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Canadian Genealogy
Laxton Township,
Victoria County, Ontario Canada
Laxton township is the namesake of a village in
Northampton, England.
It is a small municipality, only five miles from north to south and
about nine from east to west. It is bounded by Bexley on the south,
Carden on the west, Digby on the north, and the Gull River and Big
Mud Turtle Lake on the east. Most of its area lies within the
battered outposts of the limestone country but there is a broad
invasion of granite towards the northeast. Its chief waters are Deer
Lake in the south, Duck Lake in the southwest, and Head Lake on the
Digby boundary.
The earliest settler in Laxton was a Frenchman, Augustine Angiers,
who located on the west shore of Big Mud Turtle Lake in the early
sixties. Other pioneer families were the Courtemanches, Corbetts,
Foleys, Potters, Russels, Ryans, and Staples.
Norland is Laxton's only village. It is situated at a fall in the
Gull River about a mile above Big Mud Turtle Lake. The population
does not exceed one hundred. The business roster includes a sawmill,
owned by S. Bryant, three general stores, and a smithy. At Elliott's
Falls, a mile and a half further up the river, electricity is
generated by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission.
Head Lake and Oak Hill are rural post offices. The former is on the
south shore of Head Lake and the latter is three miles directly to
the south.
Laxton, Digby and Longford are united for municipal and censual
purposes. The census of 1911 gave the following returns for the
combined townships:
(1) According to race:
English, 300;
Irish, 271;
Scotch, 79;
all others, 10.
(2). According to church:
Methodists, 293;
Presbyterians, 126;
Anglicans, 114;
Roman Catholics, 95;
Salvation Army, 19;
Baptists, 13.
The majority of these people are in Laxton, for Digby's population
is less than one hundred and Longford is uninhabited.
Official statistics show that 64,164 acres of non-agricultural land
are available for reforestration in these three townships.
The Tamarack
Plains of Carden
Carden and Digby townships .are named after two
English captains whose heroic exertions were largely responsible for
the successful embarkation of Sir John Moore's army at Corunna in
the Peninsular War. Sir John Colborne, Lieutenant-Governor of Upper
Canada from 1830 to 1836, had been one of the other officers there
and it is supposed that the two townships were named at his
Garden is a rectangular municipality, ten concessions from west to
east and twenty-five lots from north to south. It touches Eldon on
the south, Bexley and Laxton on the east, Dalton on the north, and
Mara in Ontario County, on the west. It lies near the edge of the
granite country and therefore has thin soil and frequent
outcroppings of limestone. A large area in the centre of the
township consists of tamarack and balsam plains, unbroken. by any
road or trail. The assessor in 1911 classified 38,256 acres as
swamp, marsh, or waste land. Two shallow lakes, Upper Mud Lake and
Lower Mud Lake, lie in the northwest corner of Carden.
The chief settlements have been in the northwest and southeast
corners of the township. The Connors, Dexters, Gillespies, Murtaghs,
Quigleys, and Richmonds were among the earliest pioneers. Irish
Roman Catholics are perhaps the dominant element in the population.
The 1911 census gives the following racial classifications:
Irish, 378
English, 148
Scotch, 69
German and Dutch, 90
all others, 19
The church adherents were as follows:
Roman Catholic, 282
Methodist, 254
Presbyterian, 121
Anglican, 20
all others, 7
Rohallion in the south, Horncastle in the east, Carden in the north,
and Dalrymple in the west have been rural post offices.
Victoria County