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Chateauguay to Colinville, Canada

CHATEAUGUAY, a county in the S.W. part of Quebec, rich in agricultural resources. Area 159,840 acres. It is watered by the Chateauguay and English rivers, which also furnish unsurpassed water power privileges. Capital, Ste. Martine. Pop. 16,166.

CHATEAUG UAY, formerly ST. JOACHIM, a post village in Chateauguay co., Que., situated on Chateauguay river, 24 miles S. of Montreal, and 9 miles from Beauharnois. It has 2 churches, 1 convent, 4 stores, and several hotels. Pop. 900.

CHATEAUGUAY BASIN, a post village two miles from the above, It contains 2 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 200,

CHATEAU RICHER, a flourishing post village and parish in Montmorency co., Que., on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, 10 miles below Quebec. It has a considerable lumber and flour trade, and is a favorite resort of sportsmen, partridge, wild duck, snipe and trout being abundant. Pop. 1,613.

CHATHAM, a post town and port of entry in Northumberland county, N.B., situated on the right bank of the Miramichi river, 12 miles from its embouchure, 6 miles from Newcastle, and 84 miles W. of Shediac. It is the largest and most thriving town on the north shore of the province. Its streets are lighted with gas, and it contains several handsome buildings, including a Roman Catholic Cathedral, an hospital and college, four churches, masonic and temperance halls, printing office, telegraph office, &c., and a number of steam mills, foundries, and shipyards. Millions of feet of lumber and large quantities of fish are annually shipped from here. The harbor is capable of accommodating vessels of the largest tonnage. A branch railway, 6 miles long, will connect the town with the " Intercolonial." The total number of arrivals for 1872 was 228 (tons 65,193), and the clearances 210 (tons 57,966). Total value of imports, $246,521; exports 5453,169. Pop. 3,000.

CHATHAM, a township in Argenteuil co., Que. on the Ottawa river, 52 miles S. of Montreal. It contains several churches and stores, and grist, saw, shingle and carding mills. Pop. 3,422. See Cushing.

CHATHAM, the chief town of the co. of Kent, Ont., is situated on the River Thames, and on the G. W. R., 67 miles S.W. of London. It has agencies of 3 banks and of a number of fire, life, and marine insurance companies, and contains, besides the county buildings, 8 churches, 2 printing offices, 2 telegraph offices, 3 saw mills, 5 grist mills, 3 woolen mills, 5 foundries, 1 planing mill, pot and pearl asheries, machine shops, soap, candle, and other factories, a brewery and distillery, and numerous stores. A very extensive export trade is done in grain, pork and other country produce, and in lumber, square timber, railroad ties, staves and cordwood. Total value of imports for 1372, $131,319; exports $440,184. Pop. 5,873.

CITATILLON, a post village in Yamaska co., Que., 12 miles from St. Celestin. It has a sawmill. Pop. 200.

CHATSWORTH, or JOHNTOWN, a post village in Grey co., Ont., on the T. G. & B. R., 109 miles from Toronto, 12 miles from Owen Sound. It contains 3 churches, an iron foundry, a. sawmill, a flouring mill, sever 1 stores and machine shops, and a telegraph office. A cattle fair is held here monthly. Top. 430.

CHATTIS HARBOR, a small fishing settlement on the west side of Placentia Bay, Nfld., 10 miles from Merasheen. Pop. 49.

CHAUDIERE CURVE, a station on the G. T. R. 8 miles from Quebec.

CHAUDIERE JUNCTION, a station on the St. L. & O. R., in Carleton co., Ont., 7 miles from Ottawa.

CHAUDIERE JUNCTION, or ST. ETIENNE, a post village and station on the G. T. R., in Levis co., Que., 9 miles from Quebec. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 776.

CHAUDIERE MILLS, a post village in Levis co., Que.

CHEAPSIDE, a post village in Haldimand co., Ont., 13 miles from Cayuga. Pop. 100.

CHEAPSTOW, Bruce, co., Ont. See Chepstow.

CHEBOGUE, or JEBOGITE, Yarmouth co., N.S. See Central Chebogue.

CHEBOGUE (or JEBOGUE) POINT, a small settlement in Yarmouth co., N.S., on the seacoast, 8 miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 60.

CHEDDAR, a post office in Peterborough co., Ont.

CMEGOGGIN, a village in Yarmouth co., N.S., on the sea coast, 8 miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 300.

