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Manitowaning to Metz, Canada

MANITOWANING, a post village on Great Manitoulin Island, on a deep bay on the north shore, 150 miles from Collingwood. It is chiefly inhabited by officers of the Indian Department and Indians.

MANIWAKI, Ottawa co., Que. See River Desert.

MANNERS SUTTON, a post settlement in York co., N.B., 4 miles from Harvey It contains 1 store and a woolen mill Pop 250.

MANNHEIM, a post village in Waterloo co., Ont., 7 miles from Berlin. It contains 2 stores, a flax mill, and a flouring mill. Pop. 250.

MANNINGVILLE, Huntingdon co. Que See Franklin

MANOTICK, a post village in Carleton co., Ont., on Rideau river, with a station on the St. L. & 0. R,, 15 miles from Ottawa. It contains a telegraph office, a woolen mill, 2 grist mills, and 6 stores. Pop. 200.

MAN POINT, a small fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo, Nfld., 44 miles from Twillingate. Pop. 8.

MANSFIELD, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., on the Boyne river, 16 miles from Angus. It contains a grist mill and 2 stores. Pop. 100.

MANSFIELD ISLAND, in Hudson's Bay, is about 70 miles in length.

MANSONVILLE POTTON, otherwise SOUTH POTTON, a post village in Brome co., Que., on the S. E. R., 89 miles from Montreal. It contains a telegraph office, a saw mill, 4 stores, and an hotel. Pop. 250,

MANUELS, a fishing station in the district of Harbor Main, Nfld., 14 miles from St. John's. Pop. 140.

MANVERS, Durham co., Ont. See Ballyduff.

MAPLE, a post village in York co., Ont., 2- mile from Richmond Hill Station. It contains 5 stores and an hotel. Pop. 250.

MAPLE BAY, a post settlement on Vancouver Island, B.C., 45 miles from Victoria. Maple Bay is a beautiful land-locked bay surrounded by hills and mountains. Gold and coal are supposed to exist in the district. Elk, deer and grouse abound, and there are three lakes well stocked with trout.

MAPLE GREEN, a post settlement in Restigouche co., N.B., on the Restigouche River, 7 miles from Campbellton. Pop. 100.

MAPLE GROVE, a post village in Megantic co., Que., at the head of Lake William, 16 miles from Somerset. It contains a carding mill, 3 saw mills, and 2 stores. Pop. 300.

MAPLE GROVE, a small village in Stormont co., Ont., on the Cornwall canal, 4 miles from Cornwall. Pop. 100.

MAPLE HILL, a post village in Bruce co., Out., 3| miles from Walkerton. It contains 1 store, 1 hotel, and saw and grist mills. Pop. 100.

MAPLE LEAF, a post settlement in Compton co., Que., 21 miles from Lennoxville. Pop. 300.

MAPLE LEAF, or SAGEVILLE, a small village in Oxford co., Out., 11 miles from Woodstock. Pop. 40.

MAPLETON, a post village in Albert co., N.B., 12 miles from Petitcodiac. Pop. 60.

MAPLETON, a post village in Elgin co., Out., 9 miles from St. Thomas. Pop. 70.

MAPLETON, a post village in the district of Lisgar, Manitoba, 22½ miles N. of Fort Garry It contains 2 stores and a hotel

MAPLE VALLEY, or OSPREY, a small village in Simcoe co., Out., 20 miles from Collingwood. Pop. 30.

MAQUAPIT LAKE, a post settlement in Queens co., N.B., 7 miles from Sheffield. Pop 100

MAR, a post office in Bruce co., Ont.. 28½ miles from Owen Sound

MARA, a station on the Muskoka branch of the Northern railway, in Simcoe co., Ont , 25 miles from Barrie It has a telegraph office.

MARATHON, a post village in Carleton co, Ont., 28 miles from Ottawa Pop. Go.

MARBLE MOUNTAIN, a post office in Inverness co , N.S , 23 miles from Port Hawkesbury Here are valuable marble quarries.

