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Radnor Forges to Riviere Blanche, Canada

RADNOR FORGES, Champlain co., Que. See Fermont.

RADSTOCK, a post office in Joliette co., Que., 9 miles from Joliette.

RAGGED HARBOR, a fishing settlement on the north side of Trinity Bay, Nfld., 16 miles from Trinity. Pop. 21<).

RAGGED HEAD, a post office in Guysborough co., N.S., on Chedabucto Bay. 9 miles from Guysborough.

RAGGED ISLAND, a post settlement in Shelburne co., N.S., 21 miles from Shelburne. Inhabitants are chiefly engaged in the fisheries. Pop. 350.

RAGGED ISLAND (East Side), a post settlement 3 miles from the above. Pop. 150.

RAGGED REEF, a village in Cumberland co., N.S., 3 miles from Amherst. Grindstones are made here. Pop. 80.

RAGLAN, a post village in Ontario CO., Out., 8½ miles from Oshawa. It contains 2 stores and a grist mill. Pop. 100.

RAGTOWN, Brant co., Ont. See Victoria.

RAILTON, a post village in Addington co., Ont., 12 miles from Kingston. Pop 70.

RAINHAM, a post Tillage in Haldimand co., Ont., 9 miles from Dunnville. Pop. 72.

RAINHAM CENTRE, a post village in Haldimand co., Out., 12 miles from Dunnville. It contains 4 stores, 2 hotels, and a saw mill. Pup. 100.

RAMA, an Indian village in Ontario co., Ont., on Lake Couchiching, 45 miles from Bell Ewart. It contains 2 hotels, 3 stores and 2 saw mills. Pop. 500.

RAMEA ISLANDS, a group of islands in the district of Burgeo and La Poile, Nfld., 10 miles from Burgeo. Pop. 185.

RAMSAY, Renfrew co., Ont. See Almonte.

RAMSAY'S CORNERS, a post village in Russell co., Ont., on the Montreal and Ottawa Junction railway, 7 miles from Ottawa. It contains 1 church, 1 store and 1 hotel. Pop. 30.

RAMSHEG, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, co. of Cumberland, on a small estuary at the head of Wallace Bay, opposite Wallace, 44 miles from Truro, See Wallace Bridge.

RAM'S ISLANDS, a group of islands in Placentia Bay, Nfld., 10 miles from Little Placentia. Pop. 133.

RANDOM SOUND, a passage on the north side of Trinity Bay, Nfld., separating Random Island from the mainland. It is about 10 miles long and ¼ to 2 miles wide. The inhabitants on the shore are engaged in the fishery and in agricultural pursuits. Pop. 540.

RANELAGH, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., 17 miles from Simcoe. Pop. 80.

RANKIN, formerly GREEN LAKE SETTLEMENT, a post village in Renfrew co., Ont., 12 miles from Pembroke. Pop. 100.

RANKIN'S MILLS, or BENTON, a post village in Carleton co., N.B., on the N. B. & C. R., 19 miles from Woodstock. It contains 2 saw mills, an hotel and a store. Pop. 200.

RAPIDES DES JOACHIMS, or ABERDEEN, a post village in Pontiac co., Que., on the Ottawa river, 45 miles above Pembroke. It has a telegraph office and 3 stores. Pop. 80.

RATCHFORD RIVER, Cumberland co., N.S. See Port Greville.

RATHBURN, a post office in Ontario Co., On'., G miles from Atherly.

RATHO, a post village in Oxford co., it., on the G. T. II. (Buffalo division), 15 miles from Stratford. It contains 2 stores and a tannery. Pop. l00.

RATTER'S CORNERS, a post vi1lage in Kings co., N.B., 8 miles from Sussex. Pop. 150.

RAVENNA, a post village in Grey co., Oat., 7 miles from Thornbury. Pop. 100.

RAVENSCLIFF, a post office in Victoria co., Ont., 32 miles from Bracebridge.

RAVENSHOE, a post village in York co., Ont., 11 miles from Newmarket. It contains 1 church, 1 store, 1 hotel and 2 blacksmith's shops.

RAVENSWOOD, a post village in Lambton co., Ont., 8 miles from Widder. Pop. 50.

RAWDON, a flourishing post village in Montcalm co., Que., on the River Lac Ouareau, 48 miles N. of Montreal. It contains Episcopal, Roman Catholic and Methodist churches, 3 saw and 3 grist mills, has excellent water privileges, and has a large trade in lumber, flour and potash. Gold bearing quartz has been found in the vicinity. Pop. 600.

