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St. Ours to Sarnia, Canada
ST. OURS, an incorporated town of Quebec, co. of Richelieu, on the River
Richelieu, 21 miles from St. Hilaire Station. A small island here divides the river into two channels. In the eastern channel, a lock, in cut stone, with a dam
300 feet in length, has been constructed; and in the western channel a dam of
600 feet in length, of crib work, has been built. These works
raise the river from 4 to 7 feet above its natural level, and make it navigable
to Chambly Basin, a distance of 32 miles. St. Ours contains a church, convent,
telegraph office, saw mills, brickfields, and 8 or 9 stores, and has a large trade in
grain and country produce. Pop. 700.
ST. PACOME, a post village in Kamouraska co., Que., H miles from Riviere Ouelle.
It contains 4 stores. Pop. 300; of parish 1,863.
ST. PAMPHILE, L'Islet co., Que. See Vaillancourt.
ST. PASCHAL, a thriving post village in Kamouraska co., Que., on the G. T. R.,
102 miles below Quebec. It contains a telegraph office, 9 stores, and several
mills. Pop. 700.
ST. PATRICK, a post settlement in Charlotte co., N.B., 11½ miles from St.
Stephen. Pop. 250.
ST. PATRICK DE SHERRINGTON, Napierville co., Que. See Sherrington.
ST. PATRICK'S CHANNEL, a post settlement in Victoria co , N.S., on a channel of
the same name in Bras d'Or Lake, 47 miles from Port Hastings. Pop. 150.
ST. PATRICK'S HILL, or TINGWICK, a post village in Arthabaska co., Que., 7
miles from Danville. It contains a flouring mill, 3 saw mills, and 3 stores.
Pop. 250.
ST. PAUL, a small island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 8 miles N.E. of the
northern extremity of Cape Breton, It has 2 fixed lights. Lat, 47° 14 N, Ion.
66° 9 W.
ST. PAUL D'INDUSTRIE, a post village and parish in Joliette co., Que., 14 miles
from L'Assomption. Pop. 1,943.
ST. PAUL DU BUTON, a post village in Montmagny co., Que., 17 miles from St.
Pierre. Pop. 200.
ST. PAULIN, a thriving post village and parish in Maskinonge co., Que., 80 miles
N.N.E. of Montreal, 14 miles from Riviere du Loup en haut. The village is the
seat of large flouring and saw mills; and at Hunterstown, in the vicinity, from
200,000 to 300,000 planks are annually manufactured and exported to the United
States. Pop. 200; of parish 1,080.
ST. PAUL L'ERMITE, a post village in L'Assomption co., Que., on the River L'Assomption, 18 miles from Mont-real. It contains a foundry and several
stores. Pop. 450; of parish 1,048.
ST. PAUL'S, a post village in Kent co., N 15. . on the Buctouche river, 20 miles
from Buctouche. It contains 1 church, 1 store. 1 saw mill, and 1 grist mill. In
1: 66 there were only 4 settlers in this place. Emigration from Pi nice Edward
Island and the co. of Westmorland has swelled the number to 500.
ST. PAUL'S, Pictou co., N.S. See Elmsville.
ST. PAUL'S BAY, an outport of Quebec, capital of the co. of Charlevoix, on the
N. shore of the St. Lawrence, 60 miles below Quebec. It contains, besides the
county buildings, a church, a convent, several tanneries, saw and gristmills,
and about 20 stores. There are iron and plumbago mines in the vicinity. Pop.
ST. PERPETUE, a post office in Nicolet co.. Que.
ST. PETERS, a post office in the district of Lisgar, Man., on Red River, 27
miles from Fort Garry.
ST. PETERS, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, co. of Richmond, on St. Peter's
Bay, an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, 36½ miles from Port Hawkesbury. A short
canal of 2,400 feet here connects St. Peter's Bay with the Bras d'Or Lake. The
town contains a telegraph office, a tannery, and about 12 stores. Pop. 250.
