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Eagle to Elginfield, Canada

EAGLE, a post village in Elgin co., Out., 18 miles from Newbury. It contains a saw and planing mill, 1 store and 2 hotels. Pop. 150.

EAGLE HEAD, a small village in Queens co., N.S., 7 miles from Liver-pool. Pop. 150.

EAGLE'S NEST, a post office in the district of Lisgar, Man., on the Red River, 30 miles from Fort Garry.

EARDLEY, a post village in Ottawa co., Que., on the River Ottawa, 17 miles from Aylmer. Pop. 90.

EARLTOWN, a post village and district in Colchester co., N.S., 21 miles from Truro. Pop. of district 1,233.

EAST ARTHABASKA, or ST. NORBERT, a post village in Arthabaska co., Que., 12 miles from Stanfold. It has a large trade in lumber and pot and pearl ashes, and contains saw, flour and carding mills. Pop. 450.

EAST BAY (North Side), a post settlement in Cape Breton co., N.S., on the north side of East Bay, or St. Andrews Channel, 23 miles from Sydney. Pop. 100.

EAST BAY (South Side), a post village in Cape Breton co., N.S., on the south side of East Bay, or St. Andrews Channel, 12 miles from Sydney. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 125.

EAST BOLTON, a post village in Brome co., Que., at the head of Powell's Bay, Lake Memphremagog, 18 miles from Waterloo. Pop. 25.

EAST BRANCH, a settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., on the E. branch of River Philip, 9 miles from River Philip Station.

EAS TBROUGHTON, a post office in Beau re co., Que., 59 miles from Quebec.

EAST CHESTER, a post village in Arthabaska co., Que., 17 miles from Arthabaska. It has a good lumber trade, and contains several saw and flour mills. Pop. 150.

EAST CLIFTON, a post village in Compton co., Que., 15 miles from Compton. Pop. 100.

EAST CUL DE SAC, a small fishing settlement in the district of Burgeo and La Poile, Nfld., 20 miles from Hermitage Cove. Pop. 30.

EAST DUBLIN, Lunenburg co., N.S. See La Have River.

EAST DUNHAM, a post village in Missisquoi co., Que., 4 miles from Dun-ham Flats. Pop. 150.

EAST FLORENCEVILLE, Carleton co., N.B. See Florence ville East.

EAST FRAMPTON, Dorchester co., Que. See St. Malachie.

EAST GLASSVILLE, a post settlement in Carleton co., N.B., 17 miles from Florenceville. Pop. 75.

EAST GLENELG, Grey co., Ont. See Markdale.

EASTERN HARBOR, a post settlement in Inverness co., N.S., on Lake Margaree, 19 miles from Margaree. Pop. 100.

EASTERN TICKLE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo, Nfld., on an island at the en-trance to Fogo harbor. Pop. 70.

EAST FARNHAM, a post village in Brome co., Que., on the S. E. R., 24 miles from Richford, Vt., and 51 miles from Montreal. It contains a telegraph office, several mills and factories, and 6 stores. Pop. 200.

EAST HATLEY, Stanstead co., Que. See Hatley.

EAST HAWKESBURY, a post village in Prescott co., Out., 12 miles from Point Fortune. It has 2 churches, 1 store, 1 hotel, and a saw mill. Pop. 100.

EAST HEREFORD, a post village in Compton co., Que., on the borders of Maine, U.S., 21 miles from Coaticook. It contains 2 stores and several mills. Pop. 150.

EAST JEDDORE, or LAKEVILLE, a post village in Halifax co., N.S., 38 miles from Halifax. Pop. 100.

EAST MAGDALA, a post village in Megantic co., Que., 8 miles from Lyster. Pop. 60.

EAST MARSH, a small village in Hants co., N.S., on the St. Croix river, 5 miles from Windsor. Large quantities of gypsum are annually exported from here. Pop. 50.

EASTON'S CORNERS, a post village in Grenville co., Ont., 3 miles from Irish Greek. It contains 4 stores and 3 hotels. Pop. 250.

EAST ORG, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 3 miles from Hawkstone, 17 miles from Barrie. Pup. 60.

EAST POINT, a small fishing settlement in the district of Burgeo and La Poile, Nfld., at the entrance to La Poile Bay, 3 miles from La Poile. Pop. 66.

EAST POINT, or BEATON'S POINT, a post settlement in Kings co., P.E.I, on the eastern extremity of the island, 65 miles from Charlottetown. It has a light house. Pop. 150.

EAST POUT MEDWAY, a post settlement in Queens co., N.S., on Point Med way river, 15 miles from Liverpool Pop. 200

EAST QUACO. St. John co., N.B. See Quaco.

