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St. Clet to St. Jacques, Canada
ST. CLET, a post village and parish in Soulanges co., Que., 7 miles from Coteau
Station. Pop. 1,057.
ST. CLOTIHILDE, a post village and parish in Arthabaska co., Que., 18 miles from
Arthabaska Station. Pop. 371.
ST. COLOMB, Quebec co., Que. See Sikery Cove.
ST. COLUMBAN, a post village and parish in the co. of Two Mountains, Que., on
the Paver Ottawa, 40 miles from Montreal. Pop. 676.
ST. COME, a post village in Joliette co., Que, on the River L'Assomption, 33
miles from Joliette. Pop. 150.
ST. COME, Beauce co., Que. See Marlow.
ST. CONSTANT, a post village and parish in Laprairie co, Que., on Little River
St. Pierre. 6 miles from Laprairie. Pop. 1,893.
ST. CROIX, a post village in Hants co., N S., on the St. Croix River, 1½
miles from Newport Station, It contains two saw mill, a grist mill, a carding
mill, and gypsum quarries. Pop. 120.
ST. CROIX, a post village in York co., N B., on the E & N. A. R., 91 miles from
St. John, 1 mile from Vanceboro, Me. It contains a large tannery. Pop. 100.
ST. CROIX, a thriving post village in Lotbiniere co., Que., on the S. bank of
the St. Lawrence, 33 miles above Quebec. It contains a church, an academy, 6 saw
mills, 2 grist mills, 1 carding mill, and 4 or 5 stores. Pop. 750; of parish
ST. CROIX COVE, a settlement in Annapolis co., N.S., 7 miles from Paradise. Pop.
ST. CUTHBERT, a post village and parish in Berthier co., Que , on a river of the
same name, 7 miles from Berthier en haut. The village contains a telegraph
office, 4 saw mills, a carding mill, and several stores. Pop. of parish 3,122.
ST. CYPRIEN, Napierville co., Que. See Napierville.
ST. CYRIAC, a post office in Chicoutimi co., Que.
ST. CYRILLE, a post village in L'Islet co., Que., 7 miles from L Islet. It
contains 1 store and 2 saw mills. Pop. 150.
ST. DAMASE, a post village and parish in St. Hyacinthe co., Que., on the Yamaska
river, 7½ miles from St. Hyacinthe. Pop.
ST. DAMIEN DE BRANDON, a post village in Berthier co., Que., 27½
miles from Berthier en haul. Pop. 100.
ST. DAVID, a seaport on the S.W. coast of Prince Edward Island, Queens co., on
Bedeque Bay, in lat. 46° 23' N, lon. 62° 42
ST. DAVID'S, a post village in Niagara co., Ont., on the G. W. R., 5 miles from
Clifton. It contains a Methodist church, a tannery and several stores, hotels
and flouring mills. Pop. 270.
ST. DENIS, a flourishing post village and parish of Quebec, co. of St.
Hyacinthe, on the River Richelieu. 14 miles from St. Hilaire Station. The
village contains 7 or 8 stores, and saw, grist and carding mills. This place has
attained an unenviable notoriety from the murder of Lieut. Weir, who had been
sent overland to Sorel from Monreal with despatches, and wishing to join his
regiment, which was on its route to St Denis, fell a prisoner into the hands of
the rebels who barbarously and brutally murdered him, and then threw his body
into the Richelieu. This was during the rebellion of 1837-38. Pop. of parish
ST. DENIS DE LA BOUTELLERIE, a post village and parish in Kamouraska co., Que.,
on the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, and on the G. T. R., 97 miles below Quebec.
The village contains 4 stores. Pop. of parish 980.
ST. DIDACE, a post village and parish in Maskinonge co., Que., on the River
Maskinonge, 48 miles from Three Rivera. The village contains several mills and
stores. Pop. of parish 2,055.
ST. DOMINIQUE, a post village and parish in Bagot co., Que., 8 miles from St.