CHELSEA, a post village in Lunnenburg co., N.S., 12 miles from Bridgewater. Pop. 200.

CHELSEA, a post village in Ottawa co., Que., situated on the River Gatineau, 9 miles from Ottawa. It contains several saw mills and a telegraph office, and has a very extensive lumber trade. Pop. 400.

UHELTENHAM, a post village in Peel co., Ont., on the River Credit, 12 miles from Brampton. It contains a telegraph office, and saw and flouring mills. Pop. 250.

CHEMAINUS, a seaport and flourishing agricultural settlement on the eastern coast of Vancouver Island, B.C., 56 miles from Victoria. It has a post office and several stores. Steamers from Victoria to Nanaimo call once a week.

CHEPSTOW, a hamlet in Kings co., P.E.I. It contains a store.

CHEPSTOW, or CHEAPSTOW, post village in Bruce co., Ont., 8 miles from Walkerton. It contains saw and grist mills. Pop. 100.

CHEPUTNETICOOK, a settlement in York co., N.B., situated near the Cheputneticook Lakes, on the borders of Maine, 2 miles from St. Croix. Pop. 200.

CHERRY CREEK, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 2 miles from Lefroy. Pop. 100,

CHERRY HILL, a hamlet in Kings co., P.E.I. It contains a gristmill.

CHERRY ISLAND, an island in Lake St. Francis, near Coteau Landing, Que. Lat. 45° 7 N., lon. 74° 24' 18' W. On it is a lighthouse.

CHERRY VALLEY, a post village in Prince Edward co. Ont., situated on East Lake, 6 miles from Picton. Pop. 300.

CHERRY WOOD, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., 4 miles from Frenchman's Bay. It contains 1 store, 1 flouring mill and a brush factory.

CHERTSEY, or St. THEODORE DE CHERTSEY, a post village and parish in Montcalm co., Que., on the River Lac Onareau, 12 miles from Rawdon. The village contains 1 gristmill, 4 saw mills, a church, and several stores. Gold-bearing quartz has been found in the vicinity. Pop. of parish 1,619.

CHESLEY, a post village in Bruce co., Ont., on a branch of the Saugeen River, 15 miles from Walkerton. It contains a grist and saw mill, pearlash factory, 3 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 150.

CHESLEY'S CORNERS, a post village in Lunenburg co., N.S., 49 miles from Kentville. Pop. 100.

CHESTER a post settlement in Albert co., N.B., 40 miles from Salisbury. Pop. 100.

CHESTER, a thriving post village in Lunenburg co., N.S., situated on a basin of the same name at the head of Mahone Bay, 45 miles from Halifax. It has a very extensive fishery trade. Chester Basin is studded with islands, of which there are said to be 363. The village has several stores and a telegraph office. Pop. 900.

CHESTER, or CHESTER WEST, a post village, in Arthabaska co., Que., on a branch of the River Nicolet, 8 miles from St. Christophe d'Arthabaska. It contains several sawmills, two mines very rich in copper ore, and a lead mine, and has a large trade in lumber and in pot and pearl ashes. Pop. 250.

CHESTER BASIN, a post village 5 miles from the above, romantically situated. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 300.

CHESTERFIELD, or BONSVILLE, a post village in Oxford co., Ont., 2 miles from Bright. Pep. 100.

CHESTEIIVILLE, Dundas co., Ont. See Winchester.

CHETICAMP, a post settlement in Inverness co., N.S., on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 58 miles from Mahon. It has a large fishing establishment. There is a lighthouse near the south end of the island. Lat. 46° 36' 30" N.; lon. 61° 3' 10' W. Pop. 1,915.

CHETICAMP, a settlement in Dighy co., N.S., 25 miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 150.

CHEVERIE, a post village in Hants co., N.S., situated en Minas Basin, 18 miles from Newport. 30,100 tons of gypsum are annually exported from here. Pop. 200.

CHEVIOT, a post village in Bruce co., Ont., 14 miles from Walkerton. Pop. 100.

CHEZZETCOOK, a post settlement in Halifax co., N.S., situated on Chezzetcook Harbor, 24 miles from Halifax. Pop. 200.

CHICHESTER, a post village and parish in Pontiac co., Que., situated on the north shore of the Ottawa, opposite Allumette Island, 9 miles from Pembroke. It contains a telegraph office, 2 stores, and a sawmill, and has a large lumber trade. Pop. 598.

