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Preliminary Operations of the Fenian Forces Near Fort Erie
The Landing in Canada--Preliminary Operations of the
Fenian Forces Near Fort Erie--Advance into the Interior.
About half-past three o'clock on the morning of June
1st the peaceful shores of Canada were reached by the invaders. The
embarkation was made at Pratt's Iron Furnace Dock on the American
side, and the landing took place at what was then known as the Lower
Ferry Dock, about a mile below the village of Fort Erie. Just as the
boats struck the shore, the color-bearers of Col. Owen Starr's 17th
Kentucky Regiment sprang on to Canadian soil and unfurled their
Irish flags amid terrific cheering by the Fenian troops. This was
the first intimation that the people of the quiet vicinity received
that an invasion had actually occurred, and it was a terrible
awakening from peaceful slumber to most of them. There were no
Canadian troops whatever within 25 miles of Fort Erie, and the
invaders had it all their own way. The war material was quickly
unloaded from the canal boats, and Gen. O'Neil at once began making
dispositions of his force to hold his ground. The total number of
troops that came over by the first boats was stated to be 1,340,
with 2,500 stand of arms. This force was rapidly augmented during
the day by reinforcements, so that by evening the strength of the
Fenian army in Canada amounted to about 2,000 men.
After posting guards and throwing out pickets in various directions,
Gen. O'Neil marched up to the village of Fort Erie with the main
portion of his brigade, which he occupied without resistance. He
then made requisition on the village authorities for meals for his
men. He stated that he would do no personal injury to private
citizens, but wanted food and horses, and these he proposed to take
forcibly if they were not furnished willingly. Dr. Kempson, the
Reeve of the village, in order to protect the citizens and prevent
pillage, at once called a meeting of the Municipal Council, who
decided to provide the food demanded. In some cases Fenian bonds
were offered in payment for articles, but were not acceptable to the
Canadian people, and were courteously and firmly refused.
Immediately after breakfast had been served and rations distributed,
Gen. O'Neil made details of troops for various purposes. Guards were
posted all along the river front, from the ruins of old Fort Erie to
a point below Haggart's Dock, who were instructed to shoot any
person who attempted to interfere with them. Detachments were sent
to cut the telegraph wires and destroy part of the Buffalo and Lake
Huron railway track (now the Grand Trunk), which was quickly done. A
detail under command of Capt. Geary, of the 17th Kentucky Regiment,
was despatched to burn Sauerwine's Bridge, on the railway track
between Fort Erie and Ridgeway, and tear up the rails. This was only
partially accomplished, as after the Fenians left some of the people
residing in the vicinity rallied and extinguished the flames in the
burning bridge before much serious damage was done. The railway
track, however, was torn up for a considerable distance by the
An early morning train on the B. & L. H. Railway narrowly escaped
capture by a detail of troops sent for that purpose. The train had
just succeeded in transferring its passengers to the ferry boat
"International" and was starting back westward empty, when the
Fenians put in their appearance. The plucky engineer, seeing the
danger, pulled the throttle of his engine wide open and saved the
train from capture by a narrow margin.
After committing sundry other depredations in the way of cutting
telegraph wires and destroying public property. Gen. O'Neil marched
the main body of his troops down, the River Road to Frenchman's
Creek, where they encamped in an orchard on Newbigging's Farm, about
half, a mile north of the Lower Ferry. Here the Fenians began work
on the construction of a line of breastworks and entrenchments,
which kept them busily employed all afternoon.
A detachment of the 7th Buffalo Regiment, under command of Capt.
Donohue, made a reconnaissance in the direction of Chippawa during
the afternoon, and after discovering a party of mounted farmers, who
they mistook for Canadian cavalry, fired a volley at them without
effect and then retreated valiantly back to the Fenian camp,
bombastically boasting that they had routed a strong force of
British troops.
Other details had been busy seizing horses and food supplies, and
mounted scouts galloped for miles in all directions, scouring the
country seeking information as to the whereabouts of the Canadian
forces, and at the same time distributing copies of the following
"To the People of British America:
"We come among you as the foes of British rule in Ireland, We have
taken up the sword to strike down the oppressors' rod, to deliver
Ireland from the tyrant, the despoiler, the robber. We have
registered our oaths upon the altar of our country in the full view
of heaven and sent up our vows to the throne of Him who inspired
them. Then, looking about us for an enemy, we find him here, here in
your midst, where he is most vulnerable and convenient to our
strength... We have no issue with the people of these Provinces, and
wish to have none but the most friendly relations. Our weapons are
for the oppressors of Ireland. Our bows shall be directed only
against the power of England; her privileges alone shall we invade,
not yours. We do not propose to divest you of a solitary right you
now enjoy... We are here neither as murderers, nor robbers, for
plunder and spoliation. We are here as the Irish army of liberation,
the friends of liberty against despotism, of democracy against
aristocracy, of the people against their oppressors. In a word, our
war is with the armed power of England, not with the people, not
with these Provinces. Against England, upon land and sea, till
Ireland is free... To Irishmen throughout these Provinces we appeal
in the name of seven centuries of British iniquity and Irish misery
and suffering, in the names of our murdered sires, our desolate
homes, our desecrated altars, our million of famine graves, our
insulted name and race--to stretch forth the hand of brotherhood in
the holy cause of fatherland, and smite the tyrant where we can. We
conjure you, our countrymen, who from misfortune inflicted by the
very tyranny you are serving, or from any other cause, have been
forced to enter the ranks of the enemy, not to be willing
instruments of your country's death or degradation. No uniform, and
surely not the blood-dyed coat of England, can emancipate you from
the natural law that binds your allegiance to Ireland, to liberty,
to right, to justice. To the friends of Ireland, of freedom, of
humanity, of the people, we offer the olive branch of peace and the
honest grasp of friendship. Take it Irishmen, Frenchmen, American,
take it all and trust it... We wish to meet with friends; we are
prepared to meet with enemies. We shall endeavor to merit the
confidence of the former, and the latter can expect from us but the
leniency of a determined though generous foe and the restraints and
relations imposed by civilized warfare.
