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Season of Surveys
Victoria County, Ontario Canada
Nothing was done, however, until February 1833. An
Act was then passed appointing Commissioners to "receive plans and
execute works necessary to the improvement of inland waters of the
Newcastle District, commencing at the mouth of the Otonabee, which
discharges into Rice Lake, and extending to Lake Scugog." For this
purpose the Commissioners were authorized to raise £2000 ($8000) on
the security of tolls.
The Commission at once proceeded to let a contract to Messrs. Pearse,
Dumble and Hoar for a short canal and lock at Bobcaygeon. The lock
was to be of wood, 119 1-2 feet long by 28 feet 'wide, with 7 1-4
feet of water on the sills at high water and 4 3-4 feet at low
water. The canal was to be 973 feet long. This unit was 'to connect
the navigation of Chemong, Buckhorn, and Pigeon lakes with Sturgeon
Lake and the Scugog River as far up as Purdy's Mills, now Lindsay.
The work at Bobcaygeon was begun in 1833 and completed in 1835. The
contract price was £1600, and the contractors did extra work to the
value of £84. From the Commissioners, however, they actually
received only £918, because of pecuniary embarrassment which had
overtaken one of the Commissioners, who had been entrusted by the
rest with making disbursements. In the end, the Legislature had to
make good a balance of £766.
A Season of
Meanwhile several general surveys were under way. It
seems understood that the small wooden lock at Bobcaygeon was only a
temporary expedient and that the government was planning works on a
larger scale, with stone locks, extending from the Bay of Quinte to
Georgian Bay.
In 1833 the Lieutenant-Governor instructed Mr. N. H. Baird to survey
the section from the mouth of the Trent to Rice Lake and to estimate
the cost of making it navigable for vessels drawing five feet of
water. All locks were to be 134 feet long by 33 feet wide. Mr. Baird
reported that in the 61 miles from Trenton to Rice Lake there were
five main impediments to navigation:
(1) at Ninemile Rapids,
(2) at Chisholm's Rapids,
(3) at the rapids between Percy Landing and Crow Bay,
(4) at Healey's Falls, and
(5) at Crook's Rapids.
To eliminate these obstacles he prescribed 37 stone locks, 18 dams,
and 4 3-4 miles of side-cuts, all at an estimated cost of £233,447.
6s.. 1 1-2d.
In 1834 a charter was granted to a private company to build a canal
from Port Hope, on Lake Ontario, to Rice Lake. The authorized
capital of the company was £50,000. Surveys were made. The distance
of the only feasible route, from Orton's Creek, Rice Lake, to the
pier at Port Hope, following the curves of the ravines, was 14
miles. The estimates of the engineer, Robert A. Maingy, M.L.C.,
M.S., on a canal 22 feet wide and 4 feet in depth, with locks 70
feet by 14 feet, was £101,426. 6s. 6d. Of this sum, £60,000 was to
cover unexpected excavation on the summit ridge near Rice Lake. The
company did nothing within the seven-year limit set by the
government and the charter lapsed in 1841.
In April 1835, Sir John Colborne, then Lieutenant-Governor,
instructed N. H. Baird to survey the second section of the main
transprovincial canal, from Rice Lake to Lake Simcoe. His report
divided this unit into five sub-sections, as follows:
(1) Rice Lake to Peterborough, 21 miles with a rise
of 4 1-2 feet, requiring 2 dams and 1 lock;
(2) Peterborough to Clear Lake, 14 miles, with a rise of 147 1-2
feet, requiring 6 dams and 14 locks;
(3) Clear Lake to Bobcaygeon, 31 miles, with a rise of 38 1-3 feet,
requiring 2 dams and 5 locks;
(4) Bobcaygeon to Balsam Lake, 26 miles, with a rise of 34 feet,
requiring 3 dams and 5 locks; and
(5) Balsam Lake to Lake Simcoe, 16 1-2 miles, with a fall of 118 1-2
feet, requiring 12 locks. The distance of the whole section from
Rice Lake to Lake Simcoe was thus approximately 11,0 miles. The
estimated coat of con struction, including standard stone locks, 134
feet by 33 feet, was £262,067. 16s. 4d., Halifax currency, or
In, 1837 still another survey was undertaken. It had been suggested
that a much shorter route than that already mapped out might be had
by running a canal from Lake Simcoe to Scugog Lake and from Scugog
Lake south to Lake Ontario. A civil engineer named Killaby was
instructed to examine the physiography 'f the region. He ran a line
from Port Darlington on Lake Ontario up Barber's Creek past
Bowmanville and north to Scugog Lake, and found that the summit of
the morainic ridge which intervenes between the two bodies of water
was at its lowest point 250 feet above Scugog Lake. Lack of water on
these higher levels made the use of locks impracticable and
wholesale excavation, rivalling the Culebra Cut, was considered out
of the question. This route was therefore abandoned.
No further surveys were made for some time, for the new
administration which took over after the Act of Union of 1841
abandoned the trans-Ontario scheme and dismissed all thought of
examining the section from Lake Simcoe to Georgian Bay.
Further Construction in the
Considerable construction had, however, been
prosecuted in the meantime. In 1836 the Legislature had divided the
canal, so far as surveyed, into two sections: a Trent Division, from
Trenton to Healey's Falls, and an Inland Division, from Healey's
Falls to Scugog Lake. Two Boards of Commissioners were appointed,
one for each division, and work was begun in 1837 with N. H. Baird
as supervising engineer. £16,000 was voted to the Inland Division.
Work was done at Healey's Falls, Crook's Rapids, Whitias' Rapids,
Buckhorn, Bobcaygeon, and Purdy's Mills.
At Bobcaygeon it was found that the original designs were so
defective that the bottom of the wooden lock was dry at low water.
Repairs were therefore made, an embankment built near by, and a dam
constructed at Buckhorn Lake, all at a cost of £3500.
At Purdy's Mills, now Lindsay, a wooden dam and a lock, 134 feet by
33 feet, by 5 feet, were to be built. In 1837-38, the site of the
lock was excavated to a depth of seven feet and coffer dams were
made around the excavation. Lumber for dam and lock was prepared and
delivered on the ground. The lock was partly framed. By 1839 some
£1200 had been spent; but £1300 more was needed to complete the
undertaking. Funds were not forthcoming from the Commissioners and
the contractors abandoned the works, leaving the materials to waste
and rot for five years before anything further was done.
Prior to February 1841 the total expenditure on both divisions of
the canal amounted to only £44,398 or $177,592.00.
Kawartha Navigation
Victoria County