ST. PETERS or BATHURST VILLAGE, a post village in Gloucester co., N.B., at
the mouth of the Big Nepisiquit River in Bathurst harbor, and on the Intercolonial railway, opposite the town of
Bathurst, will which it is connected
by a line bridge. It contains a telegraph office, 2 churches, an academy, a saw
mill, and several stores. Shipbuilding is largely engaged in. Pop. 600
ST. PETERS BAY, a seaport in Kings co. P.E I., 33 miles from Charlottetown.
It contains saw, grist and carding mills, and several stores. Pop. 80
ST. PETER'S ISLAND, in St. Peter's Bay, S side of Richmond co., N.S., 7 miles
from St. Peters. It is settled by fishermen Pop. 80.
ST. PETER'S ROAD, a station on the Prince Edward Island railway, in Queens co.
ST. PHILIPPE, a post village in Laprairie co., Que., G miles from Laprairie. It
contains 3 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 300.
ST. PHILIPPE, Argenteuil co., Que. See Muddy Br neh.
ST. PHILIPPE DE NERY, a post village and parish in Kamouraska co., Que., 3.1
miles from St. Denis. Pop. 991.
ST. PIE, a post village and parish in Bagot co.. Que., on the River Yamaska,
11 miles from St. Hyacinthe. The village contains several stores and mills. Pop.
600; of parish 3,468.
ST. PIE DE DEGUIRE, a thriving post village and parish in Yamaska co., Que., on
Riviere La Vache, a tributary of the St. Francis, 7 miles from River David. The
village contains extensive iron works and foundries. In the vicinity are
valuable iron mines. Pop. 225; of parish 1,242.
ST. PIERRE, an island on the S. coast of Newfoundland. The surface is rocky and
vegetation scanty. It forms, with the Miquclon Islands, immediately N.W., a
colony belonging to France.
ST. PIERRE BAPTISTE, a post village in Megantic co., Que., 7 miles from
ST PIERRE DE BROUGHTON, Arthabaska co., Que. See Broughton.
ST. PIERRE D'ORLEANS, a post village and parish in Montmorency co., Que., on the
Island of Orleans, in the St. Lawrence, 9 miles below Quebec. It contains a
flouring mill, a saw and carding mill, and 3 stores. Poo 1,109
ST PIERRE DU SUD, a post village and parish in Montmagny co., Que., on the G. T
R, 44 miles N.E of Quebec. The village contains 4 stores and a telegraph office.
Pop. 350; of parish 1,292.
ST. PIERRE LES BECQUETS, a post village and parish in Nicolet co., Que., on the
St. Lawrence, 66 miles S.W. of Quebec. The village contains saw, grist and
carding mills, and 9 or 10 stores. Pop. 500; of parish 2,942
ST. PLACIDE, a river port and parish in the co. of Two Mountains, Que., on the
River Ottawa. 9 miles from St. Andrews. The village contains a foundry, and
several" tanneries and grist mills. Pop. 250; of parish 1,172.
ST. PLACIDE, Charlevoix co., Que. See Clairvaux.
ST. POLYCARPE, a post village and parish in Soulanges co., Que., on River
Delisle, 5 miles from Coteau Station The village contains a church, a convent, 4
stores, 3 hotel; , and a grist mill. Pop. 500; of parish 3,992.
ST. PRIME, a post office in Rimouski co., Que.
ST. PROSPER, a post village and parish in Champlain co., Que., in miles from
Batiscan. The village contains 3 stores. Pop. 120; of parish 1,147.
ST. RAPHAEL, a post village in Glengarry co., Ont., 7 miles from Riviere Raisin. It contains 1 store and 2 hotels. Pop. 250.
ST. RAPHAEL DE BELLECHASSE, a post village and parish in Belle-chasse co., Que.,
on Riviere du Sud, 6 miles from St. Vallier. The village contains saw, grist,
carding and fulling mills, and G stores. Pop. 300; of parish 2,805.
ST. RAYMOND, a thriving post village in Portneuf co., Que., on the Little River
Ste. Anne, 21 miles from Point aux Trembles. It contains grist and saw mills, a
carding mill, 3 churches, and 5 stores. Pop. 450; of parish 3,243.