MARBLE ROCK, a post village in Leeds co , Ont , on the Gananoque river, 4¼ miles from Gananoque It possesses good water power, and contains 2 saw mills. Pop. 50.

MARBLETON, a post village in Wolfe co., Que., 25 miles from Sherbrooke. It contains 1 hotel and 2 stores. Pop. 200.

MARCH, a post village in Carleton co., Out., 21 miles from Ottawa. Pop.70.

MARCHMONT, a post village in Simcoe co., Oat., 8 miles from Orilha. Pop. 100.

HARDEN, a post village in Wellington co., Ont., 4 miles from Guelph. Pop. 5 I.

MARGAREE, a post village in Inverness co., N.S., at the mouth of Margaree River in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 40 miles N.E. of Mabou. It contains 3 or 4 stores There are coal mines in the vicinity. Pop. 250

MARGAREE FORKS, a post settlement in Inverness co., N.S. , on Margaree River, 36 miles from Whycocomah. Pop. 240.

MARGARETSVILLE, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, co. of Annapolis, on the Bay of Fundy, 8 miles from Wilmot. It contains several stores, and has a good export trade in country produce Shipbuilding is also carried on A lighthouse in this harbor exhibits two fixed red lights Margaretsville is a port of entry The number of arrivals for 1872 was 40 (tons 1,871), and the clearances 42 (tons 3,360.) Total value of imports $9,702; exports $11,880. Pop. 300.

MARGATE, a post village in Prince co., P.E.I. 12 miles from Charlottetown It contains a saw mill a grist mill, and 3 stores Pop. 150

MARGUERITE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Burgeo and La Poile, Nfld., 5 miles from Channel Pop. 10.

MARQUISE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Placentia and St Marys, Nfld., 2 miles from Placentia Pop 75

MARIA, a post village in Bonaventure co . Que., on Baie des Chaleurs, 45 miles from Campbellton, N.B. It has a telegraph office, 4 stores, and considerable salmon and herring fisheries. Pop. 300.

MARIE, a post village in Kings co., P EL, 30 miles from Charlottetown. Pop 120.

MARIE JOSEPH, a post settlement in Guysborough co., N.S , on the sea coast, 20 miles from Sherbrooke Pop. 500

MARIEVILLE, the chief town of Rouville co , Que See Ste. Marie de Monnoir

MARION BRIDGE, a post settlement in Cape Breton co., N.S., on Mira river, 12 miles from Sydney Pop. 150.

MARITANA, a post village in Huntingdon co., Que., 13 miles from Hemmingford. Pop. 90.

MARKDALE, or EAST GLENELG. (also called CORNABUSS), a post village in Grey co., Ont., on a branch of the Saugeen river, and on the T. G. & B. R , 92½ miles from Toronto. It contains 2 telegraph offices, a woolen mill, a grist mill, 2 saw mills, and 6 stores. Pop. 250.

MARKHAM, a flourishing post village in York co., Ont., on the T. & N. R., 22£ miles from Toronto. It contains a telegraph office, a printing office issuing a weekly newspaper, several churches and mills, and manufactories of steel amalgam bells, iron castings, machinery, carriages, leather, wooden ware, &c, about 12 stores, and 4 hotels. Pop. 1,000.

MARKHAMVILLE, a post settlement in Kings co., N.B.,11 miles from Sussex. Pop. 100.

MARLBANK, or ALLAN'S MILLS, a post village in Hastings, co., Ont., on the River Moira, 16½ miles from Napanee It contains 1 store and a flouring mill. Pop. 40.

MARLOW, or ST. COME, a post village in Beauce co., Que., on the Kennebec River, 15 miles from Jersey River Chaudiere. It contains 4 saw mills, 3 stores and 1 hotel. Pop. 30o.

MARMION, a post office in Grey co , Ont., 16½ miles from Owen Sound.

MARMORA, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., on Crow river, 41 miles from Peterborough, 32 miles S.S.W. of Belleville. It contains productive gold and iron mines The latter are considered the largest deposits of magnetic oxide of iron ore in the province. One company is engaged in the iron mines, and 4 mills in crushing quartz The village contains 3 hotels, 5 stores, a telegraph office, flour and saw mills &c Pop. 250.

