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From Village to Town,
Victoria County, Ontario Canada
Meanwhile the village had been growing slowly but
steadily. Kent Street was chopped out in 1840 and other streets soon
followed. William McDonell came in from Peterborough and began the
first tannery. George Colter started a potashery and William
Thornhill an iron foundry. Bigelow bought out Fulford's carding and
fulling business and developed it. Stores were kept by Thomas
Keenan, Jeremiah Britton, Wm. McDonell, and G. M. Roche. By 1851,
the population had risen to 300.
Navigation now began to develop and to bring prosperity with it. The
steam boat "Woodman" was built at Port Perry and the "Ogemah" at
Fenelon Falls, and others soon followed. Pilotage was extremely
difficult along the meandering Scugog, which was long known as "the
River Styx" because of the innumerable stumps that have disfigured
its banks for three generations; but the growth of lumbering made
river traffic of paramount importance and the Scugog fleet increased
Meanwhile a charter had been granted in 1846 and renewed in 1853 to
a railway company which purposed building a line from Port Hope to
Lindsay (and later to Beaverton). Work was begun in earnest in 1854
and by December 1856 the head of steel had reached Reaboro. With the
imminent prospect of being a railway terminus, subject to rapid
growth, the citizens of Lindsay now applied to the government for
incorporation as a town.
The following year saw the incorporation of the towns of Bowmanville,
Milton, Bradford, Oakville, Sandwich, Collingwood, Windsor, and,
finally, Lindsay. Some of these municipalities of like age have
since outstripped Lindsay but most of them have lagged far behind.
An Act passed by the Legislative Assembly on June 10, 1857,
contained the following preamble: "Whereas from the rapidly
increasing population of the Village of Lindsay, in the county of
Victoria (one of the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria)
and from the peculiar position thereof as the intended County Town
and the northern terminus of the Port Hope Railway, it is necessary
to confer upon the said village the power of municipal government
and incorporate it as a town under the name of the "Town of
Lindsay," etc., etc.
The chief financial provision of the Act related to a bonus of
$80,000 which had been paid by Ops (including Lindsay) to the Port
Hope railway. It was arranged that the municipal debenture debt
representing this gratuity should be divided between the town and
the township according to assessment. Lindsay had at this time an
assessment of about $300,000 and a population of about 1100.
The limits of the town were now extended so as to take in not only
the original townsite but also three additional tracts, each of 400
The first of these was the old Purdy estate, Lots 20 and 21 in the
5th Concession, or that part of the . present town bounded by
Lindsay, Durham, Verulam and Colborne Streets. Hiram Bigelow on his
death in 1853, had willed this property to the Bank of Upper Canada.
In 1856, the bank conveyed the property to a real estate corporation
known as the Lindsay Land Company and headed by John Knowlson and
Robert Lang. This company had the land platted off into streets and
building lots. It will be noted that the names chosen for these new
streets were quite different from those on the old town site. East
of the river we have, for example, St. Paul Street, St. Patrick
Street, St. Peter Street, St. David Street, St. George Street, and
St. James Street.
The second new parcel of land included within the limits of 1857
consisted of Lot 22, Concession V, and Lot 22, Concession VI, or all
that part of the town which lies to the north of Colborne Street.
All this area and another 400 acres adjoining it on the north had
belonged to Cheeseman Moe, a retired naval officer, who left Lindsay
for California during the gold rush of 1848 and has never been heard
of since. Modern occupancy is therefore based on tax titles.
The third addition of land comprised Lot 19, Concession V, and Lot
19, Concession VI, or all that part of the modern town lying south
of Durham Street. This tract had originally been granted by the
Crown to Colonel McDonell, of Greenfield, Glengarry County, the
surveyor of Ops. McDonell disposed of this piecemeal. Part of it was
given by him to Father Chisholm (a fellow Scotch-Canadian from
Glengarry) as a refuge for Irish immigrants who came out after the
famine of 1847. The little settlement which sprang up here was known
as "the Catholic village."
Other picturesque sections of the town are "the French village" and
"Pumpkin Hollow." The former lies in the east part of the town and
was settled by French-Canadian lumberjacks, whose descendants here
numbered 309 at the last census. The latter lies a little to the
southwest of the Flavelle mill and was so called because of the
great crops of pumpkins grown there in early days.
The Act of incorporation divided Lindsay into three wards. The East
or "Victoria" Ward comprised all that part of the town which lay to
the east of Lindsay Street, and the North and South Wards those
parts of the remainder lying to north and south respectively of the
middle line of Peel Street. On July 18, 1862, the government
sanctioned a change; whereby the center line of Kent Street became
the dividing line between the North and South wards, as at present.
Municipal Officials
Town of Lindsay
Victoria County