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West Broughton to Wilfrid, Canada
WEST BROUGHTON, a post village in Beauce co., Que., 43 miles from Craig's
Road. Pop. 150.
WESTBURY, a. post village in Compton co., Que., 11 miles from Sherbrooke. It
has a saw mill and an hotel. Pop. 100.
WEST CAPE, a post village in Prince co., P. E.I., on Northumberland Strait,
47 miles from Summerside. It contains 4 stores and several mills. Pop. 100.
WEST CHESTER, a post village in Cumberland co., N.S., 9 miles from Thomson.
Pop. 150.
WEST CHESTER LAKE, a post village in Cumberland co N.S., 15 miles from
Thomson. It contains an hotel and a store. Several beautiful lakes and streams
in the vicinity abound with trout, and are much visited by sportsmen during the
summer months.
WEST CLAYTON, a post office in Elgin co., Ont.
WESTCOCK, a post office in Westmorland co., N.B., 2 miles from Sackville.
WEST CUL DE SAC, a fishing settlement in the district of Burgeo and La Nile,
Nfld., 33 miles from Burgeo. Pop. 50.
WEST DITTON, a post village in Compton co., Que., 31½
miles from Lennoxville. Gold has been found on the Little River Ditton and other
streams in the vicinity. Pop. 300.
WEST DUBLIN, a post settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S., on the Atlantic coast, 17
miles from Bridgewater. Pop. 130.
WESTERN BAY, a large fishing settlement on the N. shore of Conception Bay,
Nfld., 17 miles from Carbonear. Pop. 895.
WESTERN HEAD a fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Pogo,
Nfld., 10 miles from Twillingate. Pop. 85.
WESTERN HEAD, a settlement in Queens co., N.S., at the entrance to Liverpool
Bay, 4 miles from Liverpool. Pop. 150.
WESTERVELT'S CORNERS, a village in Peel co., Ont., 2 miles from Brampton.
Pop. 80.
WEST ESSA, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 18 miles from Gilford. It has
2 stores. Pop. 50.
WEST FARNHAM, or ST. ROMUALD DE FARNHAM, a thriving post village in
Missisquoi co., Que., at the junction of the Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly,
South Eastern, and Montreal, Chambly and Sorel railways, 41 miles from Montreal.
It contains Episcopal, Roman Catholic and Methodist churches, a telegraph
office, several hotels, a number of stores 4 saw mills, 3 grist mills, 3
brickfields, and 16 manufactories of various kinds. Extensive peat bogs are
worked in the vicinity. Pop. 1,600.
WESTFIELD, a post office in Huron co., Ont., 12 miles from Goderich.
WESTFIELD, a post settlement in Kings co., N.B., 6 miles from Westfield
Station. Pop. 200.
WESTFIELD, a settlement in Queens co., N.S., 30 miles from Liverpool. Pop.
WESTFIELD STATION, a post village and settlement in Kings co., N.B., on the
E. & N. A. R., 15 miles from St. John.
WEST FLAMBOROUGH, a post village in Wentworth co., Ont., 3½
miles from Dundas. It contains a woolen mill, 2 paper mills, and several hotels
and stores. Pop. 300.
WEST GLASSVILLE, a post settlement in Carleton co., N.B., 10 miles from
Florenceville. Pop. 50.
WEST GORE, a post village in Hants co., N.S., 17 miles from Newport. Pop. 10.
WEST HUNTINGDON, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., 15 miles from Belleville.
It contains 1 store and 1 saw mill. Pop. 50.
WEST HUNTLEY, a post village in Carleton co., Ont., 8 miles from Almonte.
Pop. 90.
WEST LAKE, a post village in Prince Edward co., Ont., on an arm of Lake
Ontario, 9; miles from Pictou. Pop. 150.
WEST LORNE, or BISMARCK, a post village in Elgin co., Ont., on the C. S. R.,
26 miles from St. TI cm is. It contains a telegraph office, 1 flouring mill, 3
saw mills, 1 tannery, 1 sash and door factory, 3 hotels, and 3 stores. Pop. 250.
WEST LYNNE, formerly PEMBINA, an outport of customs in the province of
Manitoba, on the west bank of the Red River, adjacent to the boundary line.
which divides the territory of Dacotah and State of Minnesota from Manitoba, 63
miles from Fort Garry. It contains a custom house, telegraph office, emigration
office, and post office, and is the proposed terminus of the Canada Pacific
railway branch line. Very fine farming country in the vicinity; soil unsurpassed
in the North West. The river at this place abounds with fish of nearly every
WEST McGILLIVRAY, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., 6 miles from Ailsa
Craig. It contains a cheese factory and 2 stores. Pop. 45.
WEST AGDALA, a post village in Elgin co., Ont., 13 miles from St. Thomas.
Pop. 50.