Hyacinthe. The village contains 3 stores and a telegraph office. Pop. 200; of
parish 2,590.
ST. DOMINIQUE DES CEDRES, a post village in Soulanges co., Que., 7½
miles from Cedars. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 150
ST. DONAT, a post village and parish in Rimouski co., Que., on the S. shore of
the St. Lawrence, 18 miles from Quebec. Pop. 819.
ST. DOROTHEE, a post village and parish in Laval co., Que., 15 miles from
Montreal. Pop. 989.
ST. DUNSTAN, Quebec co., Que. See Lake Beau port.
ST. EDOUARD, a thriving post village and parish in Napierville co., Que., on
Riviere La Tortue, 4 miles from La Pigeonnierc. The village contains several
stores and mills. Pop. 600; of parish 1,625.
ST. EDOUARD, Lotbiniere co., Que. See Riviere Bois Clair.
ST. EDOUARD DE FRAMPTON", Dorchester co., Que. See Frampton.
ST. EDWIDGE, a post village in Compton co., Que., 10 miles from Compton. Pop.
ST. ELEANORS, a thriving post village in Prince co., P.E.I., on the Prince
Edward Island railway, 2¼ miles from
Summerside. It contains 4 stores, 2 hotels, a tannery, and several mills. Pop.
ST. ELIE DE CAXTON, a post village and parish in St. Maurice co., Que., on the
Yamachiche river, 24 miles from Three Rivers. It contains 1 church, 2 stores,
and 2 saw mills. Pop. 550.
ST. ELIZABETH, a post village and parish in Juliette co., Que., on the River
Bayonne, 45 miles N.E. of Montreal. The village contains an agricultural
implement factory, tannery, and several Stores. Pop. 460; of parish 2,273.
ST. ELOI, a post village and parish in Temiscouata co., Que., 8 miles from Isle
Verte. Pop. 1,134.
ST. ELZEAR, a post village and parish in Beauce co., Que., 27 miles from St.
Henri. The village contains 4 saw mills, 2 grist mills, and 4 stores. Pop. 500;
of parish 2,129.
STE. EMELIE DE L'ENERGIE, a post village in Joliette co., Que., on the Black
River. 42 miles from Montreal. Pop. 200.
STE. EMELIE, Lotbiniere co., Que. See Leclercville.
ST. EPHREM DE TRING, a post village and parish in Beauce co., Que., 70 miles S.
of Quebec. The village contains saw, grist and carding mills, and 3 stores. Pop.
200; of parish 1,693.
ST. EPHREM D'UPTON, or UPTON, a thriving post, village in Bagot. co., Que., on
the G. T. R., 48 miles E. of Montreal. It contains 7 or 8 stores, 2 saw mills,
an extract of hemlock bark factory, a tannery, and telegraph office. There are
valuable copper mines in the vicinity. Pop. 350; of parish 1,392.
ST. EPIPHANIE, Temiscouata, co., Que. See Vigor.
ST. ESPRIT, a post office in Richmond co., N.S., on the sea coast, 25 miles from
St. Peters.
ST. ESPRIT, a thriving post village and parish in Montcalm co., Que., on the
River St. Esprit, 17 miles from L'Assomption. It has a telegraph office. Pop.
ST. ETIENNE, Levis co., Que. See Chaudiere Junction.
ST. ETIENNE DE BEAUHARNOIS, a post village and parish in Beauharnois co., Que.,
on the River St. Louis, 5 miles from Beaubarnois. Pop. 1,097.
ST. ETIENNE DE BOLTON, Brome co., Que. See Grass Pond.
ST. ETIENNE DES GRES, a post village and parish in St. Maurice co.„ Que., on the
River St. Maurice, 15 miles from Three Rivers. The village contains a church, a
tannery, and several stores. Pop. 300; of parish 2,574.
ST. EUGENE, a thriving post village in Prescott co., Ont.,9 miles from Point
Fortune. It contains a tannery, potash factory, and several stores and mills.
