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Addenda Canada Directory
These few towns and additions to cities and business
that were missed in the original listings were found at the back of
the book among the ads. There just might be one name that will
help our readers.
Acton, Allansville,
Arthur, Aylmer,
Bath, Bridgeport,
Beauport, Cayuga,
Chateau Richer, Cobden,
Coldwater, Cookstown,
Cumminsville, Danville,
Delaware, Eboulemens,
Edmonton, Enniskillen,
Guelph, Jarvis,
Kingston, L'ange
Gardien, Malbaie,
Metcalfe, Montreal,
Niagra, Pigeon Hill,
Pike River, Port Hope,
The Canada Directory, containing the names of the
professional and business men of every description, in the cities,
towns, and principal villages of Canada. November 1851
In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are
those of subscribers to the work.
Abbottsford Canada Directory
A VILLAGE situated in the County of St. Hyacinthe, C.E., on the high
road from Montreal to Sherbrooke distant from Montreal, 39 miles,
and from St. Hyacinthe, 15 miles.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Dwyer, Lieut. Col. I., J.P.
Johnson, Rev. F., Church of England. Gillespie, J., general store.
Lincoln, , innkeeper.
Miles, Rev. R., Congregationalist.
Newington, Thomas, J.P.
Robinson, Rev. F., Church of England.
Acton Canada Directory
A Station of the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railway, in the County of
Drummond, C.E., 19 miles from St. Hyacinthe, where, from all
appearances, a village of some extent is likely to grow up in a
short time.
Allansville Canada Directory
A Village situated in the Township of Peel, County of Waterloo, C.
W. distant from Guelph, 30 miles from Waterloo, 18 miles from Elora,
20 miles. The Post Office is known as " Peel."
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Allan & Sutherland, merchants.
Allan, George, J. P., postmaster.
Anderson, James, shoemaker.
Buch, Hiram. merchant.
Conley, James, shoemaker.
Corkman, John, clerk.
Fitzgerald, John, blacksmith.
Ghant, Thomas, farmer.
Johnson, William, cooper.
Miller, George, shoemaker.
Rodgers, Joseph, tavernkeeper.
Sirjohn, William, blacksmith.
Squires, Bostwick, potash maker.
Sutherland, Donald, tavernkeeper.
Sutherland, W. S., miller.
Taner, John, tanner and currier.
Wilson, George, farmer.
Wood, James, potash maker.
Arthur Canada Directory
A Village situated in the South Eastern part of the Township of
Arthur, County of Waterloo, C. W., on the road leading from Guelph
to Owen Sound distant from Guelph, the County Town, 25 miles from
Fergus, 13 miles usual stage fare from Guelph, 6s. 3d. from Fergus,
2s. 6d. Population about 50. The mail stage from Fergus to Owen
Sound passes weekly through the village. The post office known as
that of Arthur is under the charge of Mr. William Gunn, and is at a
considerable distance from the village. Arthur contains grist,
oatmeal and saw mills, (the proprietor of which is Andrew Mitchell,
Esq., J. P.;) 3 taverns, 1 store, 1 shoemaker, 1 blacksmith, and 1
carpenter. A place of worship has been lately erected for the use of
all denominations.
Aylmer, C. E. Canada Directory
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Morris, L. E., advocate.
Bath Canada Directory
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Bennett, John, shoemaker.
Brewster, Rev. Robert, Wesleyan.
Bruff, William, blacksmith.
Fairfield, Alfred, blacksmith.
Forster, Emily, schoolteacher.
Lord, Billings, blacksmith.
Lynn, Patrick, shoemaker.
Papin, Frank, carpenter.
Phillips, R., schoolteacher.
Priest, E. D., blacksmith.
Priest, Sarah, schoolteacher.
Vancleek, Jacob, innkeeper.
Wright, Edward, merchant, and clerk of division court.
Bridgeport Canada Directory
A Small Village situated in the Township of Waterloo, County of
Waterloo, C. W. distant from Berlin, 2 miles. Population about 100
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Bemis, B. B., jun., innkeeper.
Brown, William, shoemaker.
Davidson & Mackie, general store.
Heller, John, saddler.
Miller, John, blacksmith.
Seibert, ,carpenter.
Tagge, P. N., general store.
Tyson, Isaac W., cooper.
Tyson, John IL, nurseryman.
Beauport Canada Directory
A Village And Parish, situated on the North shore of the River St.
Lawrence, County of Quebec, C.E. distant from Quebec, 3 miles.
