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The Founders of Acadia
The name Acadia,1 which
we now associate with a great tragedy of history and song, was first
used by the French to distinguish the eastern or maritime part of
New France from the western part, which began with the St Lawrence
valley and was called Canada. Just where Acadia ended and Canada
began the French never clearly defined--in course of time, as will
be seen, this question became a cause of war with the English--but
we shall not be much at fault if we take a line from the mouth of
the river Penobscot, due north to the St Lawrence, to mark the
western frontier of the Acadia of the French. Thus, as the map
shows, Acadia lay in that great peninsula which is flanked by two
large islands, and is washed on the north and east by the river and
gulf of St Lawrence, and on the south by the Atlantic Ocean; and it
comprised what are to-day parts of Quebec and Maine, as well as the
provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.
When the French came, and for long after, this country was the
hunting ground of tribes of the Algonquin race--Micmac, Malecite,
and Abnaki or Abenaki.
By right of the discoveries of Jean Verrazano (1524) and Jacques
Cartier (1534-42) the French crown laid claim to all America north
of the sphere of Spanish influence. Colonial enterprise, however,
did not thrive during the religious wars which rent Europe in the
sixteenth century; and it was not until after the Edict of Nantes in
1598 that France could follow up the discoveries of her seamen by an
effort to colonize either Acadia or Canada. Abortive attempts had
indeed been made by the Marquis de la Roche, but these had resulted
only in the marooning of fifty unfortunate convicts on Sable Island.
The first real colonizing venture of the French in the New World was
that of the Sieur de Monts, the patron and associate of Champlain.2
The site of this first colony was in Acadia. Armed with viceregal
powers and a trading monopoly for ten years, De Monts gathered his
colonists, equipped two ships, and set out from Havre de Grace in
April 1604. The company numbered about a hundred and fifty Frenchmen
of various ranks and conditions, from the lowest to the
highest--convicts taken from the prisons, laborers and artisans,
Huguenot ministers and Catholic priests, some gentlemen of noble
birth, among them Jean de Biencourt, Baron de Poutrincourt, and the
already famous explorer Champlain.
The vessels reached Cape La Heve on the south coast of Nova Scotia
in May. They rounded Cape Sable, sailed up the Bay of Fundy, and
entered the Annapolis Basin, which Champlain named Port Royal. The
scene here so stirred the admiration of the Baron de Poutrincourt
that he coveted the place as an estate for his family, and begged De
Monts, who by his patent was lord of the entire country, to grant
him the adjoining lands. De Monts consented; the estate was
conveyed; and Poutrincourt became the seigneur of Port Royal.
The adventurers crossed to the New Brunswick shore, turned their
vessel westward, passed the mouth of the river St John, which they
named, and finally dropped anchor in Passamaquoddy Bay. Here, on a
small island near the mouth of the river St Croix, now on the
boundary-line between New Brunswick and Maine, De Monts landed his
colonists. They cleared the ground; and, within an enclosure known
as the Habitation de l'Isle Saincte-Croix, erected a few
buildings--'one made with very fair and artificial carpentry work'
for De Monts, while others, less ornamental, were for 'Monsieur
d'Orville, Monsieur Champlein, Monsieur Champdore, and other men of
high standing.'
Then as the season waned the vessels, which linked them to the world
they had left, unfurled their sails and set out for France.
Seventy-nine men remained at St Croix, among them De Monts and
Champlain. In the vast solitude of forest they settled down for the
winter, which was destined to be full of horrors. By spring
thirty-five of the company had died of scurvy and twenty more were
at the point of death. Evidently St Croix was not a good place for a
colony. The soil was sandy and there was no fresh water. So, in
June, after the arrival of a vessel bringing supplies from France,
De Monts and Champlain set out to explore the coasts in search of a
better site. But, finding none which they deemed suitable, they
decided to tempt fortune at Poutrincourt's domain of Port Royal.
Thither, then, in August the colonists moved, carrying their
implements and stores across the Bay of Fundy, and landing on the
north side of the Annapolis Basin, opposite Goat Island, where the
village of Lower Granville now stands.
