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Speedsville to Sypher's Cove, Canada
SPEEDSVILLE, a hamlet in Waterloo co., Out. It has woolen mills
SPEITCHE'S COVE, or BARTON, a seaport of Nova Scotia, co. of Digby, on St. Marys
Bay, 10 miles from Digby. It has excellent facilities for shipbuilding. Pop. 60.
SPENCE, a post office in the district of Muskoka, Ont., 60 miles from Orillia. It
contains 1 church, 2 stores, 2 hotels, and 1 saw mill. Pop. 100
SPENCE, a post office in Westmor co., N.B.
SPENCER COVE, a post office in Quebec co., Que , on the River St. Lawrence, 5
miles from Quebec
SPENCER'S, a post office in Colchester co., N.S., 7 miles from Londonderry.
SPENCER'S COVE, a fishing settlement on Long Island, Nfld., 10 miles from
Little Placentia Pop 74
SPENCER'S ISLAND, a post office in Cumberland co., N.S., on Minas Channel, 20
miles from Parrsborough.
SPENCERVILLE, a thriving post village, in Grenville co., Ont., on the St. L. & O.
R., miles from Prescott. It contains a telegraph office, and several stores and
mills. Pop. 250.
SPENCE'S BRIDGE, a post town in the district of Yale, L.C., on the Yale and
Cariboo wagon road, 80 miles north of Yale, and 23 miles from the Thompson
river's junction with the
Fraser. It contains a telegraph office, a meteorological station, an hotel, a
store, and a blacksmith's shop. The bridge spanning the Thompson
river is a wooden structure 600 feet long. The fish frequenting the Thompson are salmon,
salmon trout, mountain trout, whitefish and suckers.
SPEYSlDE, a post village in Halton co., Out., on Speyside Creek, 5 miles from
Acton. It has 1 store, 1 hotel, 1 tannery, and 2 saw mills. Pop. 200.
SPIKE'S CORNERS, Frontenac co., Out. See Harrowsmith.
SPILLAR'S COVE, a fishing settlement in the district of Trinity, Nfld., 3 miles
from Bonavista. Pop. 40.
SPOUT COVE, a fishing settlement on the N. shore of Conception Bay, Nfld., a
miles from Carbonear. Pop 40.
SPRAGUE'S POINT, a post village, in Kings co., N.B., near the head of Belleisle
Bay, 10 miles from Norton. Pop. 250.
SPRING ARBOUR, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., 21 miles from Tilsonburg. It
contains 2 stores and 2 saw mills. Pop. 100.
SPRINGBANK, a post village in Middlesex co., Out., miles from Strathroy Pop. 150
SPRINGBROOK, a village in Peel co., Ont., 2 miles from Brampton.
SPRINGBROOK, or McKENZIE'S CORNER, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., 34
miles from Belleville. It contains 2 stores, 2 hotels, 3 saw mills and 1 grist
mill. There are 6 churches and 6 cheese factories in the township in which this
village is situated (Rawdon). Pop. 200.
SPRINGBROOK, Wellington co., Ont. See Wyandot.
SPRINGFIELD, a post office in Annapolis co., N.S., 29 miles from Lawrencetown
SPRINGFIELD, a post office in York co. N B., 11 miles from Keswick Ridge.
SPRINGFIELD, a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., 24 miles from
Charlottetown. Pop. 40.
SPRINGFIELD, a settlement on the N. side of Conception Bay, Nfld., 2 from
Brigus. Pop. 95.
SPRINGFIELD, or BELLEISLE CORNER, a post village in Kings co., N.B., at the
head of Belleisle Bay, 8 miles from Norton. Pop. 300.
SPRINGFIELD or CLUNAS, a post village in Elgin co., Out., on the O. S .R., 13
miles from St. Thomas. It contains a grist mill, a tannery, and several stores.
Pop. 350.
SPRINGFIELD, Peel co., Ont. See Credit.
