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La Baie to Latimer, Canada

LA BAIE, or LA BAIE DU FEBVRE, or ST. ANTOINE DE LA BALE DU FEBVRE, a post village in Yamaska co., Que., on the S. shore of Lake St Peter, 82 miles N.E. of Montreal. It contains a telegraph office and 8 stores. Pop. 800.

LABARRE, or HEBERTVILLE, a post village in Chicoutimi co., Que., on the S. shore of the Saguenay river, 45 miles from Chicoutimi. It contains 6 stores and several saw and grist mills. Pop. 300.

LA BEAUCE, or STE. MARIE, a flourishing post village in Beauce co., Que., on the S. shore of the River Chaudiere, 30i miles from Quebec. It contains a number of mills and stores, a fine college, 4 hotels, an iron foundry, several tanneries, and copper and manganese mines. Pop. 1,000.

LABELLE, a small settlement in Queens co., N.S., 23 miles from Liverpool. Pop. 30.

LABRADOR, an extensive peninsula on the E. coast of British North America, lat. from 50° to 65° N., and Ion. 56° to 78° W., bounded on the southeast and east by the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic; on the north and west by Hudson's Strait and Hudson's Bay; and on the southwest by Rupert's River, Lake Mistassini and Betsiamites river. Extreme length 1,100 miles; breadth 470 miles. Area estimated at 450,000 square miles; or about equal to the British Islands, France and Prussia combined. Blanc Sablon, near the mouth of the North West river, is the eastern boundary of the Canadian part of this great peninsula, which includes tie whole area draining into the river and Gulf of St. Lawrence. The portion belonging to Newfoundland is roughly defined as that which is drained by rivers flowing into the Atlantic. The remaining area, draining into Hudson's Bay, is called East Main, and is included in the North West Territories of the Dominion of Canada.

'The interior of Labrador is very imperfectly known. Professor Hind, who explored it, describes it thus: " The tableland is 2,240 feet above the ocean at the sources of the east branch of the Moisic. It is preeminently sterile, and where the country is not burned cariboo moss covers the rocks. In the hollows and deep ravines are to be found stunted spruce, birch and aspens. The whole of the table-land is strewed with an infinite number of boulders, sometimes three and four deep. These singular erraties are perched on the summit of every mountain and hill, often on the edges of cliffs, and they vary in size from one foot to twenty feet in diameter. Language fails to paint the awful desolation of the tableland of the Labrador peninsula."

The principal water shed is formed by the Wotchish Mountains sending the water which gathers on its side West, North and East. The principal rivers are the East Main or Studs which flows nearly due west into the southeast extremity of James Bay; the Great and Little Whale Rivers, which flow in the same direction and fall into the southeast extremity of Hudson's Bay; the Kenoganissee and Koksonk, which flowing respectively northeast and northwest, unite their streams and fall. into the Ungava or South Bay, off the S.E. of Hudson's Strait. and the Meschickemau or North West River, which flows east into the Strait of Belleisle. The lakes arc very numer­ous, almost every river forming several by expanding during its course. The largest are Clear Water, in the west, which discharges itself by a stream of the same name into Hudson's Bay; Mistassini in the south, and Meschickemau, an expansion of the river of the same name.

The prevailing rocks on the coast are granite, gneiss and mica-slate. Above these, in some parts, is a bed of old red sandstone, about 200 feet thick, followed by secondary limestone. Towards the interior, the secondary for­mations disappear, and the primary become predominant. The surface, when seen at a distance from the sea, has a green and alluvial appearance, but is found, on examination, to bo covered with moss and stunted shrubs, In the valleys, where the soil is sandy, and the temperature considerably above the average, juniper, birch and poplar trees are found growing, and form a covert during the summer for deer, bears, wolves, foxes, martens, otters, &c., till the approach of winter drives them to the coast.