Pop. 400.
ST. EUSTACHE, an incorporated village in the co. of Two Mountains, Que., on
River du Chene, 21 miles S.W. of Montreal. It contains a pottery, several mills,
a church, convent, academy, 3 hotels, 10 or 12 stores, and agencies of 2
telegraph companies. There is a mineral spring two miles from the village. Pop.
ST. EVAR1STE DE FORSYTH, a post village and parish in Beauce co., Que., 24 miles
from St. Francois, 78 miles S. of Quebec. The village contains 2 stores. Pop.
150; of parish 1,153.
ST, FABIEN, a post village and par-ish in Rimouski co., Que., on the River St.
Lawrence, 46£ miles below Riviere du Loup en has. The village contains a church
and several stores and mills. Pop. 250; of parish 1,G95.
STE. FAMILLE D'OELEANS, a post village and parish in Montmorency co., Que., on
the Island of Orleans, N. shore river St. Lawrence, 17 miles below Quebec. The
village contains 5 store;. Pop. 834.
STE. FRANCOISE, a post village in Temiscouata co.. Que., 6 miles from Trois
Pistoles. Pop. 90.
STE. GENEVIEVE, a post village and parish of Quebec, co. of Jacques Cartier, on
Riviere des Prairies, 5 miles from Point Claire. The village con-tains a church,
a convent, and G stores. There are excellent mineral springs in the vicinity.
Pop. G72; of parish 1,304.
STE. GENEVIEVE DE BAT1SCAN, Champlain co., Que. See Batiscan.
STE. GERMAINE, Dorchester co., Que. See Lake Etchemin
STE. HELENE, a post village in Kamouraska co., Que., on the S. shore of the St.
Lawrence, and on the G. T. R., 108 miles below Quebec. It contains 3 stores.
Pop. 250.
STE. HELENE DE BAGOT, a post village and parish in Bagot co., Que., 7 miles from
Upton. The village contains 2 stores. Pop. 100; of parish 1,157.
E. HENEDINE, a flourishing post village and parish. of Quebec, capital of the
co. of Dorchester, 16 miles from St. Henri. The village contains, besides the
county buildings, a church, several saw and grist mills, 3 or 4 stores, and
potash factories. Pop. 450; of parish L234.
STE. HERMENEGILDE, Stanstead Co.. Que. See Evangeline.
STE. IRENEE, a post village and parish in Charlevoix co., Que., on the N. shore of the St. Lawrence, 78 miles below
Quebec. Pop. 997.
STE. .JEANNE DE NEUVILLE, a village in Portneuf co., Que., on the River
Jacques Cartier, 7½ miles from Pointe aux Trembles en
bas. It contains 5
stores, and flour, saw and paper mills. See Pont Rouge.
STE. JULIE DE SOMERSET, a post village in Megantic co., Que., 1½ miles from
Becancour Station. It contains several saw and grist mills, and 6 stores Pop.
STE. JULIE DE VERCHERES, a post village and parish in Vercheres co., Que., at
the foot of Boucherville mountain, 4½ miles from St. Bruno. Pop. 1,153.
STE. JULIENNE, a post village and parish of Quebec, capital of the co. of
Montcalm, on the River St. Esprit, 23 miles from L'Assomption. The village
contains a telegraph office, 4 or 5 stores, and several saw and grist mills.
Pop. 400; of parish 1,117.
STE. JUSTINE, Dorchester co., Que. See Langevin.
STE. JUSTINE DE NEWTON, a post village and parish in Vaudreuil co., Que., 14
miles from Coteau Station. Pop. 1,227.
STE. LOUISE DES AULNAIES, a post village and parish in L'Islet co., Que;
½mile from St. Roch. The village contains 3 stores. Pop. 150.
