Alberta, the westernmost of Canada's 3 Prairie
provinces, shares many physical features with its
neighbors to the east, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
Alberta was named after Princess Louise Caroline
Alberta, 4th daughter of Queen Victoria. |
British Columbia
British Columbia is Canada's most westerly province. It
is a mountainous area whose population is mainly
clustered in the southwestern corner. The province is
closely tied to the American Pacific Northwest. |
Manitoba is the province located in the heart of Canada.
Created by the Manitoba Act of 1870, the province was at
first a tiny rectangle comprising little more than the
Red River Colony radiating from the juncture of the Red
and Assiniboine rivers. |
New Brunswick
Brunswick is one of 3 provinces collectively known as
the "Maritimes." Joined to Nova Scotia by the narrow
Chignecto Isthmus and separated from Prince Edward
Island by the Northumberland Strait. |
Newfoundland / Labrador
Newfoundland is Canada's most easterly province. It is
made up of two parts: the island of Newfoundland, and
Labrador on the mainland of Canada. |
Nova Scotia
Scotia is almost entirely surrounded by the sea. The sea
affects almost every aspect of Nova Scotia, from the
climate and economy to recreation. |
Northwest Territories
name was originally applied to the territory acquired in
1870 from the Hudson's Bay Company and Great Britain -
Rupert's Land and the North-Western Territory - which
lay northwest of central Canada. |
Nunavut, which translates from the Inuktitut dialect of
the Eastern Arctic Inuit as "Our Land," is a territorial
subdivision of the erstwhile Northwest Territories. |
Ontario is Canada's most populous, richest and
second-largest province. The name Ontario, from an
Iroquoian word sometimes translated as meaning
"beautiful lake" or "beautiful water," |
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island is the smallest of Canada's ten
provinces in both size and population. Referred to by
its people as "the Island." |
Quebec is Canada's largest province by area and the
second-largest in population. The name Quebec comes from
an Algonquian word meaning "where the river narrows." |
Saskatchewan is the central Prairie Province, lying
between Alberta and Manitoba. Saskatchewan is derived
from an anglicized version of a Cree word denoting a
swiftly flowing river. |
Yukon is one of Canada's two northern territories. Yukon
Territory takes its name from the Loucheux Native name
Yu-kun-ah for the "great river" which drains most of its
area. |

Canadian Indians
Names and locations of the Indian
tribes of Canada from Indian Tribes of North America by
John Swanton. |
Welcome to Canadian Genealogy
Canadian Genealogy is the Host for AHGP
Canadian Indian Tribes (Present Day)
Updated and enlarged
Forts of Acadia 
Memorials of the days of the French
regime throughout the Provinces which were once
comprised within the ill-defined and extensive limits of
Acadia, and are now known as Nova Scotia and New
Chronicles of Canada
22 volumes of the 36 volume
That early history of Canada, from the aboriginal
beginnings up until Post-Confederation Canada,
detailed in the 36 volume set "Chronicles of Canada."
Gazetteer of British North
Heroines of
Canadian History
Indian Residents, Middlesex County, Canada,
Arcadians Expelled from Cobequid, Nova Scotia
The total change of life for the immigrant in their adopted home of Canada.
Fenian Raids of 1866 and 1870
One of the most dangerous and critical periods in the history of Canada...
The Micmac Indians At Bay D'Espoir
Governor's report on a visit to the Micmac Indians
Astoria or Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky
Canada, Northwest Fur Company, and many
Indian tribes
The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century
Few passages of history are more striking
than those which record the efforts of the earlier
French Jesuits to convert the Indians.
Mound Builders
Ours are the only mounds making up a
distinct mound-region on Canadian soil. This comes to us
as a part of the large inheritance which we who have
migrated to Manitoba receive.
Passamawquoddy Folklore
The study of aboriginal folk-lore cannot
reach its highest scientific value until some method is
adopted by means of which an accurate record of the
stories can be obtained and preserved.
Indian Linguistic Families of America North of Mexico
The Canada Directory
A directory of
the towns and post offices in Canada