The climate is to severe to ripen any of the ordinary cereals.  Barley, sown and cut green, makes excellent fodder; potatoes and several species of culinary vegetables are said to do well. The whole of the vast wilderness is uninhabited by civilized man, with the exception of a few settlements on the St. Lawrence and Atlantic coasts and some widely separated posts of the Hudson's Bay Company. Wandering tribes of Esquimaux occupy the northern coast of Labrador, while nomad tribes of Naskepees, Mistassini and Montagnais Indians are thinly scattered over the interior.  The exports which are chiefly through Newfoundland, are codfish, salmon, seal and whale oil and furs. Once the country was rich in fur bearing animals and Cariboo or reindeer, but these are now greatly reduced in numbers. On the eastern side hardly anything is known beyond the coast, which has been carefully surveyed by Capt. Bayfield.  Before his day it was on this bleak and dangerous coast that the great navigator, Captain Cook, first displayed those talents as a marine surveyor which gained for him the patronage of Sir Hugh Palliser, and drew public attention to his extraordinary enterprise.  His charts of Newfoundland, Labrador and the Straits of Belleisle are to this day a convincing proof of his fidelity, genius and discernment.

The Indians who inhabit the interior of Labrador ace all tribes of the once great Algonquin race, whose domains extended, before the arrival of the "palefaces," from the Rocky Mountains to Newfoundland, and from Labrador to the Carolinas. The aborigines of Newfoundland belonged to this widespread race of red men. The Montagnais or Mountaineers as they are commonly called, occupied the country along the lower St. Lawrence and the Gulf; the Scoffis, Naskepees and Mistassini are the Algonquins of Labrador proper, and coterminous with the Esquimaux. The Mountaineers, or "Hunting Indians" of Labrador, once formed a "great nation, and could bring into the field a thousand warriors to repel the incursions of the Esquimaux, with whom they were constantly at war, and for whom they have still a bitter hatred and contempt.

They are slothful when not excited by war or the chase, cruel, revengeful and superstitious. Nearly all of them, like the Micmacs of Nova Scotia, profess the Roman Catholic faith; but they have imbibed little of the spirit of Christianity. They bring down furs to the settlements on the coast, and exchange them for ammunition and clothing. In the use of firearms they are very expert; but they are frequently compelled, by a scarcity of ammunition, to recur for support to then original weapons, the bow and arrow, and with these they can kill a flying partridge at forty yards distance. Their canoes are made of birch-bark, and their sledges of a thin birch board, shod with slips of bone. The Mountaineers draw their own sledges, as their dogs are but small and used only for the purpose of hunting.

The Esquimaux of Labrador live almost entirely by fishing. They are partially Christianized and civilized through the praiseworthy exertions of Moravian missionaries. They exchange furs, oil and whalebone for ammunition, guns and clothing at the European settlements. They are mild, hospitable and honest. They are well provided with a peculiar breed of dogs, voracious and fierce, and so like wolves that they might easily be mistaken for these animals. In winter the Esquimaux travel with these dogs over the snow at the rate of from six to ten miles an hour; each sledge is drawn by ten or twelve dogs: yoked two and two, a pair of the most sagacious being placed in front as leaders, and the whole guided by a long whip, without reins, the lash extending to the foremost dogs. Their huts are, in winter, embanked with turf and moss, excepting a small casement of oiled seal skin at the top. Without any fire but a lamp, these inhabitations are as warm as an oven. The passionate attachment of the Esquimaux to their frozen seas and icy plains is wonderful. They infinitely prefer their storm-beaten shores to the gentle waves and cerulean skies of more temperate regions. It is clear that they are a totally different race from the Red Indians of America. The Esquimaux are stunted in stature and essentially Mongolian in physiognomy, having a flattened nose, prominent profile and copper-colored skin It is remarkable that the Esquimaux is the only family common to the Old World and the New.

During the brief Labrador summer the whole coast, for five hundred miles north of the Straits of Belleisle, swarms with fishermen from Newfoundland, Nova Scotia,, Quebec, and the United Slates. They are engaged in the capture and care of cod, salmon and herring. The total value of these fisheries is not less than a million sterling. Most of the fishermen who frequent Labrador in summer are from Newfoundland. They proceed to the various fishing stations along the coast, in small vessels, oft n taking their families along with them, and reside ashore in temporary huts. They arrive about the end of June, when the ice is pretty well cleared away from the coast, and remain till the first or second week in October. A considerable part of the cod, salmon and herring is shipped by the supplying merchants direct from Labrador to foreign ports, but more of it is taken to St. John's, Harbor Grace and other places, where it is stored to be shipped according to the demand of foreign markets.