MARNOCI1, a post office in Huron co., Ont , near the Maitland river, 20 miles from Clinton.

MARRIOTT'S COVE, a post settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S., 15 miles from Lunenburg. Pop. 250.

MARSFIELD, a hamlet in Queens CO., P.E.I It has a store and a tannery.

MARSHALL'S COVE or PORT  WILLIAMS, a post village in Annapolis co., N.S., on the Bay of Fundy, 11 miles from Bridgetown. It has a light-house with two fixed lights Pop. 250.

MARSHALL'S FOLLY, a small fishing settlement in the district of Bay de Verds, Nfld. 7 miles from Carboxcar. Pop. 80.

MARSHALL'S TOWN, a post village in Digby co., N.S., 4 miles from Digby. Gold has been found here Pop. 30 I.

MARSH HILL, a post office in Ontario co , Ont., 5 miles from Uxbridge.

MARSH SETTLEMENT, (McLellan's Mountain,) a post settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 4 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 70.

MARSHVILLE, a post village in Monck co., Out., on the G.W.R. (Canada Air Line), 22 miles from Cayuga. It has a telegraph office and several stores Pop. 200.

MARSHVILLE, a village in Pictou co., N.S., on John river, 20 miles from Pictou Pop. 100.

MARSHY HOPE, a post settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 29 miles from New Glasgow Pep. 200.

MARSTON, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., 17 miles from Tilsonburg. It has a saw mill. Pop. 50.

MARSVILLE, a post village in Wellington co., Ont., 12 miles from Fergus. It contains 3 stores, 1 hotel and a rolling mill. Pop. 100.

MARTIN'S BROOK, a settlement in Luneaburg co., N.S., 2 miles from Lunenburg. Pop. 150.

MARTIN'S RIVER, a post settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S., on a river of the same name, 11 miles form Lunenburg It contains several saw and grist mills. Pop. 200.

MARTINTOWN, a thriving post village in Glengarry co., Ont., 12 miles from Riviere Raisin, (Lancaster). It contains 8 stores, 2 hotels, 1 grist mill, and 1 saw mill. Pop. 400.

MARTINVILLE, a post village in Compton co., Que., on Salmon river, 6 miles from Compton. It has good water power, and contains 2 saw mills, and 1 store. Pop. 100.

MARYBORO, Wellington co., Ont. See Rothsay.

MARYDALE, Antigonish co., N.S. See Manchester Road.

MARY LAKE, a post office in Victoria co., Ont., 14 miles from Bracebridge.

MARY'S POINT, a small settlement in Albert co., N.D., on a headland in the Bay of Fundy, 3 miles from Harvey, Pop. 50.

MARYSVILLE.a post village in York co., N.B., very prettily situated on the Nashwaak river, 4 miles from Fredericton. It contains 1 church, an extensive saw mill, 1 store, 1 school, 1 hotel, and a number of handsome cottages. Pop. 300.

MARYSVILLE, or TYENDINAGA, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., on the G. T. R., 34 miles W. of Kingston. Pop. 100.

MARYVALE, Antigonish co., N.S. See Malignant Brook, Cross Roads.

MASCARENE, a post settlement in Charlotte co., N.B., near the mouth of the Magaguadavic river, 7 miles from St. George. Pop. 200.

MASCOUCHE, a post village in L'Assomption co., Que.

MASCOUCHE RAPIDS, a thriving post village in L'Assomption co., Que., on the River Mascouche, 8 miles from Terrebonne. It contains 2 churches, 2 telegraph offices, 5 stores, a tannery, a saw mill, a grist mill, and a shingle factory, and has a considerable trade in lumber, flour, grain, and potash. Pop. 650.

MASH AM MILLS, a post village in Ottawa co., Que., 23 miles from Ottawa. It contains 3 stores and a grist mill. Pop. 150.