RAWDON, a post village in Hants co., N.S., 9 miles from Newport. Pop. 250.

RAWDON, a township of Ontario co. of Hastings. It possesses good soil, and many portions are in a high state of cultivation. Within the municipality is the thriving village of Stirling, formerly called Rawdon.

RAWDON, Hastings co., Ont. See Stirling.

RAWDON (South), or ASHDALE, a post village in Hants co., N.S , 9o miles from Mount Uniacke. Pop. 80.

RAWDON (Upper), a post village in Hants co., N.S., 16 miles from Elmsdale. Pop. 300.

RAYMOND, a post village in Victoria co, Ont., 8 miles from Bracebridge. It contains 1 church, 1 store, 3 saw mills and l grist mill.

REABOROUGH, a post village in Victoria co . Ont , { mile from Cambray, 5 miles from Lindsay. It contains 3 churches Pop 25.

READ, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., 1½ miles from Shannonville. Pop. 50.

READING, a post office in Wellington co., Out., 23 miles from Georgetown.

REAR LANDS SPORTING MOUNTAIN, a post settlement in Richmond co., N.B., 24 miles from West Bay.

REAR OF BLACK RIVER, a post settlement in Richmond co., N.S., 4 miles from West Bay. Pop. 150

RED BANK, a post settlement in Northumberland co., N.B., 14 miles from Newcastle. Pop. 175.

RED CLIFF ISLAND, a fishing settlement in Bonavista Lay, Nfld., 47 miles from Bonavista. Pop. 90.

RED COVE, a fishing settlement in the district of Fortune Bay, Nfld., 8½ miles from Harbor Briton. Pop. 40.

RED HARBOR, a fishing settlement on the west side of Placental Bay, Nfld., 6 miles from Burin. Pop. 15.

RED HEAD COVE, a fishing settlement in the district of Trinity, Nfld, 3 miles from Bay de Verds. Pop. 90.

RED ISLAND, a large island in Placeatia Bay, Nfld., 12 miles from Little Placentia. Pop. 227.

RED ISLAND, a post village in Richmond co., N S., on an island on the E. side of Bras d'Or Lake, 55 miles from Port Hawkesbury. Pop. 776.

RED ISLAND, a small island off the southern coast of Newfoundland, 6 miles from Burgeo. Pop. 52.

RED ISLAND, in the River St. Lawrence, 9 miles N. of Green Island, and opposite the mouth of the River ??aguenay.

REDNERSVILLE, a post village in Prince Edward co., Ont., on the Bay of Quinte, 3 miles from Belleville. It contains 2 stores, 2 hotels, and a tannery. Pop. 175.

RED POINT, a post village in Kings co., P.E.I., 56 miles from Charlottetown. Pop. 150.

RED ROCK, a settlement on the extreme southern point of the Island of Newfoundland, 1 mile from Cape Ray. Pop. 30.

RED ROCKS, a post village in the district of Algoma, Ont., at the mouth of the Nipigon river, 75 miles from Silver Islet. It is a post of the Hudson's Bay Company, and has 1 store. Pop. 10.

REED, or BAYSIDE, a post village in Westmorlandd co., N.B., 20 miles from Au Lac, 4 miles from Elgin. It contains 1 church, 1 store, 4 saw mills, 1 gristmill, and a threshing machine factory. Pop. 230.

REEDSDALE, a post village in Megantic co., Que., on the River Thames, 14 miles from Becancour Station. It contains 1 store, 1 saw mill and 1 grist mill. About three miles from this village are the Falls of Lysander on the Thames river, so named after General Lysander Flagg, of Rhode Island, who has erected at that point large saw and grist mills, and a woolen factory. Extensive deposits of copper and iron have been found in the vicinity. Pop. 200.

REEKIE, Bruce co., Ont. See Armow.

RELESSEY, a post office in Cardwell co., Ont., 10 miles from Orangeville.

REMINGTON, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., 31 miles from Belleville. It contains 1 church and 1 hotel. Pop. 170.

RENCONTRE, a fishing settlement in the district, of Burgeo and La Poile. Nfld., 42 miles from Harbor Briton. Pop. 111.

RENCONTRE, a fishing settlement in the district of Fortune Bay, Nfld., 35 mile3 from Harbor Briton. Pop. 110.

RENFORTH, a post village in Wentworth co., Ont, 10;r miles from Hamilton. It contains a woolen mill and a store.