WESTMEATH, or BELLOWSTON, a post village in Renfrew co., Ont., 20 miles from
Renfrew. It contains a telegraph office, 2 saw mills, a grist mill, a tannery
and several stores. Pop. 170.
WESTMINSTER, a station on the L. &. P. S. R" in Middlesex co., Ont., 5 miles
from London.
WESTMINSTER, a village in Middlesex co., Ont., on the River Thames, 1 mile
from the London post office. It is the residence of a number of the leading
citizens of London. Pop. 600. WEST MONTROSE, a post village in Waterloo co.,
Ont,, on Grand river, 12 miles from Berlin. It has a woolen factory, a saw mill
and smelting works. Iron ore is found in the vicinity. Pop 600.
WESTMORLAND, a maritime county in the E. part of New Brunswick, bordering on the
Bay of Fundy and Northumberland Strait, and connected with Nova Scotia by a
narrow isthmus. Area 822,000 acres. It is drained by the Petitcodiac river,
which is navigable for vessels of the largest class for 25 miles from its mouth
in the Bay of Fundy. The surface of Westmorland county is agreeably diversified
with hills and valleys, and is heavily timbered. Shediac harbor (Point On Chene)
on its coast is one of the finest in the province, and a large amount of timber
is annually shipped here for England. The Intercolonial railway traverses this
county from E. to W. and from N. to S. Capital, Dorchester. Pop. 29,335.
WESTMORLAND POINT, a post village in Westmorland co., N.B., on Cumberland
Basin, 4 miles from Sackville. It contains 3 stores, a tannery, and a shoe
factory. Pop. 100.
WEST NEWBY QUODDY, a post, office in Halifax co., N.S. See Newdy Quoddy,
WEST NORTHFIELD, a post. village in Lunenburg co., N.B., on the La Have
rider, 8 miles from Lunenburg. It contains 1 church, 1 store, 1 grist mill and 4
saw mills. Pop. 102.
WESTON, a thriving post village in York co., Out., on the Humber river, and on
the Grand Trunk, Northern, and Toronto, Grey and Bruce railways, 8½
miles N.W. of Toronto. It has a large trade in flour and grain, and contains
Episcopal and Methodist churches, 2 telegraph agencies, several hotels, a number
of stores, a woolen factory, an agricultural implement establishment, a foundry
and machine shop, 2 flouring mill, 3 saw mills, and sundry minor establishments.
There is a peat bog in the vicinity. Pop. 1,300.
WEST OSGOODE, a post village in Russell co., Ont., on the St. L. & O. R , 31
miles from Prescott. It has 1 store and a saw mill. Pop. 100.
WESTOVER, or DONNYBROOK, a post village in Wentworth co., Ont., 10 mils from
Dundas. It contains 2 stores, a saw mill and a grist mill. Pop. 101.
WEST POINT, a fishing settlement in the district of Burgeo and La Toile, Nfld.,
1½ miles from La Poile. Pop. 156.
WEST POINT, a post village in Prince co., on Northumberland Strait, 43 miles
from Summerside. Considerable shipbuilding is carried on here. Pop. 100.
WEST POINT, a post village in Prince co., P.E.I., on Northumberland Strait, 43
miles from Summerside. Considerable shipbuilding is carried on here. Pop. 100.
WESTPORT, a maritime village in Digby co., N.S., on St. Marys Bay, 42 miles,
from Digby. Pop. 600.
WESTPORT, a thriving post village in Leeds co., Out., on Upper Rideau Lake, !4
miles from Brockville. It possesses good water power, and contains an iron
foundry, woolen mills, a telegraph office, a number of stores, and 2 hotels.
Pop. 400.
WEST POTTON, a post village in Brome co., Que., 5 miles from Mansonville Potton.
Pop. 200.
WEST QUACO, a post village in St. John co.. N.B., 1 mile
from St. Martins. Pop. l00.
WEST RIVER, a post village in Pictou co., N.S., 12 miles from Pictou. Pop. 200.
WEST RIVER, a settlement in Antigonish co., N.S., on a river of the same name,
40 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 400.
WEST RIVER, a settlement in Albert co., N.B., 9 miles from Hopewell Corner.
Pop. 30.
WEST RIVER STATION, a post village in Pictou co., N.S., on the I. R., (Pictou
branch,) 82 miles from Halifax. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 120.
WEST RIVER ST. MARY'S, a post settlement in Guysborough co., N.S., on West
river, 18 miles from New Glasgow. It contains 1 church, 1 hotel, 2 grist mills, and 7 saw mills. Pop. 400.
WEST'S CORNERS or MILVERTON, a post village in Perth co., Ont., 17 miles from
Stratford. It contains
1 flour mill, 1 saw mill, a flax mill, a tannery, a cheese factory, 2 hotels and
3 stores. Pop. 150
WEST SHEFFORD, a post village in Shefford co.. Que., on the Yamaska river, and
on the S. S. & C.R., 8 miles from Waterloo. It contains
Episcopal and Roman Catholic churches, a telegraph office, and several stores
and saw mills. Pop. 250.