MASKINONGE, a county in the western part of Quebec, having Lake St. Peter, an expansion of the St. Lawrence, for its S.E. boundary. Area 2,061,327 acres. The north western part of the county is drained by the Gatineau and Du Lièvre rivers, and some of their tributaries, and the south eastern part by the Maskinonge and Du Loup rivers and several other streams, some flowing into the St. Lawrence others into the St. Maurice. Capital, Riviere du Loup en haut. Pop. 15,079.

MASKINONGE, a thriving post village and river port in Maskinonge co., Que., on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, 30 miles S.W. of Three Rivers It contains a telegraph office and several stores Pop. 250.

MASKINONGE BRIDGE, Maskinonge co., Que. See Pont de Maskinonge.

MASSAWIPPI, a post village in Stanstead co., Que., on Massawippi Lake, with a station on the M. V. R., 16 miles from Sherbrooke. It contains 4 stores, grist, saw and carding mills. Pop. 250.

MASSIE, a post office in Grey co., Ont., 6 miles from Chatsworth.

MASSTOWN, a post settlement in Colchester co., N.S., 4 miles from Debert. Pop. 250.

MASTIN'S CORNERS, Simcoe co., Ont. See Lavender.

.MAT AXE, a post village in Rimouski co., Que., on the south shore of the St. Lawrence, at the mouth of the Matane river, 33 miles from Metis. It contains a telegraph office, several saw and grist mills, and 6 stores. The Matane river abounds with salmon and trout. Pop. 300.

MATAPEDIAC, a post village in Bonaventure co., Que., at the confluence of the Matapediac and Restigouche Rivers, with a station on the I. R., 95 miles from Ste. Flavie. It contains a telegraph office, and is much frequented by sportsmen for its salmon fishing. Pop. 150.

MATATAL'S LAKE, a post village in Colchester co., N.S., on the French river, 9 miles from Wentworth, 8 miles from Tatamagouche harbor. It contains 2 churches, 9 stores, 2 hotels, 9 saw mills and 4 grist mills. Pop. 400.

MATAWACHAN, a post settlement in Renfrew co., Ont., 47 miles from Renfrew. Pop. 130.

MATAWAN, a small island in the River St. Maurice, Que.

MATHER, a post office in Peterborough co., Ont., 9 miles from Peter-borough.

MATILDA, Dundas co., Ont. See Iroquois.

MATLOCK, a post settlement in Lambton co., Ont., 4 miles from Wyoming. Pop. 50.

MATTAWA, a post village in the district of Nipissing, Ont., at the confluence of the Mattawa with the Ottawa River, 55 miles N.W. of Rapides des Joachims. It is a post of the Hudson's Bay Company, and a depot of supplies for the lumbermen in that remote district. It contains a Roman Catholic church, 2 stores, 1 hotel and a saw mill. Pop. 50.

MAUGERVILLE, a post village in Sunbury co., N.B., on the north shore of the River St. John, 12 miles N.E. of Fredericton. It contains 2 churches, 1 store, and a shipyard. Pop. 300.

MAVILLET, a settlement in Digby co., N.S., 18 miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 240.

MAWCOOK, a post village in Shefford co., Que., on a branch of the Black river, 6 miles from Granby. It contains 4 paw mills, a tannery, and 1 6tores. Pop. 200.

MAXWELL, a post village in Grey co., Ont., on the Durham post road, 21 miles from Collingwood. It contains 3 stores, 2 hotels, and a telegraph office. Pop. 100.

MAYFAIR, a post office in Middle-sex co., Out., 4 miles from Appiu.

MAYFIELD, a post village in Peel Co., Out., 8 miles from Brampton. Pop. 80.

MAYNARD, or HODGE'S CORNERS, a post village in Grenville co., Ont., 5 miles from Prescott. Pop. 170.

MAYNOOTH, or DOYLE'S CORNERS, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., 92 miles back of Belleville. It contains 2 stores.

MAYO, a post village in Ottawa co., Que., 8 miles from Buckingham. Pop. 100.

