed the "cattalo." The aim was to secure animals of a
good beef type which would also have sufficient ruggedness and
rustling qualities to winter in regions, such as the northern part
of the prairie provinces, where the need of winter shelters and of
large quantities of stored feed makes the breeding of ordinary
cattle impracticable.
The cattalo fulfils these requirements splendidly. Its hide is
almost as warm and thick as that of the buffalo. It is hardy and not
susceptible to disease. In winter it grazes through the snow. It
needs no winter shelter. It faces storms and does not drift with the
storm, as do ordinary cattle. On Mr. Boyd's death in 1915 the
Dominion Department of Agriculture purchased from his estate twenty
head of hybrids and cattaloes and placed them, first on the
experimental farm at Scott, Saskatchewan, and later on at
Wainwright. Time is only vindicating the skilful enterprise of their
Victoria County creator.
Among the many Victoria County farmers who are today maintaining
thoroughbred stock may be mentioned the following: G. C. Channon,
Oakwood, Aberdeen-Angus cattle; James Callaghan, Reaboro, Holstein
cattle; W. J. McNevin, Ops, Ayrshire cattle; A. Jamieson, Woodville,
Shorthorn cattle and Shropshire sheep; J. R. Kelsey, Woodville,
Shropshire sheep; John Cullis, Oakwood, Leicester sheep; A. E.
Whetter, Oakwood, Clydesdale horses; J. Currie, Woodville, Yorkshire
Agricultural Transformation
Victoria County