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Vyner to Vachell, Canada

VACHELL, or EGYPT, a post village in York co., Ont., 13 miles from Bell Ewart. Pop. 175.

VAILLANCOURT, or ST. PAMPHILE, a post village in L'Islet co., Que., 33 miles from St. Jean Port Joli. Pop. 70.

VALCARTIER, a post village and parish in Quebec co., Que., 17 miles from Quebec. It has a Roman Catholic church and 2 stores. Pop. 737.

VALCOURT, formerly ST. JOSEPH D'ELY, a post village in Shefford co., Que. 20 miles from Waterloo. It has 2 stores and a saw and grist mill. Pop. 80.

VALDES, an island of British Columbia, in the Gulf of Georgia, lat. 50° N, lon. 125° 2' W. It is the largest of all the islands in the vicinity, and along with Vancouver's forms the continuation of the gulf, which is also called "Discovery Passage." There is a village upon it, seated on the summit of a steep, sandy cliff about 100 feet high.

VALENTIA, a post office in Victoria co., Ont., 15 miles from Lindsay.

VALLENTYNE, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., 5 miles from Sunderland. Pop. 100.

VALETTA, a post village in Kent co., Ont., 15 miles from Charing Cross. It contains a saw mill and 2 stores. Pop. 75.

VALLETORT, or ST. SEBASTIEN D'AYLMER, a post village in Beauce co., Que., 8 miles from Lambton, 44 miles from St. Francois. It contains several saw and grist mills, and 2 stores. Pop. 175.

VALLEYFIELD, a flourishing post village of Quebec, co. of Beauharnois, near the head of Beauharnois Canal, 6 miles from Coteau Landing. It possesses extensive water power, and contains a large paper mill, a woolen factory, several saw and grist mills, a telegraph office, 3 hotels, and about a dozen stores. Pop. 2,000.

VALLEYFIELD. a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., on the Prince Edward Island railway, 20 miles from Charlottetown. It contains 2 stores and a grist mill. Pop. 100.

VANBRUGH, a post office and telegraph station in Renfrew co., Ont., 33 miles from Renfrew.

VALMONT, or NOTRE DAME DU MONT CARMEL, a post village in Champlain co., Que., 19 miles from Three Rivera.

VANATTER, a post office in Wellington co., Ont., 5 miles from Orangeville.

VANCOUVER or QUADRA AND VANCOUVER, an island off the W. coast of the Dominion of Canada, province of British Columbia. Lat. 48° 19' to 50 53 N.. Ion. 123° 1 7 to 128 28' W. Length from N.W. to S E. 278 miles; breadth varying from 50 to 65 miles. Total area 15,037 square miles (about half the size of Ireland). On the E. and N.E. it is separated from British Columbia by the Gulf of Georgia and Queen Charlotte's Sound, and on the S. from that of the United States by the Strait of San Juan-de-Fuca; on the N. and W. it lies open to the North Pacific This Island was discovered by Juan de Fuca, a Greek, in 1592. Captain Cook coasted along the western shore in 1778, and supposed it to form part of the mainland. The first British settlement was made at Nootka Sound in 1778, by some London merchants. Spain, however, bid claim to the west coast of America, south of 60°, and her cruisers seized the British trading vessels. To resent this a large fleet was assembled at Spithead but war was avoided by the concession of Spain. In 1792 the island was visited by Vancouver, a lieutenant in the British Navy, who minutely surveyed the whole coast line, and so accurately, that his charts are in use to the present day. Up to the discussion of the Ore-gon boundary question it attracted little attention, when, by the treaty of 1846, it was vested in Great Britain. In 1849 it was granted to the Hudson's Bay Company for the purposes of colonization, but their control ceased in 1859, when the island became a British Colony, under a complete form of government. In 1866 the Island and the mainland were united under the name of British Columbia, and so continued until I he 20th of July, 1871, at which date that large and beautiful colony became one of the provinces of the Dominion of Canada. Vancouver Island is noted for its rich coal mines, its magnificent harbors, its valuable free stone quarries, its delightful climate, and its forests of fine timber. Gold has also been found but in small quantity. Victoria, at the S.E. extremity of the Island, is the capital of British Columbia.

VANDECAR, a post village in Oxford co., Out., 10 miles from Woodstock. Pop. 100.

