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Canadian Genealogy
Religions Life in Pioneer Times,
Victoria County, Ontario Canada
The teacher, with his slender learning, commanded
considerable respect, but the preacher had even greater prestige.
Certainly he earned it. Churches were very few and very scattered.
His circuit might extend for scores of miles through the half
settled wilderness, and over this he would travel on horseback all
week long, struggling through bog holes and fording unbridged
streams along the narrow trails. Services would be held in churches,
school houses, taverns, log cabins, anywhere that a few devout folk
could be gathered together.
The Methodists were in the majority among the population, and to
this denomination no gathering could compare in importance with the
camp meeting. Each summer all the adherents in a district would
gather in some dry, open grove for .a week of prayer, singing and
exhortation. Tents and shanties would be put up and fitted with rude
tables and beds. A rostrum was built for the preacher and rows of
logs set out before it as seats. The light of their evening bonfires
flared and flickered over a strange scene the preacher shouting from
his platform, the penitents groaning on the seats just below him,
and the elders flitting about on the watch for symptoms of
contrition amongst the remainder.
Then, even as today, there were many ill balanced intellects eager
to espouse fantastic doctrines. In 1842 a New Englander named Miller
began to teach that the world would come to an end on February 15.
1843. The belief spread like wildfire among the weakminded of the
United States and Canada. Farmers burnt their rail fences as
firewood, confident that their usefulness would soon be past. A
convert near Port Perry gave away a 100 acre farm and all its
equipment. Sarah Terwilligar of Oshawa made herself wings of silk
and jumped off the front porch, expecting to be caught up to heaven.
But the choicest anecdote comes from Port Hoover, Concession A,
Mariposa, on the north shore of Lake Scugog. Here a man named Hoover
brooded over the Millerite gospel until he gradually fancied himself
superhuman and above natural laws. He therefore announced. in the
autumn of 1842, that he would walk on the water from Port Hoover
across Lake Scugog to Caesarea, a distance of about five miles. On
the day appointed, hundreds of Mariposa pioneers gathered at the
Port Hoover wharf to watch the attempt. Hoover seemed to have a
sudden weakening of faith, for he fastened a wooden box on each
foot; but as even this failed to hold him up, he waded out and hid
behind one of the piles of the wharf. The urgent demands of the
crowd finally brought him back to shore, where, amid the hoots of
small boys, he made this explanation: "My friends, a cloud has risen
before my eyes and I cannot see. I cannot walk upon the water today
while this cloud is before my eyes. Soon it will be announced when
the cloud has been removed, and then I will do it." But his
spectators never assembled again.
An Early Tragedy
in Ops Township
Doctors were almost unknown in these times, ,and
ailments were given home made treatment by mothers or grandmothers,
who prepared their simple remedies from such plants as the
spikenard, blood root, catnip, tansy, smartweed, plaintain, burdock,
mandrake, elecampane, spearmint and mullein. But in the case of
serious diseases and epidemics, as when cholera swept the country in
1832 and 1334, herbal remedies were of no avail.
When death entered the pioneer home, the situation was often
exceedingly tragic. Conant tells of a man who moved into Ops
township in 1838, bringing with him his wife and two very little
children. His tiny cabin and clearing were five miles from the
nearest neighbor, but when he fell ill the very first summer, his
friends followed his blazed trail in, harvested his crop for him,
and then departed. Winter came. The cabin was snowed in. Wolves
howled at the very door. At last the sick man died. His wife sought
desperately to give him proper sepulture but the ground was frozen
hard, and to cover him only with snow would merely feed the wolves.
Finally she rolled away some backlogs that were piled beside the
house, dug a shallow hole with a mattock in the softer ground
beneath them, hid the cherished corpse, and rolled back the logs
above it to keep it inviolate. Then she walked with her children to
the nearest settlement.
How Grist Mills
Grew to Villages
Villages grew up in time, and were almost always the
direct consequence of the establishment of a grist mill. These mill
sites comprise nearly all the important centers of today. In 1825,
William Cottingham built a mill on Pigeon River and so founded
modern Omemee. In 1828, William Purdy dammed a rapid on the Scugog
River, and established Lindsay unawares. Bobcaygeon has grown up
around the mill built by Thomas Need about 1833, and Fenelon Falls
owes its origin to a mill erected there in 1841 by Messrs. Wallis
and Jamieson. To such grist mills came. the pioneers with their
crops. Saw mills were soon added, and a growing trade in lumber
succeeded the earlier indiscriminate destruction of the forest.
Stores, taverns, and a few artisans settled about the mill. This
little hamlet was then the natural location for churches and schools
as they came. And so, unconsciously, the mill grew to a hamlet, the
hamlet to a village, and perhaps the village to a town. But for the
first beginnings we must look back to the mill and the water-power
that made it possible.
The Beginnings of the Trent
The beginnings of the Trent Valley Canal date from
the early days of lumbering. This project has been subjected to much
criticism and , not a little ridicule; but while it was a pitiful
failure in accomplishment and was completed half a century too late,
the original conception was masterly. The inland townships were
covered with magnificent white pine. Existing transportation to the
great outside markets was exceedingly expensive, and as a result the
timber was cut in a deplorably wasteful manner. A canal system
connecting these forest resources with the outside world would have
permitted more conservative logging and milling, and far larger
profits both to lumbermen and to the government, and would have made
it possible to manage the lumber business for perpetuity. Local
canal traffic and trans-Ontario traffic would probably have been
very limited. Certainly they will be so in the future. But the
advantages accruing to the lumber trade would have been a full and
permanent justification of the Trent Valley project. It is part of
the constant tragedy of human incapacity that the canal was finally
completed at a time when the timber had practically disappeared from
our borders.
Surveys for the canal were made in 1833 and 1835, and the cost
estimated at $933,789. Work was commenced in 1833 but soon
languished. By 1843, locks .had been built at Bobcaygeon and
Lindsay; and by 1853 such local steamboats as the "Woodman" of Port
Perry and the "Ogemah" of Fenelon Falls were carrying lumber to Port
Perry, whence it was teamed to Whitby. The "Woodman" was the first
boat to make the trip, and old settlers have said that when her
steam siren first raised the echoes on Sturgeon Lake they ran to
corral their stock, mistaking it for the howl of a wolf pack. But
with the construction .of the Bobcaygeon and Lindsay locks, canal
building ceased for nearly four decades.
The First One-third Century a
Pioneer Era
The ancient Greeks often treated three generations
as equivalent to a century. Such a division of the centenary under
discussion is strikingly apt and felicitous. The periods 1821-1853,
1854-1887, and 1888-1921, each roughly one-third of a century, have
certain aspects of development which distinguish them clearly one
from another.
The years ending in 1853 are distinctively the period of pioneering.
The thought and activity of the county had been almost entirely
taken up with the struggle against the forest. Events in the outside
world had, indeed, been momentous. An oligarchy at York had almost
succeeded in ruining the province in spite of its remarkable natural
resources. This pernicious misrule, which had driven 80,000
Canadians across the American boundary in the years 1830-37, was at
last revealed to the British government through a pitiful little
revolt. Following the investigations and report of Lord Durham, the
two provinces were united in 1841, and fully responsible government
granted by 1848. But by these developments the little backwoods
community was not greatly touched. Its attention was concentrated on
the immediate tasks of settlement.
County History
Victoria County