RENFREW, a county of Ontario, bordering on the Ottawa river, has an area of 10,904,829 acres. Capital, Pembroke. Pop. 29,708.

RENFREW, an incorporated village of Ontario, co. of Renfrew, on the Bonnechere river (which here forms a magnificent fall), and at the W. terminus Of the B. & O. R., 58 miles from Ottawa. It possesses unlimited water power, and contains 3 churches, 2 branch banks, a foundry, tannery, woolen, saw and flour mills, a number of stores, and 2 telegraph offices, and exports large quantities of potash. Pop. 865.

RENFREW, a post village;n Hants co., N.S., 7 miles from Enfield. Gold is found here. Pop 300.

RENOUS BRIDGE, n post settlement in Northumberland co . N B 24 miles from Chatham Pop 200.

RENOWSE, a post town and port of entry in the district of Ferryland, Nfld., 54 miles S. of St. John's. It is a place of considerable trade. Pop. 859.

RENTON, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., 6 miles from Simcoe. Pop. 50.

RENTON, a station on the Hamilton and Lake Erie railway, in Wentworth co., Ont., 11 miles from Hamilton.

REPENTIGNY, a post village in L'Assomption co., Que., on the St. Lawrence, 18 miles N.E. of Montreal. It contains a telegraph office and a saw mill. Pop. 300.

RESERVE MINES, a post office in Cape Breton co., N.S.

RESTIGOUCHE, an extensive country in the N. of New Brunswick, bordering on Baie des Chaleurs. The surface is extremely diversified with mountains and valleys, and is intersected by numerous rivers. The soil is fertile and heavily timbered. Large quantities of timber are annually exported from Dalhousie, the capital. Area 1,849,000 acres. Pop. 5,575.

REYNOLDS VILLE, a village in Lincola co., Ont., 2 miles from St. Catharines. Pop. 60.

RHODES, a post office in Kings co., N.S., 5 miles from Kingston.

RICEBURG, a post village in Missisquoi co., Que., on Pike river, 5½ miles from Stanbridge. It contains an iron foundry, a saw mill, a grist mill, and 1 store. Pop. 200.

RICEVILLE, a post village in Prescott co., Ont., 29 miles from Alexandria. It contains 3 stores, a saw mill, and a flouring mill. Pop. 60.

RICHARDSON'S CORNERS, Simcoe co., Ont. See Edgar.

RICHARD'S HARBOR, a small fishing settlement in the district of Burgeo and La Poile, Nfld., 17 miles from Hermitage Cove. Pop. 73.

RICHBY or BROOKVILLE, a post village in Compton co., Que., on the G. T. R., 118 miles S.E. of Montreal. Pop. 50.

RICHELIEU, a county of Quebec, bounded N. by the River St. Lawrence, and W. by the Richelieu or Sorel River. Area 121,015 acres. Capital, Sorel. Pop. 20,048.

RICHELIEU ISLANDS, are situated in Lake St. Peter, at the mouth of the Richelieu River in the St. Lawrence.

RICHIBUCTO, formerly LIVER-POOL, a seaport town and port of en-try of New Brunswick, capital of Kent co., at the mouth of a river of the same name, 140 miles N.E. of St. John, 37 miles E. of Chatham. It contains, besides the county buildings, several churches and hotels, about 20 stores and a telegraph office, a id has a large trade in lumber and fish. Shipbuilding is also engaged in. The number of arrivals for 1872 was 153 (tons 16,420), and the clearances 194 (tons 26,186). Total value of imports §25,587; ex-ports $166,819. Pop. 800.

RICHIBUCTO VILLAGE, a post village in Kent co., N.B.

RICHMOND, a county in the S. part of Quebec, comprises an area of 355,950 acres. It is drained by the River St. Francis and several other streams, and intersected by the Grand Trunk railway. Capital, Richmond East Pop. 11,213.

RICHMOND, a county of Nova Scotia occupying the S. portion of the Island of Cape Breton, Madame and other smaller islands adjoining. Area 398,880 acres. Capital, Arichat Pop. 14,268.

RICHMOND, a settlement in Yarmouth co., N.S.,10 miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 130.

RICHMOND, Elgin co., Ont. See Bayham.

RICHMOND (or SCOTCH) CORNER, a post village in Carleton co., N.B., on the N. B. & C. R., 6 miles from Woodstock. It contains 2 stores, an hotel, and a custom house. Total value of imports for 1872 $4,005. Pop. 200.

