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Economics of North
Victoria County, Ontario Canada
The block of territory formed by the seven northern
townships is thus seen to be a rugged tract of glacial rock. The
southern two-fifths is made up of Paleozoic limestone of the Black
River series, pitilessly scraped and scoured by the Ice Age and even
yet lacking more than a thin mantle of soil, except in stream
valleys. The remaining three-fifths of North Victoria lies within
that vast granite region, which is known as the "Laurentian
peneplain," a low, table land of primeval rock on which streams have
etched countless depressions and left innumerable rounded hills and
ridges. On this area Dr. A. P. Coleman, the venerable Professor of
Geology in the University of Toronto, has rendered the following
verdict: "The combination of kames (hills of sand, gravel, and
boulders) with pure sand deposits, through which rise hills of the
harder Archaean rocks, makes a region entirely unsuited for
agriculture and useful only for forest growth. The result of glacial
action north of the Paleozoic rocks has been the formation of poor
soils deficient in lime and often in clayey constituents."
Not a Mining
The forms of activity in which the people of North
Victoria have sought to engage are three: mining, farming and
lumbering. It will be instructive to take these industries one at a
time and consider their past and their prospective development.
Mining enterprises have always colored the dreams of the settlers,
but the dreams have never endured in daylight. Laxton township once
had its gold rush and the ruins of an abandoned mine may still be
seen on the west shore of Big Mud Turtle Lake, not far from Norland.
Mineral rod men and amateur assayers also vouched for gold on Lot 1,
Concession XI, Somerville township, adjacent to the Bobcaygeon road
and four miles south of Kinmount. Still another gold strike was
reported from Lot 25, Concession XII, Dalton township, along the
Black River, about six miles below Ragged Rapids. Silver, nickel,
iron, and copper were likewise objects of a faith which, among many
back woodsmen, remains unshaken to this day.
For critical outsiders, however, all debate was permanently set at
rest by a survey made in 1892 by the Federal Department of Mines.
Iron pyrite was found in great abundance but there was not even a
trace of gold. Silver and copper were also utterly lacking. Iron
ore, occurring in granite veins, was found in hundreds of places,
especially in Digby and Dalton townships. The heaviest deposits were
near Smudge Lake, in Digby. In no case, however, were the findings
sufficient to be of economic value. The presence of nickel in
Somerville had already been recognized and the abundance of
pyrrhotite, its customary concomitant in the great Sudbury deposits,
had led to frequent comparisons of the two areas. A careful
examination of Somerville, however, showed that no parallel existed.
The ores at Sudbury had occurred in great diorite intrusions near
their contact with granite or with the stratified rocks of the
district, which were of Huronian age, while those in Somerville
occurred as impregnations in bands of gneiss belonging to the
Grenville series. The two sets of deposits were thus quite different
in mode of occurrence and probably in age and what had been proved
to be true of the former could not be taken for granted in the
latter. Careful assays from every known deposit in the township
confirmed this conclusion. Nickel was present ' but in such minute
quantities as to be of no economic value. The most promising
discovery of the whole survey was a small vein of pure molybdenite
in Digby on Lot 16, Concession VII, four miles north of Head Lake.
The somewhat rare mineral allanite was located on Lot 25, Concession
XII, Dalton township. In neither case, however, was commercial
development warrantable.
The overwhelming conclusion to be drawn from the report of the
official survey is that little mineral development may ever be
looked for in North Victoria.
Farming a
Precarious Calling
The status of farming in the granite area may be
inferred from Professor Coleman's report on its soil. In the
limestone area conditions are slightly better, for the chemical
composition of the soil is more favorable, but there is seldom
sufficient depth for crops except in the flood plains and terraces
of the valleys of the Burnt River, Corben Creek, Gull River, Talbot
River, and Head River. These more propitious sections are, however,
very limited.