ST. REGIS, a post village of Quebec, co. of Huntingdon, on the River St. Lawrence,
6 miles from Cornwall, entirely inhabited by Indians of the Iroquois tribe. Pop.
ST. REMI, an incorporated village in Huntingdon co., Que., on the G. T. R
(Province Line division), 21 miles from Montreal. If, contains an iron foundry,
a tannery, 4 hotels, 7 or 8 stores, and 2 churches Pop. 831.
ST. ROBERT, a post village in Richelieu co., Que , 9 miles from Sorel. It
contains 2 stores. Pop. 250.
ST. ROCH DE L' ACHIGAN, a post village in L'Assomption Co., Que., on the River
Achigan, 11 miles from L'Assomption It contains a church, convent model
school, 8 stores, and several saw, grist, and carding mills. Pop. 400.
ST. ROCH DE RICHELIEU, a post village in Richelieu co., Que., on the River
Richelieu, 1 mile Iron St. Ours. It contains 3 stores. Pop. 800.
ST. ROCH DES AULNAIES, a post village in L'Islet co., Que., on the S. shore of
the St. Lawrence, and on the G. T. R., 78 miles below Quebec. It contains 6
stores. Pop. 100.
ST. ROCHS, a suburb of the city of Quebec, 1½ miles from the post office.
ST. ROMAINE, a post village in Compton co., Que., 51 miles from Lennoxville.
Pop. 150.
ST. ROMUALD DE FARNHAM, Missisquoi co., Que. See West Fainham.
ST. ROMUALD D'ETCHEMIN, Levis co , Que. See New Liverpool.
ST. ROONAN'S HILL, a high mountain in the township of Buckland, co. of
Bellechasse, Que.
ST. SAUVEUR, a post village of Terrebonne co., Que., on Riviere du Nord, 12
miles from St. Jerome. It contains saw and grist mills, and 5 or 6 stores. Pop.
ST. SAUVEUR, a suburb of the city of Quebec, 1½ miles from the
post office.
ST. SEBASTIEN, a post village in Iberville co., Que., 6 miles from Des Rivieres.
It contains an hotel and 3 stores. Pop. 300.
ST. SEBASTIEN D'AYLMER, Beauce co., Que. See Valletort.
ST. SEVERE, a post village in St Maurice co., Que., 6½ miles from Yamachiche.
It contains a saw and grist mill. Pop. 175.
ST. SHOTTS, a settlement in the district of Placentia and St. Marys, Nfld., 4
miles from Cape Pine. This place has been the scene of many shipwrecks. Pop. 30.
ST. SIMEON, Charlevoix co., Que. See Port an Persil.
ST. SIMON DE RIMOUSKI, a post village in Rimouski co., Que., on the S. shore of
the St. Lawrence, and on the I. R., 37 miles below Riviere du Loup en bas. It
contains a tannery and 4 stores. Pop. 200.
ST. SIMON DE YAMASKA, a post village in Bigot co., Que., 9 miles from St.
Hyacinthe. It contains 2 saw mills, 3 stores, and a grist mill. Pop 250.
ST. STANISLAS DE BATISCAN, a post village in Champlain co., Que., on the River
Batiscan, 8 miles from Batiscan. It contains several stores and mills. Pop.
ST. STANISLAS DE KOSTKA, a post village in Beauharnois co., Que., on River St.
Louis, 7 miles from Valleyfield. It contains 3 stores. Pop. 250.
ST. STEPHEN, a seaport town of New Brunswick, co. of Charlotte, at the entrance
of Denys river into the
Schoodiac or St.. Croix, opposite Calais, Maine, and 86 miles W. of St. John by
road, 116½ miles by rail. The principal industry of the inhabitants is directed
to the lumber trade and the fisheries. Calais and St Stephen are united together
by a bridge, and the latter town is lighted with gas from the former. St.
Stephen contains 6 churches, 2 newspaper offices, 2 banks, a telegraph office,
and a number of stores. It is a port of entry and the S.W. terminus of the St.