Bleak and savage as are the shores of Labrador, yet their appearance or aspect is often picturesque and grand, and sometimes strangely beautiful.

At Cape Chateau is a series of basaltic columns, wrought into the shape of an ancient castle (hence its name,} the turrets, arches, loop-holes and keeps all beautifully represented Here are materials for an artist not less attractive than the renowned Cave of Fingal. The famous Labrador feldspar is well known, and is abundant near I he European settlements on the southern portion of the peninsula of Labrador.

Labrador was discovered by Cabot in 1496; aid re-discovered by Hudson in 1610 The European settlements, all on the east coast, consist of Forteau and Bradore Bays, Anse Le Blanc, and the Moravian stations Main, Okhak, Hopedale and Hebron. The Hudson's Bay Company have several settlements in Labrador and receive many valuable furs from it. The total population is supposed to be about 5,000.

LABRADOR, the N.E. portion of the province of Quebec, bounded on the S. by the River and Gulf of St. Lawrence, on the N. by the North West Territories, on the E. by that part of Labrador belonging to Newfoundland, and on the W. by the counties of Chicoutimi and Saguenay Area 35,856,353 acres. Pop, 3,699.

L'ACADIE, a post, village in St. Johns co., Que., on Little Montreal river, and on the G. T. R , (Champlain division,) 20½ miles S.E. of Montreal. It contains a fulling and carding mill, several stores, an hotel, and a telegraph office. Pop. 500.

LA CANARDIERE, a scattered village in Quebec co., Que., on the north shore of the River St. Charles, opposite the city of Quebec. It contains the Beauport Lunatic Asylum. Pop. 500.

LACHENAIE, or ST. CHARLES DU LAC, a post village in L'Assomption co., Que., on the north side of Jesus River, 4½ miles from Terrebonne. It contains an extensive steam grist and saw mill. Pop. 300.

LACHINE, an incorporated town in Jacques Cartier co., Que., on Lake St. Louis, and on the G. T. R., (Province Line division,) 8 .miles from Montreal. It is the summer residence of many Montrealers, and a favorite resort of pleasure parties during the winter. It contains a large tannery, two telegraph agencies, a convent, several stores, a brewery, hotels, churches, schools,

LACHINE Junction, a station on the G.T.R., 2 miles from Montreal.

LACHUTE, the chief town of the co. of Argenteuil, Que., is situated on the North River, 10 miles from Carillon, 45 miles N. of Montreal.  It contains a telegraph office, a gristmill, a tannery, 4 stores, 2 churches and 3 hotels. Pop. 600.

LAC LA HACHE, a post office in the district of Lilloet, B.C., 307 miles from New Westminster.

LAC MASKINONGE, a post village in Berthier en., Que., on a lake of the same name, 66 miles N. of Montreal. See St. Gabriel de Brandon.

LAC MASSON, or STE. MARGUER­ITE, a thriving post village in Terrebounee co., Que., on the west side of Lac Masson, 57 miles N. of Montreal. It contains saw and grist mills. Pop. 650.

LAC NOIR, a post village in L'Islet co., Que., 11 miles from St. Jean Port Joli. Pop. 40.

LACOLLE, a post village in St. Johns co., Que., on the Richelieu river, and on the G. T. R., (Champlain division,) 44 miles S.E. of Montreal. It contains a telegraph office, an iron foundry, several mills and factories, 3 churches, 6 hotels, and about a dozen stores. Lacolle is a port of entry. Total value of imports for 1872 $8,578 ; ex­ports $19,432. In 1812 a battle was fought here between the British and American troops, which resulted in the defeat of the latter. In 18?7, the rebels had possession of the village, but in 1838 they were defeated and a number of them captured. Pop. of village 750; of parish 3,307.

LAC ST. JEAN, Chicoutimi co., Que. See Roberval.

LAFONTAINE, a post office in Sim­coe co., Ont., 9 miles from Penetanguishene.

LAGGAN, a post village in Glen­garry co., Ont., 19 miles from Lancaster. It. contains 3 stores and a saw mill. Pop. 100.

LA GRANGE, a small village in Missisquoi co., Que., 11 miles from Frelighsburg. It contains a carding mill. Pop. 100.