STE. MARGUERITE, a thriving post village and parish in Dorchester co., Que., 8
miles from Frampton The village contains saw, carding and fulling mills, and
several stores. Iron and copper is found in the vicinity. Pop. 400; of parish
STE. MARGUERITE DU LAC MASSON, Terrebonne co.; Que. See Lac Masson.
STE. MARIE DE LA BEAUCE. Beauce co., Que. See La Beauce.
STE. MARIE DE MONNOIR, or MARIEVILLE, an incorporated village of Quebec, capital
of the co. of Rouville, on the Montreal, Chambly and Sorel railway, 21 miles S.E.
of Montreal. It contains a church, college, 5 or G stores, tannery, &c, and has
a large trade in grain, cattle and country produce. Pop. 723.
STE. MARTHE, a post village and parish in Vaudreuil co., Que., 13 miles from
Coteau Station. The village contains several stores and mills. Pop. 300; of
parish 2,115.
STE. MARTINE, a post village and parish of Quebec, capital of the co. of
Chateauguay, on the River Chateauguay, 13½ miles from
Caughnawaga. The village
contains, besides the county buildings, a church, 4 hotels, 4 stores and several mills and tanneries. Pop. 700; of parish 2,543.
STE. MELANIE, Joliette co., Que. See Daillebout.
STE. MONIQUE, a post village and parish in Nicolet co., Que., 8 miles fro.21
Nicolet. The village contains 2 saw mills and 3 stores. Pop. 500; of parish 2
'STE MONIQUE DES DEUX MONTAGNES, a post office in the co. of Two Mountains,
Que. 41 miles from Montreal.
STE. PHILOMENE, a post village and parish in
Chateauguay co., Que., 8 miles from Caughnawaga. It contains a church and
several stores. Pop. 1,548.
STE. ROSALIE, a post village of Quebec, capital of
the co. of Bagot, 4½ miles from St. Hyacinthe. Pop. 100; of parish 1,591,
STE. ROSE, a thriving post village of Quebec, capital of the co. of Laval, (Isle
Jesus,) on the south shore of the River Jesus (a branch of the Ottawa), and on
the Montreal Northern Colonization railway, 16½ miles from Montreal. It
contains a church, a tannery, G stores, and a telegraph office. Pop. 730; of
parish 1,810.
STE. SCHOLASTIQUE, an incorporated village of Quebec, capital of the co. of Two
Mountains, on Belle Riviere, 36 miles W. of Montreal. It contains, besides the
county buildings, a church, a telegraph office, a tannery, 3 hotels, and G
stores, and has a large trade in grain and country produce. Pop. 707 of parish
STE. SOPHIE DE HALIFAX, a post village in Megantic co., Que., 7 miles
from Somerset. It contains 2 sawmills, a gristmill, a carding mill, and 4
stores. Pop. 200.
STE. SOPHIE DE LACORNE, a post village and parish in Terrebonne co., Que., 34
miles from Montreal. Pop. 1,311.
STE. THERESE DE BLAINVILLE, an incorporated village and parish of Quebec, co. of
Terrebonne, on the Riviere aux Chiens, 20 miles N.N.W. of Montreal. The village
contains churches of 3 denominations, a college, convent, 3 hotels, 7 or 8
stores, a telegraph office, tannery, distillery, brewery, and
several grist mills. Pop. 914; of parish 1,768.
STE. URSULE, a post village and parish in Maskinonge co., Que., on the Little Riviere du Loup, 5 miles from Three
Rivers. The village contains several stores and mills. Pop. 400; of parish
STE. VICTOIRE, a post village and parish in Richelieu co., Que., 9 miles from
Sorel. Pop. 1,620.
ST. FELICITE, a post village and parish in Rimouski co., Que., on the River St.
Lawrence, 9 miles from Matane. Pop. 1,088,
ST. FELIX, a post village in Prince co., P.E.I. , 50 miles from Summerside. Pop.