Population about 2200.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Belanger, Joseph, carding mill.
Belleau, Jacques, grocer.
Bernard, Rev. L. T., Roman Catholic curate.
Bitner, Charles, school teacher.
Brown, William, grist mitt Gaudry,
Felix E., school teacher.
Hall, G. B., seignior, saw and grist mill owner.
Henderson, Edward, grist mill.
Henderson, Jabez, oil and flour mill and distillery.
Jouvin, Abraham, school teacher.
Methot & Chinic, nail factory.
Miller, John, school teacher.
O'Brien, Patrick, dry goods.
Palmer, Charles, school teacher.
Parent, Pierre, saw mill
Rinville, Pierre, saw mill.
Schrader, Miss M., female school teacher.
Voniffland, Ant., physician and surgeon. Inspectors of Roads
Joseph Giroux, jun., and
Joseph Mailloux.
Pathmasters-Honore Paquet,
Felix Parent,
Jean Dominique Laurent dit Lortie,
Louis Chamberland,
Baptiste Verret,
Honore Binet,
Honore Langevin,
Joseph Latouche,
Etienne Marcoux,jun.,
Felix Giroux, and Laurent Gosselin.
School Commissioners
L. T. Bernard, president,
Louis Marcoux, jun.,
Felix Giroux,
J. B. Bolduc,
Ant. A. Lortie, and Charles Marcoux. Municipal Council Fran. Binet,
P. Belanger.
Cayuga Canada Directory
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Foley, Bernard, judge of the county and surrogate courts, County of
Haldimand. McAndrew, Lewis, editor and publisher of the "Cayuga
Farrell, A. P., county registrar and treasurer, County of Haldimand.
Doyle, Martin, Cayuga hotel.
Dudley, Owen, agent, National Loan Fund Life Assurance Company.
Martin, Richard, sheriff, County of Haldimand.
Stevenson, John G., clerk of the peace, County of Haldimand.
Flanagan, Charles, saddler and harnessmaker.
Graydon, William, shoemaker.
Griffith, Robert V., deputy clerk of the crown,clerk of county
court, and registrar of surrogate court.
Johnson, Mrs. Campbell house hotel.
Lewis, R. & C., general store.
Martin & Ambrose, attornies at law.
De Cew, Edward, warden of the county.
Richardson, John, shoemaker.
Phelps, O. S., revenue inspector.
Thompson, J. F., general store.
Campbell, Duncan, postmaster, and agent Provincial Mutual Insurance
Walters, John, ship inn.
Willson, Robert, M. D.
Conroy, John, baker.
Willson, W. H., M. D.
Coldwater Canada Directory
A Village situated in the Township of Medonte, County of Simeoe, C.
W. distant from Barrie, 31 miles from Orillia, 14 miles. Population
about 120.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &e.
Canning, John, carpenter.
Caswell, , innkeeper.
Fuller & Davidson, chairmakers.
Gill, John, miller.
Gill, Daniel, distiller.
Gill, Joseph, cooper.
Rainberd, ________, attorney at law.
Shaw, James, postmaster and schoolteacher.
Willis, Benjamin, shoemaker.
Crowlandville or Cook's Mills Canada
A Village, situated in the Township of Crowland, County of Welland,
C.W. distant from St. Therines, 15 miles from Chippawa, 9 miles.
Population about 120.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Benedict, Peter & George, tanners and curriers.
Benedict, James, harnessmaker.
Boardman, L., innkeeper.
Corson, Rev. Robert, Wesleyan.
Creighton, Rev. William, Wesleyan.
Davis, George, cabinetmaker.
Doan, William, innkeeper.
Doan, Alexander, temperance inn and grocer.
Doan, P. C., innkeeper.
Doan, Robert, general store.
Doan, Abraham, carriagemaker.
Doan, Clark, blacksmith.
Elliott, Rev. John N., Episcopal Methodist.
Fraser, Rev. N. A., Episcopal Methodist.
Glover, John, blacksmith.
Holcomb, Daniel G., grist, saw, and carding mills.
House, William, blacksmith.
Kaufman, Mathias & Sebastian, carpet weavers.
Pratt, Benjamin F., shoemaker.
Skinner, Hiram, & Co., patent churn factory.
Skinner, Jesse, turner and waggonmaker.
Van Alstine, W., postmaster and general store.
Yokom, William W., blacksmith.
Charlesbourg Canada Directory
A Village And Parish situated on the north shore of the River St.
Lawrence, County of Quebec,. C. E., distant from Quebec, 4 miles.