LA GUERRE, a post village in Huntingdon co., Que., on the La Guerre river, 3 miles from St. Anicet. Pop. 100.

LA HAVE CROSS ROADS, a post office in Lunenburg co., N.S., on the La Have River, 16 miles from Lunenburg.

LA HAVE FERRY, Lunenburg co., N.S. See Middle La Have Ferry.

LA HAVE RIVER, or EAST DUB­LIN, a post village in Lunenburg co., N.S., 2 miles from Lunenburg. Pop. 80.

L'AIGLE, an island of the province of Quebec, formed by the confluence of the Prairie and St. Lawrence Rivers, 12 miles below Montreal.

LAKE AINSLIE, (EAST,) a post settlement in Inverness co., N.S., on the east side of Lake Ainslie, 12 miles from Whycocomah. Pop. 150.

LAKE AINSLIE, (SOUTH,) a post settlement in Inverness co., N.S., on the south side of Lake Ainslie, 4 miles from Whycocomah. Pop. 100.

LAKE AINSLIE, (WEST,) a post settlement in Inverness co., N.S., on the west, side of Lake Ainslie, 18 miles from Mabon Harbor. Pop. 150.

LAKE AYLMER, or STRATFORD, a post village in Wolfe co., Que., on Maskinongé Brook, 55 miles from Lennoxville. It possesses good water power, and contains several stores and mills. Pop. 150.

LAKE BEAUPORT, or ST. DUNSTAN, a post settlement in Quebec co., Que., 13 miles from Quebec. Pop. 70.

LAKE DISTRICT, a small settlement in Albert co., N.B., 1 miles from Harvey Corner. Pop. 50.

LAKE DORE, a post village in Renfrew co., Ont., 18 miles from Pembroke. It has an hotel and a sawmill.

LAKE ETCHEMIN, or ST. GERMAINE, a post village in Dorchester co., Que., on Lake Etchemin, 36 miles from St. Henri de Lauzon. It contains 4 saw mills and 1 grist mill, and has a large lumber trade. Pop. 250.

LAKEFIELD, a post settlement in Kings co., N.B„ 11 miles from Sussex Vale. Pop. 100.

LAKEFIELD, or NORTH DOURO, a flourishing post village in Peter­borough co., Ont., at the head of the Otonabee river, and on the 11I. R., 40 miles from Port Hope. It possesses extensive water power privileges, and contains a telegraph office, woolen factory, several saw and grist mills, 3 churches, 8 or 9 stores, and 2 hotels. Pop. 300.

LAKEFIELD, or THE GORE, a post village in Argenteuil co., Que., 9 miles from Lachute. It contains a church, a store, and a flouring mill. Pop. 50.

LAKE GEORGE, a post settlement in Kings co., N.S., on the top of South Mountain, 12 miles from Aylesford. Pop. 100.

LAKE GEORGE, a post settlement in Yarmouth co., N.S., 7 miles from Beaver River, 21 miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 175

LAKE GEORGE, a post settlement in York co., N.B., 4 miles from Lower Prince William. It has an antimony mine Pop. 100.

LAKEHURST, a post office in Peterborough co., Ont., 19 miles from Lakefield

LAKELANDS, a post office in Cumberland co., N.S., 19 miles from Athol.

LAKELANDS, a small settlement in Hants co., N.S., 4 miles from Mount Uniacke. Pop. 59.

LAKE LARRON (or LAURENT), a small settlement in Quebec co., Que., near Lake St. Charles, 17 miles from Quebec. Pop. 50.

LAKE LAW, a post office in Inverness co., N.S., 30 miles from Baddeck.

LAKELET, a post village in Huron co., Out., 5 miles from Clifford. It contains a saw mill and a woolen factory. Pop. 100.

LAKE MEGANTIC, a post village in Compton co., Que., on the St. Francis and Lake 3legantic International railway, 65 miles from Lennoxville. It contains an hotel and 2 stores. Pop. 100

LAKE MUNGER, a hamlet in Norfolk co., 0 it. It has a cheese factory.

LAKE OPINICON, a post office in Frontenac co., Ont., 34 miles from Kingston.