ST. FELIX DE VALOIS, a post village and parish in Joliette co.. Que. on the
River Bayonne, 51 miles N.N.E. of Montreal. The village contains an iron
foundry, tannery, several saw and flouring mills, and 5 stores. Pop. 500: of
parish 3,196.
ST. FERDINAND DE HALIFAX, a post village in Megantic co., Que., on Lake William,
17 miles from Somerset. It contains several stores and saw mills. Copper is
found in the vicinity. Pop. 400.
ST. FEREOL, a post village and parish in Montmorency co., Que., on the N shore of
the St. Lawrence, 30 miles below Quebec. In the vicinity are a number of
attractive waterfalls. Pop. 991.
ST. FIDELE, a post village and parish in Charlevoix co., Que., on the N. shore
of the St. Lawrence, 9 miles from Murray Bay. It contains 3 stores. Pop. 813.
ST. FLAVIE, a post village and parish in Rimouski co., Que., on the S. shore of
the St. Lawrence, and on the I. R., 87 miles below Riviere du Loup en has. The
village contains a telegraph office, an hotel and 7 stores. Pop. 450; of parish
ST. FLAVIEN, a post village and parish in Lotbiniere co., Que., 4 miles from
Methot's Mills. The village contains 4 stores and several saw mills. In the
vicinity are valuable copper mines. Pop. 300; of parish 1,405.
ST. FLORE, a post village and parish in Champlain co., Que. ,31 miles from
Three Rivers. It contains 4 stores. Pop. 798.
ST. FOY, a post village and parish in Quebec co., Que., 4 miles from Quebec. It
contains 1 store, 3 hotels, and an inebriate asylum. Pop. 1,625.
ST. FOY AND ST. LOUIS ROADS, two roads leading out of the city of Quebec, being
the continuation of St. John and St. Louis streets. They contain the residences
of the leading citizens of Quebec. Spencer Wood, the residence of the Lieutenant
Governor, Mount Hermon Cemetery, and the plains of Abraham are on the latter
road, while on the former is the monument erected to the braves of 1700.
ST. FRANCIS, a post village and parish in Victoria co., N.B., 36 miles from
Edmundston. Pop. 1,752.
ST. FRANCIS MILLS, Richmond co., Que. See Brompton Falls.
ST. FRANCOIS DE LA BEAUCE, a thriving post village of Quebec, capital of the co.
of Beauce, on the River Chaudiere, 54 miles S. of Quebec. It contains 8 stores,
7 saw mills, a tannery, a potash factory, and valuable gold mines. Pop. 500.
ST. FRANCOIS DE SALLES, a post village and parish of Quebec, on Isle Jesus, co.
of Laval, 1 mile from Terrebonne. Pop. 864.
ST. FRANCOIS D'ORLEANS, a post village and parish of Quebec, co. of Montmorency,
on the island of Orleans, 27 miles below Quebec. Pop. 552.
ST. FRANCOIS DU LAC, a thriving post village of Quebec, capital of the co. of
Yamaska, on Lake St. Peter, 27½ miles below Sorel. It contains several stores
and mills, and a telegraph office, and has a large trade in lumber and grain.
Pop. 800.
ST. FRANCOIS RIVIERE-DU-SUD, a post village and parish in Mont-ma guy co., Que.,
on the G. T. R., 42 miles N.N.E. of Quebec. The village contains a church, a
tannery, a telegraph office and 5 or 6 stores. Pop. of parish L.613.
ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER, a post office in the district of Marquette, Man., on the
River Assiniboine, 20 miles from Fort Garry.
ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER, Charlevoix co., Que. See Petite Riviere St. Francois.
ST. Frederic, a post village in Beauce co. Que., 48 miles from Quebec. It
contains 4 saw and 3 grist mills, and 2 stores. Pop. 500; of parish 1,765.
ST. FULGENCE, Chicoutimi co., Que. See L'Anse au Foin.