RICHMOND EAST, a thriving post village of Quebec, capital of the co. of Richmond, on a branch of the River St. Francis, and on the G. T. R., 76 miles E. of Montreal. A bridge spans the St. Francis and connects this village with Melbourne. It contains, besides the county buildings, a college, mechanics institute, telegraph office, newspaper office, and several stores and hotels. In the vicinity there are valuable copper mines. Pop. 715.

RICHMOND HILL, an incorporated village in the co. of York, Ont., on the Yonge Street macadamized road, 16 miles from Toronto, 3½ mile3 from the Richmond Hill station of the Northern railway. It is admirably situated for manufactories, being in the centre of the garden of the province, has good water power, and contains 2 telegraph offices, a printing office issuing a weekly newspaper, a mechanics institute, first class schools, including a county high school and a ladies boarding school. 4 churches, an agricultural implement factory, and a number of stores. The Third Division court of the co. of York is held here six times a year. Pop 784.

RICHMOND MINES, Inverness co., N.S. See Port Richmond.

RICHMOND STATION, a thriving post village in Richmond co., Que., on a branch of the River St. Francis, and at the junction of the Montreal, Quebec and Portland branches of the Grand Trunk railway, 76 miles E. of Montreal, 96 miles S.S.W. of Quebec, and 221 miles N.W. of Portland. It contains 3 stores, 2 hotels, and a telegraph office. Pop. 300.

RICHMOND TERMINUS, a suburb of the city of Halifax, N.S., on Bedford Basin, at the S. terminus of the I. R., 2 miles from Halifax post office. It contains the railway offices and work shops. Pop. 1,000.

RICHMOND WEST, an incorporated village in Carleton co., Ont., on the Goodwood river, 10 miles from Stittsville. It contains Episcopal, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian and Methodist churches, a telegraph office, 3 hotels, a number of stores, and several saw and grist mills. Pop. 487.

RICHVIEW, a post village in Peel co., Ont., 3½ miles from Malton. Pop. 100.

RICHWOOD, a post village in Oxford co., Ont., on the River Nith, and on the G. T. R. (Buffalo division), 26 miles from Stratford. Pop 150.

RIDERS HARBOR, a fishing settlement in the district of Trinity, Nfld., 17 miles from Heart's Content. Pop. 13.

RIDGETOWN, a thriving post village in Bothwell co., Ont., 11 miles from Thamesville. It contains a telegraph office, about 15 stores, a woolen factory, a flouring mill, several churches and hotels, 2 saw mills, soap factory. &c. Pop. 500.

RIDGEVILLE, a post village in Monck co , Ont, 8j miles from Port Robinson. It contains 3 stores and a saw mill. Pop. 100.

RIDGEWAY, Welland co., Ont. See Point Abino.

RIGAUD, a flourishing post village and seigniory of Quebec, co. of Vaudreuil, on the Riviere a la Graisse, 45 miles W.S. W. of Montreal, 16 miles from Vandreuil. It is the seat of Rigand College and Ste. Anne's Convent, and contains a telegraph otfice,6 stores, a saw mill and a grist mill. Pop. 250.

RILEY BROOK, a post office in Victoria co., N.B., 9 miles from Andover.

RIMOUSKI, a county of Quebec, comprises an area of 3,156 280 acres. The St. Lawrence forms its N. boundary. Its capital is Rimouski. Pop. 27,418.

RIMOUSKI, an incorporated town and watering place of Quebec, capital of the above county, on the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, and on the. I. R., 54½ miles below Riviere du Loup, en bun. It contains, besides the county buildings, a Roman Catholic Cathedral, a number of stores, several hotels and a telegraph office. Vessels of the largest tonnage load her with timber for foreign ports. The value of exports for 1872 was $81,856. The sea bathing facilities here are unsurpassed and consequently induce a Large number of health seekers to visit it during the hot season. Pop. 1,185.

RINGWOOD, a post village in York co., Ont., 2¼ miles from Stouffville. It contains several stores and mills. Pop. 130.

RIPLEY, a post office in Bruce co., Ont, 15 miles from Kincardine.

RIVER BEAUDETTE, a post village in Soulanges co., Que., at the outlet of a river of the same name in the St Lawrence, and on the G. T R.. 43½ miles W. of Montreal. It has a telegraph office. Pop. l00.