LAKE REGION, a section of country west of the highlands at the head of Lake Superior, on the streams tributary to Rainy Lake, which are so numerous that it would be difficult to say whether the country would be better described as one vast lake with ridges of land running through it, or as laid everywhere intersected by water. The lakes are studded with wooded islands which are so sheltered that the smallest canoes are rarely windbound.

LAKE ROAD, a post office in Cumberland co , N S

LAKE ROAD, a station on the G. T. R.. in Temiscouata co., Que., 121 miles east of Quebec

LAKE SETTLEMENT, a post settlement in Kent co., N B., 22 miles from Chatham. Pop. 100.

LAKESIDE, a post village in Oxford co., Ont., 10 miles from St. Marys. It contains 1 store and a grist mill. Pop100.

LAKESIDE, a small settlement in Digby co., N.S., on Digby Neck, 17 miles from Digby. Pop. 100.

LAKE ST. CHARLES, a village and settlement in Quebec co., Que., 10 miles from Quebec. There is a remark­able echo at the Lake, which, in like other echoes, tarries some few seconds before repeating the sound uttered ; and this in its turn is re-echoed from another quarter as though the nymph of the lake were summoning the dryads of the neighboring woods to join the sport, Pop 500.

LAKE TEMISCAMINGUE, a post office and post of the Hudson's Bay Company in Pontiac co , Que., 90 miles from Mattawa.

LAKEVALE, or MORR1STOWN, a post settlement in Antigonish co., N S., on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 11 miles from Antigonish. Pop. 200.

LAKEVIEW, Huron co, Ont. See Johnston's Mills.

LAKEVILLE, a post settlement in Carleton co., N.B., 18 miles from Woodstock. Pop. 130.

LAKEVILLE, a post village in Kings co., N S., 9 miles from Kentville It contains a tannery and 3 stores. Pop. 200.

LAKEVILLE, Halifax co., N.S. See East Jeddore.

LAKEVILLE CORNER or FRENCH LAKE, a post village in Sunbury co., N.B., on French Lake, 3 miles from Sheffield. It contains 3 stores, I church, 1 hotel, 1 saw mill, 1 grist mill, 1 tannery and a shoe factory. Pop. 60.

LAKE WEEDON, a post settlement in Wolfe co., Que., 39 miles from Sherbrooke. Pop. 40.

LALLY COVE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Fortune Bay, Nfld., 10 miles from Belleorem. Pop. 80.

L'AMABLE, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., 70 miles N. of Belleville. Pop 100.

LAMALINE, a post town and port of entry in the district of Burin, Nfld., 40 miles from Burin. It has a considerable trade with St. Pierre. Pop. 310.

LA MANCHE, a mining settlement in the district of Placentia, Nfld., 12 miles from Little Placentia. A lead mine has been worked here with varying success for the past 14 years. Pop. 328.

LA MANCHE TO CAPE RACE, an extent of coast of about 20 miles embracing several small fishing settlements on the S.W. coast of Newfound land. The coast is very rugged and has been the scene of many shipwrecks Pop. 14.

LA MANCHE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Ferryland, Nfld. 32 miles from St John's. Pop 27.

L'AMAROUX, a post village in York co., Out., 6 miles from Scarborough. Pop. 250.

LAMBETH, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., 6 miles from London. It contains 1 hotel and 4 stores Pop. 250.

LAMBIE'S MILLS, Megantic co., Quo See Kinnear's Mills

LAMBTON, a county of Ontario bordering upon the S. portion of Lake Huron The St. Clair river forms its western boundary. Area 501,671 acres This county contains extensive petroleum wells, and is traversed by the Grand Trunk and Great Western railways. Capital, Sarnia Pop 31,994.

LAMBTON or PORT LAMBTON, small village in Lambton co., Ont., on the River St Clair, 23 miles from Goderich It contains a telegraph office 4 hotels 5 stores and several mills and factories Pop. 150.

LAMBTON or ST VITAL DE LAMBTON a thriving post village in Beauce co. Que., in rear of Lake St. Francis 36 miles from St. Francois, the county town. It contains 3 saw mills, 2 grist mills a tannery, 4 stores and extensive sugaries. Pop. 410.