SPRINGFORD, a post village in Oxford co., Ont., 16 miles from Ingersoll. It has
2 stores. Pop. 200.
SPRING HILL, a post village in York co., N.B., on the S. side of the St. John, 5
miles above Fredericton. It contains saw, grist and carding mills. Pop. 250.
SPRING HILL, a post village in Cumberland co., N.S., on the I. R., 121 miles
from Halifax. Pop. 120.
SPRING HILL, a station on the New Brunswick railway, in York co., N.B., on the N.
side of the River St. John, 5 miles from Fredericton.
SPRING HILL, York co.,
Ont. See King.
SPRING HILL COAL MINES, a post village in Cumberland co., N.S., 4 miles from
Spring Hill. It contains 1 church, 5 stores, 1 hotel, and 7 saw mills. A company
is engaged in raising coal from the extensive beds underlying this part of the
county. Pop. 200.
SPRING HILL ROAD, or ATHOL, a post village in Cumberland co., N.S. on the I. R.,
126 miles from Halifax.
SPRING TOWN, a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., 14 miles from Charlottetown.
Pop. 230.
SPRINGTOWN, Renfrew co., Ont. See Bagot.
SPRINGVALE, a pest village in Haldimand co., Out . 4 miles from Hagersville. It
has 2 stores. Pop. 120.
SPRINGVILLE, a post village in Peterborough co., Out., G miles from
Peterborough. Pop. 150.
SPRINGVILLE, a post village in Pictou co., N.S., on the East river, 10 miles
from New Glasgow. It has a cloth mill and a store. Pop. 350.
SPRUCE LAKE, a post settlement in St. John co., N.B., on a lake of the same
name, 7 miles from St. John. Pop. 100.
SPRY BAY, a seaport of Nova Scotia, co. of Halifax, on the Atlantic coast, 66
miles N.E. of Halifax. Pop. 200.
SPURR'S COVE, a village adjoining Fairville, St. John co., N.B., 3 miles
from St. John. It contains 3 steam saw mills. Pop. 300.
STADACONA, a village in Quebec ro., Que., on the River St. Charles, 3 miles from
Quebec. It contains 3 shipyards and several saw mills. Stadacona is the ancient
name of the city of Quebec. Pop. 500.
STAFFA, a post village in Perth co., Ont, 2½ miles from
Carronbrook. It
contains 3stores and a flouring mill. Pop. 125.
STAFFORD, a post village in Renfrew co, Ont., 47 miles from Sand Point. Pop.
STAFFORDVILLE, a village in Prince Edward co., Ont., 7 miles from Bellvile
Pop. 30
STAG ISLAND, or ISLE AUX CERFS, a small island in the River St. Clair, 5 miles below Port Sarnia.
STAMFORD, a post village in Welland co, Ont., 3 miss N.W. of the Falls of
Niagara. It contain several churches and stores, and a flouring mill. Pop. 300
STANBRIDGE EAST, a thriving post village in Missisquoii co , Que. on Pike
River, 7 miles from Stanbridge Station. It has good water power used for a
gristmill, tannery &c; and contains Episcopal and Methodist Churches and
academy, 2 hotels, several stores, mechanics shops. Pop. 500.
STANBRIDGE STATION, a thriving post village in Missisquoi co., Que., on the V. C.
R., 43 miles S.E. of Montreal. It has at telegraph office, 3 hotels, and several
store; Pop. 300.
STANBURY, a post village in Missisquoi co. Que, 6 miles from West Farnham. Pop.
STANDON of ST. LEON, a post village in Dorchester co., Que., 38 miles from
Quebec It contains 2 stores an 3 several saw and grist nulls. Pop. 250
STANFIELD MILLS, a village in Prince co., P.E I., 23 miles from Summerside. It
contains a woolen mill, and two grist and saw mills. Pop. 120.
STANFOLD, or PRINCEVILLE, an incorporated village in Arthabaska co., Que., on
the G. T. R.. 55 miles from Quebec. It contains a foundry, a tannery, a carding
mill, a telegraph office, a church, a college, and about 15 stores. Pop. 2,500.
