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Nackawick to New Britain, Canada

NACKAWICK, a post village in York co., N.B., on the New Brunswick railway a 43 miles W. of Fredericton. Pop. 150.

NAIRN, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., on the River aux Sables, 3 miles from Ailsa Craig. 22 miles from London. It contains a saw mill, a carding mill, and several stores and hotels. Pop. 200.

NANAIMO, a thriving post town on the eastern, or inner, shore of Van-cover Island, B.C., 74 miles from Victoria. It owes its growth and importance to the valuable mines of bituminous coal which are worked in the vicinity; also to its excellent free stone quarries. The San Francisco Mint, which cost over $1,500,000, was built of stone obtained from these quarries. Nanaimo contains a church, a telegraph office, a gaol, a saw mill, and several stores. A steamer runs weekly between here and Victoria. Pop. 400.

NANTICOKE, a post village in Haldimand co., Ont., on Nanticoke Creek, 8 miles from Port Dover. It contains 2 stores, 5 hotels, 1 saw mill, and 2 flouring mills. Pop. 200.

NAPANEE, an incorporated town of Ontario, capital of the co. of Lennox, situated on the Napanee river, and on the G. T. R., 26 miles W. of Kingston. It contains churches of 5 denominations, 2 branch banks, 2 telegraph offices, 2 printing offices issuing weekly news-paper, a paper mill, several hotels, mills and factories, and a number of stores. Napanee is a port of entry. Total value of imports for 1872 $69,168; exports $397,604. Pop. 2,967

NAPANEE MILLS, a post village in Addington co., Ont., 5 miles from Napanee. Pop. 100.

NAPIER, a thriving post village in Middlesex co., Ont., on the River Sydenham, 6 miles from Kerrwood. It contains 2 saw mills, a grist mill and a woolen factory. Pop. 250.

NAPIERVILLE, a county in the S. part of Quebec intersected by the Grand Trunk railway (Proviace Line division). Area 97,120 acres. Capital, Napierviile. Pop. 11,688.

NAPIERVILLE, or ST. CYPRIEN, a thriving post village of Quebec, capital of the co. of Napierville, situated on Montreal river, 7 miles from Stottville, 27 miles S.E. of Montreal. It contains a Roman Catholic church, several stores and hotels, a tannery, and saw, grist and carding nulls. Pup. 1,000.

NAPPAN, a post settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., on the I. R., 5 miles from Amherst. Pop. 300.

NAPPAN, a post settlement in Northumberland co., N.B., 3 miles from Chatham. Pop. 150.

NAPPERTON, a post office in Middlesex co., Out., 4 miles from Strathroy.

NARROWS, a post settlement in Queens co., N.B., on Washademoak river, 18 miles from Gagetown. Pop. 150.

NASH'S CREEK, a settlement in Restigouche co., N.B., on Brie des Chaleurs, 17 miles east of Dalhousie. Pop. 100.

NASHWAAK, a post settlement in York co., N.B., on the Nashwaak River, 14 miles X. of Fredericton. Pop. 250.

NASHWAAK, a station on the New Brunswick railway, in York co., N.B., at the mouth of the Nashwaak river, opposite Fredericton.

NASHWAAKSIS, a post village in York co., N.B., at the outlet of a river of the same name, opposite the city of Fredericton. It has a foundry, and carding, grist, and saw mill. Pop. 200.

NASHWAAK VILLAGE, a post village in York co., N.B , on the River Nashwaak, 8 miles N. of Fredericton. Pop. 150.

NASHWOOD, or FARXBORO, a post village in Brome co., Que., 12 miles from Waterloo. Pop. 60.

NASSAGAWEYA, or BROOKVILLE, a post village in Halton co., Ont., 10 miles from Guelph. It contains an hotel and 3 stores. Pop. 150.

NATASHQUAN, a post office in Saguenay co., Que., at the mouth of a good salmon stream of the same name, 244 miles (by sea) from Gaspe Basin.

NAUWIGEWAUK, a station on the I. R, in Kings co., N.B., 17 miles from St. John.

NAVAN, a post village in Russell co., Ont. 8 miles from Cumberland. Pop. 50.

NEBISH, a hamlet in the district of Algoma, Ont. It has 1 store.