MEADOW BROOK, a station on the I. R., in Westmorland co., N.B., 5 miles from Painsec Junction.

MEADOWS, a small settlement in Northumberland co., N.B., 16 miles from Newcastle.

MEADOWVALE, a thriving post village in Peel co., Ont., on the River Credit, 6 miles from Brampton. It possesses good water power, and contains flour, oatmeal and saw mills, 3 stores, and a telegraph office. Pop. 300.

MEAFORD, formerly ST. VINCENT, a flourishing post village in Grey co., Ont., at the mouth of Big Head river in Georgian Bay, and at the northern terminus of the N. R., 22 miles from Collingwood. It contains a telegraph office, 6 hotels, a number of stores, 2 printing offices, several flour and saw mills, a pottery, manufactories of woolens, iron castings, boots and shoes, wooden ware, leather, fanning mills, carriages, wagons, &c. ; and has a large export trade in grain and country produce. Pop. 1,200.

MEAGHER'S GRANT, a post village in Halifax co., N.S., on the Musquodoboit river, 25 miles from Lower Stewiacke. It contains 2 saw mills.

MEALY MOUNTAINS, a chain of hills in Labrador, near its E. coast, between Cape Charles and Sandwich Bay. Estimated height 1,480 feet.

MECCATINA ISLES, two small islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, off the N. coast.

MECHANICS SETTLEMENT, a post settlement in Kings co., N.B., 11 miles from Penobsquis. Pop. 250.

MECHINS, Rimouski co., Que. See Dalibaire.

MEDFORD, a post village in Kings co., N.S., on Minas Basin, 11 miles from Port Williams Station. Pop. 200.

MEDINA, a post village in Oxford co., Out., 8 miles from St. Marys. Pop. 05.

MEDINA, York co., Ont. See Keswick.

MEDONTE, a post office in Simcoe co., Ont., 17 miles from Orillia.

MEDUXNIKEAG, Carleton co., N.B. See Lindsay.

MEGANTIC, a county in the eastern part of Quebec, bounded on the S.E. by the State of Maine, and comprising an area of 475,740 acres. In this county are Lakes St. Francis and William. Capital, Leeds Village. Pop. 18,S78.

MEGUASHA, Bonaventure co., Que. See Nouvelle.

MEKINAC, a post office in Champlain co., Que., 30 miles from Batiscan.

MELANCTHON, a post village in Grey co., Out., 20 miles from Orangeville. Pop. 35.

MELBOURNE, a flourishing post village in Richmond co., Que., on the west bank of the St. Francis river, 25 miles N.N.W. of Sherbrooke, and 1 mile from Richmond Junction. A bridge spans the St. Francis at this point connecting Melbourne and Richmond. Melbourne contains 4 churches, several stores, a chair factory, bark factory, saw mill, tannery, &c. There are valuable copper mines and slate quarries in the vicinity. Pop. 270.

MELBOURNE, Middlesex co., Ont. See Longwood.

MELBOURNE RIDGE, a post village in Richmond co., Que., 9 miles from Melbourne. It contains a saw mill, and 3 stores. Chief trade, butter and cattle. Pop. 125.

MELOCHEVILLE or TEOHANTE, a post village in Beauharnois co., Que., at the outlet of the Beauharnois Canal in Lake St. Louis, 30 miles from Montreal. It contains a foundry, flour mills, telegraph office, and 4 stores. Pop. 400.

MELROSE, a post village in Guysborough co., N.S., on St. Mary's river, 88 miles from Shubenacadie. Gold is found here. Pop. 120.

MELROSE, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., 6 miles from Shannonville. Pop. 100.

MELROSE, a small village in Kings co., P.E.I. , 7 miles from Georgetown. Fop. 100.

MELROSE, a village in Middlesex co., Out., 4 miles from Komoka. Pop. 150.

MELVERN SQUARE, a post village and settlement in Annapolis co., N.S., on the south side of the North Mountains, 4 miles from Wilmot. It contains 3 stores. Pop. 400.