STANHOPE, a post village in Stanstead co., Que., near the Quebec and Vermont
boundary line, 1 mile from Norton Mills. It contains 1 stores, a saw and grist
mill, and a granite quarry. Pop. 60.
STANHOPE, a seaport on the N. coast of Prince Edward Ish id, co. of Queens,
With a harbor for small craft.
STANLEY, a post village in York co., N.B., on the Nashwaak river, 23 miles N. of
Fredericton. It contains several mills and stores. Pop. 150.
STANLEY, PORT, a town and port of entry of Ontario, co. of Elgin, at the mouth
of Kettle Creek, on the N. shore of Lake Erie, 110 miles from Hamilton. It
possesses one of the best harbors on Lake Erie. See Port Stanley.
STANLEY'S BRIDGE, a post village in Queens co., P.E I., 23 miles from
Charlottetown. It contains 2 store;. Pop. 150.
STANLEY'S MILLS, a post village in Peel co , Ont., 6½ miles from Malton. Pop.
STANSTEAD, a county in the S.E. part of Quebec. Area 260,600 acres. Lake
Massawippi and a part of Lake Memphremagog are in this county. Capital,
Stanstead. Pop. 13,138.
STANSTEAD, an incorporated town of Quebec, capital of the above county, on
the M. V. R., 16 miles from Newport, 76 miles from Montreal It is a port of
entry, and has a large and increasing business It contain; a branch bank,
churches of 4 denominations, several assurance and insurance agencies, agencies
of 2 telegraph companies, a woolen factory, and a number of stores. Total value
of imports for 1872 $174,736, exports $472,908. Pop. 1,000.
STANTON, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont, 32 miles from Gilford. It has a
woolen factory, a grist mill, and 2 stores. Pop. 100.
STARKEY'S, a post settlement in Queen co, N.B., on the Washademoak river, 31
miles from Gagetown. Pop. 100.
STARK'S CORNERS, Bruce co., Ont. See Burgovne.
STARNESBOROUGH, or ST. ANTOINE ABBE, a post village in Chateauguay co.,
Que., 15 mile; from Hemmingford. It contains 2 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 200.
STARR'S POINT, a settlement in Kings co., N.S., 2 miles from Port Williams
Station. Pop. 170.
STAYNER, a thriving post village in Simcoe co., Oat., on the N. R., 85 miles
from Toronto. It contains 5 churches, 6 hotels, about 20 stores, 2 woolen
mills, 2 flouring mills, 2 saw mills, a tannery, an iron foundry, and 2
telegraph offices. Pop. 1,000.
STEAM MILL VILLAGE, a post village in Kings co., N.S., on the Canard river, 2
miles from Kentville. Pop. 105.
STEELE, a post office in Simcoe co., Ont., 8½ miles from Hawkstone.
STEEP CREEK, a post village in Guysborough co., N.S., on the Gut of Canso, 7
miles from Port Mulgrave. Inhabitants are chiefly engaged in the fisheries. Pop.
STEVE'S MOUNTAIN, a post settlement in Westmorland co., N.B., 3½ miles from
Boundary Creek. Pop. 100.
STEEVE'S SETTLEMENT or HEAD OF RIDGE, a post settlement in Westmorland co.,
N.B., 15 miles from Petitcodiac. Pop. 125.
STELLA, a post village in Lennox co., Ont., on Amherst Island, in the Bay of Qumte, 15 miles W. of Kingston. It has a Presbyterian church and 2 stores. Pop.
STELLARTON or ALBION MINES, a thriving post village of Nova Scotia, co. of
Pictou, on the East River, and on the I. R. (Pictou branch), 3 miles from New
Glasgow, 101 miles N.E. of Halifax. This village owes its growth and importance
to the valuable coal mines which are worked in the vicinity. Iron ore is also
found, in connection with the coal, and there is a furnace in operation at this
place. Pop. 2,500.