VANDELEUR, a post office in Grey Co., Ont., on Beaver river, 9 miles from Flesherton.

VANKLEEK HILL, a thriving post village in Prescott co., Ont., 29 miles from Riviere Raisin, 18 miles from Point Fortune. It contains churches of 5 or 6 denominations, 1 grammar school, 2 common schools, a telegraph office, about 12 stores, manufactories of pot and pearl ashes, iron castings, cloth, &c.; and steam flour and saw mills. Pop. 700.

VANKOUGHNET, a post office in Victoria co., Ont., 16 miles from Bracebridge.

VANNECK, a post village in Middlesex co.. Ont., 8½ miles from Ailsa Craig. Pop. 100.

VANVLACK, a post village in Sim-coe co., Ont., 13 miles from Stayner. Pop. 175.

VAN WINKLE, a post village in the district of Cariboo. B.C., 12 miles from Barkerville, 440 miles from New Westminster. Exceedingly rich gold mines are worked here.

VARENNES, a thriving post village in Vercheres co., Que., on the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, 18 miles below Montreal. Its beautiful situation and excellent mineral springs makes it a delightful summer resort. It contains a church, convent, college, several flour and saw mills, 6 or 7 stores, and a telegraph office. Pop. 501.

VARNA, a post village in Huron co., Ont , near Bayfield river, 12½ miles from Seaforth. It contains a telegraph office, 4 stores, and a saw and grist mill. Pop. 200.

VARNEY, or ENNISKILLEN, a post village in Grey co., Ont., 13 miles from Mount Forest. Pop. 100.

VASEY, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 25 miles from Barrie. Pop. 50.

VAUBAN, a post village in Temiscouata co., Que., 33 miles from Riviere du Loup en has. Pop. 50.

VAUDREUIL, a county of Quebec, situated in the S.W. part of the province, bounded on the S.E. by the St. Lawrence River, and on the N. by the Lake of Two Mountains. It is watered by the River DeLisle and several other streams, and traversed by the Grand Trunk railway. Area 116,500 acres. Pop. 11,003.

VAUDREUIL, a thriving post village of Quebec, capital of the above county, on the River St. Lawrence, and on the G. T. R., 24£ miles W. of Montreal. It contains a church, convent, telegraph office, saw mill, 4 hotels and 6 stores, and in the vicinity are beds of bog iron ore, ochre, phosphate of iron, and sandstone. Pop. 1,000.

VAUGHAN'S, or WATERVILLE, a village in Hants co., N.S., 15 miles from Windsor. Pop. 150,

VEIGHTON, a post village in Russell co., Out., 16 miles from Cumberland. Pop. 80.

VELLORE, a post village in York co., Ont., 3½ miles from Richmond Hill. Pop. 100.

VENICE, a post village in Missisquoi co., Que., 8 miles from Des Rivieres. Pop. 120.

VENNACHAR, a post village in Addington co., Ont., 71 miles from Perth. Pop. 60.

VENOSTA, a post office in Ottawa co., Que., 46 miles from Ottawa.

VENTNOR, or ADAM'S MILLS, a post village in Grenville co., Out., on the Petite Nation river, 4 miles from Spencerville. It contains 4 saw and 2 grist mills. Pop. 150.

VENTRY, a post village in Grey co., Ont., 23 miles from Mount Forest.

VERCHERES, a county in the S.W. part of Quebec, bounded by the St. Lawrence on the W. and the Richelieu on the E. Area 124,812 acres. Capital, Vercheres. Pop. 12,717.

VERCHERES, a thriving post village of Quebec, capital of the. co. of Vercheres, on the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, 24 miles below Montreal. It contains a church, college, convent, 7 or 8 stores, a telegraph office, an iron foundry, 2 tanneries, and a saw and gristmill. Pop. 900.

VERDUN, a post office in Bruce co., Ont., 12 miles from Kincardine.

VEREKER, a post office in Essex co., Ont., 7 miles from Amherstburg.

VERNAL, a post office in Antigonish co., N.S., 4 miles from St. Andrews.

VERNON, a post village in Russell co., Ont.,6 miles from Osgoode. Pop. 30.

VERNON RIVER, a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., on a river of the same name, 14£ miles from Charlottetown. It contains an hotel and 3 stores. Pop. 125.