The colony thus formed at Port Royal in the summer of 1605--the
first agricultural settlement of Europeans on soil which is now
Canadian--had a broken existence of eight years. Owing to intrigues
at the French court, De Monts lost his charter in 1607 and the
colony was temporarily abandoned; but it was re-established in 1610
by Poutrincourt and his son Charles de Biencourt. The episode of
Port Royal, one of the most lively in Canadian history, introduces
to us some striking characters. Besides the leaders in the
enterprise, already mentioned --De Monts, Champlain, Poutrincourt,
and Biencourt--we meet here Lescarbot,3
lawyer, merry philosopher, historian, and farmer; likewise, Louis
Hebert, planting vines and sowing wheat--the same Louis Hebert who
afterwards became the first tiller of the soil at Quebec. Here,
also, is Membertou, sagamore of the Micmac, 'a man of a hundred
summers' and 'the most formidable savage within the memory of man.'
Hither, too, in 1611, came the Jesuits Biard and Masse, the first of
the black-robed followers of Loyola to set foot in New France. But
the colony was to perish in an event which foreshadowed the struggle
in America between France and England. In 1613 the English Captain
Argall from new-founded Virginia sailed up the coasts of Acadia
looking for Frenchmen. The Jesuits had just begun on Mount Desert
Island the mission of St Sauveur. This Argall raided and destroyed.
He then went on and ravaged Port Royal. And its occupants, young
Biencourt and a handful of companions, were forced to take to a
wandering life among the Indians.
Twenty years passed before the French made another organized effort
to colonize Acadia. The interval, however, was not without events
which had a bearing on the later fortunes of the colony.
Missionaries from Quebec, both Recollets and Jesuits, took up their
abode among the Indians, on the river St John and at Nipisiguit on
Chaleur Bay. Trading companies exploited the fur fields and the
fisheries, and French vessels visited the coasts every summer. It
was during this period that the English Puritans landed at Plymouth
(1620), at Salem (1628), and at Boston (1630), and made a lodgment
there on the south-west flank of Acadia. The period, too, saw Sir
William Alexander's Scots in Nova Scotia and saw the English Kirkes
raiding the settlements of New France.4
The Baron de Poutrincourt died in 1615, leaving his
estate to his son Biencourt. And after Biencourt's own death in
1623, it was found that he had bequeathed a considerable fortune,
including all his property and rights in Acadia, to his friend and
companion, that interesting and resourceful adventurer, Charles de
la Tour. This man, when a lad of fourteen, and his father, Claude de
la Tour, had come out to Acadia in the service of Poutrincourt.
After the destruction of Port Royal, Charles de la Tour had followed
young Biencourt into the forest, and had lived with him the nomadic
life of the Indians. Later, the elder La Tour established himself
for trade at the mouth of the Penobscot, but he was driven away from
this post by a party from the English colony at Plymouth. The
younger La Tour, after coming into Biencourt's property, built Fort
Lomeron, afterwards named St Louis, at the place now known as Port
Latour, near Cape Sable. This made him in fact, if not in name, the
French ruler of Acadia, for his Fort St Louis was the only place of
any strength in the whole country.
By 1627 the survivors of Biencourt's wandering companions had
settled down, some of them in their old quarters at Port Royal, but
most of them with La Tour at Cape Sable. Then came to Acadia seventy
Scottish settlers, sent hither by Sir William Alexander, who took up
their quarters at Port Royal and named it Scots Fort. The French
described these settlers as 'all kinds of vagabonds, barbarians, and
savages from Scotland'; and the elder La Tour went to France to
procure stores and ammunition, and to petition the king to grant his
son a commission to hold Acadia against the intruders. But the elder
La Tour was not to come back in the role of a loyal subject of
France. He was returning in 1628 with the ships of the newly formed
Company of One Hundred Associates, under Roquemont, when, off the
Gaspe coast, appeared the hostile sail of the Kirkes; and La Tour
was taken prisoner to England. There he entered into an alliance
with the English, accepted grants of land from Sir William
Alexander, had himself and his son made Baronets of Nova Scotia, and
promised to bring his son over to the English side. Young La Tour,
when his father returned, accepted the gift, and by some means
procured also, in 1631, a commission from the French king as
lieutenant-general of Acadia. Later, as we shall see, his dual
allegiance proved convenient.
