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Agricultural Transformation, Victoria County, Ontario Canada

An Agricultural Transformation.
The past history of the six southern townships, Emily, Ops, Mariposa, Verulam, Fenelon, and Eldon, and especially of the three first named, has been closely bound up with the cultivation of the soil. In its starkest essentials, the history of South Victoria is the history of agricultural development in a forest area, and any annalist who deals with town and village life to the neglect of this fundamental aspect of the region will falsify the true meaning of one hundred years of local history.

The agriculture of the century under discussion falls into two approximately equal periods of development. From 1821 to 1871 was the era of pioneering, when the demolition of the forests still absorbed most of the energies of the people. From 1871 down to the present may be seen the free development of modern mixed farming along certain broad lines and in accordance with certain formative factors.

A first impression of the changing aspects of agriculture through out the century may be had from the subjoined table of statistics. The figures for 1850, which represent the pioneer period, have been worked out from the census and the Assessment Rolls. The data for 1882, 1896, and 1920 are collated from the annual reports of the provincial Bureau of Industries, established in 1882. The statistics chosen have been carefully compared in all respects with those of the harvests in adjacent years, and in each case have been found to belong to an especially favorable season.

Agricultural Transformation

Comparisons and Contrasts

Rise of Dairying

Cheese Factories

Butter Manufactories

Seven Cheese Factories

Figures of Prosperity

Factors in Agricultural Development

The Development of Machinery

Improvement of Transportation

Agriculture Benefits From Science

New Forms of Cooperation

The Rise of Agricultural Societies

Victoria County Agricultural Society

Other Societies

History of the Lindsay Central Exhibition

The Grangers and the U. F. O.


Victoria County, Ontario Canada Centennial History, Watson Kirkconnell M.A., 1921

Victoria County

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