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Arcadians Expelled from Cobequid, Nova Scotia
Cobequid is now Colchester County,
Nova Scotia
On the second day of September, 1775, the French inhabitants of
Cobequid Village (now Masstown) lying on the north side of the bay, and upper
part of the Township of Londonderry, were engaged in their fields at their work,
it being harvest time. With the afternoon tide three vessels were seen coming up
the Bay. Two of them prepared to anchor, one opposite the Village, and the other
at Lower Cobequid; whilst the third ran further up the shore. Curiosity was
rife. Who were they, and whither were they going? Their curiosity was still
heightened by the appearance of a person in the garb of a curate, who informed
them that the following notice was posted on the door' of the Church: " To the
inhabitants of the Village of Cobequid, and the surrounding shores, as well
ancient as young men and lads ordering them all to repair to the Church the next
day at three P. M., and hear what he had to say to them." Signed by John
Meanwhile the Sailors landed, and were freely supplied with milk, eggs, and
anything they wanted, by the farmers. Small parties of Soldiers landed, chatted
with the people, examined their farms, or strolled to the uplands in search of
partridges, and in the afternoon of the third day of September they joined the
people as they repaired to the Church. The women had milked the cows, and
prepared supper, but no one came from the Church. The moon rose, and the sisters
strolled out and ran to the Church to ascertain the cause of their delay. When
they arrived at the Church, to their great astonishment, they found it
surrounded by armed Soldiers, who answered their inquiries by pointing their
bayonets, and ordering them to go home. They met many of the women from the
houses nearest the Church, all anxious and sad at the detention of their
friends. At daybreak the following notice was read, which was stuck on the fence
opposite the Church: "Cobequid, September 4th, 1775. All Officers, Soldiers and
Seamen employed in His Majesty's Service, as well us all His subjects, of what
denomination soever, are hereby notified that all cattle, viz., horses, horned
cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, and poultry of every kind, that was supposed to be
vested in the French inhabitants of this Province, have become forfeited to His
Majesty, whose property they now are ; and every person of what denomination
soever, is to take care not to hurt, destroy, or kill any of the above named
animals, nor to rob orchards, or gardens, or to make waste of anything in these
districts, without special order given at my Camp, the day and place to be
published throughout the Camp, and at the Village where the vessels lie. Signed
by John Winslow, Lieut. Colonel Commanding." When the people read this notice
they were speechless with terror; death stared them in the face. In the meantime
three hundred men and boys found themselves close prisoners in their own Church.
Some of the boys screamed aloud, some attempted to force the door, but they were
overawed by the muskets of their guards. Day dawned at length over the wretched
prisoners; they wished to be allowed to return to their families for food ; this
was refused, but their families were ordered to supply food to them. A few of
these prisoners were sent out during the day to inform those that dwelt at a
distance from the Church if they did not immediately surrender, their houses
would be burnt and their nearest friends shot. One of these messengers attempted
to escape; he was shot, and his house and barn set on fire. Thus the work of
destruction was commenced. About 200 married women, and upwards of 100 young
women, besides children, were ordered to collect what they could of their
apparel, and prepare to embark. In vain the men entreated to know whither they
were going, but no answer was given. By noon, the 5th of September, the beach
was piled with boxes, baskets and bundles; behind them were crowds of weeping
women and children; children crying for their mothers, and mothers looking for
their children; sick men and bedridden women were carried by strong maidens, or
tipped out of the carts which bore them to the spot. A little before high water
the prisoners in the Church were ordered to form six deep and march to the place
of embarkation; they refused to obey this command. The troops were ordered to
fix bayonets and advance on the prisoners. This act produced obedience, and they
commenced their march. When they came to the beach and saw their property, their
mothers, wives, children and sisters kneeling at each side of the road, one
long, loud wail of anguish went up from them on account of being so suddenly
torn away from their houses and homes, the place of their nativity, their flocks
and fields, which were then covered with the crops of the season, with some of
their wheat cut, and the remainder ready for cutting, and separated from their
wives and families, leaving behind them their Church and the graves of their
kindred, to be dispersed among strangers in a strange land,-among a people whose
customs, laws, language and religion were strongly opposed to their own. The
women were ordered the same afternoon to embark in another ship. About midnight
all were on board, except one or two women who had escaped to visit their
forsaken houses the next morning, and witness the sad havoc that had been made
the night before by some of the British soldiers who remained, by setting fire
to a number of the houses of the Village. Among these was their Chapel, of 100
feet in length and 40 feet in breadth, which contained a large heavy bell. This
Chapel stood in a field which is now owned by Alexander Vance, near the house of
Mr. Lightbody of Masstown. This place took its name from the fact that the
French had their place of worship or Masshouse there. Mr. Vance informed the
writer, that he had recently ploughed up some of the melted metal of the bell,
and the spot upon which it stood was pointed out by Mr. Thomas Fletcher, son of
the late Thomas Fletcher, who was one of the first settlers in this place after
the French were driven out.
