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These images are taken from Wills's Cigarettes of England.  They were issued by the Imperial Tobacco Co of Great Britain and Ireland. 1914

Entrance to Rocky Mountains
The Canadian Pacific Railway enters the Rockies at the Gap, where there is a station just within the mountains. Here the railroad has reached an altitude of 4,539 feet, and the great snow-clad mountain peaks appear very near on either hand. Individual peaks in other lands may exceed the Rockies in height, but no mountain range in the world covers so vast an extent of country, or is planted on such an immense scale.

The Rockies
The great mountain range of the Rockies extends along the west of the North American continent, from Mexico to Alaska. The construction of the Great Transcontinental railways, the Canadian Pacific, and the Grand Trunk Pacific, has done much to render the Rockies easy of access to the mountaineer and the hunter. Rocky Mountain Park and Yoho Park, which contain some 4,5000 sq. miles of magnificent scenery, are preserved by the Dominion Government.

The Three Sisters
The traveler who crosses the Canadian Prairie by the Canadian Pacific Railway cannot fail to be greatly impressed by this first sight of the Rockies. The prairie rises in a series of gentle slopes to meet the hills at the foot of the mountains, which stretch away into the distance, a majestic panorama of snow-capped peaks. Wind Mountain and the beautiful "Three Sisters," tower above the landscape to the left of the railroad.

The Great Divide
The interesting spot is passed by the traveler on the Canadian Pacific near the Station of Stephen. The station, together with Mount Stephen, one of the highest peaks in the Rockies, is signed after Sir G. Stephen, (afterwards Lord Mount Stephen), the first president of the C.P.R. The wooden arch bearing the words The Great Divide marks the boundary line between Alberta and British Columbia.

Shawatlan's Lake and Falls
This is one of the most picturesque lakes in Columbia. Shawatlan's Lake lies near Prince Rupert, the Pacific terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. This town provides an illustration of the rapid growth of townships in the West. In 1905 the Grand Trunk Co. obtained a grant of 10,000 acres of land. The following year the site was surveyed, and building commenced. In 1913 Prince Rupert has a pop. of 6,000.

Shooting the Rapids
The light birch-bark canoe of the Indian is very extensively used in Canada. The Canadians travel for hundreds of miles along their great waterways steering their fragile canoes with wonderful skill. Dangerous rapids are negotiated with dexterous strokes of the paddle, and the light canoe is guided through the treacherous oddies at the foot of the fall to the smooth waters beyond.

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