VERNON RIVER BRIDGE, a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., on Vernon river, 14 miles from Charlottetown. It contains a shipyard and several stores. Pop. 150.

VERNONVILLE, a post village in Northumberland co., Ont., 14 miles from Grafton. Pop. 100.

VERONA, a post village in Addington co., Ont., at the head of the Napanee river, and on the Kingston and Pembroke railway, 24 miles from Kingston. Pop. 40.

VERSAILLES, or SOIXANTE, a post village in Iberville co., Que., on the S. S. & C.R., 7 miles from St. Johns. Pop. 150.

VERSCHOYLE, a post village in Oxford co., Ont., 6½ miles from Ingersoll. Pop. 175.

VESTA, a post village in Bruce co., Ont., 8 miles from Paisley. Pop. 30.

VICARS, or McLEAN'S CORNERS, a post village in Huntingdon co., Que., 8 miles from Hemmingford. It contains an hotel and 2 stores. Pop. 60.

VICTORIA, a county in the N.W. part of Ontario, near Lake Simcoe. Area 835,548 acres. It contains several small lakes, and is intersected by two railroads. Capital, Lindsay. Pop. 30,200.

VICTORIA, a county of New Brunswick, in the N. part of the province, bordering on the State of Maine and on the province of Quebec. Area 2,234,-000 acres. The surface is rolling and varied, but remarkably fertile, even to the tops of the hills. The country is drained by the St. John, St. Francis, Madawaska, and Tobique rivers, besides numerous other streams. The route of the Frederic on and Riviere du Loup Railway (in course of construction) traverses it. Capital, Grand Falls. Pop. 11,641.

VICTORIA, a county of Nova Scotia, on the Island of Cape Breton, between the counties of Cape Breton and Inverness. Area 767,000 acres. The north western part is mountainous, and but scantily settled ; the south west is better adapted for agriculture, and the soil particularly good in many parts. The county abounds in minerals, coal. iron and salt, which, with excellent building stone, are abundant ; gold and silver have been discovered in many places, but no mines have been opened. Capital, Baddeck. Pop. 11,-346.

VICTORIA, a post settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., 8 miles from Thomson. Pop. 100.

VICTORIA, a post village and settlement in Carleton co., N.B., 8 miles from Woodstock. It contains an hotel, a tannery, and 2 stores. Pop. 350.

VICTORIA, a settlement in Sunbury co., N.B., 9 miles from Oromocto. Pop. 150.

VICTORIA, a thriving post village in Queens co., P.E.I., at the mouth of Crapaud River, 23 miles from Charlottetown. It contains an hotel and several stores. Pop. 200.

VICTORIA, a village in Peel co., Ont., 8 miles from Brampton. Pop. 50.

VICTORIA, formerly RAGTOVVN, a village in Brant co., Ont., 5 miles from Princeton. Pop. 50.

VICTORIA, the seat of Government and capital of British Columbia, is situated near the S.E. extremity of Vancouver Island, where the adjoining Strait of Fuca is 17 miles in breadth, 143 miles from Olympia (Puget'sSound), 320 miles from Portland (Oregon),3,000 miles from Montreal. Lat. 48° 25' 20" N., Lon. 123° 22' 34" W.

The surroundings of Victoria are singularly beautiful. To the south is a wide stretch of sea, closed in by the magnificent range of the Olympian mountain's. These mountains, the lower portion of which is shaded with a soft velvety mist, and the tops covered with snow strongly reflecting the rays of the sun, form the most prominent feature in the landscape. To the eastward is Mount Baker, which, at a distance of nearly 100 miles, rears its snowy peak far away into the clouds. To the west-ward is a long wide stretch of sea, bounded on one side by the Olympian range and on the other by the rocks and mountains of Vancouver, jutting out here and there into the Strait; while to the northward are ranges of hills and mountains, prominent amongst which, and within 5 or 6 miles of the town, are the peaks of Mount Tolmie and Cedar Mountain. From these heights the most beautiful panoramic-views of the southern end of the Island, the surrounding ocean, the Olympian range and the coast range on the mainland far away to the westward may be obtained.

