Canadian Genealogy |Newfoundland Genealogy

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Newfoundland Indian Tribes
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Newfoundland Canada Church Records

Newfoundland Church Records

United Church Archives

Newfoundland & Labrador Conference

Newfoundland Church Records

Hosted at Newfoundland's Grand Banks

Bay de Verde Parish Records

Bonavista Bay

Burin Peninsula Parrish Records

Carbonear Parrish Records

Ferryland Parrish Records

Notre Dame Bay (Fogo Area Parrish Records)

Fortune Bay Parrish Records

Harbour Grace Parrish Records

Harbour Main Parrish Records

Labrador Parrish Records

Placentia and St. Mary's District Parrish Records

Port De Grave Parrish Records

South West Coast Parrish Records

St. John's Main City Parrish Records

St. Barbe Parrish Records

Newfoundland's West Coast Parrish Records

Trinity Bay Parrish Records

Twillingate District Parrish Records

Newfoundlander's Parrish Records in other Countries



Newfoundland Genealogy

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