CHICOUTIMI, a county in the N. E. part of Quebec, having the height of land dividing the waters of the St. Lawrence and Hudson's Bay as its N. boundary and the 48th parallel of latitude as its S. Area 15,206,355 acres. This county is drained by Lake St. John and by a number of large rivers, the most important of which are the Saguenay, the Ashuapmouchonan, the Peribonea, the Mistassini, and the Chicoutimi. Capital, Chicoutimi. Pop. 17,493.

CHICOUTIMI, the chief town of the co. of Chicoutimi, Que., situated on the south side of the River Saguenay, 75 miles from its mouth, and S5 miles from St. Paul's Bay. It contains, besides the county buildings, a church and a convent, about a dozen stores, and several large mills. Ships load here with timber direct for foreign ports. Pop. 1,393.

CHIGNECTO, a settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., 3 miles from Maccan. Coal mines are worked here.

CHIGONAISE (or ISHGONISB) RIVER, a post village and settlement in Colchester co., N.S., situated near the head of Cobequid Bay, 13 miles from Truro, 4 miles from Debert. Pop. 450.

CHIMNEY CORNER, a post village in Inverness co., N.S., 27 miles from Mabou.

CHIMNEY ISLAND, an island in the River St. Lawrence, 5 miles below Prescott, Out. On it are the ruins of an old French fort.

CHIPMAN, a post settlement in Queens co., N.B., situated on Salmon River, 46 miles from Gagetown. There are extensive coal beds in this settlement. Pop. 150.

CHIPMAN'S BROOK, a post village in Kings co., N.S., situated on the Bay of Fundy, 21 miles from Kentville. Pop. 150.

CIIIPPAWA, an incorporated village and port of entry in Welland co., Ont., at the confluence of the Chippawa river with the Niagara, above the Falls, and 50 miles S. of Toronto. It contains an extensive distillery, two large tanneries, a woolen factory, sash and door factory, and grist, shingle and saw mills, besides a number of stores and a telegraph office. Total value of imports for 1872 560,832; exports $18,698. Chippawa is memorable as being the scene of a victory gained July 4, 1814, by the Americans, 1900 in number, commanded by General Brown, over the British, 2100 strong, commanded by Generals Biall and Drummond. It is a station on the Canada Southern railway, (Erie and Niagara branch). Pop. 922.

CHIPPEWYAN FORT, a trading post of the Hudson's Bay Company at the W. end of Lake Athabasca. Lat. 580 40' N., lon.111° 20' W.

CHLORYDOMES, a post settlement in Gaspe co., Que., 27 miles from Fox River. Pop. 263.

CHOCKFISH, a post settlement in Kent co., N.B., 27 miles W. of Shediac. Pop. 200.

CHRISTIAN ISLAND, an island in Lake Huron. Lat. 44° 47' N., lon.79° 57' 30' W. On it is a lighthouse.

CHRISTIEVILLE, Iberville co., Que. See St. Athanase.

CHRISTMAS ISLAND, an island in the Little Bras d'Or, Cape Breton, near Barra Strait.

CHRISTMAS ISLAND, a post village and settlement on the above island, 3 miles from Grand Narrows, and 33 miles from Sydney. Pop. 1,315.

CHURCH HILL, a post settlement in Albert co., N.B., 15 miles from Petitcodiac. Pop. 100.

CHURCH HILL, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 2 miles from Lefroy. Pop. 150.

CHURCH OVER, a small village in Shelburne co., N.S., on the seacoast, 7 miles from Shelburne. Pop. 130.

CHURCH POINT, a post village in Northumberland co., N.B.

CHUPXIPS FALLS, Cardwell co., Ont. See Cataract.

CHURCH STREET, a post village in Kings co., N.S., 2 miles from Port Williams Station. Pop. 200.

CHURCHVILLE, a post village in Peel co., Ont., on the River Credit, 9 miles from Malton. It contains a tannery and flour and saw mills. Pop. 200.

CHURCHVILLE, a post village in Picton co., N.S. on the east branch of East river, 5 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 150.

CHUTE A BLONDEAU, a post village in Prescott co., Ont., 6 miles from Carillon, 73 miles from Ottawa. It contains 3 stores and 3 hotels.

