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People, Places and Mines of British Columbia

Jim Bundy has provided these photos taken by his grand parents. They'd both grown up in England, spent a few year in the USA, and then moved North, where they met at Nelson BC. After their marriage, they moved to the Molly Gibson Mine area, and Catherine worked with Leonard cooking for the mine staff. As the years passed, they took jobs cooking at many different mines, logging and railroad camps all around the province. They spent some winters at Vancouver, and after my Dad was born, spent more time in town, but still took many out of town jobs too. When Dad got older, he joined them many summers, sometimes working as the camp kitchen flunky.

Catherine Purcell Leonard Bundy Sr.

Ainsworth British Columbia

North Star Mine, 1919 (14 Miners)

Cookhouse - Surf Inlet Mine

Salmo Mine of Terry Horten



British Columbia Photos

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