Population about 2400.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &e.
Bedard, Pierre, school teacher.
Bedard, Joseph, J. P.
Cloutier. Jean, dry goods and groceries.
Dorion, Mrs. William, female school teacher.
Dorion, Pierre, J. P.
Dorion, Henry, dry goods and groceries.
Fortier, Francis, saw mill.
Glackmeyer, E., notary.
The ladies of the Hotel Dieu,
the ladies of the General Hospital,
the Jesuits' Estates, Madame Zouch, and the heirs Stuart,
co-seigniors of Charlesbourg.
Lefebvre, Miss A., female school teacher.
Moffatt, Louis T., school teacher and notary.
Payment, Rev. E., Roman Catholic curate.
Portelance, Miss Henriette, female school teacher.
Robitaille, Edouard, dry goods and groceries.
Tremblay, Richard, carding and saw mills.
Tremblay, J. B. and Godefroi, saw mill.
Verret, ________, saw mill.
Vaillancourt, Augustin, saw mill.
Villeneuve, Joseph, saw mill.
Inspectors of Roads, J. B. Audy, Nicolas Delinelle, and Pierre Jean
Pathmasters, Charles Pageot, Jean Delage dit Lavigueur, Pierre
Villeneuve, Jacques Jobin, Louis Lebel dit Beaubien, Jean B. Drouin,
J. B. Roy, Louis Bedard, Etienne Leclaire, Zacherie Cloutier, and
Francois Nolet.
School commissioners Joseph Paquet, president, Olivier Legare.Louis
Cioutier,Pierre Chalitbux.
and Jean Cloutier; secretary, Pierre Pageot.
Municipal Councillors, Joseph Bedard and Edouard Robitaille.
Chateau Richer Canada Directory
A Village And Parish situated on the North shore of the River St.
Lawrence, County of tifontmorenc , C. E. distant from Quebec, 15
miles. Population about 1200.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Barette, Francois, saw mill.
Bechard. Auguste, schoolteacher.
Cazault, Narcisse, carding mill.
Cazault, Joseph, saw mill.
Charest, T., physician and surgeon.
Cote Miss Justine, female school teacher.
Jobidon, Francois, carding mill.
Lefrancois, L. C., notary public and registrar.
Letourneau, Jacques, dry goods and groceries.
Michel, Thomas & Jean, saw mill.
Parant, Rev. Et. Ed., Roman Catholic.
Rousseau, L. O., notary, secretary and treasurer of the
Rousseau, V. L. O., dry goods and groceries. Warren, Phillip, dry
goods and groceries.
Seminary of Quebec, seigniors and owners of grist mill.
Trepanier, Miss Sophie, female school teacher.
Inspectors of Roads, Louis Gariepy, Prisque Poulin, and Francois
Pathmasters, Francois Michel. Abraham Verreau, Jean Michel, Michel
Gagnon, Regis Lefebvre, Francois Pare, and Aug. Belanger.
Inspectors of Fences and Ditches, Joseph Lefrancois, Joseph
Francourt, and Joseph Toupin.
Municipal Councillors, Louis Cloutier, and Chas. Rheaume.
School Commissioners, Joseph Cloutier, Louis C. Lefrancois, Joseph
Gravel, Onesime Gravel, Louis Cloutier.
Cumminsville Canada Directory
A Village situated in the Township of Nelson, County of Halton, C.
W., distant from Toronto, 41 miles, usual steamboat fare to Toronto,
via Wellington Square, 3s. 9d. to 7s. 6d., usual stage fare to
Toronto, via Nelson, 10s. Population about 200.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &e.
KELLY, CHARLES, & Co., Gore powder mills,
under head of Montreal.
PANTON, WILLIAM, postmaster.
PANTON & BAKER, general merchants.
Flock, Dr., physician and surgeon, 2 miles distant.
Liddle, Isaac, turner and chair maker.
Montgomery, W. P., cloth factory and wool carder.
Galloway, Thomas and William, flour mills.
Small, Francis, saw mill.
Gage & Wills, saw mill.
Thompson, Robert, inn keeper and saw mill.
Gage, Andrew, saw mill. Also 3 shoemakers, 1 blacksmith, 1 joiner, 1
mill wright.
Holbrook & Haynes, tannery.
Cobden Canada Directory
A Village, situated in the Township of Ross, united Counties of
Lanark and Renfrew, C.W. usual steamboat fare to Pembroke, on
Muskrat Lake, 2s. 6d. usual stage fare to Horton Landing, 2s. 6d.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
GOULD, JASON, general merchant, forwarder, and postmaster.