ST.GABRIEL DE BRANDON, a thriving post village in Berthier co., Que., on Lake
Maskinonge, 21 miles from Berthier en haut. It contains several stores and
mills, and possesses good water power. Pop. 600
ST. GEORGE, a post town and port of entry of New Brunswick, co. of the
Charlotte, at the mouth of the Magaguadavic River, 45 miles W. of St.
John. It contains 3 saw mills, 4 churches, 2 temperance halls, a mechanics hall,
2 hotels, a telegraph office and several stores. It has a large trade in
lumber. The number of arrivals for 1872 was 1,291 (tons 14,960) and the
clearances 149 (tons 19,099). Total value of imports $23,990; exports $125,582.
Pop. 600.
ST. GEORGE, a station on the S.S. & C.R., in Rouville co., ue., 21 miles from
St. Johns.
ST. GEORGE, a thriving post village in Brant co., Ont., 3 miles from
Harrisburg. It contains an iron foundry, a telegraph office and several
stores and mills. Pop. 400.
ST. GEORGE DE LA BEAUCE, a post village in Beauce co., Que., on the River
Chaudière, 60 miles from Quebec. It contains 3 saw mills, 2 flouring mills and 8
or 9 stores. Gold is found in the vicinity. Pop. 400.
ST. GEORGE DE HENRYVILLE, Iberville co., Que., See Henryville.
ST. GEORGE DE WINDSOR, a post village and parish in Richmond co., Que., 8
miles from Danville. It contains a Roman Catholic church, 2 saw mills and
several stores. Pop. 1,094.
ST. GEORGE S CHANNEL, a post settlement in Richmond co., N.S. 12 miles from
Port Hawkesbury. Pop. 200.
ST. GERMAIN DE GRANTHAM or HEADVILLE, a post village in Drummond co., Que., 15
miles from Upton. It contains 4 stores and a tannery. Pop. 150.
ST. GERTRUDE, a post village in Nicolet co., Que., 15 miles from Three Rivers.
It contains 4 stores and several mills. Pop. 350.
ST. GERVAIS, a flourishing post village of Quebec, co. of Bellechasse, 5 miles
from St. Charles. It contains
saw, grist, carding and fulling mills, and 7 or 8 stores, and has a large trade
in produce and ca tie. Pop. 850.
ST. GILES, a post village and parish in Lotbiniere eo., Que., 9 miles from
Craig's Road. The village contains 1 grist mill, G saw mills, 5 stores and a
church. Gold and copper bearing quartz is found in the vicinity. Pop. 300; of
parish 1,197.
ST. GREGOIRE, a thriving post village of Quebec, co. of Nicolet, on the G. T. R.
(Three Rivers branch), 31 miles from Arthabaska. It contains a large academy, a
church, a telegraph office, Hour and saw mills, and 5 or G Stores. Pop. GOO.
St. GREGOIRE LE GRAND, Iberville co., Que. See Mourn Johnson.
ST. GUILLAUME D'UPTON, a post village and parish in Drummond co., Que., on the
River David, 7 miles from Upton. The village contains several Stores and mills,
and a telegraph office. Pop. 400; of parish 2,000.