NECUM TENCH, a post settlement in Halifax co., N.S., on the sea coast, 30 miles S.W. of Sherbrooke. Pop. 400.

NEGUAC, a post village in Northumberland co., N.B., on a river of the same name, 30 miles N.W. of Chatham. Pop. 150.

NEIGETTE or AMQUI, a post office and telegraph station in Rimouski co., Que., 8 miles from B.C. Flavie.

NEIL'S CORNERS, Shefford co., Que. Bee Granboro.

NELLESTOWN or NELLE'S CORNERS, a village in Haldimand co., Ont., on the G. W. R. (Canada Air line), 2 miles from Cayuga. It contains 1 store and an hotel. Pop. 80.

NELSON, a post village in Halton co., Ont., 4 miles from Wellington Square. Pop. 100.

NELSON, a river port of New Brunswick, co. of Northumberland, on the right bank of the Miramichi, about 20 miles from its entrance into .Miramichi Bay, and opposite the town of Newcastle. It has 1 church, 3 stores and several saw mills. Pop. 200.

NELSONVILLE, Missisquoi co., Que. See Cowansville.

NENAGH, a post settlement in Grey co., Ont., 13 miles from Mount Forest. Pop. 300.

NEPISIQUIT, a settlement in Gloucester co., N.B , on the Nepisiquit river, 3 miles from Bathurst. The Nepisiquit River is noted for its splendid salmon. Pop. 300.

NEREPIS, a post village in Kings co., X T .B., on the Nerepis River, at its en-trance into the St. John, and cm the E. & N.A.R.,182 miles W. of St. John. It contains 1 store and 2 hotels. Pop. 150.

NETHERBY, a post village hi Wetland co., Ont., 10 miles from Port Robinson. It c attains a store and a saw mill. Pup. 100.

NEUSTADT, a thriving post village in Grey co., Ont., on a branch of the Saugeen River, 8 miles from Clifford, 16 miles from Durham. It has several stores and hotels, saw and grist mills, a brewery, woolen factory, carding and flax mills, a foundry, and a printing office issuing a German weekly newspaper. Pop. 650.

NEVIS, a post village in Simcoe co. 7 Ont., 9 miles from Orillia. Pop. 200.

NEW ABERDEEN, a post village in Waterloo co., Ont., 7 miles from Preston. Pop. 50.

NEW ALBANY, a post settlement in Annapolis co., N.S., 8 miles from Lawrencetown. It has 2 hotels. Pop. 200.

NEW ANNAN, a post settlement in Colchester co., N.S., on the French river, 14 miles from Folly Lake. Copper ore is found in the vicinity, and freestone quarries are worked to a large extent. The village contains several saw and grist mills, a tannery, and 2 stores. Pop. 600.

NEW ANNAN MILLS, a small village in Prince co., P.E.I., 6 miles from Summerside. Pop. 80.

NEWARK, a post village in Oxford co., Ont., 12 miles from Woodstock. It contains 1 store and 3 cheese factories. Pop. 100.

NEWARK, Lincoln co., Ont. See Niagara.

NEW BANDON, a post village in Gloucester co., N.B., on Baie des Chaleurs, 22 miles from Bathurst. It contains 1 store. Grindstones are made here. Pop. 125.

NEW BAY, a fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo, Nfld., in the Bay of Notre Dame, 30 miles from Till Cove. Pop. 95.

NEW BLISS, a post village in Leeds co., Ont., on Irish Creek, 3 miles from Irish Creek Station. Pop. 250.

NEWBORO, or BEDFORD MILLS, a thriving post village of Ontario, co. of Leeds, on the Rideau canal, 33 miles from Brockville. It has a telegraph office, 12 stores, 3 hotel, a tannery, and a saw mill. Pop. 500.

NEW BON A VENTURE, a fishing settlement in the district of Trinity, Nfld., 17 miles from Hearts Content. Pop 125.

NEW BOYNE, a post village in Leeds co., Out, 26 miles from Brockville. It contains 2 stores.

NEW BRIDGE, a post office in Inverness co.. N.S., 8 miles from Margaree.

NEW BRIDGE, a post village in Huron co., Ont, 8 miles from Harriston. It has saw and grist mills, 3 hotels and 2 stores. Pop. 130.

NEW BRITAIN. See British America.

Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America, Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873


Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America

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