The country in the neighborhood of Victoria is remarkably picturesque. Natural parks— in which there are numbers of fine old oaks, and a profusion of ferns and wild roses, little inlets, bays, and beaches, jutting rocks, and the fine scenery of the back-ground combine to render it one of the most lovely spots on the earth. This, together with its magnificent climate, which is beautifully clear, cool and fresh during the whole summer season, and very mild in winter, must in the future render it a place of great resort.

Three miles from Victoria is the harbor of Esquimault, one of the finest on the Pacific coast, and the western terminus of the Canada Pacific railway. There is here a naval station, at which there are generally two or three ships of war. A graving dock is in contemplation, capable of admitting ships of the largest size, tenders for the construction of which have been invited by the Provincial Government. An excellent macadamized road connects the two harbors.

The city boasts of some good streets, with fine drives, over excellent roads, in various directions. Adjoining the town a large extent of ground has been reserved for a public park. This picturesque locality, known as Beacon Hill, borders on the Strait. Here is the public race course, and cricket ground. On the outskirts of the town are many attractive residences; and every cottage displays its pretty garden.

Though Victoria can boast of no architectural pretensions, there are many neat and substantially constructed buildings, among them maybe mentioned the Provincial offices on James' Bay; the Presbyterian, Wesley-an and Roman Catholic churches; a Jewish Synagogue ; Christ Church Cathedral; the iron church of St. John, a donation to the Episcopalian congregation of the Province from the Baroness Coutts; the Angela College for young ladies, from the same excellent lady; the St. Anne's Convent and Orphan School; the Masonic Building; the Mechanics Institute, Bank of British North America, the St. Nicholas hotel, Alhambra, and Driard House, a public Hospital, and a Theatre. Various public buildings are to be erected by the Dominion Government.

Two daily and two weekly news-papers are published in Victoria.

The city is adequately supplied with gas by an incorporated company ; and with water, by pipes laid down by another company, supplemented by carts— the source of supply being certain springs on a ridge near the town. A bill has passed the last session of the legislature authorizing the Municipal Council to bring water from a bike, distant some 6 miles from the town. This will cost $100,000.

Th -re is constant telegraphic communication between Europe and Victoria, by way of New York and San Francisco. The line which crosses the southern part of the Gulf of Georgia to Victoria by a submerged cable, has a branch extending to the verge of the Cariboo region, a distance of 569 miles.

Victoria contains about 40 stores, 4 breweries, 2 distilleries, 1 iron foundry, 1 soap factory, 2 sash factories, 2 tanneries, 1 shipyard, 2 lumber yards, &c.

The number of arrivals at Victoria and out ports in 1872 was 292 (tons 131,696), and the clearances 285 (tons 129,864.) Total value of imports $1,790,352; exports $1,915,107. Pop. 4,540.

Rates of wages current in Victoria May, 1872; Carpenters $3.50 to $3.75 per diem; blacksmiths, bricklayers, plasterers, &c, $2 to $6 per diem; female servants — nursemaids $12 to $15; cooks, &c, $20 to $25 per month. Menservants (Chinese) $20 to $25 per month. Laborers, scarce at $30 to 35 per month, with board. Flour is sold at 7 to $7.50 per brl. of 200 lbs.; beef, pork and mutton 12½c to 18c. per lb.; butter 40c. to 60c.; sugar 12½c.; an 1 clothing at a moderate advance on invoice.

VICTORIA, Bothwell co., Out. See Florence.

VICTORIA, Simcoe co., Out, See Innisfil.

VICTORIA BRIDGE, a settlement in Annapolis co., N. S , at the mouth of bear river in Annapolis basin, 13½ miles from Annapolis. Pop. 50.

VICTORIA CORNERS, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., 6 miles from Uxhridge. Pop. 80.

VICTORIA FARM, a telegraph office in Ottawa co., Que. See Wright.

VICTORIA HARBOR, a post office in Simcoe co., Out., on Matchedash Bay, 28 miles from Orillia.

VICTORIA HARBOR, a post village in Kings co., N.S., on the Bay of Fundy, 15 miles from Berwick Pop. 60.

VICTORIA LAND, an insular tract of the North West Territories, N. of hit. 68° N. and extending from about lon.103° to 110° W. It is separated from the North American continent on the S by Dease Strait, and from Boothia Felix on the E. by Victoria Strait. It was discovered and named by Simpson; and explored by Dr. Rae in 1851.