The restoration of Acadia to France in 1632, by the Treaty of St
Germain-en-Laye, was to Cardinal Richelieu the signal for a renewal
of the great colonizing project which he had set on foot five years
earlier and which had been interrupted by the hostile activities of
the Kirkes.5 Richelieu appointed
lieutenant-general of Acadia Isaac de Razilly, one of the Company of
One Hundred Associates and commander of the Order of Malta, with
authority to take over Acadia from the Scots. Razilly brought out
with him three hundred settlers, recruited mainly from the districts
of Touraine and Brittany--the first considerable body of colonists
to come to the country. He was a man of more than ordinary ability,
of keen insight and affable manners. 'The commander,' wrote
Champlain, 'possessed all the qualities of a good, a perfect
sea-captain; prudent, wise, industrious; urged by the saintly motive
of increasing the glory of God and of exercising his energy in New
France in order to erect the cross of Christ and plant the lilies of
France therein.' He planned for Acadia on a large scale. He
endeavored to persuade Louis XIII to maintain a fleet of twelve
vessels for the service of the colony, and promised to bring out
good settlers from year to year. Unfortunately, his death occurred
in 1635 before his dreams could be realized. He had been given the
power to name his successor; and on his death-bed he appointed his
cousin and companion, Charles de Menou, Sieur d'Aulnay Charnisay,
adjuring him 'not to abandon the country, but to pursue a task so
gloriously begun.'
Years of strife and confusion followed. Razilly had made La Heve his
headquarters; but Charnisay took up his at Port Royal.6
This brought him into conflict with Charles de la Tour, who had now
established himself at the mouth of the river St John, and whose
commission from the king, giving him jurisdiction over the whole of
Acadia, had, apparently, never been rescinded. The king, to whom the
dispute was referred, instructed that an imaginary line should be
drawn through the Bay of Fundy to divide the territory of Charnisay
from that of La Tour. But this arrangement did not prevent the
rivalry between the two feudal chiefs from developing into open
warfare. In the struggle the honors rested with Charnisay. Having
first undermined La Tour's influence at court, he attacked and
captured La Tour's Fort St John. This happened in 1645. La Tour
himself was absent; but his wife, a woman of heroic mould, made a
most determined resistance.7 La Tour was
impoverished and driven into exile; his remarkable wife died soon
afterwards; and Charnisay remained lord of all he surveyed. But
Charnisay was not long to enjoy his dominion. In May 1650 he was
thrown by accident from his canoe into the Annapolis river and died
in consequence of the exposure.
In the year following Charnisay's death Charles de la Tour
reappeared on the scene. Armed with a new patent from the French
king, making him governor and lieutenant-general of Acadia, he took
possession of his fort at the mouth of the St John, and further
strengthened his position by marrying the widow of his old rival
Charnisay. Three years later (1654), when the country fell again
into the hands of the English, La Tour turned to good account his
previous relations with them. He was permitted to retain his post,
and lived happily with his wife8 at Fort
St John, so far as history records, until his death in 1666.
By the Treaty of Breda in 1667 Acadia was restored to France, and a
period ensued of unbroken French rule. The history of the
forty-three years from the Treaty of Breda until the English finally
took possession is first a history of slow but peaceful development,
and latterly of raids and bloody strife in which French and English
and Indians were involved. In 1671 the population, according to a
census of that year, numbered less than four hundred and fifty. This
was presently increased by sixty new colonists from France. By 1685
this population had more than doubled and the tiny settlements
appeared to be thriving. But after 1690 war again racked the land.
During this period Acadia was under the government of Quebec, but
there was always a local governor. The first of these, Hubert de
Grandfontaine, came out in 1670. He and some of his successors were
men of force and ability; but others, such as Brouillan, who issued
card money without authority and applied torture to an unconvicted
soldier, and Perrot, who sold liquor by the pint and the half-pint
in his own house, were unworthy representatives of the crown.