WEST SIDE OF LOCHABER, a settlement in Antigonish co.,
N.S., on Lochaber Lake, 18 miles from Antigonish, 58 miles from New Glasgow.
Pop. 200.
WEST SIDE OF MIDDLE RIVER, a post office in Victoria co., N.S.
WESTVILLE, a thriving post village in Pictou co., N.S . from Stellarton. It
contains 3 holds and a number of stores. Extensive mines are worked by three
companies. Pop. 1,000.
WEST WINCHESTER, a post village in Dundas co., Ont., 18 miles from Morrisburg,
I6milea from Osgoode. It contains a telegraph office, 9 stores, and
a grist and saw mill. Pop. 260.
WESTWOOD or ASPHODEL, a post village in Peterborough co., Ont., 11 miles from
Keene, 23 miles from Peterborough. It contains 1 store and 2 saw mill . Pop.
WEST WOOLWICH, Waterloo co., Ont. See Elmira.
WEXFORD, a post village in York co., Out., 6½ miles from Scarborough Junction.
If has 2 stores. Pop. 150.
WEYMOUTH, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, co. of Digby, at the entrance of Sissiboo
River into St. Mary.; Bay, opposite New Edenborough, and 20 miles from
Digby. The inhabitants, mostly of French origin, are principally engaged in the
fisheries, lor which the neighboring waters are celebrated. Weymouth is a port
of entry, and contains a branch bank, a telegraph office, several shipyards, and 4
stores. The total number of arrivals for 1872 was 204 (tons 16,706), and
clearances 210 (tons 18,091). Total value of imports $67,179: exports $84,480.
Pop. 400.
WEYMOUTH BRIDGE, a thriving post village in Digby co., N.S.. on Sissiboo River,
21 miles from Digby. It contains several saw, grist and carding mills, and 7 or
8 stores. Pop. 400.
WHALEN, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., 3 miles from Granton. Pop. 180.
WHALE'S BROOK, a fishing settlement in the district of Trinity, Nfld Pop. 37.
WHEATLAND or WICKHAM, a post village in Drummond co., Que., 14½ miles from
Melbourne. Pop 100
WHEATLY, a post village in Essex co., Ont., 31 miles from Chatham. It has 1 saw
mill, 2 grist mills, 2 hotels, and 2 stores. Pop. 100.
WHEATLY RIVER, a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., 13 miles from
Charlottetown. Pop. 200.
WHEATON SETTLEMENT, a post settlement iii Westmorland co., N.B., 7 miles from
Petitcodiac. The Land is well adapted for agriculture. Pop. 200.
WHITBY formerly WINDSOR, an incorporated town of Ontario, capital of the co. of
Ontario, on Lake Ontario, and on the G. T. R., 29½ miles N.E. of Toronto. The
harbor is one of the best on the lake. The town contain 3, besides the county
buildings, churches of 5 denominations, 3 branch banks, a grammar and several
common schools, 2 printing offices issuing weekly newspapers, several assurance
and insurance agencies, 2 telegraph agencies, a number of stores, and
manufactories of iron castings, mill machinery, agricultural implements,
musical instruments, leather, &c. Whitby is a port of entry, and the southern
terminus of the Whitby and Port Perry railway. It is an important market town.
Total value of imports for 1872 $88,413; exports $295,158. Pop. 2,732; This town was originally laid out by Mr. John Scadding, the
first patentee of one thousand acres here. It appears as Windsor on earlier maps of Upper Canada, on which the bay is also marked Windsor Bay, and
sometimes Big Bay. Mr. Seadding called the place Windsor, not from the famous
royal city on the Thames, but from a small landed estate of that name, possessed
by him and his "forebears" for some generations, at Luppit in Devonshire.
The name was to Whitby in later years, confusion in the post office and "elsewhere
having arisen, through the existence of another Canadian Windsor in the west. If
the modesty of the first projector of Whitby had not finally forbade the
adoption of the suggested "Scaddington" or Scaddingfield" as the title of
the infant town, it is probable that such would
been at this day the name of the place. Mr. John Scadding died in 1824 on his
farm on the Don, near York (Toronto), leaving three sons, John, Charles, and
Henry, after each of whom a street in Windsor was named The latter is rector of
Holy Trinity, Toronto.
WHITEBURN, a settlement in Queens co., N.S., 33 mile3 from Liverpool. Pop.
WHITE FISH FALLS, Leeds co., Ont. See Morton.
WHITE HAVEN, a seaport of Nova Scotia, co. of Guysborough, 12 miles W.S.W. of
Cape Canso. This port is one of the best on the coast, being both spacious and
easy of access, and free from ice during winter.