EAST RIVER (St. Mary's), a post settlement in Guysborough co., N.S., 35 miles from New Glasgow; Pup. 180.

EAST RIVER (Sr. Mart's), a post settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 32 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 150.

EAST RIVE ISLAND, a settlement on an island in East river, Pictou co., N.S., 4 miles from Hopewell. Pop. 150.

EAST ROYALTY, a village in Queens co., P.E.I., 3 miles from Charlottetown. Pop. 130.

EAST SCOTCH SETTLEMENT, a post settlement in Kings co., N.B., 10 miles from .Norton. Pup. 100.

EAST SIDE CHEZZETCOOK, a post settlement in Halifax co., N.S., 2-2 miles from Hilda x. Pop. 400.

EAST SIDE PUBNICO HARBOR, a post village in Yarmouth co., N.S., 12 miles from Barrington. Pop. 140.

EAST SIDE RAGGED ISLAND, a post office in Shelburne co., N.S., 30 miles from Shelburne.

EAST SIDE WEST BRANCH EAST RIVER OF PICTOU, a post office in Pictou co., N.S., 10 miles from New Glasgow.

EAST TEMPLETON, a post village in Ottawa CO., Que., on the River Ottawa, 8 miles from Ottawa. It has a good lumber trade, and contains 3 saw mills and a telegraph office. Pop. 175.

EASTVILLE, a post village in Colchester co , N.S., 23 miles from Brookfield. Pop. 250.

EASTVILLE, York co., Ont. See Holt.

EAST WATERLOO, a settlement in Queers co., N.B., 30 miles from Gagetown. Pop. 100.

EAST WILLIAMSBURGH, a post village in Dundas co., O it., 2½ miles from Aultsville. Pop. 100.

EASTWOOD, a post village in Oxford co , Ont., on the G. W. R., 43 miles from Hamilton. It contains a telegraph office, and several stores and mills. Pop. 200,

EAST ZORRA, a hamlet in Oxford co., Ont. It has a cheese factory.

EATON CORNERS, a post village in Compton co.. Que., 20 miles from Compton. It contains 3 or 4 stores. 1 tannery, and a grist mill. Pop. 200.

EBOULEMENS, Charlevoix co., Que. See Les Eboulemens.

ECCLESVILLE, a small village in Essex co., Out., 6 miles from Stony Point. It has a good trade in lumber, railroad ties, and staves, and contains a telegraph office, a saw and grist mill, an hotel, and 2 stores. Pop 80.

ECONOMY, a post settlement in Colchester co., N.S., on Minas Basin, 32 miles from Londonderry. Pop. 350.

ECUREUILS, Portneuf co., Que. See Les Ecureuils.

EDDY'S COVE, a post village in Northumberland co., Ont., 11 miles from Grafton. It contains 2 saw mills. Pop. 70.

EDDY'S COVE, a fishing station on the French shore, Nfld., 37 miles from Cane Norman.

EDEN, a post village in Elgin co., Ont., 20 miles from Ingersoll. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 150.

EDEN MILLS, a post village in Wellington co., Out., on a branch of the River Speed, 9 miles from Guelph. It contains a telegraph office, and grist and oatmeal mills, and has a large trade in flour and grain. Pop. 300.

EDGAR or RICHARDSON'S CORNERS, a post village in Simcoe co., O it., 16 miles from Barrie, 10 miles from Hawkstone. It contains 2 saw mills, a potash factory, 2 stores, 1 hotel, a telegraph office, and 3 churches. Pop. 100.

EDGECOMBE, a post village in Perth co., Ont., 18 miles from Stratford. Pop. 100.

EDGELY, a post village in York co., Ont., 2 miles from Thornhill. It contains churches of 3 denominations, 1 store, and 2 steam saw mills. Pop. 150.

EDGETT''S LANDING, a post village in Albert co., N.B., on the Petitcodiac river. 24 miles from Salisbury. Pop. 250.

EDGE WORTH, a post village in Kent co., Ont., 25 miles from Chatham. Pop. 50.

EDINA, a post office in Argenteuil co., Que.

EDMONTON, a post village in Peel co., Out., 5 miles from Brampton. Pop. 150.

EDMONTON, a fortified village in the North West Territories, in lat. 53° 45' N., Ion. 113° 20' W. It is built of red earth, enclosed by high pickets, aid entered by battlemented gateways. Its vicinity is rich in coal and gold, and other minerals.