By 1710 the population of Acadia had grown to about twenty-one
hundred souls, distributed chiefly in the districts of Port Royal,
Minas, and Chignecto. Most of these were descended from the settlers
brought over by Razilly and Charnisay between 1633 and 1638. On the
whole, they were a strong, healthy, virtuous people, sincerely
attached to their religion and their traditions. The most notable
singularity of their race was stubbornness, although they could be
led by kindness where they could not be driven by force. Though
inclined to litigation, they were not unwilling to arbitrate their
differences. They 'had none who were bred mechanics; every farmer
was his own architect and every man of property a farmer.' 'The term
Mister was unknown among them.' They took pride in their appearance
and wore most attractive costumes, in which black and red colors
predominated. Content with the product of their labor and having few
wants, they lived in perfect equality and with extreme frugality. In
an age when learning was confined to the few, they were not more
illiterate than the corresponding class in other countries. 'In the
summer the men were continually employed in husbandry.' They
cultivated chiefly the rich marsh-lands by the rivers and the sea,
building dikes along the banks and shores to shut out the tides; and
made little effort to clear the woodlands. 'In the winter they were
engaged in cutting timber and wood for fuel and fencing, and in
hunting; the women in carding, spinning, and weaving wool, flax, and
hemp, of which their country furnished abundance; these, with furs
from bears, beavers, foxes, otters, and martens, gave them not only
comfortable, but in some cases handsome clothing.' Although they had
large herds of cattle, 'they never made any merchantable butter,
being used to set their milk in small noggins which were kept in
such order as to turn it thick and sour in a short time, of which
they ate voraciously.'9
The lands which the Acadians reclaimed from the sea and cultivated
were fertile in the extreme. A description has come down to us of
what was doubtless a typical Acadian garden. In it were quantities
of 'very fine well-headed cabbages and of all other sorts of pot
herbs and vegetables.' Apple and pear trees brought from France
flourished. The peas were 'so covered with pods that it could only
be believed by seeing.' The wheat was particularly good. We read of
one piece of land where 'each grain had produced six or eight stems,
and the smallest ear was half a foot in length, filled with grain.'
The streams and rivers, too, teemed with fish. The noise of salmon
sporting in the rivers sounded like the rush of a turbulent rapid,
and a catch such as 'ten men could not haul to land' was often made
in a night. Pigeons were a plague, alighting in vast flocks in the
newly planted gardens. If the economic progress of the country had
been slow, the reason had lain, not in any poverty of natural
resources, but in the scantiness of the population, the neglect of
the home government, the incessant turmoil within, and the
devastating raids of English enemies.
1 The origin of the name is
uncertain. By some authorities it is supposed to be derived from the
Micmac algaty, signifying a camp or settlement. Others have traced
it to the Micmac akade, meaning a place where something abounds.
Thus, Sunakade (Shunacadie, C. B.), the cranberry place;
Seguboon-akade (Shubenacadie), the place of the potato, etc. The
earliest map marking the country, that of Ruscelli (1561), gives the
name Lacardie. Andre Thivet, a French writer, mentions the country
in 1575 as Arcadia; and many modern writers believe Acadia to be
merely a corruption of that classic name.
2 See The founder of
New France in this Series, chap. ii.
3 Lescarbot was the historian of the colony. His
History of New France, reprinted by the Champlain Society (Toronto,
1911), with an English translation, notes, and appendices by W. L.
Grant, is a delightful and instructive work.
4 See The Jesuit Missions in this Series, chap. iv.
5 See The founder of
New France, chap. v, and The
Jesuit Missions, chap. iv.
6 Charnisay built his fort about six miles farther
up than the original Port Royal, and on the opposite side of the
river, at the place thenceforth known as Port Royal until 1710, and
since then as Annapolis Royal or Annapolis.
7 This follows the story as told by Denys (see p. 18
note), which has been generally accepted by historians. But
Charnisay in an elaborate memoir (Memoire Instructif) gives a very
different version of this affair.
8 They had five children, who married and settled in
Acadia. Many of their descendants may be counted among the Acadian
families living at the present time in Nova Scotia and New
9 Public Archives, Canada, Brown Collection, M 651a,
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Chronicles of Canada, The
Acadian Exiles, A Chronicle of the Land of Evangeline, 1915
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