STEPHEN'S CORNERS, a hamlet in Brant co., Ont.
STEVENSVILLE, a post village in Welland co., Ont., on Black Creek, and on
the C.S. R., 17 miles from Welland. It contains, 2 saw mills and grist mill.
Pop. 100.
STEWARTTOWN, Halton co., Ont. See Equesting.
STEWARTVILLE, or BALMER'S ISLAND, a post village in Renfrew co., Ont., on the
Madawaska river, 8 miles from Arnprior. Pop. 150.
STEWIACKE CROSS ROAD, a post settlement in Colchester co., N.S., 19½ miles from Brookfield. Pop. 250.
STEWIACKE, MIDDLE, a post village and settlement in Colchester co., N.S., on
the I. R., U miles N.E. of Halifax. Gold mines are worked in the vicinity. Pop.
STILLWATER, a post village in Guysborough co., N.S., 4 miles from Sherbrooke.
Pop. 130.
STILLWATER, a village in Hants co., N.S., on the W. & A. R., 33 miles from
Halifax. There are several large steam saw mills in the vicinity. Pop. 100.
STINKING RIVER, a village in the district of Selkirk, Man., on Red River, 9
miles S. of Fort Garry.
STIRLING, formerly RAWDON, an incorporated village in Hastings co., Ont., on
Rawdon Creek, a tributary of the Trent, 10 miles from Belleville. It contains a
large flouring mill, a woolen factory, about 15 stores, a telegraph office,
and churches of 5 denominations. Pop. 1,300.
STIRTON, a thriving post village in Wellington co., Ont., on the Conestogo River, 17 miles from Elora. It contains a flax mill, saw mill, tannery, and a
store. Pop. 150.
STISTED, formerly ROWAN MILLS, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., 23 miles
from Tilsonburg. Pop. 80.
STITTSVILLE, a post village in Carleton co., Ont., on the C. C. R., 14¾ miles
from Ottawa. It contains Episcopal, Presbyterian and Methodist churches, a
carding mill, 2 saw mills and a telegraph office. Pap. 100.
STOCK COVE, a fishing settlement on the S. side of Bonavista Bay, Nfld., 17
miles from Bonavista. Pop. 96.
STOCKDALE, formerly POWELL'S MILLS, a post village in Northumberland co , Ont.,
8 miles from Trenton. It contains 2 carding mills, a saw and flouring mill, and
a store. Pop. 120.
STOCKING HARBOR, a fishing settlement on the N. side of Green Bay, Nfld., 12
miles from Tilt Cove. Pop. 100.
STOCKWELL, a post village in Chateauguay co., Que., 11½ miles from Hemmingford.
Pop. 50.
STOCO, a post village in Hastings co., Ont, on Lake Stoco, 25 miles from
Belleville. Pop. 200.
STODDART'S, a post office in Annapolis co., N.S., 31 miles from Annapolis.
STOKE CENTER, a post settlement in Richmond co., Que., 12½ miles from
Sherbrooke. Pop. 175.
STOKETON, a post village in Richmond co., Que., 7½
miles from Sherbrooke. Pop.
STONEBRIDGE, Welland co., Ont. See Humberstone.
STONEFIELD, a thriving post village in Argenteuil co., Que., on the River
Ottawa, 59 miles from Montreal. It contains a saw mill, tannery, potash factory,
a telegraph office, and 2 stores. Pop. 300.
STONEHAM, a post village and township in Quebec co., Que., 22 miles N. of
Quebec. It contains 4 saw mills and a store. Pop. 450.
STONE MILLS, Prince Edward co., Ont. See Mountain Mills.
STONERIDGE, a station on the New Brunswick railway, in York co., N.B., 22½ miles
from Fredericton.
STONY BEECH, a settlement in Annapolis co., N.S., on Annapolis river, 33 miles
from Granville Ferry. Pop. 75.
