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Canadian Genealogy
Wardens 1864-1921,
Victoria County, Ontario Canada
The first Warden of the independent county was
Patrick McHugh, Reeve of Ops. His successors since that time have
been as follows:
1864, Duncan McRae, Reeve of Eldon;
1865, Wm. Cottingham, Reeve of Emily;
1866-68, 1870-72, Joseph Staples, Reeve of Bexley;
1869, 1874, 1876, John Fell, Reeve of Somerville;
1873, John D. Naylor, Reeve of Fenelon;
1875, Robt. E. Perry, Reeve of Bracebridge;
1871-78, Wm. L. Russell, Reeve of Lindsay;
1879, Chas. Fairbairn, Reeve of Verulam;
1880, Dr. Geo. E. Norris, Reeve of Omemee;
1881, Wm. Parkinson, Reeve of Mariposa;
1882, Jacob W. Dill, Reeve of Bracebridge;
1883, 1886, Nelson Heaslip, Reeve of Bexley;
1884, Thos. Smithson, Reeve of Fenelon;
1885, W. H. Brown, Reeve of McLean and Ridout;
1887, E. D. McEachern, Reeve of Eldon;
1888, John Bailey, Reeve of Laxton;
1889, Dr. V. C. Cornwall, Reeve of Omemee;
1890, Thos. H. McQuade, Reeve of Emily;
1891, 1905, Adam E. Staback, Reeve of Eldon;
1892, Dr. A. E. Vrooman, Reeve of Mariposa;
1893, Eustace H. Hopkins, Reeve of Ops;
1894, Elijah Bottum, Reeve of Bobcaygeon;
1895, John Chambers Reeve of Fenelon;
1896, Wm. C. Switzer, Reeve of Emily;
1897, Dr. John W. Wood, 6th division;
1898, James Lithgow, 4th division;
1899, Robt. Bryans, 2nd division;
1900, John A. Ellis, 5th division;
1901, James Graham, 2nd division;
1902, John Austin, 4th division;
1903, John Bailey, 5th division;
1904, Wm. Channon, 1st division;
1906, Frederick Shaver, 1st division;
1907, Taylor Parkin, Reeve of Fenelon;
1908, Dr. Robt. Mason, Reeve of Fenelon Falls;
1909, Geo. A. Jordan, Reeve of Lindsay;
1910, Emerson Tiers, Reeve of Verulam;
1911, Robt. A. Callan, Reeve of Somerville;
1912, James Steele, Reeve of Eldon;
1913, A. E. Bottum, Reeve of Bobcaygeon;
1914, Alfred E. Varcoe, Reeve of Mariposa;
1915, Robt. J. Mulligan, Reeve of Omemee;
1916, Jas. Robertson, Reeve of Ops;
1917, Alfred E. Tiers, Reeve of Fenelon. Falls;
1918, Richard Howkins, Reeve of Eldon;
1919, Alex. Morrison, Reeve of Somerville;
1920, Robt. W. Wilson, Reeve of Emily;
1921, John Alton, Reeve of Carden.
The first County Clerk and Treasurer was Mr. S. C. Wood, of Taylor's
Corners, who fourteen years later became Provincial Treasurer under
Sir Oliver Mowat. He was succeeded in the Clerkship by Mr. Thomas
Matchett. Mr. J. R. McNeillie, the present incumbent, took Mr.
Matchatt's place in 1900, after twenty-five years of training as a
subordinate in the same office.
Canada, Also Reaches Higher
This second one-third of the centennium witnessed
the coming of age not only of Victoria County but of modern Canada
as well. In 1867 a federal Dominion was organized with Nova Scotia,
New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario as its provinces. One of the terms
of union was the construction of the Intercolonial Railway to
connect the maritime provinces with those farther west. In 1869 the
Northwest Territories were purchased from the Hudson Bay Company,
and in 1870 Manitoha was organized as a province. The Pacific colony
of British Columbia entered the federation in 1872 with the
understanding that a transcontinental railway, the Canadian Pacific,
should be constructed. The C.P.R. was completed in 1885, and in the
following year the Northwest Territories, now Saskatchewan and
Alberta, were given representation in the Senate and House of
Commons at Ottawa. Thus by 1887 the governmental scaffolding of
modern Canada was practically complete.
Final One-third Century, a
Modern Era
The closing one-third of the centenary has witnessed
the steady erection, within this scaffolding, of a strong and
promising edifice. Canada's population has increased from four and a
half millions to nine millions. Alberta and Saskatchewan attained
provincehood in 1905. Our material wealth has increased abundantly.
A national self consciousness has been awakened by our participation
in a world
war, and our representatives have upheld in the Assembly of the
League of Nations our character of nationhood within the wider
solidarity of British federation.
The changes in Victoria County have been typical of these wider
transformations. The railway system has been still further extended
by the addition of the Bobcaygeon-Burketon line of the C. P. R. in
1904 and the C. P. R. grain line from Port McNicholl to Bethany in
1912. The Trent Canal has at last been completed after half a
century of shuffling and procrastination. A new policy of road
construction entered upon in 1917 has entailed an expenditure of
over two hundred thousand dollars on the roads of the county during
1919 and 1920 alone.
Conveniences have been distributed in great detail throughout the
countryside. The farmer is seldom without his telephone. His mail is
delivered at his gate. The automobile takes him to town at speeds
once fabulous. Perhaps a tractor drags his plough untiringly. The
urban dweller has water service, electric light and the cheap
diversion of the cinematograph. Life is now one hundredfold easier
than it was for our grandparents.
Another notable phenomenon has been the urbanization of industry.
Manufacture, no longer dependent on local water power and seeking
the most advantageous location with respect to labor and commercial
markets, has developed in the larger cities. Urban competition has
stifled the little shops and factories that flourished forty years
ago in every country village.
In North Victoria this decline has been further complicated by the
practical disappearance of lumbering. The magnificent pine forests
of earlier times were slaughtered with no thought for the future and
the country was left in its naked sterility of scarred rook. The
decline of lumbering meant also the decline of shipping. In 1881
thirty-three vessels plied on local waters; in 1920 there were
scarcely three. Thus the economic functions of the county system
were simplified to the agricultural production of farms, a little
manufacturing, and the retail distribution service of Lindsay and
the larger villages.
Along with the amelioration of modern life and the urbanization of
industry has come a rapid decrease in rural population. In 1886, the
county, apart from Lindsay, reached its maximum of 25,133. In 1920
the total was 18,810, a decrease in one generation of 6,323, or 25
per cent Lindsay stood at 7880, an increase of forty-three per cent.
All the villages have declined in recent times.
The county assessment, however, has increased from $4,341,960 in
1861 to $10,995,514 in 1886 and $20,714,099 in 1920. This appears to
be a substantial advance, but if we stop to compare the actual
values represented by one dollar in 1886 and in 1920 respectively,
we shall find food for serious rumination.
We have thus sketched in outline the history of Victoria County over
a period of one hundred years. We have followed the development of
three distinct eras: the pioneer era which closed with the full
development of municipal institutions; the railway era, in which the
county attained municipal maturity and its maximum population and
prosperity; and the modern era, in which certain radical changes
have become manifest.
County History
Victoria County