Most of those who took up land in North Victoria were attracted by
its forest resources more than by its agricultural possibilities;
and all depended on the forest for such temporary prosperity as was
theirs. Fully seventy-five per cent of the lots were patented when
the patentee had the right to all timber including pine. The
potential wealth of this timber was considerable but when this
disappeared the settler had to fall back on farming on poor land.
Even then, so long as lumbering thrived in nearby areas and provided
a home market for farm produce, the backwoods agriculturalist could
raise enough potatoes, oats, hay and meat to make a living. The
final extinction of local lumbering spelt failure for many farmers.
A region of non-agricultural soils was called on to compete,
unaided, in more distant markets for farm products, and much of the
area could scarcely raise enough to keep its inhabitants alive.
The results have been a slow tragedy. Many of the
younger and more enterprising men moved out. Many others would have
followed, but could not, because of poverty. Even today the movement
goes on and in 1920 a general migration from the Kinmount section to
Kapuskasing, in New Ontario, was planned.
It will be noted that while South Victoria reached its maximum
population in the early eighties, North Victoria, being settled much
later, did not attain. the peak until about fifteen years later.
Since then it has declined rapidly. The loss since 1901 has been
1222 or more than one-quarter of its population. Further, while in
South Victoria the decrease in population has meant a reduction not
in the number of farms but in the number of people occupying them,
in North Victoria farms have been completely abandoned, often
without finding any purchaser.
The condition, too, of those who have remained is often pitiable.
There are, of course, occasional good farms along the valleys in the
front ranges, but in some of the remoter sections the pressure of
stark want is bringing about much social degeneracy. Physical and
mental defectives are becoming commoner and moral disintegration
often calls for the intervention of the Children's Aid Society. The
fault in these matters does not lie with the people but with the
conditions under which they attempt to secure a livelihood. The
original settlers were an energetic, hard working, resourceful
people, sprung from the finest pioneer stock in the older counties
of Ontario. But in many cases they now face an impossible
proposition. The amount of energy expended in trying to make a
living in this area has been enormous ,and if applied under half
tolerable conditions would have shamed by its achievements the self
satisfied prosperity of more favored regions. The modern urban
dweller with his shortened hours and extended relaxations cannot
imagine the dreary hopelessness of trying to wring agricultural
returns from soil that is good only for forest. Even the hard
working farmer of South Victoria would find it hard to realize the
extremities endured in the northern townships. As a minor indication
of conditions it may be mentioned that in one section of Somerville
the school tax alone, irrespective of all other levies, is 52.8
mills on the dollar. When we remember that the school tax in Lindsay
is only 13.3 mills, we may realize how these northern farmers are
bleeding themselves white in an attempt to provide their children
with education. The simple truth is that the land, treated as
farming country, will not support them.
At the present time dairying is the chief farm industry. In the
granite region the only crops are hay and oats and there is a
struggle for each farmer to get enough of these for his own use. As
the number of cattle that a man can winter is controlled by his
summer crop and as a dry season means poor crops on the shallow,
sandy soil, natural meadows and marshes are sought out and all
available marsh hay harvested. Rough grazing land is fairly
plentiful and is a distinct aid to dairying and ranching. Many
farmers in South Victoria now pasture their herds each summer on
abandoned farms in North Victoria and bring them home to winter on
ensilage, a system which permits more intensive and profitable
farming in the south. The dairying industry now supports two
creameries, one at Coboconk and one at Kinmount. Improved methods of
farming, such as more deliberate manuring of land and rotation of
crops, would doubtless better many parts of North Victoria, but by
far the greater portion of the region is utterly unsuited for
An Era of Lumbering Now
Lumbering was the supreme industry of earlier times
but is now moribund through the sheer blind improvidence of those
who took part in it. The record of carelessness and wanton
destructiveness left by many who made their fortunes in North
Victoria sixty years ago is a reproach to our race that will be hard
to remove. It can, however, be palliated by an intelligent
administration of the ravaged wilderness which has been left to our
In 1850 all of North Victoria was covered with primeval forest. Of
this original sylva, fully two-thirds was magnificent white pine and
the other one-third pure hardwood, chiefly maple and beech. From
1850 to 1880 the forest was slashed away in reckless fashion. The
coniferous areas especially were cut practically clean in the
process of lumbering, although only the largest and choicest trees
were utilized. The commercial output, even down through the
seventies, ran into tens of millions of feet . in sawlogs and
unrecorded harvests of square timber, yet the potential value
destroyed in the younger trees was probably far greater. On the most
glaringly non-agricultural soils no thought was ever given to a
future forest crop; no saplings were left to replenish the region;
and fires, kindled by carelessness or ignorance, swept away even the
seedlings that might have redeemed the slaughter.