Stephen branch of the N. B. & C. R. The total number of arrivals for 1872 was 49
(tons 7,412), and clearances 62 (tons 17,575). Total value of imports
$369,777; exports $85,734. Pop. 3,000.
ST. SULPICE, a post village in L'Assomption co. Que., on the N. shore of the
St. Lawrence, 29 miles below Montreal. It contains 4 stores. Pop.
ST. SYLVESTRE, a flourishing post village and parish in Lotbiniere co., Que., 21
miles from Craig's Road. The village contains saw, grist, and carding mills, an
agricultural implement factory, a furniture factory. and 12 stores. Pop. 400; of
parish 3,719.
ST. SYLVESTRE EAST, a post village 3 miles from the above. It contains 6
stores. Pop. 150.
ST. THEODORE, a post village and parish in Bagot co., Que., 4 miles from Acton
Vale. Pop. 1,236.
ST. THEODORE DE CHERTSEY, a post village and parish in Montcalm to., Que., 14
miles from Rawdon. Pop.
ST. THERESE, an island in the river Richelieu, between Chambly and St.
Johns, Que. It is 2 miles long by & a mile wide, and makes a fine pasturage.
ST. THOMAS, Montmagny co., Que. See Montmagny.
ST. THOMAS, Yamaska co., Que. See Pierreville.
ST. THOMAS EAST, a post village in Joliette co., Que., on the St. Lawrence and
Industry railway,4 miles from Joliette. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 200.
ST. THOMAS WEST, an incorporated town of Ontario, capital of the co. of Elgin,
on Kettle Creek, and on the Great Western, Canada Southern, St. (Hair Branch,
and London and Port Stanley railways, 15 miles from London, 9 mil s from Port Stanley.
It contains churches of 6 denominations, (Episcopal, Human Catholic, Baptist, 2
Methodist, Bible Christian, and Presbyterian,) 2 branch banks, 2 telegraph
offices, 2 newspaper offices, about 100 stores and 30 hotels, 5 sawmills, 2
grist mills. 2 large foundries, 3 tanneries, 1 block and tackle factory, 1 car
wheel foundry, Canada Southern car shops, Air Line work shops, and a large number of factories of various kinds The public
buildings are the town hall and market, court house, and music hall. Four
railways run into the town. The station of the Canada Southern is one of the
finest in Canada. It contains all the head offices of the company" The car shops
of this company, in which about 500 men are employed, are also splendid
buildings. The town has advanced very rapidly during the past four years on
account of the railways running through it. Another railway, the Credit Valley,
running form St. Thomas to Toronto, is under construction. There is a custom
house officer and an American consul here. Pop. 7,000.
ST. TIMOTHEE, a post village and parish in Beauharnois co., Que., on the
Beauharnois Canal, 9 miles from Beauharnois. The village contains a church, a
college, convent, and several stores. Pop. 400; of parish 2,479.
ST. TITE, a post village and parish in Champlain co., Que., 33 miles from Three
Rivers. The village has a grist mill and 3 saw mills. Pop. 150; of parish 1,531.
ST. TITE DES CAPS, a post village and parish in Montmorency co., Que., 34 miles
below Quebec. Pop. 663.
ST. UBALDE, a village hi Portneuf co., Que., 28 miles from Batiscan. It contains
a grist mill and 2 saw mills. Pop. 80.
ST ULRIC, Rimouski co., Que. See Tessierville.
ST. URBAIN, a post village and parish in Charlevoix co., Que , 9 miles from St.
Paul's Bay. Pop. 8S5.
ST. URBAIN, a post village and parish in Chateauguay co.. Que., 6 miles from St.
Isidore. The village contains 2 hotels and 2 stores. Pop. 600; of parish 1,666.
ST. VALENTINE, a post village and parish in St. Johns co., Que., on the
River Richelieu, l½ miles from Stottville.
Pop. 2,148.
ST. VALERIE, Arthabaska co., Que. See Bulstrode.
ST. VALERIEN, a post village in Shefford co., Que., 5 miles from Upton. It
contains 3 stores. Pop. 75.
