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Free Family Group Charts

Family Group Charts provide the vital history of each family.  Each piece of information concerning a pedigree ancestor and his/her family is placed on a worksheet. Since the end result of your research efforts will be to compile complete, correct and connected families, the use of family group sheets from the beginning will make the compilation much easier.

Download Family Group Chart which you will be able to fill out on your own computer!

More Information:

These sheets can be arranged alphabetically by last name or numerically according to your family tree charts.

Included on these sheets is the following information: name of husband, date and place of his birth, marriage, death and burial, and names of his parents. Similar information is given for the wife and for each of the couple's children with room for their spouses' names. Space is left for other information such as places of residence, occupation, church affiliation and military service. Also included is such information as additional marriages for either husband or wife and the citation or source of each piece of information (you should still fill out a source summary concerning each source). Children born from other marriages of your ancestors are listed on separate family group sheets. Adopted children may be listed if the adoption is noted.

The Family Tree Chart is in PDF file and you may need to download

Free Genealogy Charts

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