Rankin, John, innkeeper.
Olmsted Ephraim, saw mill.
Trudel, Pierre, cooper.
Williams, Rev. Mr., Episcopal Methodist. William Gilchrist, reeve;
Jason Gould, John
M'Laren, John Kerr, James Jack, councillors,
Township of Ross, D. S. Montgomerie, clerk.
Cookstown Canada Directory
A Village, situated in the Township of Tecumseth, County of Simcoe,
C. W. distant from Barrie, 15 miles from Toronto, 50 miles.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Clemmings, John, waggonmaker.
M'Faul, Wilson, tailor.
Coleman, Robert, blacksmith.
Merrick, John, miller, 2 miles distant.
Ferguson, Thomas R., general merchant.
Montgomery, William, shoemaker.
Harper, James, general merchant and innkeeper.
Rice, Rev. Luther O., Methodist.
Henderson, William, waggonmaker.
Stewart, Nathaniel. cooper.
Jones, Humphry, shoemaker.
Strong, William, shoemaker.
Jebb, Thomas A., miller, 1 1/2 mile distant.
Sutherland, William, blacksmith.
Kerns, Archibald, innkeeper.
Danville Canada Directory
A Village, situated in the Township of Shipton, County of Sherbrooke,
C.E. distant from. Richmond, 11 miles, on the line of the Quebec
Railway and from Sherbrooke, 34 miles. Population, about 250.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
CLEVELAND, C. B., JUN., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware,
crockery, country produce, and pearl ash factory.
Baker & Crown, saw mill.
Baker, Enoch, carpenter and builder.
Boutelle, James, cabinetmaker.
Burbank, S.. carriagemaker.
Burbank, A., flour mill.
Cleveland, Charles, blacksmith.
Cleveland, J. C., carpenter and builder.
Emerson, Moses, shoemaker, 1 mile distant.
Emerson, Lucius, cabinetmaker, 1 mile distant.
Fields, F. D., cooper, 1 mile distant.
Fitch. W. W.. bailiff.
Gilman, S. M., hotel and iron foundry.
Gliddon, Simon, shoemaker.
Glines, Hiram, T.D.
Hanning, H., miller.
Lynch, Michael, innkeeper.
Delaware Canada Directory
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Bench, Peter, carpenter.
Miller, Robert, carpenter.
Perrin, Benjamin, shoemaker.
Saunders, John, blacksmith.
Scott, Abraham, tailor.
Tiffany, Otis, carpenter.
Edmonton Canada Directory
A Village situated in the Township of Chinguacousy, County of York,
C.W., distant from Toronto, 29 miles, usual stage faze, 3s. 9d.,
usual stage fare from Port Credit, 2s. 6d. Population about I50.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
WATSON, JOHN, junr., postmaster and general store keeper.
Allan, Spencer, innkeeper.
Bisson, Louis, innkeeper and carpenter.
Black, _______, general store.
Clunes and brothers, blacksmiths.
Eckford, James, ship carpenter.
Graff. John, tailor.
Harrington, Mrs., temperance inn.
Hill, Henry. carpenter.
Hogens, _______, innkeeper.
Lacon and Sons, blacksmiths.
Leet, Reuben, tanner.
M'Donald, D. R., blacksmith.
M'Dougall, J. K., M.D.
M'Laren, Alexander, general trader.
Marcellus, Charles. shoemaker.
Martin, A., shoemaker.
McMillan, _______, waggon maker.
Milner, ________, waggon maker.
Nadeau, Reim, saw and grist mills.
Paps, Whitehead, & Co., general store.
Paps,_______, carriage maker.
Parker, Rev. A. J., Congregationalist.
Paul, James, saddler.
Porter, John, tinsmith.
Rutledge, ________, inn keeper.
Shaw, J., cooper.
Stockwell, J. & J., general store.
Vincent, Joseph, shoemaker.
Whitcomb, Silas, tanner.
Willey & Hall, smiths, 1 mile from village.
Willey, N. W. & J., grist mill, 1 mile from village.
Wyatt, Gilman, carding, fulling, and cloth mills, saw mill and pail
Eboulemens Canada Directory
A Village And Parrish situated on the North shore of the River St.
Lawrence, County of Saguenay, C. E., 69 miles from Quebec, to which
the communication is the same as from St. Paul's Bay. Population
about 2000.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
CLEMENT, LEON CHARLES, notary, secretary, and treasurer of the
municipality of the county of Saguenay.