ST. VALIER, a post village in Bellechasse co., Que., on the St. Lawrence, and
on the G. T. R., 36 miles below Quebec. It contains 3 stores and a telegraph
office. Bog ion ore is found in the vicinity. Pop. 300.
ST. VENANT, Compton co., Que. See Paquette.
ST. VICTOR DE TRING, a post village in Beauce Co., Que., 60 miles S. of Quebec.
It contains saw, grist, and carding mills, and potash factories. Pop. 300.
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, a thriving post village of Quebec, co. of Laval, on Isle
Jesus, and on la Riviere des Prairies, 12 miles from Montreal. It contains the
Provincial Penitentiary, 2 telegraph offices, and several stores and hotels.
Pop. 1,000.
ST. VINCENT, Grey co., Ont. See Meaford.
ST. VITAL DE LAMBTON, Beauce CO., Que. See Lambton.
ST. WENCESLAS, a post village in Nicolet co., Que., 4 miles from Aston. It
contains 4 stores. Pop. 150.
ST. WILLIAMS, or WALS1NGHAM, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., on Lake Erie,
17 miles from Simcoe. It contains a telegraph office, and several stores and
mills. Pop. 150.
ST. ZEPHIRIN, a post village in Yamaska co., Que., 21 miles from St. Francis.
It contains 4 stores and several mills. Pop. 400.
ST. ZENON, Compton co., Que. See Piopolis.
ST. ZENON, or ST. LOUIS DE MANTAWA, a post village in Jolietto co., Que , on the
River Mantawa, a tributary of the St. Maurice, 57 miles from Joliette. It
possesses good water privileges, and has several mills. Pop. 150.
ST. ZOTIQUE, a post village and parish in Soul iges co., Que., on the St.
Lawn- ice, 2½, miles from Cotcau Landing. The village contains 4 stores.
Pop. 200; of parish 1,000.
SALAMANCA, a station on the Fredericton Branch railway, in York
co., N.B., 1 mile from Fredericton. Hero are two large saw mills.
SALEM, a post office in Cumberland co., N.S., 8 miles from Amherst.
SALEM, a post settlement in Albert co., N.B., 3 miles from Hillsborough. Pop.
SALEM, a post village of Ontario, co. of Wellington, beautifully situated on the
Irvine river, 1 mile from Elora. It contains saw and flouring mills, 2 tanneries,
last, reg and stave factories, a brewery, an iron foundry, a brickfield, a
Wesleyan church, a telegraph office, and several stores and hotels. Pop. 800.
SALEM, a settlement in Yarmouth co., N.S., 1 mile from Yarmouth. Pop. 200.
SALFORD, a post village in Oxford co., Ont., 4 miles from Ingersoll. Pop. 100.
SALISBURY, a post village in Westmorland co., N.B., on the Petitcodiac river,
and on the I. R.,76 miles from St. John. It has a telegraph office and several
stores and saw mills. Pop. 300.
SALISBURY ISLAND, in Hudson's Strait, North West Territories, is in lat. 63°
27' N, lon. 76° 40' W.
SALMON BEACH, a post settlement in Gloucester co., N.B., on Nepisiquit Bay, 7½
miles from Bathurst. Pop. 150.
SALMON COVE, a fishing settlement in the district of Bay de Verds, Nfld., 9
miles from Carbonear. Pop. 105.
SALMON COVE, a fishing settlement on the E. side of Placentia Bay, Nfld., 2
miles from Little Placentia. Pop. G5.
SALMON COVE, a fishing settlement on the French shore, Nfld., 35 miles from
Cane Norman. Pop. 20.
SALMON COVE, a fishing settlement on the N. side of Conception Bay, Nil l.,4
miles from Brigus. Pop. 333.
SALMON COVE, a fishing settlement on the N. side of Trinity Bay, Nfld., 5 miles
from Trinity. Pop. 412.
SALMON COVE, a settlement in the district of Harbor Main, Nfld., 37 miles from
St. John's. Pop. 400.
SALMON CREEK, a post settlement in Queens co., N.B., on Washademoak river, 52 miles
from St. John. It contains 1 store, 1 grist mill, and 1 saw mill. Pop.