"(Signed) T. W. Sweeny.
"Major-General Commanding the Armies of Ireland."
During the afternoon and evening there was considerable excitement
and uneasiness in the Fenian camp, caused by rumors of the near
approach of the Canadian troops, and officers and men steadily
prepared for any emergency. Gen. O'Neil had been expecting heavy
reinforcements all day, but they failed to appear, although it was
estimated that there were over 10,000 Fenians then assembled in
Buffalo and vicinity, with a plentiful supply of arms and
ammunition. A few came over in rowboats as evening approached, but
the large forces that were expected remained on the other side,
cautiously awaiting developments.
It was the evident intention of the Fenian army to penetrate the
country and capture and destroy the Welland Canal, and subsequent
events confirmed that as part of their plan of campaign.
As the shades of night fell, strong guards were posted around the
Fenian camp, and the roads leading thereto were effectively
picketed. From reports brought in by his scouts and spies, Gen.
O'Neil learned that two Canadian columns were being mobilized--one
at Chippawa and the other at Port Colborne--and he resolved to make
a quick dash on one of these before a junction could be effected
between the two, counting upon a surprise and the prestige of his
men as veteran soldiers to win a victory. A council of war was
therefore held by O'Neil and his officers, and it was resolved to
make an advance immediately.
About 10 o'clock that night the men were aroused and commanded to
"fall in" for the movement forward. A large quantity of arms and
ammunition which had been brought over for the use of the expected
reinforcements was now found to be an impediment, and O'Neil decided
to destroy them to prevent their falling into the hands of the
Canadians. Consequently hundreds of rifles and other munitions of
war were burned or thrown into Frenchman's Creek before leaving
their camp.
The Fenian column then started down the River Road towards Black
Creek. On arrival at a point near that stream they bivouacked by the
roadside and awaited reports of scouts. It was here that Gen. O'Neil
learned that a force of Canadian volunteers would leave Port
Colborne for Ridgeway early on the morning of June 2nd, and he
decided to go forward and attack them. It was just about daybreak
that he put his brigade in motion and moved west by an old bush road
until he struck the Ridge Road, which bears south-west from the
river to Ridgeway. As they marched along the latter highway in the
early hours of a bright, beautiful morning, the Fenians were in fine
fettle and "spoiling for a fight." They had some mounted scouts in
advance, cautiously feeling the way. When within a few miles of
Ridgeway Station this advance guard heard the whistle of a
locomotive, and soon after bugle calls, which signified the arrival
of the Canadian troops. The scouts galloped back to O'Neil with the
information, and he at once halted his brigade, closed up his
column, and began making preparations for battle.
Gen. O'Neil's experience in the military campaigns of the Civil War
had taught him many useful lessons, which he had evidently profited
by, as his choice of a battleground on Limestone Ridge was
admirable, and the skilful disposition he made of his forces was
commensurate with the ability of a high-class tactician.
Limestone Ridge, along which the so-called "Ridge Road" runs, has an
elevation of about 35 feet over the surrounding country, and at the
point where O'Neil took up his main position is about half a mile
wide, with patches of bush and clumps of trees alternating with open
fields. On both sides the country is comparatively cleared, so that
an extensive view is obtainable from the summit of the ridge, which
was of decided advantage to O'Neil, as he could watch the approach
of advancing troops from almost any direction. Here he posted his
brigade and hastily began the construction of breastworks and
barricades of fence rails and earth. A force of sharpshooters and
skirmishers were thrown out well to the front and along the flanks
of this position, and after all dispositions for battle had been
carefully made, Gen. O'Neil coolly awaited the arrival of the
Canadian troops, who were advancing from Ridgeway totally ignorant
of the fact that there was a lion in their path.
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WebMasters in any way endorse the stereotypes implied. Troublous Times in Canada, A History of the Fenian Raids of 1866 and 1870
Fenian Raids of 1866 - 1870
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