STONY CREEK, a post settlement in Albert co., N.B., 33 miles from Salisbury.
Pop. 150.
STONY CREEK, a post village in Wentworth co., Ont., on Lake Ontario, and on the
G. W. R., G miles from Hamilton. This place was the scene of a battle between
the British and American troops in 1812, in which the latter were badly beaten.
It contains several stores and hotels, and a grist mill. Pop. 200.
STONY POINT, a post village in Essex co., Ont., on the G. W. R., 84 miles W. of
London. It contains 4 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 200.
STORMONT, a county of Ontario, has an area of 196,100 acres. It is watered by
several small streams flowing into the St. Lawrence, which forms its S.E.
boundary, and is traversed by the Grand Trunk railway. Capital, Cornwall. Pop
STORMONT, Guysborough co., N.S. See Isaac's Harbor.
STORNOWAY, a post village in Compton co., Que., 26 miles from Robinson. It
contains saw, grist and carding mills, and 4 stores. Pop. 150.
STORRINGTON, Frontenac co., Ont. See Inverary.
STORY'S, a station on the B. & O. R, in Grenville co., Ont., 26 miles from
STOTTVILLE, a post village in St Johns co., Que., on the G. T. R., (Champlain
division), 39½ miles S.E. of Montreal. It has a telegraph office and 2 stores.
Pop. 250.
STOUFFVILLE, a thriving post village in York co., Ont., on the T. & N. R., 28
miles from Toronto. It contains 2 churches, 3 hotels, an iron foundry, tannery,
flouring mill, 2 saw mills, a telegraph office, a printing office, and about a
dozen stores. Pop. 800.
STOWE, a post village in Huron co., Ont, 14 miles from Mitchell. It contains
several saw mills. Pop. 100.
STRABANE, a post village in Went-worth co., Ont., 14J miles from Hamilton. It
contains 3 saw mills, 1 grist mill, 1 hotel and 4 stores. Pop. 150.
STRAFFORDVILLE, formerly called SANDYTOWN, a post village in Elgin co., Ont., on
Little Otter river, 22 miles from St. Thomas. It contains 2 churches, a flouring
mill, and several hotels and stores. Pop. 400.
STRANGFORD, a post office in York co., Ont., 3£ miles from Scarborough Junction.
STRATFORD, an incorporated town and port of entry of Ontario, capital of the co.
of Perth, pleasantly situated on the Avon river, at the junction of the main
line of the Grand Trunk Railway with the Buffalo branch, 88 miles W. of Toronto.
It possesses good water power, and contains, besides the county buildings, 3
branch banks, 3 printing offices issuing weekly newspapers, 2 telegraph offices,
Church of England, Roman Catholic, Church of Scotland, Presbyterian,
Congregational, Baptist and Methodist churches, a number of stores, first class
hotels, distillery and brewery, several flouring mills, manufactories of iron
castings, mill machinery, agricultural implements, woolens, steam engines,
leather, boots and shoes, &c. The railway station here is one of the finest
in the province, and the workshops in connection with the road are very
extensive and give employment to a large number of men. Total value of imports for 1872
$156,202; ex-ports $284,984. Pop. 4,313.
STRATFORD, Wolfe co., Que. See Lake Aylmer.
STRATHALLEN, or ALINAVILLE, a post village in Oxford co , Ont., on a branch of
the River Thames, 8 miles from Woodstock. Pop. 150.
STRATHBURN, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., on the River Thames. 41 miles
from Glencoe. It contains a Presbyterian church and several stores. Pop. 150.
STRATHNAIRN, a post office in Grey co., Ont., 8 miles from Meaford.
STRATHROY, an incorporated town of Ontario, co. of Middlesex, on the River
Sydenham, and on the G. W. R., 20 miles W. of London. It contains churches of 5
denominations, 3 printing offices issuing weekly newspapers, 2 telegraph
offices, a grammar school, 2 branch banks, a brewery, several mills, and
manufactories of iron castings, steam engines, mill machinery, agricultural
implements, woolens, leather, &c.; also, a number of stores Pop. 3.232.