SALMON CREEK, a post settlement in Sunbury co., N.B., on a tributary of
Salmon river, 6 miles from Brigg's Corner. Pop 200.
SALMON HOLE, a post office in Halifax co., N.S., miles from Halifax.
SALMONIER, a fishing settlement on the east side of Placentia Bay, Nfld., 3
miles from Placentia. Pop. 51.
SALMONIER, a post town and fishing settlement at the head of St. Marys Bay,
Nfld., at the mouth of a beautiful river of the same name, 49 miles from St.
John's. Pop. 346.
SALMON LIVER, a post settlement in Digby co., N.S., 18 miles from Yarmouth.
Pup. 200.
SALMON RIVER, a post settlement in Guysborough co., N.S., 10 miles from
Guysborough. Pop. 200.
SALMON RIVER, a post village in Albert co., N.B., at the entrance of Salmon
river in the Bay of Fundy, 31 miles from Penobsquis. It contains 2 saw mills.
Pop. 250.
SALMON RIVER, a post village in Cape Breton co., N.S., 19 miles from Sydney. It
contains 2 saw mills. Pop. 100.
SALMON RIVER, a post village in Halifax co., N.S., 86 miles from Halifax. Pop. 2
SALMON RIVER, a post village in St. John co., Nil, 41 miles from' St. John. It
contains 2 saw mills. Pop. 100.
SALMON RIVER, a settlement in Yarmouth co., N.S., 7 miles from Yar-mouth. Pop.
SALMON RIVER (Lake Settlement,) a post settlement in Guysborough co., N.S , 15
miles from Guysborough. Pop. 180.
SALMON RIVER, Victoria co., N.B. See Undine.
SALMONVILLE, a post village in Peel co., Ont., on the River Credit, 6 miles
from Georgetown. It contains a telegraph office, 2 saw mills and a grist mill.
Pop. 70.
SALT ISLAND, an island in the district of Twillingate and Fogo, Nfld.
SALT SPRING ISLAND, in Maple Bay, Vancouver Island, B.C., is about 7 to 11 miles
long and 2 to 3 miles wide. It is well settled, the land is of very good quality,
and there are springs of warm salt water. Pop. 300.
SALT SPRINGS, a post settlement in Kings co., N.B., 16 miles from Sussex. There
are copious salt springs here,
from which salt is made by evaporation. Pop. 150.
SALT SPRINGS, a station on the Intercolonial railway, in Cumberland co., N.S.,
113 miles from Halifax.
SALT SPRINGS, Pictou co.. N.S. See Mount Thorn.
SALVAGE, a fishing settlement in the district of Bonavista, Nfld,, 16 miles from
Open Hall. Pop. 497.
SAMBRO, a post settlement in Halifax co., N.S., on the Atlantic coast, 20 miles
from Halifax. The S S. Atlantic was wrecked near here. March 31, 1873, and over
800 lives lost. Pop. 210.
SAND BEACH, a post office in Yarmouth co., N.S., 3 miles from Yarmouth.
SANBORN, a post settlement in Wolfe co., Que., 26 miles from Somerset Pop. 75.
SANDFIELD, a post village in Glengarry co., Out., on Riviere la Graise, 27
miles from on Riviere Raisin. Pop. 100.
SANDFORD, a post village in Ontario co., Out., 7 miles from Uxbridge. It
contains a saw mill and a store. Pop. 100.
SANDFORD, Yarmouth co., N.S. See Cranberry Head.
SANDHILL, a post village in Cardwell co., Out., 6 miles from Bolton. It
contains a telegraph office and 2 stores. Pop. 200.
SANDHURST, a post village in Lennox co., Out., 24 miles from Kings-ton. Pop. 90.
SAND POINT, a post office in Guysborough co., N.S., on Chedabucto Bay, 15 miles
from Port Mulgrave.
SAND POINT, a thriving post village in Renfrew co., Ont. on the River Ottawa, and on
the B. & O. R.,74½ miles N N. W of Brockville. It contains 2 telegraph offices
and several stores. Pop. 250.
