Canadian Genealogy | Canada in Pictures




A Few more Photos

These images are taken from Wills's Cigarettes of England.  They were issued by the Imperial Tobacco Co of Great Britain and Ireland. 1914

Felling Trees
The lumbering industry provides a livelihood for many thousands of men, a large proportion of whom are French Canadians. Lumbermen work in gangs of about 20, superintended by a foreman. The gang includes a "head chopper and assistants, who cut down the trees; sawyers; and "scorers" and "hewers" who trim the logs. In addition the gang comprises a cook, carpenters, and teamsters, the latter superintending the hauling.

Old Quebec
It is Canada's boast that the picturesque wooden houses of Old Quebec are the only slums in the Dominion. Our illustration is Sous le Cap Street, the name of which indicates that it was built by the French founders of his historic city. The province of Quebec is inhabited chiefly by French Canadians, and the visitor hears the French language spoken everywhere.

Ice-boat Sailing
On the broad frozen waters of the St. Lawrence the exciting sport of ice-boat sailing may be enjoyed under ideal conditions. The runners glide over the ice with the minimum of friction, and great speed is developed, 60 m.p.h. having been attained under very favorable conditions. When the ice is covered with a few inches of snow, broader runners are used, and the progress of the boat is not affected.

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