ST. HELEN'S ISLAND, a beautiful island in the St. Lawrence, opposite the E. end
of the city of Montreal, formerly the property of the Barons of Longueuil but
now of the Crown. It is about three quarters of a mile long by one third of a
mile broad, and is clothed with line trees. This island was granted by the King
of France, to the Sieur le Moine de Longueuil, on the 3rd of November, 1872. In
May, 1771, the Baroness de Longueuil married David Alexander Grant (grandfather
of the present Seigneur) and they lived in the family mansion, a splendid stone
edifice, with outbuildings and a large garden attached, on the south bank of the
island opposite Longueuil. In 1812 the British Government purchased St. Helen's
Island, with Isle Ronde and Isle and Fraises, for £15,000,
and the Baronial residence was converted into the officers' quarters. During the occupation of
the island by the Imperial authorities (over 50 years) several valuable
buildings were erected and improvements of various kinds effected: It was the depot for valuable stores of every kind for the Montreal district. The
grand magazine alone would accommodate nearly 6,000 barrels of powder, while
expense magazines and other buildings could bo readily lilted up for 6,000
more. The ordnance store
building next the river, opposite Molson'e distillery, is of immense capacity,
and in good condition, and will easily accommodate an equipment of six held batteries of artillery; the armory un the east side, built a short time before
the departure of the military, and 2 stories high, is also of great capacity;
the ground floor alone, in addition to accommodation for powder, will hold
40,000 stand of arms. The infantry barracks, with bomb proof kitchen and
Commissariat bakery, will easily accommodate 7 or 8 officers and 100 men. At the
northern extremity are workshops and cottages for artificers and laborers, a
practice battery for a floating target in Hochelaga bay, and a good wharf with
10 feet alongside at summer level. At the south or upper end of the island there
is a rifle range of 500 yards with metal shields and target, and a saluting
platform battery of 9 guns on the side facing the city. There are still the
remain; of an old French redoubt at the south west point opposite the city, and
lines of entrenchments on the opposite extremity facing Hochelaga bay. The only
works of defense erected by the British Government appear to have been two
block houses for the accommodation of about 400 men, principally for musketry
and light guns on the top, a td the construction of a ditch and a parapet in
front of the soldiers' barracks opposite the city. The block houses were built
entirely of wood, and being of little value in modern warfare, have been allowed
to fall into decay and become useless. The most elevated part of the island,
near the centre, is about 125 feet above the datum line of the river adopted by
the Harbor Commissioners, and farther northward, in rear of the ordnance store
building, the site of one of the old block houses is 100 feet above the river
datum line. St. Helen's Island has been since its discovery a peculiar object of
attention and admiration. In 1611 Samuel de Champlain contemplated settling upon
it with his family, as described in the Histoire de la Colonie Françoise
en Canada, page 127, tome L, as follows:
"Proche de la Place Royale (Montreal), et an fleuve St. Laurent, il rencontra
une petite ile que sa situation et elevation semblent avoir fortifiee naturelloment: et dang ses vues pour
Pavenir du Canada, il jugea qu'on pourrait y
batir une bonne et forte ville; mais ce qui est digne d'atention, il la nomma
Sainte Helene. sans donte pour faire partager les avantages de son futur
etablissement a Helene Bouillée, son
épouse, qui, par sa dot, lni donnait le
moyen d'en jetcr les premiers fondements Car il est a remarquer qu il ne donne
le nom de Ste Helene a aucune des lies sans nombre qu il rencontra au-dessous et
dessus de Quebec, sinon a celle qui était a
cote de la Place-Royale, ou il avait résolu de s'etablir.'"
It will thus be seen from the above extract the opinion formed by Samuel de
Champlain of the natural features of this island as a place of security and
defense, and there is every reason to believe that the early Jesuit missionaries
sought refuge here from the ferocious attacks of the Iroquois, who exceeded all
other tribes of the Aborigines in savage and unrelenting barbarities in their
treatment of European settlers, and the Hurons and other tribes disposed to be
friendly to the stranger. It was also a depot for provisions, arms and stores,
while settlements were forming on the main land St. Helen's Island is
considered of great importance by military men as a defense of the commercial
metropolis of the Dominion The difficulty of approach by an enemy is almost
insurmountable — the shallowness of the St Lawrence in certain parts of the
basin in front of the city of Montreal, and the force of the current combined,
render the passage intricate and difficult even to the experienced pilots of the
steam ferry steamers The difficulty of acess in the east channel between the
island and the mainland is still greater This beautiful island is the property of the Dominion
Government, and occupied by a company of Canadian Artilleryman. St. Helen's was for along time closed to the public for
military reasons, but national, benevolent and other societies are now (1873)
permitted to hold their annual picnics on it.
