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Surviving Pioneer Families in Victoria County, Ontario Canada

The present writer undertook recently to discover what proportion of the original pioneer stock of Victoria is still to be found in the county. It was decided to treat only of those who originally received the land from the Crown. Permission was obtained to consult the Domesday Books in the vaults of the Crown Lands Department at Toronto and a list of all the Crown grants in the County (some 4000 in all) was laboriously copied out. This list was then checked, township by township, and according to lot and concession, with a recent directory of the county. Two lists, sorted out into alphabetical order, were then prepared for each township, one showing the names of the patentees whose descendants still hold the original farms and the other the names of the patentees still represented locally but not on the original farms. As many men received more than one parcel of land, only the number of patentees (and not the number of patents) were taken into consideration. All cases of double and multiple grants were eliminated by checking. Read more...

There now follow lists for each township of the actual pioneer patentees who are
(1) represented on the original farm
(2) represented otherwise in the same township.

In the former list the farms are indicated. The concessions are shown in Roman numerals and the lots in Arabic numerals.

Victoria County, Ontario Canada Centennial History, Watson Kirkconnell M.A., 1921

Victoria County

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