CHUTE'S COVE, or HAMPTON, a post village in Annapolis co., N.S., on the Bay of Fundy, 5 miles from Bridgetown. Pop. 100.

CINQUE CERF, a small fishing settlement in the district of Bnrgeo and La Poile, Nfld., 21 miles from Rose Blanche. Pop. 30.

CLACHAN, a post village in Elgin co., Ont., 6 miles from Bothwell. Pop. 100.

CLAIRMONT, or CLEARMONT, Brant co., Ont. See Burford.

CLAIR MOUNT, a post village in Cumberland co., N.S., 4 miles from River Philip. Pop. 100.

CLAIRVAUX, or ST. PLACIDE, a post village in Charlevoix co., Que. 9 miles from St. Paul's Bay. Pop. 400.

CLAIRYIEW, a post office in Addington co., Ont., 30 miles from Napanee.

CLAIRVILLE, Glengarry co., Ont. See North Lancaster.

CLAIRVILLE, York co., Ont. See Humber.

CLAM HARBOR, a settlement in Guysborough co., N.S., on the Gut of Canso, 10 miles from Guysborough. Pop. 100.

CLANDEBOYE, a post office in Carleton co., Ont., on the Mississippi river, 6 miles from Almonte.

CLAPHAM, a post village in Megantic co., Que., 22 miles from Becancour Station. Pop. 100.

CLARE, a post village and parish in Digby co., N.S., on St. Mary's Bay, 33 miles from Digby. Pop. 1,877.

CLAREMONT, a thriving post village in Ontario co., Ont., 6 miles from Stouffville. It contains 3 churches, 4 stores, 1 hotel, 1 gristmill, and 1 saw mill. Pop. 500.

CLARENCE, a hamlet in Annapolis co., N.S. It contains 2 stores.

CLARENCE, a post village in Russell co., Ont., 2 miles from Thurso. Pop. 150.

CLARENCE CREEK, a post village in Russell co., Ont., 7 miles from Thurso. Pop. 150

CLARENCEVILLE, a post village and port of entry in Missisquoi co., Que., between the Richelieu river and Missisquoi Bay, 3 miles from Lacolle. It contains 2 churches, 1 hotel, 3 stores and a cheese factory. Total value of imports for 1872 $8,267; exports $65,898. Pop. 300.

CLARENDON, a post township in Charlotte co., N.B., 10½ miles from Wetsford. Pop. 204.

CLARENDON, a station on the E. & N.A.R., in Queens co., N.B., 29 miles from St. John.

CLARENDON CENTRE, a thriving poet village in Pontiac co., Que., 8 mikes from Bristol. It contains a telegraph office, saw, grist and carding mills, 2 churches, and 7 stores. Pop. 250.

CLARENDON FRONT, a post village in Pontiac co., Que., 5 miles from Bristol. Pop. 100.

CLARINA, a post village in Shefford co., Que., on Granby River, 4 miles from Granby. It contains 1 store, 1 hotel, 1 saw mill and 1 gristmill. Pop. 400.

CLARKE, or NEWTON, a post village in Durham co., Ont., 3 miles from Newtonville. It contains several stores and hotels, and 3 churches. Pop. 350.

CLARKE'S HARBOR, a post village on Cape Sable Island, Shelburne co., N.S., 14 miles from Barrington. Pop. 400.

CLARK'S, a station on the B. & O. R., 7 miles from Brockville.

CLARK'S BEACH, a large fishing settlement in the district of Brigus, Nfld., on the north side of Conception Bay, 4 miles from Brigus. Pop. 444.

CLARKSBURG, a post village in Grey co., Ont., situated near the mouth of Beaver river, with a station on the N. B, .16 miles from Collingwood. It contains a church, 6 stores, 2 hotels, a telegraph office, 2 woolen mills, and a sawmill. Pop. 300.

CLARK'S HEAD, a small fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo, Nfld., near Herring Neck. Pop. 70.

CLARK'S MILLS, Addington co., Ont. See Camden East.

CLARK'S [SIR GEORGE] ISLE, an island in the Arctic Ocean, 10 miles off the coast of the North West Territories, in lat. 69° 30 N., Ion. 118° 40' W.

CLARKSVILLE, Simcoe co., Ont. See Tecumseth.

CLAUDE, a post village in Peel co., Ont., 10 miles from Brampton. It contains 2 saw and gristmills. Pop. 100.

CLAVERING, a post village in Bruce co., Ont., 18 miles from Owen Sound. Pop. 100.