ST. HELENS, a post village in Huron co., Ont., 20 miles from Goderich. Pop. 600.
ST. HENRI DE LAUZON, a thriving post village in Levi; co., Que., on the
River Etchemin, 3½ miles from St. Henri Station. It contains a church, a
telegraph office, 8 or 9 stores, and several mills Copper ore is found in the
vicinity. Pop. 500.
ST HENRI, Hochelaga co., Que. See Tannery West.
ST HENRI STATION, a post village in Levis Co., Que., on the G. T. R., 18
miles N.E. of Quebec. It contains an hotel and 3 stores Pop. 50.
ST. HERMAS, a post village and parish of Quebec, co of Two Mountains, is
situated on Lake of Two Mountains, 40 miles from Montreal. Pop. 1,307.
ST. HILAIRE MOUNTAIN, Rouville co., Que. See Mont St Hilaire
ST. HILAIRE STATION, a post village in Rouville co Que , on the River Richelieu,
a id on the G T R., 24 miles from Montreal It has 2 hotels and a telegraph
office. Pop 30.
ST. HILAIRE VILLAGE, a thriving post village in Rouville co , Que., on the River
Richelieu, i mile from St Hilaire Station It contains a church, a convent, an
academy, a brewery and several stores Pop 300.
ST HONORE, a post village in Beauce co Que., 75 miles S. of Quebec. Pop 100
ST. HONORE, Temiscouata co.. Quo. See Armand.
ST. HUBERT, a post village in Chambly co., Que., on the G. T. it., 10 miles from
Montreal. It has a telegraph office and 2 or 3 stores. Pop. 250.
ST. HUGUES, a thriving post village of Quebec, capital of the co. of Bagot, 11
miles from St. Hyacinthe. It contains is a church, a tannery, and several store. Pop.
ST. HYACINTHE, a county in the S. part, of Quebec, intersected by the Grand
Trunk railway Area 168,123 acres. Capital, St Hyacinthe. Pop. 18,310.
ST. HYACINTHE, a city of Quebec, capital of the co. of St. Hyacinthe, on the
River Yamaska, and on the G. T. R., 35½ miles E N.E of Montreal. The
principal buildings and institutions are a Roman Catholic Cathedral, Bishop's
Palace, St. Hyacinthe College, Hoed Diau, Congregational Nunnery, City Hall and
Market, and the Court House. The college is a line
cut stone building 700 feet in length, and has 12 professors. There are also in
the town a branch bank, grist and saw mill, a number of stores, several hotels,
a telegraph office, 2 printing offices, and manufactories of woolens, wooden
ware, leather, lace, organs, iron castings, mill machinery, boots and shoes, &c.
The head office of the St. Hyacinthe Bank is here Pop 3,746.
ST. HYPPOLITE DE KILKENNY, a post village in Montcalm co Que. 48 miles from
Montreal. Pop. 200.
ST. IGNACE, a pest village in Quebec co., Que. 1 mile from Lorette. Pop. 300.
ST. IGNACE DU COTEAU DU LAG, Soulanges co . Que Sec Coteau
ST. ISIDORE DE MONTREAL, a post village and parish in Laprairie co., Que . on
the G T R. (Lachine and Province Line division) 13 miles from Montreal Pop 1,814
ST. ISIDORE DE QUEBEC, a post village in Dorchester co., Que , 20½,
miles from Quebec It contains saw grist, carding and fulling mills, a tannery, and several
stores Pop 650.
ST. IVES, a post village in Middlesex co., Out 5 miles from Thorndale. Pop. 150
ST. JACOBS, a post village in Waterloo co. Out., on the Conestogo river, 8
mile3 from Berlin. It contains a woolen factory, tannery, grist mill, 3 stores,
and a telegraph office. Pop. 450.
ST. JACQUES, a fishing settlement on the W. side of Fortune Bay, Nfld., 3 mil is
from Belleorem Pop. 170.
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America,
Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873
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