LAMBTON York co. Ont See Etobtcoke

LAMEQUE, a post settlement in Gloucester co. N.B, 10 miles from Shippegan

LAMMERMOOR York co, Ont See Nobleton

LANARK a county in the eastern part of Ontario comprising an area of 706,028 acres. is drained by numerous small rivers; among which are the Clyde the Mississippi and the Rideau, and traversed by the Brockville and Ottawa railway Capital Perth Pop 32,920

LANARK. a flourishing post village in the above county, on the River Clyde, 12 miles N W of Perth. It contains a telegraph office, 2 hotels, about 11 stores several mills a woolen factory, and an iron foundry and has a large trade in lumber. Pop 740

LANCASTER a post village in Glengarry co., Ont  on the River St Lawrence 16 miles E. of Cornwall, and a mile from the station on the G. T. R , 54 miles W. of Montreal Attached to it, is another village called Riviere Raisin or New Lancaster, which see. Lancaster is a landing place of the Corn mall and Montreal steamers and contains 2 telegraph agencies and several stores Pop. 250

LANCASTER, or SOUTH BAY, a village in St. John co.. N.B., on the E. N. A R , S miles from St. John It contains a saw mill and 2 stores. Pop. 200.

LANCE COVE, a fishing settlement in the district of Trinity, Nfld , 47 miles from Harbor Grace. Pop. 75.

LANCE COVE, a small fishing set­tlement in the district of Burgeo mid La Poile, Nfld.. :it the entrance to LaHune Bay 33 miles from Burgeo. Pop.

LANG. formerly ALLANDALE MILLS, a post village in Peterborough co., Ont., on Indian river, 21 miles from Keene. It contains several saw and grist mills, a carding mill, and a barrel hoop factory. Pop. 175.

LANGEVIN, or STE. JUSTINE, a post village in Dorchester co., Que., 12 miles from Lake Etchemin, 61 miles from St, Henri. It contains several mills, and a large monastery of the Trappist Fathers. Pop. 150.

LANGFORD, a post village in Brant co., Ont., on Sage's Creek, 8 miles from Brantford. It contains 2 stores and 2 saw mills. Pop 120.

LANGLEY. a post village in the dis­trict of New Westminster, B.C., on the Fraser river, 15 miles from New Westminster. It contains two churches, a public school, 2 stores, and a cooperase for the manufacture of salmon barrels. The steamer plying between New Westminster and Yale calls here every trip. Langley is the centre of an extensive agricultural settlement. The land here is considered to be the most productive of any in British Columbia, especially in cereals and bulbs, 40 bushels of wheat, 17 tons of potatoes, and 30 tons of turnips being the average returns per acre Salmon River, a tributary of the Fraser, in the vicinity of the village, is well stocked with speckled trout, and is a great resort for anglers during the summer months. Pop 200

LANGSIDE a post settlement in Bruce co, Ont miles from Lucknow. Pop 100.

LANGSTAFF, a post village in York co.. Ont., 2½ miles from Richmond Hill. Pop. 125.

LANGTON, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., 13 miles from Tilsonburg. It contains 2 stores, 2 saw mills and a shingle mill. Pup. 60.

ANORAIE, a thriving post village in Berthier co., Que., on the River St. Lawrence, 41 miles N.E. of Montreal It contains several stores and mills, and has a considerable trade in flour, grain and cordwood. A railroad connects Lanoraie with Joliette. Pop. 600.

LANSDOWNE, a post village in Leeds co., Ont., on the G. T. R., 146¼ miles west of Montreal. It contains a telegraph office, 6 stores, 2 hotels and a steam saw mill. Pop. 250.

L'ANSE A GILES, a post village in L'Islet co., Que., on the south shore of the St. Lawrence, and on the G. T. R., 59 miles E. of Quebec. Pop. 250.

L'ANSE A L'EAU, a picturesque lit­tle harbor near Tadousac, and the entrance to the Saguenay River. It contains a custom house, post office, a store and a saw mill, and is the landing place of the steamers plying between Quebec and Ha! Ha! Bay. Near to it is a mineral spring, the waters of which are considered very efficacious in certain chronic diseases.

L'ANSE AU FO1N, or ST. FULGENCE, a post village in Chicoutimi co., Que., on the north shore of the Saguenay River. 10 miles from Chicoutimi. Pop. 60.