CLAYTON, or BELLAMY'S MILLS, a post village in Lanark co., Ont., on Indian River, 11 miles from Almonte. It has goad waterpower privileges, and contains a woolen factory, planing mill, carding mill, and several grist and sawmills. Pop. 250.
CLEAR CREEK, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., 28 miles from Simcoe. It contains several stores and a gristmill. Pop. 100.

CLEARLAND, a fishing settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S., on the seacoast, 2 miles from Mahone Bay. Pup. 120.

CLEARMONT, or CLAIRMONT, Brant co., Out. See Burford.

CLEAIMLLE, a post village in Bothwell co., Ont., on Clear Creek, 10 miles from Bothwell. It contains 1 hotel, 2 stores, and a gristmill. Pop. 150.

C LEMENTSP ORT, or MOOSE RIVER, a post village in Annapolis co., N.S., on Annapolis Basin, at the mouth of Moose river, 8 miles from Annapolis. It contains several hotels, churches, stores, and shipyards. Pop. 300.

CLEMENTSVALE, a post village and settlement in Annapolis co., NS., 12 miles from Annapolis. It contains 1 steam sawmill, 1 store, and about 500 inhabitants, chiefly farmers.

CLEMENTS WEST, Annapolis co., N.S. See Deep Brook.

CLEMONT ROAD, a settlement in Kings co., N.S., on the Bay of Fundy, 9 miles from Aylesford. Pop. 100.

CLIFFORD, a thriving post village in Wellington co., Ont., on the Bed River, end on the IV. G. St; B. R., 102 miles from Hamilton, 56 miles from Guelph. It contains 2 churches, 3 hotels, saw and grist mills, woolen and cabinet factories, an iron foundry, a telegraph office, and several stores. Pop. 650.

CLIFTON, a post village in Gloucester co., N.B., on Bale des Chaleurs, 17 miles from Bathurst. It contains 3 stores and a telegraph office. Grindstones are made here. Pop. 200.

CLIFTON, a post village in Kings co., N.B., on Kennebaccasis Bay, 5 miles from Rothsay. It has a telegraph office and several shipyards. Pop. 250.

CLIFTON, a settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., 31 miles from River Philip.

CLIFTON, a small village in Colchester co., N.S., situated on the north bank of the Shubenacadie river, 11 miles from Truro. It has a good shipbuilding trade. Pop. 130.

CLIFTON, or SUSPENSION BRIDGE, an incorporated town in Welland co., Ont., situated on the west bank of Niagara river, 43 miles from Hamilton, and about two miles below the great cataract, of which it commands a most 1 magnificent view. At this point the International Railroad Suspension Bridge has been throws across the river, to connect the Great Western Railway of Canada with the several railways of New York. The bridge is a single span of 800 feet in length, raised 230 feet above the water, and supported by 4 wire cables, 91 inches in diameter, which are calculated to sustain 10,000 tons; the bridge has two floors, the upper for the railroad track and the lower for wagons, and the east end commands a very fine view of the falls and of the rapids under and below the bridge for ¾ of a mile to the whirlpool. The water of these rapids runs at the rate of 25 miles per hour, with breakers dashing from 10 to 20 feet in height. Viewed from the shore they present one of the grandest sights of the kind in the world, and the tourist has not seen Niagara until he has stood on the shore 150 yards below the bridge. Clifton is a port of entry. It contains a museum, several churches, hotels and stores, and 2 telegraph offices, and has an extensive general trade. Total value of imports for 1872 $2,197,810; exports $3,299,988. Pop. 1,610.

CLIFTON, Queens co., P.E.I. See Campbelltown.

CLINCH S MILLS, a post village in St. John co., N.B.

CLINESVILLE, a hamlet in Wentworth co., Ont.

CLINTON, an incorporated village in Huron co., Ont., with a station on the G. T. R. (Buffalo and Goderich division), 13 miles from Goderich. It has a large grain and produce trade, and contains 4 churches, 7 hotels, a branch bank, several insurance agencies, 1 printing office, 2 telegraph offices, a number of stores, and several large saw, grist and other mills, foundries and woolen factories. Salt wells are worked in the village. Pop. 2,016.

CLINTON, a post town in the district of Lilloet, B.C., 230 miles from New Westminster. It has a telegraph office.

