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Yale to Youngsville, Canada

YALE, a post town in the district of Yale, B.C., on the Fraser river, 100 miles from New Westminster.

YALETOWN, a village in Maskinonge co., Que., 30 miles from Three Rivers. It contains a large tannery, a grist mill, and a saw mill. Pop. 125.

YAMACHICHE, a flourishing post village of Quebec, capital of the co. of St. Maurice, on the River Yamachiche, 16½ mils from Three Rivers. It contains a church, convent, academy, telegraph office, woolen factory, tannery, saw and grist mills, and about a dozen stores. Pop. 1,300.

YAMASKA. a county of Quebec. It is centrally situated, and drained by the Nicolet, St. Francis and Yamaska Rivers, entering Lake St. Peter, which bounds it on the N.W. Capital, St. Francois. Pop. 16,317

YAMASKA. a flourishing post village in Yamaska co., Que , on the River Yamaska, 31 miles from St. Hyacinthe. It contains a telegraph office, 4 stores, and several mills. Pop. 800.

YARKER, a thriving post village in Addington co., Ont., on the River Napanee  13 miles from Napanee. It contains a woolen factory, a large flouring mill, a saw mill, an iron foundry, a telegraph office and several stores. Pop 400.

YARM, a post office in Pontiac co., Que., 5 miles from Clarendon Centre.

YARMOUTH, a county at the western extremity of Nova Scotia, bordering on the Atlantic, and intersected by Tusket river. The coasts are deeply indented, and the surface is extremely diversified with mountains., rivers and lakes. Area 471,000 acres. Capital, Yarmouth. Pop. 18,550. The first settlement of this county was made by returned Acadians in 1663, and afterwards by Loyalists from Shelburne.

YARMOUTH, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, capital of the above county, on a small bay setting up from the Atlantic, 205 miles S. W. of Halifax, 88 miles from Annapolis. The surrounding country is fertile and well cultivated. The town contains many tine public buildings, as churches, educational institutions, banks, hotels, &c. The Yarmouth Seminary is one of the largest and handsomest wooden buildings in the province. There are also a commercial reading room, 2 printing offices issuing weekly newspapers, a telegraph office, a number of stores, and manufactories of iron castings, machinery, wooden ware, &c. Yarmouth is the chief ship-building place in the province, and has a large trade in the fisheries. It is a port of entry. The total number of arrivals for 1872 was 195 (tons 25,885), and clearances 168 (tons 34,082). Total value of imports $594,669; exports $353,323. A railway (the Western Counties) is in course of construction between Yarmouth and Annapolis. It is expected to be in running order in 1875. Pop. 3,500.

YARMOUTH CENTRE, a post village in Elgin co., Out., on the L. & P. S. R., 11 miles from London. It contains a cheese factory, 1 tannery, 1 saw mill and 1 store. Pop. 160.

YELVERTON, or NEWRY, a post office in Durham co., Out., 14 miles from Bethany.

YEOVIL, a post office in Grey co., Ont , 11 miles from Mount Forest.

YOHO, a post office in York co., N.B., 15 miles from Fredericton.

YORK, a county of Ontario, centrally situated, mid drained by the Humber, Rouge and Don rivers flowing into Lake Ontario, which bounds it on the S., and several small streams entering Lake Simcoe, which forms part of its northern boundary. Capital, Toronto. Pop. 115,974.

YORK, an extensive county in the S. W. part of New Brunswick, bordering on Maine. It is intersected by the St. John River and is bounded on the W.S.W. by the St. Croix river and Grand Lake. There are also a great number of other lakes in the county. Besides these sheets of water, the surface is diversified with mountains and valleys. The soil is fertile, and advancement has been made in agriculture, although the county is largely occupied by immense forests. Capital, Fredericton. Pop. 27,140.

YORK, a thriving post village in Haldimand co., Ont., on Grand River, 8 miles from Caledonia. It has excellent water power and contains Episcopal and Methodist churches, several stores and hotels, and saw and flouring mills. In the vicinity are extensive gypsum quarries. Pop. 400.

YORK, the former name of Toronto, which see. When Bouchette made the first survey of York harbor, in 1793, dense and trackless forests lined the margin of the lake, and reflected their inverted images in its glassy surface. The wandering savage had constructed his ephemeral habitation beneath their luxuriant foliage — the group then consisting of two families of Messassagas — and the bay and neighboring marshes were the hitherto uninvaded haunts of immense coveys of wild fowl. In the ensuing spring the lieutenant-governor removed to the site of the new capital, attend regiment of Queen's Rangers. From the day of his arrival dates the history of the Queen City of the West.

FORK FACTORY, a fort of the West Territories, on the W. coast of Hudson's Bay| at the mouth of Hayes River. lat. 57° N. lon. 92° 25' W. in times past, as Fort Bourbon, gave fierce battle to the " Governor and Company of  adventurers of England trading into Hudson's Bay," and incarnadined those Arctic waters in strife that was brought to a close only by the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, under which the French ceded the whole country and Hudson's Day to the English. York Factory is one of the principal trading posts of the Hudson's Bay Company.

YORK MILLS, a post village in York co., Out , on a branch of the Humber River, 3 miles from Weston. It contains an Episcopal and a Presbyterian church, a tannery, saw and flouring mill, several stores, hotels, &c. Pop. 350.

YORK RIVER, a post village in Hastings co., Out., on a river of the same name, 17 miles from Thanet, 73 miles from Belleville. Pop. 125.

YORKVILLE, an incorporated village of Ontario, co. of York, about e miles N. of Toronto, of which it may be considered a suburb. It has many good brick houses, Episcopalian, Wesleyan, Primitive, and New Connexion Methodist church, several schools, a medical college, town hall, telegraph office, breweries, factories, stores, &c. Pop. 2,203

YOUGHAL, a settlement in Gloucester co., N.B., 2 miles from Bathurst. Pop. 100.

YOUNG'S COVE, a post settlement in Queens co., N.B., on Grand Lake, 18 miles from Gagetown. Pop. 200.

YOUNG'S POINT, a post village in Peterborough co., Out., 17 miles from Peterborough. Pop. 10n.

YOUNGSVILLE, a hamlet in Oxford co., Ont.

Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America, Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873


Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America

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