SANDWICH, a thriving post village of Ontario, capital of the co. of Essex, on
the Detroit river, opposite the city of Detroit About 2 miles N.E. of the
village is Windsor, the terminus of the Great Western railway. Sandwich contains
Episcopal and Roman Catholic churches, a newspaper office, tele-graph office,
brewery, a number of stores, and several mills. Pop. 1,160.
SANDY BAY, a post village in Rimouski co., Que., on the River St. Lawrence, 9
miles from Metis. It his a telegraph office. Pop. 250.
SANDY BEACH, a post village and fishing station in Gaspe co., Que., 4 miles from
Gaspe Basin. Pop. 90.
SANDY BEACHES, a post settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S., 41 miles W. of
Halifax. Pop. 120.
SANDY COVE, a maritime village of Nova Scotia, co. of Digby, on Digby Neck, 18
miles S.W. of Digby. Pop. 400.
SANDY COVE, a fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo,
Nfld., 5 miles from Fogo. Pop. 20.
SANDY COVE, a settlement in Queens co., N S., 5 miles from Liverpool. Pop.
SANDY HARBOR, a fishing settlement on the W. side of Placentia Hay, Nfld., 16
miles from Merasheen. Pop. 36.
SANDY POINT, a post settlement and fishing station in Shelburne co., N.S., 9
miles from Shelburne. Pop. 500.
SANDY POINT, a thriving village on the French shore, Nfld., 65 miles from Cape
Bay. It is the chief settlement in St. George's harbor, and chiefly depends
upon the spring herring fisheries, the schooners going north for the Labrador
herring in the fall of the year. The trading is principally carried on with
Halifax, N.S., business communications seldom taking place between St. George
and St. John's. There is a very neat little English church on Sandy Point, and a
resident clergyman, also a Roman Catholic church. Pop. 415.
SANDYTOWN, Elgin co., Out. See Staffordsville.
SAN JUAN, an island in Juan de Fuca Strait, between Canal de Haro and Rosario
Strait. Lat, 48° 30' N., and lon. 123° W. It is about 15 miles in length, and 7
miles in breadth, at its widest part, and contains about 40,000 acres of land.
The northern portion is mountainous and heavily timbered, but the southern part
has many beautiful prairies and is exceedingly fertile. The pasture is so
nutritious that the mutton raised upon it is remarkable for the delicacy of
its flavor. There is near the harbor a valuable quarry of limestone. Coal is
also found. Off the lower end of the island are the best fishing waters in the
Sound. Great quantities of halibut, codfish and salmon are taken at certain
When the Hudson's Bay Company used San Juan as a fishing station, they were in
the habit of putting up 3,000 barrels of salmon yearly. The population of the
island is about 400, of which 100 are military. San Juan is one of seven large
islands between the. disputed channels of Canal de Haro and Rosario Strait. It
was in 1872 ceded to the United States.
SAN JUAN, CAPE, is the S. part of Vancouver Island, B.C., bounded N. by the
Strait of San Juan de Fuca.
SARAWAK, or PRESQUILE, a post village in Grey co., Ont., 14 miles from Owen
Sound. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 125.
SAREPTA, or FRIEDSBURG, a post village in Huron co., Ont., 20 miles from
Seaforth. Pop. 50.
SARNIA, or PORT SARNIA, an incorporated town of Ontario, capital of the co. of
Lambton, situated on River St. Clair, near Luke Huron, and on the G. W. and G T.
R's., 61 miles from London, 168 miles from Toronto. It has a regular ferry
across the river to Port Huron, and is a port of entry, and the last port at
which steamers bound to the Upper Lakes can call. It contains Episcopal, Roman
Catholic, Wesleyan, Baptist and Presbyterian churches, several schools, 2 branch
banks, 2 telegraph offices, 2 newspaper offices, 1 brewery, saw, grist, and
shingle mills, and manufactories of iron castings, machinery, wooden ware, woolens, leather, &c. The total value of imports for 1872 was $570,049;
exports $937,55. Pop. 2,929.
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America,
Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America |