CLONE'S, a post settlement in Queens co., N.B, 15 miles from Gagetown. Coal is found here. Pop. 200.

CLONTARF, a post village in Renfrew co., Ont., situated on the south shore of Clear Lake, on the Opeongo Road, 30 miles from Renfrew. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 100.

CLOVER HILL, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 10 miles from Gilford. Pop. 100.

CLOWN'S COVE, a fishing settlement on the north shore of Conception Bay, district of Bay de Verds, Nfld., 2 miles from Carbonear. Pop. 150.

CLOYNE, a post village in Addington co., Ont., 44 miles from Napanee. Pop. 40.

GLUNAS, Elgin co., Ont. See Springfield.

CLYDE, a post office in Wentworth co., Ont., 4 miles from Galt.

CLYDE RIVER, a post village near the mouth of the Clyde River, 14 miles from Shelburne, N.S. It has a large lumber trade. Pop. 300.

COACHMAN'S COVE, a fishing settlement on the French shore, Nfld., at the entrance to Little Bay, 20 miles from La Scie. Pop. 51.

COAL BRANCH, a post settlement In Kent co., N.B., 22 miles from Richibucto. Pop. 200.

COAL MINES, a post settlement in Queens co, N.B., on Salmon river, 77 miles from St. John. Inexhaustible beds of coal extend throughout this district. Steamers run between here and St. John. Pop. 300.

COATE'S MILLS, a post settlement in Kent co., N.B., 15 miles from Buctouche. Pop. 200.

COATICOOK, an incorporated village in Stanstead co., Que., on the Coaticook river, with a station on the G. T. R., 122 miles S.E. of Montreal. It is a port of entry, and contains 4 churches, several hotels, a number of stores, a branch bank, a telegraph office, a printing office issuing a weekly newspaper, saw and grist mills, and manufactories of mowing machines, leather, furniture, sashes, doors, matches, clothes pins, washing machines, churns, iron castings, boots and shoes, &c. Total value of imports for 1872 $645,389; exports $2562,303. Pop. 1,160.

COBBLER'S ISLAND, an island on the north side of Bonavista Bay, Nfld., 10 miles from Green's Pond. Pop. 97.

COBDEN, a post village in Renfrew co., Ont., situated at the head of Muskrat Lake, 21 miles above Pembroke. It contains 3 stores and is a landing place of the Upper Ottawa steamers. Pop. 80.

COBOGONK, or SITEDDEN, a post village in Victoria co., Ont., on the River Fenelon, with a station on the T. & N. IL, 12 miles from Fenelon Falls, 87 miles N.E. of Toronto. It has a telegraph office 2 churches, 3 hotels, a sawmill and 4 stores. Pop. 150.

COBOURG, an incorporated town of Ontario, capital of the co. of Northumberland, situated on the north shore of Lake Ontario, 92 miles W. by S. of Kingston, and 69 miles N.E. of Toronto. It is a port of entry, and is the junction of the Grand Trunk and Cobourg, Peterboro' and Marmora Railways. It is the market town of an exceedingly fertile section of country, and has a safe and commodious harbor, from which considerable quantities of farm produce, lumber and iron ore are annually exported. The town, which is lit with gas, is -very prettily laid out, the broad and spacious streets for the most part intersecting each other at right angles and being adorned with numerous elegant residences and several fine public buildings, including a town hall and a Wesleyan university. The latter is affiliated with faculties of law and medicine in Toronto and Montreal. The manufacturing interests of Cobourg are represented by woolen mills, a car factory, and several foundries, mills and breweries. The town also contains 3 branch banks, agencies of 10 or 12 assurance and insurance companies, 2 telegraph agencies, about 70 stores, 3 newspaper offices, and churches for the Episcopalians, Wesleyan and Episcopal Methodists, Bible Christians, Presbyterians, Congregationalists and Roman Catholics. Total value of imports for 1872 $100,363; exports $383,579. The far famed Rice Lake, abounding in maskinonge and black bass, is only 14 miles by rail from Cobourg. Pop. 4,442.

COCAIGNE, a post village in Kent co., N.B., situated on the south side of the Cocaigne River, 11 miles from Shediac. A fine bridge here spans the river. The district is well settled by Acadian farmers. Pop. 900.

COCAIGNE RIVER, a post settlement on the Cocaigne River, 3 miles above Cocaigne village Pop. 200.

