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Lambton County, Ontario Canada Names and Places -T-U-V- 

A thriving village situate on the Canadian National Railway some thirty-five miles east of Sarnia and lying in the Township of Bosanquet.

Nelson Southworth, a native of the State of Vermont, gave to the Railway officials the station site, the condition being he was to have the privilege of naming the station Thedford, after a place of that name in Vermont. This village of some 524 souls is the center of a well developed fruit area. Its places of business are well kept and supply the needs of a thrifty community.

A post office situate on Lot 16, Con. 2, Brooke Township, opened in 1890 and named by the Department after a character in Scott's novel, "The Talisman." The first postmaster was Angus McKinIay.

A post office opened in Sombra township on lot 19, con. 8. No record of why it was so named appears. It passed out with the coming of rural mail delivery. Alex. Gibson was first postmaster.

A post office situate on lot 6, con. 8, Sombra Township named after Walter Thornyhurst, an early settler of the neighborhood. He was also first postmaster. It too, has ceased to exist as a post office.

A small village, and for years a post office on 24th side road, Plympton. A blacksmith shop, church, orange hall; and a few residences today comprise the village. It was named by Thos. Doherty, one of the residents, when the post office was opened, given its name after a place in England.

A post office situate on lot one, concession nine, Sarnia Township, about 1867, with John Gates as first postmaster, and who held the position as long as it operated, being almost forty years. It is reputed to be named after an English family, by name, Vyner.

Lambton County

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