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Canadian Genealogy
On the St. Lawrence and Eastern Frontiers
On the St. Lawrence and Eastern Frontiers--Muster of
Troops at Kingston, Brockville, Prescott, Cornwall and Other Points.
While the sanguinary engagements which have been
related in the preceding pages were in progress on the Niagara
frontier, the danger of invasion was just as imminent at many other
points along our border line, and excitement was consequently as
intense. It was felt at the time, and subsequently confirmed as
correct, that the diversion of Gen. O'Neil at Fort Erie was only a
prelude to cover more formidable attacks along the line of the St.
Lawrence, and the frontier of the Eastern Townships of Quebec.
To guard this lengthy border was the first precaution taken by the
Government, and all troops that were available east of Toronto were
promptly called out for active service. Along the St. Lawrence River
the points most seriously threatened were Kingston, Brockville,
Prescott and Cornwall, and the attention of the Lieutenant-General
Commanding was immediately directed towards making adequate
provision for the protection of those places.
At Kingston the 14th Battalion of Rifles, the Kingston Field
Battery, the First Frontenac Troop of Cavalry, and the Garden Island
and Portsmouth Infantry Companies, were assembled and equipped,
ready to proceed to any point where their services might be
required. The forts were garrisoned by regular troops, and the city
put in a proper state of defence. On Sunday, the 3rd of June, just
as the garrison was returning from church parade, Lieut.-Col. John
Paton received orders to proceed at once with the 14th Rifles to
Cornwall. The Battalion started that evening by special train for
their destination, amid tremendous cheering by the patriotic
The force which was mobilized at Prescott on June 3rd consisted of
one division of the Ottawa Field Battery, with two guns; the
Gananoque Battery of Garrison Artillery; three companies of the
Prince Consort's Own Rifle Brigade (regulars), under Major Newdegate;
the left wing of the 25th King's Own Borderers (regulars); the 18th
(Hawkesbury) Battalion, under command of Lieut.-Col. John Hamilton;
Nos. 1 and 2 Companies of the Ottawa Rifles; the Pakenham and
Fitzroy Companies of Infantry; and the 15th (Belleville) Battalion
of Infantry, under command of Lieut.-Col. A. A. Campbell. Old Fort
Wellington was strengthened and well equipped with three batteries
of garrison artillery, and every detail arranged to properly protect
the town. All of the danger points were so securely guarded by this
efficient garrison (which was under the command of Col. F. T.
Atcherly, D.A.G.) that the invaders would have met with an amazingly
hot reception had they carried out their threatened intentions to
cross the river anywhere in that vicinity.
Lieut.-Col. Crawford had command of the force which was assembled at
Brockville, consisting of a battalion composed of the Brockville
Rifles, Gananoque Rifles, Brockville Infantry, Perth Rifles, Perth
Infantry, Carleton Place Rifles, and Almonte Infantry. These
companies were exceedingly efficient, and did great service in
guarding the river front and railway communications at Brockville.
Col. Crawford and his troops received great praise from the
Major-General for the very satisfactory manner in which they did
their duty on these trying occasions.
The City of Ottawa was garrisoned by the Civil Service Rifles, Major
Ross' Artillery Company, the Bell's Corners Infantry Company, and
other companies from the neighborhood, assisted by a strong Home
The Grand Trunk Railway bridges at Vaudreuil, St. Ann's and Lachine
were guarded by the St. Therese, Como and Varennes Infantry
Companies, this arduous duty being very accurately and vigilantly
performed by the corps mentioned.
At Cornwall the situation was exceedingly serious, as it was known
that Gen. Sweeny had particular designs on that place, and was
making every preparation to deliver an attack. The possession of the
canals was one of his chief desires, and to ward off such an attempt
a strong force was quickly mobilized at this point of danger. On the
2nd of June a public meeting of citizens was called and a committee
appointed to act in concert with the military commandant in putting
the town in a thorough state of defence. A patrol was established
for ten miles up and down the river by the local companies, and
navigation on the river and through the canal was stopped. Early on
the 3rd of June troops began arriving from different points, and by
the following morning over 2,000 had been assembled under the
command of Col. T. H. Pakenham, of H. M. 30th Regiment. The Canadian
force which was mustered at Cornwall was composed of the 14th
(Kingston) Battalion, the 25th Regiment (King's Own Borderers), the
11th Argenteuil Rangers, a portion of H. M. 30th Regiment, one
division of the Ottawa Field Battery, the 6th Hochelaga Light
Infantry, two companies of Ottawa Rifles, and two Cornwall
On the St. John's and Missisquoi frontiers the local companies of
Frelighsburg, Philipsburg, Granby and Waterloo were posted, under
command of Col. F. R. Elrington, of the P. C. O. Rifle Brigade, and
kept a sharp look-out for the appearance of the enemy. They received
numerous "alarms." but beyond a general expectancy of a conflict
which kept them on the alert, they did not have an opportunity of
proving their valor.
Lieut.-Col. W. Osborne Smith, D.A.G., had command of the troops
which were assembled on the Huntingdon and Hemmingford frontiers,
which consisted of the 1st Prince of Wales Rifles (Lieut.-Col. B.
Devlin), of Montreal; the Victoria Rifles, of Montreal; one division
of Capt. A. A. Stevenson's Field Battery, of Montreal; the
Hemmingford. Roxham and Havelock Infantry Companies, and a
detachment of the Montreal Cavalry. With this force he proceeded to
Hemmingford, where he halted on the 3rd and sent out scouts to
observe the operations of the enemy on the frontier. Learning that
an attack was likely to be made on the Huntingdon frontier. Col.
Smith left next morning at daybreak with his column for the
threatened point. The weather was exceedingly unfavorable, as it
rained incessantly all day, and the roads were in a very bad state.
Still he pushed on, and covered 37 miles, which his troops
accomplished in a splendid manner, and went into camp that night
with only two patients reported on the hospital returns as being
incapacitated by the fatiguing march. The direct approach to
Huntingdon from Malone, where the Fenians were mobilizing, is by the
Trout River Road, and across this path Col. Smith constructed a line
of breastworks and awaited the approach of the enemy. His position
was admirably chosen, and had Gen. Sweeny made an advance down the
Chateauguay Valley, he would have met with such a stout resistance
that his defeat would have been certain, as the Canadian position
was impregnable. For a few days all kinds of rumors were current of
an advance being made by the Fenians, and constant vigilance was
maintained, but the attack failed to eventuate.
Lieut.-Col. George Browne, D.A.G., with the 1st and 2nd Huntingdon
Infantry Companies; the Athelstan, Durham and Rockburn Infantry
Companies, and the Hinchinbrooke Rifle Company, also assisted to
hold the Huntingdon line, and did good service in keeping guard on
the frontier.
With the salient points along the Canadian border being thus
securely guarded, and every soldier on the qui vive, the
Fenian troops would most certainly have encountered very strong
opposition before they could carry out their designs to conquer
This site includes some historical materials that
may imply negative stereotypes reflecting the culture or language of
a particular period or place. These items are presented as part of
the historical record and should not be interpreted to mean that the
WebMasters in any way endorse the stereotypes implied. Troublous Times in Canada, A History of the Fenian Raids of 1866 and 1870
Fenian Raids of 1866 - 1870
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