Audet, Barthelemi, dry goods.
Degagne, Miss, female school teacher. Duberger, Charles, county
Drapeau, Dlles., seignioresses.
Gagnon. Rev. C., Roman Catholic.
Girard, Jean Baptiste, carding mill.
Godreau, Pascal, saw mill.
Girard, Joseph, dry goods.
Levesque, Isidore, notary.
LaTerriere, P. de Sales, seignior, physician and surgeon,
J. P., M. P. P., and owner of grist and saw mills.
Legas, Jean, dry goods.
Naive, John, seignior.
Savard, Roger, dry goods and J. P.
Slavin, Edouard, dry goods.
Tremblay, Arsene, school teacher.
Tremblay, Germain, school teacher.
Tremblay, Paul, saw mill.
Inspectors of Roads-Toussaint Bouchard and Homere Perron.
Pathmasters Laurent Houde, Come Tremblay, C leophas Gagnon, Adolphe
Gagnon, Ignace Tremblay, Onesime Bouchard, Hypolite Audet, Ubalde
Coulombe, Usebe Bergeron, Eusebe Gauthier and Thomas Boudreau.
Inspectors of fences and ditches, Edouard Houde, Joseph Tremblay and
Jean Perron.
Municipal Councillors P. de Sales LaTerrie mayor, Jean Baptiste
School Commissioners Edouard Houde, Jean Legas, Leon Charles Clement
and Joseph Tremblay.
Commissioners Court Roger Savard, Germain Degagne, Joseph Degagne,
and Arsene Tremblay.
Enniskillen Canada Directory
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Bates, Charles, millowner, 1 mile distant.
Secor, Alexander, flour mills.
Bingham, William, carpenter and builder.
Sharpe, James, wheelwright.
Chambers, Charles, shoemaker.
Sharpe, John, shoemaker.
Barclay, L., innkeeper.
Sherret, John, shoemaker.
Field, William, carpenter and builder.
Guelph Canada Directory
The County Town of the County of Waterloo. C. W distant from
Toronto, by the projected line Railroad, 42 miles from London,
direct, 62 miles from Goderich, 90 miles from Hamilton, 50 miles
from Galt, 16 miles usual stage fares, to Hamilton, 6s. 3d. to Galt,
3s. 9d. to Waterloo, 5s. to Preston, 3s. lid. to Brantford, 7s. 6d.
to Stratford, 13s. 1 id. to Fergus, or Elora, 2s. 6d. to Owen Sound,
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Colonial Life Assurance Company, William Hewitt, agent.
County of Waterloo Mutual Fire Assurance Company, James Hodgert,
EMSLIE, ALEXANDER, tailor and clothier, Wyndham st.
EMSLIE, ALEXANDER, temperance hotel, Wyndham st., has comfortable
accommodations for travelers.
GWYNNE, JAMES WALLACE, barrister and attorney at law.
HACKING, WILLIAM, general merchant removed to Waterloo st.
HAYWARD, WILLIAM, chemist and druggist, Gordon st. (instead of
HALL, JOHN, Wellington hotel, (instead of " Hood, WILLLAM,") horses
and carriages furnished on short notice.
HOWARD, JAMES, boot and shoe store, (instead of " HOWARD & NORRIS.")
JARVIS, WILLIAM D. P., barrister and attorney at law, north west
corner of Market square.
GEORGE, F , & Co., successors to "James Lynd," general merchants,
Market square.
MALONE, WILLIAM, watchmaker and jeweller, Market square.
MARTIN & MCNAB, attornies, conveyancers, &c., Market square, (E. R.
Martin, Guelph, John McNab, Toronto )
PIRIE, GEORGE, printer and publisher of "Guelph Herald," weekly
paper, Market Square.
WARREN, GEORGE, successor to D. Benedict, dealer in dry goods,
groceries, &c., cash paid for all kinds of country produce, Gordon
Non Members
Campbell and Company, woollen factory, Waterloo road.
Gay, James, innkeeper, Cork st.
Goodson, Rev. Mr., Wesleyan.
Grigor, Rev. Colin, Church of Scotland, (instead of " Church of
Hewat, William, county treasurer, (instead of " Hewitt.")
Kerr, Francis, provincial land surveyor.
Jones, Mrs., innkeeper, Market square.
Leitch, Misses, dressmakers and milliners.
Owens & Atkins, grocers and drapers.
Tatham, George P., general store, Cork st. (instead of "Fatham.")
Stephens, Anthony, registrar of surrogate court.