VICTORIA MILLS, a settlement in Westmorland co., N.B., 7 miles from Petitcodiac. Considerable lumber is manufactured here. Pop. 100.

VICTORIA MINES, a post village in Cape Breton co., N.S., on the S. side of Sydney harbor, 9 miles from Sydney. Here are valuable coal mines. Pop. 350.

VICTORIA ROAD, a post village in Victoria co.,Ont., on Grass river, and on the T. & N. R., 79 miles N. of Toronto. It contains a telegraph office, a Roman Catholic church, 3 stores, 2 hotels, 1 saw mill, and a shingle factory. There are 6 saw mills in the vicinity, manufacturing large quantities of lumber which is shipped from this station. Pop. 100.

VICTORIA SQUARE, a post village in York co., Ont., 5 miles from Richmond Hill. It contains 3 stores. Pop. 200.

VICTORIA VILLAGE, a fishing settlement on the N. side of Conception Bay, Nfld., 6 miles from Carbonear. Poo. 200.

VICTORIAVILLE, Arthabaska co., Que. See Arthabaska Station.

VIENNA, an incorporated village in Elgin co., Ont., on Big Otter Creek, 28 miles from Sr. Thomas. It contains churches of 4 denominations, a gram-mar school, a telegraph office, several holds a number of stores, and manufactories of iron castings, wooden ware, leather, sawn lumber, woolens, &c. Pop. 593.

VIENNA, Monck co., Ont. See Rosedene

VIGER or ST. EPIPIIAN1E, a post village in Temiscouata co., Que., 10 miles from Cacouna. Fop. 150.

VIGER MIXES, a post office in Arthabaska co., Que., 11 miles from Arthabaska Station.

VIGO, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 11 miles from Stayner. Pop. 200.

VILLAGE DES AULNAIES, a post village in L'Islet co., Que., Smiles from St. Roch. Pop. 200.

VILLAGE RICHELIEU, or NOTRE DAME DE RICHELIEU, a post Tillage in Rouville co., Que., on the River Richelieu, and on the Montreal, Chambly and Sore! railway, 2 miles from Chambly Basin, 16 miles from Montreal. It contains grist and carding mills, and 3 stores. Pop. 100.

VILLA NOVA, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., 5 miles from Waterford. Pop. 100.

VTLLETTE, a post settlement in Compton co., Que., 9 miles from Coaticook. It contains an Episcopal and a Roman Catholic church, 1 store, 1 hotel and a steam saw mill. Pop. 300.

VILLIERS, a post village in Peterborough co.. Ont., 15 miles from Peterborough. Pop. 75.

VINCENNES, or ST. LUC, a post village in Champlain co., Que., 15 miles from Three Rivers. Pop. 100.

VINE, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont.. 7 miles from Barrie. Pop. 175.

VINER, Lambton co., Ont. See Vyner.

VINOY, a post office in Ottawa co., Que., 23 miles from Papineauville.

VINTON, a, post office in Pontiac co., Que., 16 miles from Portage du Fort.

VIOLET, a post village in Addington co., Out., on Big Creek, 17 miles from Kingston. Pop. 200.

VIRGIL, or CROSS ROADS, formerly LAWRENCEVILLE, a post village in Lincoln co., Ont., 8 miles from St. Catharines. Pop. 100.

VIRGIN ARM, a fishing station in the district of Twillingate and Fogo., Nfld., 5 miles from Twillingate. Pop. 10.

VITTORIA, a thriving post village in Norfolk co., Ont., on Young's Creek, 7 miles from Simcoe. It contains 2 Episcopal, Presbyterian, and Baptist churches, a telegraph office, a tannery, a planing mill, a flouring mill, and several stores and hotels. Pop. 600.

VIVIAN, a post office in York co., Ont., 8 miles from Newmarket.

VOGLER'S COVE, a post settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S., on the Atlantic coast, 7½ miles from Mill Village. Pop. 250.

VROOMANTON, a post village in Ontario co., Out., 3 miles from Sunderland. It contains a Roman Catholic church, a Wesleyan chapel, an hotel. 3 stores and a saw and grist mill. Pop. 250.

VYNER, a post village in Lambton co., Out., 5 miles from Mandamin. It has a store and a saw mill.

Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America, Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873


Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America

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