RIVER BOURGEOIS, a post village in Richmond co., N.S., 31 miles from Port Hawkesbury. It contains 4 stores and 1 hotel. Pop 964.

RIVER CHARLO, a post settlement in Restigouche co., N.B., on the I. R., 8 miles E. of Dalhousie. Pop. 275.

RIVER DAVID, or St. DAVID, a thriving: post village in Yamaska co , Que., on a river of the same name, 19 miles from Sorel. It contains a Roman Catholic church, 2 stores, a foundry, a grist mill, and a telegraph office. Pop. 800.

RIVER DEBERT, a post village in Colchester co.. N.S., n a river of the same name, with a station on the I. R., 16 miles from Truro. Pop. 400.

RIVER DE CHUTE, a post village in Carleton co., N.B.', 9 miles from Andover. It contains a store and grist mill.

RIVER DENNIS, a post village in Inverness co., N.S., on a river of the same name, 25 miles from Port Hawkesbury. It contains a comb factory, a grist mill and several stores. Pop. 300.

RIVER DENNIS (Upper Settlement) a post settlement in Inverness co., N S., 6 miles from River Dennis. Pop. 100.

RIVER DENNIS ROAD, a post village in Inverness co., M.S. ,8 miles from Port Hawkesbury. It contains 1 church, 2 stores, 4 saw mills aid 3 grist mills, Pop. 500.

RIVER DESERT or MANIWAKI, a post village in Ottawa co , Que, at the confluence of the Rivers Desert and Ceineau, 60 miles from Ottawa. It is a post of the Hudson's Bay Co., and has a Roman Catholic church, several saw and grist mills, and 2 stores. Pop. 1,000, half Indians.

RIVER GILBERT or GILBERTVILLE, a post village in Beauce co. Que , on a branch of the River Chaudiere, 57 miles from Quebec. Gold is found here. Pop. 200.

RIVER HE BERT, a post village in Cumberland co., N.S., 8 miles from Maccan. It contains 3 stores. The South Joggins coal section is in the vicinity. Pop. 400.

RIVER INHABITANTS, Inverness co., N.S. See Glenedale.

RIVE R JOHN, a thriving post village in Pictou co., N.S , at the mouth of a stream falling into Northumberland Strait, 2l miles from Pictou. It contains 5 or 6 stores, 2 hotels, and a shipyard. Pop. 500.

RIVER JOHN, (West Branch,) a post village in Pictou co., N.S., 20 miles from Pictou. Pop. 150.

RIVER LOUISON, a post village in Restigouche co., N.B., on a small stream falling into Baie des Chaleurs, and on the I R., 19 miles from Dalhousie. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 160.

RIVER PHILIP, a post village in Cumberland co., N.S., on the I. R., 46 miles from Truro. It contains 2 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 100.

RIVER ROUGE, a station on the G. T. R., in Vaudreuil, Que., 34½ miles W. of Montreal.

RIVERSDALE, a post village in Bruce co., Out., 12 miles from Walkertown. It contains 2 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 100.

RIVERSDALE, formerly GEORGETOWN, a post village in Colchester co., N.S , on Back river, and on the I. R., 74 miles N. of Halifax. It contains a spool factory, a saw mill, and a telegraph office. Pop. 80.

RIVERSIDE, a seaport of New Brunswick, co. of Albert, on Shepody Bay, 39½ miles from Salisbury. Pop 50.

RIVERSIDE, formerly APPLEBY, a stat. on on the I R., in Kings co., N.B., 7 miles from St. John.

RIVERSDALE or MOSSMAN'S GRANT, a post settlement in Lunenburg co,, N.S , on the La Have liver, 12 miles from Lunenburg. It contains a sawmill. Pop 92.

RIVERSTOWN, a post village in Wellington co , Out , 3 miles from Kenilworth. It contains 2 stores and 1 hotel Pop 100.

RIVER TRENT or PORT TRENT, Northumberland co., Ont. See Trenton.

RIVIERE ALA GLANDE, a hamlet in Gaspe co., Que., 32 miles from Ste Anne des Monts.

RIVIERE A LA MARTHE, a hamlet in Gaspe co , Que , 13 miles from Ste Anne des Monts

RIVIERE A LOURS, a village in Chicoutimi co . Que., 56 miles from Chicoutimi. Pop. 120.

RIVIERE AUX V ACHES, a post office in Yamaska co. Que.

RIVIERE BLANCHE, a hamlet in Rimouski co , Que It has 2 stores.

Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America, Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873


Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America

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