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Canadian Genealogy
Trent Affair, 1861,
Victoria County, Ontario Canada
The year 1861 brought a new war scare and consequent
reactions in the defensive organization of Canada. The American
Civil War was in progress. On November 8, an over zealous Federal
captain, Commodore Wilkes of the U. S. S. "San Jacinto" stopped the
British steamer "Trent" on the high seas and took off by force two
Commissioners of the Confederate Government, who were on their way
to London and Paris. Britain demanded reparations and ,an apology
for this affront, and, for a time, war, involving Canada, of course,
as a British dependency, seemed imminent. The militia was got into a
state of comparative readiness, while many( volunteer infantry and
rifle companies were raised and drilled. In Lindsay the "Queen's Own
Lindsay Rifles" were organized on December 20, 1861. The officers
were Captain John David Smith, Lieut. Adam Hudspeth, and Ensign
Robert Green. Fortunately, however, the apprehended emergency had
not to be faced. The wise diplomacy of the Prince Consort in England
and of Lincoln in the United States healed the breach. The stimulus
of danger passed. On August 18, 1865, the Queen's Own Rifles were
officially disbanded.
A more permanent result of the Trent Affair came through the
appointment in 1862 of a Royal Commission, to consider a more
effective reorganization of the militia. As a result of its
deliberations there was created in 1863 .a Militia Department,
presided over by a cabinet minister. Provision was made for an
active or volunteer militia force of 35,000 men, backed by a
sedentary militia of first and second class service men and
reserves. While many minor amendments to this system have been made
from time to time, the most important reconstruction was
accomplished by a Militia Act introduced in 1904 by Sir Frederick
Borden, then Minister of Militia. By this Act Canada was divided
into thirteen military districts, each under a District Officer
Commanding, All male inhabitants between the ages of eighteen and
sixty were to be liable for military service. The first line of
defence in time of war, as well as the training school of the nation
in time of peace, was to be the Active Militia, with its authorized
establishment and annual training. The rest of the eligible classes
of the population might be called out to serve in times of
emergency, as was done with certain classes by the Military Service
Act of 1917.
Military Annals
Victoria County