The transport ship, with the men on board drifted down to the mouth of the Avon
River, and there awaited the other vessel that had the women and children on
board. At daybreak she was in sight, and they drifted down the Bay with the
saddest freight on board that ever sailed out of the Cobequid Bay; and as the
vessels stood out to pass Blomedon, the third vessel that had run further up the
Bay joined them, freighted with the French inhabitants who were gathered from
the places now called Onslow, Truro, Clifton and Selma. With a favorable wind
these miserable, houseless, homeless wanderers were soon borne out of sight of
the place of their nativity; night hid from their view forever the blue
mountains of Cobequid.
It may here be mentioned that while the French inhabitants of Truro were hunted
by the British soldiers as the partridge on the mount, some of them fled for a
hiding place, and encamped in the woods up the Salmon River, in a deep valley of
the brook that Mr. William Murray had his Mills on recently, and from this the
brook took its name as French Village Brook. One of the females who had escaped,
or had been left behind on account of a boat being overloaded, returned that
night to her former place of abode, and there remained during the night
altogether unconscious. In the morning, when she returned to consciousness, she
was too weak to stand; it was some hours before she realized the full horrors of
her situation. After a time she was able to crawl to the door, and there the
scene which surrounded her was fearful. The first object she beheld was the
Church, the beautiful Mass House, a blackened heap of ruins. She was recalled to
a sense of her forlorn situation by her cow which came to her, asking by her
lowing to be milked. She milked her cow and partook of some of the milk with a
crust of bread, which revived her so much that she set out to see if she could
find any one remaining in the Village; but there was no one to be found. Cattle
had broken into the fields and were eating the wheat; horses were running in
droves through the fields. On the evening of that day, cows and goats came up to
their accustomed milking place, and lowed around the deserted dwellings ; pigs
yet fastened in the pens, squealed with hunger; and the oxen, waiting in vain
for their master's hand to free them from the yoke, ( for they were used in
moving the goods to the vessels) were bellowing in the agony of hunger; they
hooked and fought with each other, running through the marsh, upsetting the
carts or tumbling into the ditches, until death put an end to their sufferings.
The pigs were rooting up the gardens. She sat down on the doorstep beholding the
desolation of the Village, when an Indian approached her and told her to come
with him. She enquired the fate of her people. "Gone," said he, "all gone,"
pointing down the Bay, "the people everywhere are prisoners; see the smoke rise,
they will burn all here to-night." He pointed up the Bay; two or three blazing
fires attested the Indian's story as too true. He assisted her in gathering some
of the most valuable things that were left. The Indian then piloted her to his
wigwam, near the edge of the forest; bore she found about a dozen of her people,
the remnant left of what was once the happy settlement of the Village of
Cobequid (now Masstown). They waited about the woods on the north side of the
Bay, for more than a month to see if any more stragglers could be found before
they would start, to go to Miramichi. At length they were joined by about twenty
of the French inhabitants who had escaped from Annapolis. These persons informed
them that the houses and crops in Annapolis were burnt by the soldiers who were
sent up the River to bring them to the ships. Some fled to the woods; some,
besides this party, crossed the Bay intending to go to Miramichi through the
'woods. After another week's travel they met with a party that had escaped from
Shepoudie (now called Shuhenacadie). From these persons they learned that about
two hundred and fifty buildings were burned along the sides of this River, and
that while they were firing the Mass House there, the Indians and French rallied
and attacked the British Soldiers and killed and wounded about thirty of them,
and drove the remainder back to their ships.
History and Genealogy of Colshester, Nove Scotia
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