The following persons have given up business or left the town:
Benedict, D., merchant.
Norris, ________, boot and shoemaker.
Judge, Michael, gunsmith, &c.
Lynd, James, merchant.
Griffin, Rev. J., Wesleyan.
Marcon, F. W., resigned, Montreal Bank agency.
Massmier, F. W., innkeeper.
Moran, Patrick, grocer.
Smith, John, bookseller.
Spencer, Rev. J., Wesleyan.
Jarvis Canada Directory
A VILLAGE situated in the Township of Walpole, County of Haldimand,
C.W.-distant from Toronto, 74 miles, from Hamilton, 29 miles-usual
stage fare, 6s. 3d.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
SHANNON, C. W., postmaster, and general storekeeper.
Bowman, John, town councilor.
Cook, D. K., steam saw mill.
Gowan, John, town councilor and general store.
Gates, Calvin, town reeve.
Falls, Thomas, deputy reeve.
Headly, James H., steam saw mill,
Hume, William, M.D.
Kingston, Canada Directory
Ross, C. S., cashier Commercial Bank, Midland District.
L'ange Gardien Canada Directory
A Village And Parish situated at the North shore of the River St.
Lawrence, County of Montmorenci distant from Quebec, 9 miles.
Population about 800.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Asselin, Rev. Joseph, Roman Catholic curate.
Giroux, Miss S., female school teacher.
Goulet, Gabriel, saw mill.
Goulet, Charles, dry goods and groceries.
Julien, Joseph, inspector of roads.
Laberge, Antoine, groceries.
Lefrangois, P. C., school teacher.
Lafrangois, Charles, carding and grist mills.
Mathieu, Pierre, saw mill.
Seminary of Quebec, seigniors.
Touchet, Josephs saw mill.
Metcalfe, C. E. Canada Directory
A Small Village situated in the Township of Roxton, County of
Shefford, C. E distant from the Acton station of the St. Lawrence
and Atlantic Railroad, 7 miles.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &e.
Boisvert, Rev. Mr., Roman Catholic.
Drolet, Charles, store and ashery.
Bridgeman, George, tannery.
Savage, B. J. P., pearl ashery.
Cook, E., grist mill.
Slack, Rev. J., Church of England.
Malbaie Canada Directory
A Village And Parish situated on the north shore of the River St.
Lawrence, County of Saguenay, C. E., distant 90 miles from Quebec,
to which the communication is by schooner, usual fare, 2s. 6d.
Population about 4000.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Angers, Eli, dry goods and groceries.
Belleville, Flavien Boucher, carding mill.
Belanger, J. B., dry goods and groceries.
Beaubien, Eli Hudon, notary.
Beaudry, Rev. A., Roman Catholic curate.
Brassard, Thomas, school teacher.
Dufour, Alector, dry goods and groceries.
Dufour, Damase, dry goods and groceries.
Duberger, George, land agent.
Duberger, J. B. and George, surveyors.
Gagner, Jean, notary.
Gagnon, George, school teacher.
Guay, Eugene, saw mill.
Guay, Ambroise, dry goods and groceries.
Frazer, John Malcolm, grist mill and seignior.
Harvey, L. D., physician and surgeon.
Harvey, Andre, dry goods and groceries, and J. P.
Harvey, Pierre, dry goods and groceries.
Jean, Francois, dry goods and groceries.
Nairne, John, grist mill and J. P., and seignor.
Pacaud, Charles, school teacher.
Perron, Pierre, school teacher.
Simon, Hubert, dry goods and groceries, and J. P.
Simard, Cleophas, postmaster.
Simon, Cleophas, notary.
Simon, Pamphile, notary.
Tremblay, Simon, dry goods and groceries.
Tremblay, Vital, school teacher.
Tremblay, Hypolite, dry goods and groceries.
Tremblay, Edouard, notary and J. P.
Vincent, , physician and surgeon.
Inspectors of Roads, Joseph Dufour, jun., Francois McMichol, Louis
Mattais, Joseph Guay, Pepin Gagnon, and Alexis Bouchard.
Pathmasters, Damase Dufour, Jean Tremblay, J. Tremblay, Seraphin
Dufour, J. B. Simard, Joseph Tremblay, Elnilien Bouchard, Michel
Foster, Basile Tremblay, Francis Bouchard, Hubert Gagnon, Jean
Murray, Alex. McMichol, Francois Audet, Louis Gagnon, and Jos.
Inspectors of fences and ditches, Joseph Savard, Jacob Gagnon,
Augustin Gagnon.
