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Canada the Beautiful

These images are taken from Wills's Cigarettes of England.  They were issued by the Imperial Tobacco Co of Great Britain and Ireland. 1914

Lake Louise
The lake is one of the most exquisite spots in the Rockies, and lies a few miles from the town of Laggan, Alberta. The clear, smooth waters of the lake lie at the foot of a great glacier, and are surrounded on all sides by mighty peaks. All the beauties of snow-clad summits and green pine forests are reflected in the calm waters of Lake Louise.

Lake Muskoka
The beautiful Muskoka district of N. Ontario has well been called "the Playground of the North American Continent." Here are to be found some six thousand square miles of beautiful woodland, islands, and takes, at an elevation of one thousand feet above sea level. A number of well-equipped hotels cater for the visitors who crowd to this popular holiday resort every summer.

Lake Superior
This, the largest of the Great Lakes of the St. Lawrence, is the biggest sheet of fresh water in the world. Lake superior, which is about 370 miles in length, shares with some of the other Canadian lakes a somewhat unfortunate reputation for violent storms. It is a surprising fact that during the Canadian winter, fierce storms sweep the waters of the lakes with terrible fury, causing the loss of many vessels every year.

Peace River
The Peace River, which rises in British Columbia, flows for the greater part of its course through North Alberta. It is a magnificent stream, its shores and Islands being thickly wooded. The whole of the Peace River country is very fertile, and enjoys a splendid climate. It is only in recent years, however, that the district has been opened up to the colonist, the Government having established a number of experimental farms there.

The St. Lawrence
The great waterway of the St. Lawrence (which issues from L Ontario and flows into the Gulf of St. Lawrence) is one of the most important of Canada's natural resources. It was discovered by Jacques Cartier, who claimed Canada for the French in 1534. Up this river Champlain sailed in 1608, when he founded Quebec. Here also Wolfe came in 1759, the night before the great battle on the Heights of Abraham.

Kootenay Reservation
The beautiful Columbia-Kootenay Valley, one of the most fertile districts of British Columbia, lies between the Rocky and Selkirk ranges. The valley contains about a million acres, and is watered by the Columbia and Kootenay rivers and their tributaries. Fruit is grown on a very extensive scale, more especially apples, pears, plums, and cherries. The Kootenay Valley is famous for the great beauty of its scenery, which attracts large numbers of visitors.

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