WHITE HEAD, a seaport of Nova Scotia, co. of Guysborough, on the Atlantic coast, 2 miles from Molasses
Harbor, 31 miles from Guysborough. This is the first land on the Nova Scotia
coast seen by vessels from Europe. Its inhabitants are chiefly engaged in the
fisheries. Pop. 350.
WHITEHURST or BELL'S STATION, or ROCK SPRINGS, a post village in Leeds co.,
Ont., on the B. & 0. R., 13½ miles from Brockville. Pop. 75.
WHITE ISLAND, in the River St. Lawrence, below Quebec, extends down the river at
the N.E. end of Hare Island. It is about 5 miles long and
¾ of a mile broad.
WHITE LAKE, a post village in Renfrew co., Ont., on Waba or White Lake, 20 miles
from Arnprior. It has good water power, and contains several saw, grist and
carding mills, and 2 stores. Pop. 200.
WHITE MUD RIVER, a post office in the district of Marquette, Man., 70 miles W.
of Fort Garry, 19 miles from Portage la Prairie. See Westbourne.
WHITE POINT, a fishing settlement on the W. side of Placentia Bay, Nfld., 23
miles from Placentia. Pop. 43.
WHITE POINT, a post office in Victoria co., N.S., 79 miles from Baddeck.
WHITE ROCK, a fishing settlement in the district of Trinity, Nfld. Pop. 48.
WHITE ROCK MILLS, a post village in Kings co., N.S., on the Gaspereau river, 3
miles from Port Williams Station. It contains 1 saw mill and 1 grist mill. Pop.
WHITE ROSE, a post village in York co., Ont., 4 miles from Aurora. Pop. 130.
WHITE RAPIDS, a settlement in Northumberland co., N B., 19 miles from Newcastle.
Pop. 30.
WHITE'S, a post village in Elgin co., Ont., on the L. & P. S. R., 20 miles from
WHITE'S COVE, a post settlement in Queens CO., N.B., 9£ miles from Gagetown.
Pop. 200.
WHITEVALE, formerly MAJORVILLE, a thriving post village in Ontario co., Ont.,
6 miles from Markham. It contains a woolen factory, saw, grist and planing
mills, a telegraph office, and several stores. Pop. 250.
WHITFIELD, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 17 miles from Orangevill. Pop
WHITNEY, a post settlement in Northumberland co , N.B., on Cain's River, 30
miles from Newcastle. Pop. 205.
WHITTIER'S RIDGE, a post office in Charlotte co., N.B.
WHITTINGTON, a post village in Wellington co., Ont., 10 miles from Orangeville.
It contains 1 store and 2 hotels.
WHITTON, a post office in Compton co., Que., 55 miles from Lennoxville.
WHYCOCOMAH, a thriving post village in Inverness co., N S., picturesquely
situated on an arm of Bras d'Or Lake, 18 miles from Mabou, 35 miles from Port
Hastings. At its back rugged hills rise amphitheatre like to a vast
eminence, while from its feet stretch out the smiling waters of Wycocomah Bay.
It is a place of considerable trade and contains about a dozen stores. Pop. 400.
WIARTON, a post village in Bruce co., Ont., at the head of Colpoy's Bay, 20½
miles from Owen Sound. The harbor is one of the best on Georgian Bay. The
projected Stratford and Lake Huron railway will have its northern terminus here.
Pop. 200.
WICK, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., on the T. & N. R., 49 miles from
Toronto. It contains a telegraph office, an hotel and 2 stores. Pop. 125.
WICKHAM, a post village in Queens co., N.B., on the St. John River, 32 miles
above St, John. It contains a store and 2 saw mills, and has first class
facilities for shipbuilding. Pop. 250.
WICKHAM, Drummond co., Ont. See Wheatland.
WICKHAM STATION, a post village in Carleton co., N.B , on the N. B. & C. R., 14
miles from Woodstock. Pop. 30.
WICKLOW, a post settlement in Carleton co., N.B., on the St. John River, 6 miles
from Florenceville. Pop. 300.
WICKLOW, a post village in Northumberland co., Ont., 2½
miles from Grafton. Pop. 100.
WICKWIRE STATION, Halifax co., N.S. See Milford.
WIDDER, or PINE HILL, a poet village in Lambton co., Ont, 2½
miles from Widder Station. It has 2 telegraph .offices, 2 stores, an hotel, a
tannery and a pottery. Pop. 100.
WIDDER STATION or THEDFORD, a flourishing post village in Lambton co., Ont., on
the G. T. R., 136¾ miles W. of Toronto. It
contains saw, grist and woolen mills, a telegraph office, and several stores and
hotels. A weekly newspaper is published here. Pop. 500.
WILFRID, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., si miles from Cannington. Pop.
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America,
Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873
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