L'ANSE AUX GRIFFON, a post office in Gaspe co., Que., 12 miles from Grande Grève, 28 miles from Gaspe Basin.

L'ANSE ST. JEAN, a post office in Chicoutimi co., Que., 48 miles from Murray Bay.

L'ANSE VALLEE, a small village in Gaspe co., Que., 98 miles from Ste. Anne des Monts, 179 miles from Metis.

LANSING, a post village in York co., Ont., 44 miles from Weston. It contains 2 stores and a flouring mills. Pop 150

LANTY'S, a post office in Lunenburg co., N S , 9 miles from Dalhousie Road. 45 miles from Kentville.

LA PETITE RIVIERE ST FRANCOIS. a post office in Charlevoix co., Que., 10 miles from St Paul's Bay.

LA PIGEONNIERE, also called ST MICHEL ARCHANGE, a thriving post village in Napierville co , Que , on the G.T.R., (Champlain division,) 25 miles from Montreal. it contains 5 or 6 stores, 2 hotels, a telegraph office, and a church. Pop. 600.

LAPLAND, a small settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S., on the La Have river, 12 miles from Bridgewater Pop. 130.

LA PLANTE, a fishing settlement in the district of Burgeo and La Poile, Nfld., 2½ miles from La Poile Pop 108.

LA POILE, a post town and fishing settlement in the district of Burgeo and La Poile, Nfld., 338 miles from St. John's. A steamer runs between here and St. John's once a fortnight, Pop. 65.

LAPRAIRIE, a county of Quebec, bordering on Hie Diver St. Lawrence, opposite the Island of Montreal. Area 110,606 acres. It is traversed by the Champlain division of the Grand Trunk railway. Capital, Laprairie. Pop. 11,861.

LAPRAIRIE, the chief town of the co. of Laprairie, is situated on the south shore of the River St. Lawrence, 7 miles from Montreal. It contains a telegraph office, churches for the Episcopalians and Roman Catholic, 8 hotels and a dozen stores. The first railway in British North America was constructed from here to St. Johns in 1836. It was first run by horses, then by steam, but was discontinued on the construction of the Champlain road, and the rails removed. A steam ferry runs between Laprairie and Montreal three times a day. Pop. 1259.

LA PRESENTATION, a post village in St. Hyacinthe co., Que., 6 miles from St. Hyacinthe. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 300.

LAPUM, a post office in Frontenac co., Ont., 6 miles from Inverary. 18 miles from Kingston.

L'ARDOISE, a post village in Richmond co., N.S., 8 miles from St. Peters, 44 miles from Port Hawkesbury. It contains 5 or 6 stores. Pop 200.

L'ARCHEVEQUE, a settlement in Richmond co., N.S., on Grand River, 20 miles from St. Peters. Pop. 100

LARGIE, a post village in Elgin co., Ont., 7 miles from Iona. Pop.100.

LAROCHELLE, a post settlement in Megantic co., Que., 6 miles from Stanfold. Pop. 50.

LARRY'S RIVER, a post office in Guysborough co., N.S., 13 miles from Molasses Harbors:,

LA SCIE, a small fishing station on the French shore, Nfld., 18 miles from Tilt Cove. It has a good harbor. Pop. 20.

LASKAY, a post village in York co., Ont., on the east branch of the Humber river, 2 miles from King. It contains 1 store and a steam saw mill. Pop. 150.

L'ASSOMPTION, a county in the W. part of Quebec, bordering on the River St Lawrence. Area 158,761 acres It is watered by the Mascouche, Achigan and L'Assomption Rivers. Capital, L'Assomption. Pop. 15,473.

L'ASSOMPTION, the chief town of L'Assomption co., Que., is situated on a peninsula formed by the L'Assomption River, 24 miles N. of Montreal. It contains about 20 stores, a telegraph office, a college, and a church for the Roman Catholics. Steamers run daily, in summer, between Montreal and L'Assomption. Pop. 1,210.

LATERRIERE, or GRAND BRULE, a post village in Chicoutimi co., Que., 12 miles from Chicoutimi. It contains 1 store and a saw mill. Pop. 225.

LATIMER, a post office in Frontenac co., Ont., 15 miles from Kingston.

Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America, Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873


Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America

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