EDMUNDSTON, or LITTLE FALLS, or MADAWASKA, a poat village in Victoria co., N.B., on the River St. John, 239 miles from St. John city, and 79 miles from Riviere du LoupeĞ bus. From Grand Falls to Little Falls, a distance of 40 miles, both sides of the St. John river are settled, by French, who are chiefly engaged in the field and forest, raising crops and cutting timber. Pop. of Edmundston 400.

EDWARDSBURG or PORT ELGIN (also called POINT CARDINAL), a thriving post village in Grenvilie co., Ont., on the Gallops canal, with a station on the G. T. R., 8 miles from Prescott, 104 miles from Montreal. It has a telegraph office, a starch factory, flour and saw mills, a box and stave factory, 6 stores, and 2 hotels. Pop. 200.

EDWARDSBURG, Middlesex co., Out. See Dorchester station.

EDWARDSTOWN, Chateauguay co., Que. See St. Jean Chrysostome.

EEL BROOK, a post village in Yarmouth co., N.S., 12 miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 150.

EEL LAKE, a post office in Yarmouth co., N.S.

EEL RIVER, a post settlement in Restigouche co., N.B., on Eel river, a small stream running into Baie des Chaleurs, and on the I. R., 5 miles from Dalhousie. Pop. 400.

EEL RIVER, a post village in Carleton co., N.B., on the N. B. & C. R., 19 miles from Woodstock. Pop. 100.

EEL RIVER, York co., N.B. See Canterbury.

EFFINGHAM, or BECKETT TOWN, a post village in Monck co., Ont., 8 miles from Welland. It contains a woolen factory, a cheese factory, a saw mill and 2 grist mills. Pop. 50.

EGANVILLE, a thriving post village in Renfrew co., Out., on the Bonnechere river, 27 miles from Renfrew, it has a telegraph office, 4 hotels, about 20 stores, aid several mills. Pop 400.

EGBERT, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 12 miles from Lefroy. Pop. 50.

EGERTON, a post village in Welling-ton co., Ont., 16 miles from Mount Forest. Pop. 45.

EGG ISLAND, a low narrow island off the N. shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, below Point des Monts.

EGLINTON, a post village in York co., Out., 4 miles from Toronto. It contains several stores and hotels. Pop. 300.

EGMONDVILLE, a thriving post village in Huron co., Ont., 2 miles from Seaforth. It contains a foundry, woolen factory, pottery, potash factory, brewery, tannery, flour a id saw mills, and a telegraph office. Pop. 5] miles from Malton. It contains 2 churches, 1 store, 1 wagon and 1 blacksmith shop. Pop. 70.

EGREMONT, a post village in Grey co., Ont., 3 miles from Mount Forest. Pop. 50.

EGYPT, York co., Ont. See Vachell

EGUPTE, a post village in Shelford co., Que., 9 miles from Upton. Pop. 70.

EIGHT MILE BROOK, a small settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 8 miles from West River. Pop. 80.

EIG MOUNTAIN, a post settlement in Antigonish co., N.S., 48 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 100.

ELBA, a post village in Cardwell co., Ont., 10 miles from Orangeville. Pop. 100.

ELBE, Leeds co., Ont. See Dickens.

ELDER, a post village in Cardwell co., Ont., 18 miles from Shelburne. Pop. 70

ELDON, a small settlement in Restigouche co., N.B., on the Upsalquitch River, a stream running into the Restigouche, 18 miles from Campbellton. Pop. 30.

ELDON, a small village in Victoria co., Ont., on the T. & N.R., 71 miles from Toronto.  It contains 2 stores and a telegraph office.

ELDON, Queens co., P.E.I. See Belfast.

ELDORADO (the golden country) a post village in Hastings co., Ont., 7 miles from Madoc, and 32 miles from Beileville.  Gold is found here. Pop. 200.

ELFRIDA, a post village in Wentworth co., Ont., 4 miles from Stony Creek. Pop. 150.

ELGIN, a county in the western part of Ontario, situated upon the north Shore of Lake Erie, comprises a area of 466,435 acres. Otter Creek traverses the east part of and the Thames forms a part of the boundary between Elgin and Middlesex counties.  Capital, St. Thomas. Pop. 33,666.

ELGIN, a post village in Leeds co., Ont., 32 miles from Brockville.  It contains 6 stores, 2 hotels and a telegraph office. Pop. 250.

ELGIN, Huntingdon co., Que. See Kelso.

ELGIN CORNERS, a post village in Albert co., N.B., 12 miles from Petitcodiac. Pop. 250.

ELGINBURG or SCOTT'S CORNERS, a post village in Frontenac co., Ont., 7 miles from Kingston. Pop. 150.

ELGINFIELD, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., 10 miles from London. Pop. 100.

Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America, Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873


Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America

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