The results are very evident today. Illuminating figures for
Somerville township , are on record in a survey report made by the
Commission of Conservation. Only 27.3% of the township consists of
cleared farm land; 61.9% is burnt over land; and a scant 10.8% is
forested. Of this latter fraction, about one-ninth, or 1.3 % of the
whole area, is coniferous forest, (cedar, balsam, swamp, spruce, and
tamarack), and the other 9.5% is hardwood and mixed forest. All of
this wooded remnant has been pitilessly culled over and little of
real value left. No forest containing sawlogs remained.
For this northern region as a whole the Commission reported that the
white pine had been all but annihilated and the other trees of the
area more or less severely culled; and that the pineries had
been burnt over at least once and in most places several times.
Nearly two-thirds of the pine grounds had been burnt over two or
three times and were beyond natural recuperation. The fire not only
consumed what scanty young growth had been left after lumbering.
Where the soil was thin, especially along the rock ridges, it
destroyed the humus enirely. It also burnt up all seeds of the white
pine, and, as fortuitous reseeding from adjacent pineries was
limited to the distance that cones could fall and roll, almost all
natural reforestration had been established by the wind blown seed
catkins of poplars and birches. As a result, 57.3% of the present
forested area was now poplar and another 33% hardwoods.
A definite policy of reforestration would seem the
part of wisdom. We have already seen that mining has no future and
agriculture a precarious outlook in North Victoria. In seven
townships there are tracts comprising more than two hundred square
miles which have been classed as waste land, available for
reforestration. Much of this land will be replanted by natural
means, but with trees of inferior value. All areas, however, stand
in constant danger of fire, and unless the administration of such
tracts is taken over on a large scale, preferably under municipal
management, no adequate fire protection can be hoped for.
A more detailed discussion of this problem will be undertaken in a
later chapter. It will suffice here to suggest the value of
profiting by past mistakes and of seeking by prudent stewardship to
reestablish the ruined prosperity of half a county. There is no
reason why the bulk of these northern townships should not
constitute forest reserves that might be drawn on in perpetuity and
add greatly to the permanent wealth of the county.
A Resort for
Nor is material gain the only argument in favor of a
rehabilitation of North Victoria. Because of the pace of modern
urban civilization the forests have become increasingly important as
recreation grounds and as sanitary and health resorts. Even now our
county affords a magnificent field for the sportsman and camper to
range over. There are some sixty lakes in the Northern townships,
varying in size from tarns of a few acres in the Longford granite to
the blue expanse of Balsam Lake, nine miles in length and five in
breadth. The altitude, in no case less than 840 feet above sea
level, ensures cool summer nights even when Toronto swelters most
desperately. But under a system of forestration and forest
protection, every year would add to the beauty and healthfulness of
these northern resorts, until we could point with pride to what
would be not only perennial sources of revenue but regions of
natural paradise where the ailing and the over wrought might find
rest and healing.
Such then is North Victorian territory where the
spoliation of a glorious forest has left a waste devoid of minerals
and barren under the farmer's toil, yet where the future holds the
hope of valleys roamed by hundreds of grazing herds, of forests
tended and profitable, and of a refuge sought continually by the
weary and heavy laden.
Victoria County, Ontario
Canada Centennial History, Watson Kirkconnell M.A., 1921
Victoria County