School Commissioners, Andre Harvey, Louis Mattais, Isaac Tremblay,
Hypolite Tremblay, and Messire A. Beaudry, secretary to
commissioners, Jean Gagne.
Commissioners Court, Jean Gagne, Eli Hudon Beaudien, Celestin
Demeule, Hypolite Tremblay, Boniface Tremblay, Eli Angers, Alexis
Montreal Canada Directory
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
ABBOTT & MOLSON, advocates, 33 Little St. James st.
CANADIAN FARMER, monthly, John Smith publisher, St. Joseph st.,
west, near McGill st. See card.
LAFONTAINE & BERTHELOT, advocates, corner Craig and St. Dominique
LAPENSEE, V. R., forwarder and commission merchant, Common st.,
Canal wharf.
MITCHELL & MCARTHUR, copper smiths, plumbers, gasfitters and brass
founders, St.
Henry st., opposite Grant's hotel.
SARDINIAN CONSUL, Henry Chapman, St. Peter st.
SIVIITH, J. B., & Co., general commission and leather merchants,
sioners st., Pointe a Callidre.
TORRANCE & BANCROFT, advocates, 49 Little
Non Members
Boujanget, C., advocate, 10 St. Vincent st.
Campbell, J. & H., coopers, St. Alexis st.
Clarke, Edwin, fish hooks and needles, 168 St.
Dolan, Francis, dry goods, 206 Notre Dame st.
Dougas, George, merchant tailor, 17 McGill st.
Downy, Denis, fruit store, 43; McGill st.
Eddleston, G. R., confectioner, 42 Great St James st.
Ellis, Mrs., & Sisters, ladies school, 48 St. Charles Barromee st.
Galway & Drennan, carpenters, corner Vitre and Cote sts.
Girouard, Miss, ladies school, St. Denis st.
Goodfellow, Mrs., dressmaker, 230 St. Paul st.
Gore Powder Mills, Henry Vennor, agent, 3 St. Sacrament st.
Hall, Mrs., boarding house, St. Urbain st.
Herveou, F. N., wine merchant, 14 St. Lawrence st.
Jameson, H., & Co., fruit store, Place d'Armes Hill.
Kelloch, Mrs., boarding house, 6 St. Francois Xavier st.
McKay, Henry, commission merchant, 33 St. Francois Xavier st.
Manhattan Life Insurance Company, G. B. Muir, agent, Place d'Armes
Miller, Mrs. J. M., boarding house, Pres de Ville place.
Mussen, H., groceries and wines, 24 St. Mary st.
Renaud, Mrs., ladies school, St. Joseph st., west.
Russell, John, .& Co., second hand bookstore, corner of St. Lawrence
and Vitre sts.
Sanborn, M. H., advocate, 51 Little St. James st.
Simms, Robert, commission merchant, 35 St. Francois Xavier st.
Stephens, R. H., advocate, 49 Little St. James st.
Williams, Thomas, commission merchant, 28 St.. Francois Xavier st.
St. Patrick's Society
This society has been recently reorganized, and its officers now
L. T. Drummond, M. P. P., president; Henry Harkin and Patrick Lawlor,
vice-presidents; John Collins, treasurer; Isidore Mallon,
corresponding secretary; Henry J. Larkin, recording secretary; Rev.
J. J. Connolly, and the Irish Clergy of St. Patrick's Church,
chaplains; Drs. Macdonnell and Tucker, physicians.
Pathological Society
At the recent annual meeting of this society, the following
gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year:
J. D. Gibb, M. D., president;
L. Boyer, M. D., vice-president;
G. E. Fenwick, M. D., secretary.
Niagra Canada Directory
CLEMENT, GEORGE A., manufacturer of tin and sheet iron wares, dealer
in hardware, &c., at the old stand of John Wagstaff and Son, Queen
Pigeon Hill Canada Directory
A Small Village situated in the County of Missisquoi, C. E. distant
from Phillipsburgh, 8 miles.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Eaton & Brill, general store.
Morey, C., blacksmith.
Davis, J., shoemaker.
Vandewater, W., shoemaker.
Port Hope Canada Directory
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Armstrong. Robert, deputy registrar, Charles st.
Barnet, William, carpenter and builder.
Beamish, Wm , pot ash manufacturer, John st.
Brogdin, William, builder, Walton st.
Braund, William, captain of the schooner Merchant, John st.
Burnham, Mark, J. P., Walton st.
Cundle, Jacob, sash, window blind and door manufacturer, Cavan st.