MELVILLE, a post village in Prince Edward co., Ont., on Consecon Lake, 13 miles from Belleville. It contains several stores, 1 grist mill, and 2 saw mills. Pop. 80.

MELVILLE, a village in Peel co., Ont., 2½ miles from Orangeville. It contains grist and saw mills. Pop. 100.

MELVILLE ISLANDS, the western most of the Georgian Islands, North West Territories, in the Arctic Ocean. Lat. 75° N., lon. 110° W. They were discovered by Captain Parry who wintered here in 1818-20. In 1851 its S. and S.W. shores were explored by Lieutenant McClintock, and its S.E. shores by Mr. Bradford, in search of Sir John Franklin.

MELVILLE'S MILLS, Huron co., Ont. See Bandon.

MEMRAMCOOK, a post village in Westmorland co., N.B., on Memramcook river, with a station on the I. R., 19 miles from Moncton. It contains a telegraph office, and 11 stores. There is a larg3 Roman Catholic church and college 3 miles from the station. Pop. 200.

MENIE or SEYMOUR EAST, a post village in Northumberland co., Ont., 24 miles from Belleville. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 150.

MERASHEEN, a fishing settlement in the district of Placentia and St. Marys, Nfld., on the southern portion of an island of the same name, 18 miles from Placentia. Pop. 180.

MERIGOM1SH, a seaport of Nova Scotia, Pictou co., on Northumberland Strait, 13 miles from New Glasgow. It contains 2 stores and a large saw mill. A considerable quantity of timber is shipped from this port annually. Coal and iron are found in. extensive beds in the vicinity Shipbuilding is largely engaged in Pop 400.

MERIVALE, a post office in Carleton co., Ont., 8 miles from Ottawa.

MERLAND, Antigonish co., N.S. See Black Lauds (Antigonish.)

MERLIN, or SMITH'S CORNERS, a post village in Kent co., Ont., 9 miles from Charing Cross. Pop. 75.

MERNERSVILLE, Bruce co., Ont. See Mildmay.

MERRICKVILLE, an incorporated village in Grenville co., Out., on the Rideau canal, 26 miles E. of Perth, 18 miles from Kemptville. It possesses extensive water power, and contains several churches and hotels, telegraph and insurance agencies, a printing office issuing a weekly newspaper, 3 hotels, 12 or 15 stores, saw, grist and shingle mills, 3 iron foundries, a woolen factory, &c. Pop. 923.

MERRITTON, or THOROLD STATION, a flourishing post village in Lincoln co., Ont., on the Welland canal, with a station on the G. W. R., 34 miles from Hamilton. It contains several churches, 2 cotton mills, a paper mill, saw and gristmills, several stores and hotels, and a telegraph office. Pop. 1,000.

MERRITTSVILLE, Welland co., Ont. See Welland.

MERSEA, a post office in Essex co., Ont., 41 miles from Windsor.

METABETCHOUAN, a post office in Chicoutimi co., Que., 63 miles from Chicoutimi.

METAGHAN, a post village in Digby co., N.S., on St. Mary's Bay, 40 miles from Digby. Pop. 200.

METAGHAN RIVER, a post settlement in Digby co., N.S., on the Metaghan River, 43 miles from Digby. Pop. 300.

METCALFE, Russell co., Ont. See Osgoode.

METCHOSIN, a settlement on Vancouver Island, B.0-, on the Strait of Fuca, W. of Esquimalt.

METHOTS MILLS, a post village in Lotbinière co., Que., en the G. T. R., 30 miles S.W. of Quebec. Considerable quantities of lumber are annually shipped from here. It has a telegraph office, 1 store and several saw mills. Pop. 75.

METIS, a post village in Rimouski co., Que., on the south shore of the St. Lawrence, and on the I. R., 94½ miles from Riviere du Loup en has. It contains a Roman Catholic church, a telegraph office, 7 stores and several mills, and has a good trade in grain and lumber. Pop. 250.

METZ, a post office in Wellington co., Out.. 8 miles from Fergus.

Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America, Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873


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