COCAIGNE SHORE, a settlement on the Cocaigne River, 4 miles below Cocaigne village. Pop. 200.

CODRINGTON, a post village in Northumberland co., Ont., 9 miles from Brighton. It contains grist, saw and carding mills. Pop. 150.

COD ROY AND RIVERS, two settlements on the French shore, Nfld., 22 miles from Channel. Pop. 445.

CODY'S, a post office in Queens co., N.B. See Waterville.

COFFIN'S ISLAND, one of the Magdalen Islands, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, lat. 44° 3' N, lon. 64° 36' W. It is the largest of the group, and is 25 miles long, and in some places 3 miles wide.

COGMAGUN RIVER, a post settlement in Hants co., N.S., 8 miles from Newport. Pop. 150.

COLBECK, a post village in Wellington co., Ont., 16 miles from Luther. Pop. 50.

COLBORNE, a small village in Norfolk co., Ont., 1 mile from Simcoe. Pop. 80.

COLBORNE, or CRAMAHE, an incorporated village in Northumberland co., Ont., on Lake Ontario, and on the G. T. R., 16 miles from Cobourg, 85 miles E. of Toronto. It contains several stores, grist, saw and planing mills, 2 tanneries, an iron foundry, 3 cabinet factories, 2 telegraph agencies, a printing office, several hotels, and a number of stores. Colborne is a port of entry (called Cramabe.) Total value of imports for 1872 $34,337; exports $37,050. Pop. 823.

COLCHESTER, a county in the central part of Nova Scotia, bordering on the Minas and Cobequid Bays, with a narrow strip extending W. along Minas Channel to the Bay of Fundy. A rugged ridge bounds its shores. The interior is mostly level, and is crossed by the Intercolonial railway. Area 837,000 acres. Capital, Truro. Pop. 23,331.

COLCHESTER, or SACKVILLE, a post village in Essex co., Ont., situated on Lake Erie, and on the C. S. R., 8 miles from Amherstburg. It contains a telegraph office, 3 stores, and has a good lumber trade. Pop. 200.

COL DBROOK, or JACKSON'S MILLS, a post village in Kings co., N.B., on Cornwallis river, with a station on the W. & A. R., 30 miles W. of Windsor. It contains several stores and mills. Pop. 150.

COLD SPRINGS, a post village in Northumberland co., Ont., 7 miles from Cobourg. Pop. 200.

COLDSTREAM, a post village and settlement in Carleton co., N.B., beautifully situated in a valley at the confluence of the rivers Coldstream and Becaguimec, 17 miles from Woodstock. It contains 2 stores, 1 tannery and several mills. Pop. 400.

COLDSTREAM, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., 11 miles from Strathroy. It contains a saw and gristmill. Pop. 100.

COLDWATER, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., situated near Gloucester Bay, 14 miles from Orillia. It contains saw and gristmills, 3 hotels, 4 stores find a telegraph office. Pop.250.

COLEBROOK, a post village in Addington co., Ont., on the Napanee River, 23 miles W. of Kingston. It contains a telegraph office, several stores and hotels, saw and gristmills, and a potash factory. Pop. 300.

COLEBROOK, St. Johns co., Que. See Grande Ligne.

COLEBROOK, Victoria co., N.B. See Grand Falls.

COLE HARBOUR, a post village in Guysborough co., N S., on Tor Bay, 35 miles from Guysborough. Pop. 100.

COLERAINE, a post village in Peel co., Ont., 2 miles from Klineburg. It contains several stores and hotels. Pop. 200.

COLERIDGE, a post village in Wellington co., Ont., 13 miles from Orangeville. It contains a sawmill and 1 hotel. Pop. 200.

COLE'S CREEK, Hastings co., Ont See Frankford.

COLE'S CORNERS, a small village in Lambton co., Ont., 4 miles from Sarnia. Pop. 75.

COLE'S ISLAND, a post settlement in Queens co., N.B., on an island in Washademoak river, 20 miles from Apohaqui. Pop. 200.

COLE'S ISLAND, Westmorland co., N.B. See Au Lac.

COLEY'S POINT, a large fishing settlement in the district of Harbor Grace, Nfld., on the north side of Conception Bay, 10 miles from Harbor Grace. Pop. 664.

COLINV1LLE, a post village in Lambton co., Ont., on the River St. Clair, 9 miles from Sarnia. Pop. 100.

Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America, Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873


Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America

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