Carveth, William, stone mason and brick layer, Mill st.
Clarke, William, storekeeper, Molson's mills, Cavan st.
Field, B. & Co., marble cutters, &c., Mill st.
Fowke. Job, bookeeper, John st.
Gordon & Hay, tin, sheet iron and copper smiths, Walton st.
Grant, James, J. P., John st.
Grierson, Mrs., school teacher, John st.
Griggs, J., master of schooner London.
Hagerman, H. N., boarding house, John st.
Hall, J., butcher, Walton st.
Hall, D., tailor, Mill st.
Hatton, Samuel, grocer, Ward st.
Harris, Almon, lumber merchant and saw miller, Augusta st.
Hastings. G.W., grocer and bookseller Walton st.
Healey, Geo. M., captain of the schooner Cygnet, John st.
Henderson, Geo., livery stable keeper, Queen st.
Hills, Robert. merchant tailor, Walton st.
Janes, Bennett, carpenter and builder, Charles st.
Janes, Thomas F., captain of the schooner Jane Ann Marsh.
Jones, ______, tailor, Ward st.
Knapp, Mrs.. ladies boarding school, Walton st.
Laverich, N. W., lumber merchant.
Lesslie, James, plasterer, Bruton st.
Lithgou-, Wm., carpenter and builder, King st.
McCullough, Rev. W., Wesleyan Methodist.
Manson, D., captain of the schooner Ann J.Brown.
Mather, John, tailor, John st.
Marshall, Stephen, shoemaker, Brown st.
Meridith, H. H., J. P., John st.
Molson, Thomas, flouring mills, Cavan st.
Morris, J., butcher, Walton st.
Orr. R., bookeeper, Molson's mills, Cavan st.
Paterson, W., master of schooner Acorn.
Fetch, J.. chain pump manufacturer, Maitland st.
Porter, William & Philip, bricklayers and plasterers, Charles st.
Rae, Samuel, cooper, Cavan st.
Randall, Peter, carpenter and builder.
Robertson, James, J. P., John st.
Robertson, Peter, tannery, John st.
Routley, Richard, butcher, Mill st.
Ruthven. George, clerk of Commercial Bank, Ridout st.
Ruttan. C. bailiff of division court, Ridout st.
Sisson, William, J. P., John st.
Smith, R. C., Peter st.
Spotton, William, school teacher, Pine st.
Thatcher, P. T., dentist, Walton st.
Trick, R., bricklayer and plasterer, Ridout st.
Wallace, Robert, captain of the schooner Leander, Walton st.
Wallis, Clark, cooper, Cavan st.
Walker, L. W., lumber merchant, King st.
Watson, Thomas, school teacher, King st. Williams.
John Tucker, Victoria st.
Wright. Robert, shool teacher, Maitland st.
Wright, George, captain of the schooner John Wesley. John st.
Pike River Canada Directory
A Small Village situated in the County of Missisquoi, C. E. distant
from Henryville, 5 miles and from St. Johns, 18 miles.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
Fuller, , innkeeper.
Taylor, A. L., postmaster, general store and J. P. Marsh & Ogle,
general store.
Quebec Canada Directory
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
CAMPBELL, ROLLO, printer, Trigg's buildings, Garden st., U. T.
DERBISHIRE & DESBARATS, Queen's printers, corner of St. Louis and
Garden sts., U.T.
GARRATT, JAMES, importer of fine jewellery of all kinds, 6 Fabrique
st., U, T. a very elegant stock constantly on hand, at low prices.
LOVELL, JOHN, general printing office, corner of Garden and St. Ann
sts., U. T.
PERRAULT, Louis, printer, Triggs buildings, Garden st., U. T.
ROCHE, MRS., teacher of fancy wax work, drawing in crayons and other
ornamental work for ladies, Haldimand st., U. T.
Non Members
Dods, Jesse, merchant tailor, St. Louis st.
Steele, Mrs., boarding house, D'Autieul st. Esplanade.
King, Samuel, boots and shoes, Fabrique st.,
Directory To Government Officers
The various offices connected with the Civil Government, are located
as follows, viz:
Union buildings, late St. George's Hotel
Governor General's Secretary, Provincial Secretary, Executive
Council, Attornies and Solicitors General, Adjutants General of
Castle of St. Lewis:Crown Lands Department, Public Works Department,
Clerks of Crown in Chancery.
Jones' Building, St. Lewis street
Inspector General's Department, Receiver General's Department.
Mount Carmel street
Post Office Department.
Directory |