STRAUSBERG, a village in Waterloo co., Ont., 4½ miles from Berlin. Pop. 50.
STREETSVILLE, an incorporated village of Ontario, co. of Peel, on the River
Credit, 9 miles from Port Credit. It contains Episcopal, Methodist and
Presbyterian churches, a town hall, several schools, a telegraph office, a
number of stores, 2 large woolen mills, flouring mills, &c. Pop. 617.
STRETTON, a post office in Ontario co., Ont., 3 miles from Uxbridge.
STROMNESS, a post village in Haldimand co., Ont., on the Welland Canal Feeder,
3 miles from Dunnville. It contains 1 store, 1 saw mill and 2 hotels. Pop. 100
STRONACH MOUNTAIN, a post office in Annapolis co., N.S., 12½ miles from
STUKELY, Shefford co., Que. See South Stukely.
STURGEON, a post village in Kings co., P.E.I., 1 miles from Georgetown. Pop. 200.
STURGEON CREEK, a village in the district of Selkirk, Man., on the River
Assiniboine, 7 miles from Fort Garry.
SUFFOLK, or PLEASANT GROVE, a post village in Queens co , P.E.I., on the Prince
Edward Island railway, 10 miles from Charlottetown. Pop. 200.
SUGAR LOAF, a post office in Victoria co., N.S.
SUGAR LOAVES, five small mountains in L'Islet co., Que., near the Grande
Riviere Noire. The diameter of their bases is from 15 to 20 perches, and the
length of their sloping sides from 4 to 5 perches.
SULLEY'S COVE, a fishing settlement on the N. side of Trinity Bay, Nfld., 4
miles from Trinity. Pop. 18.
SULLIVAN, or WILLIAMSFORD, a post village in Grey co., Ont., on a branch on the
Saugeen river, and on the T. G. & B. R., 14 miles from Owen Sound. It contains
several stores, 2 saw mills, a flouring mill, a woolen factory, a shingle mill,
and an agricultural implement establishment. Pop. 170.
SUMAS, a post office in the district of New Westminster, B.C., 45 miles from New
SUMMER HILL, a post village in Queens co., N.B., 13 miles from Gagetown Pop.
SUMMERSIDE, a seaport town of Prince Edward Island, capital of Prince co., on
Bedeque Bay, and on the Prince Edward Island railway, 40 miles N.W of
Charlottetown, 45 miles N.E. of Shediac. It has an excellent harbor with good
anchorage for the largest vessels, and contains churches of 7 denominations, a
bank, 2 printing offices issuing weekly newspaper, a telegraph office, public
hall, market, convent, schools, 1 steam grist mill. 3 steam saw mills, 1 planing
mill, 1 cabinet factory, 12 hotels and 28 stores. Shipbuilding is carried on to
a large extent, and eggs, potatoes, oysters, sheep, horses and oats, are
extensively exported. Summerside has daily communication, in summer, by
steamer with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. In Bedeque Bay, opposite the town,
is a beautiful island of about 200 acres, on which has been erected a line hotel
capable of accommodating 600 guests. A steam ferry runs between the island and
the town. The Prince Edward Island railway has a first class station, engine
house and car sheds in the town. Pop. 2,000.
SUMMERSMILL, a village in Lambton co., Ont., on Lake Huron, 11 miles from
Widder. Pop. 30.
SUMMERSTOWN, a post village in Glengarry co., Ont., on the River St.
Lawrence, G miles from Lancaster. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 75.
SUMMERVILLE, a post village in Peel co., Ont., on the Etobicoke River, 4½ miles from Mimico. Pop. 100.
SUMMERVILLE, a post village in Antigonish co., N.S., 27 miles from New Glasgow.
It has a tannery. Pop. 100.
SUMMERVILLE, a post village in Hants co., N.S., on Minas Basin, 12 miles from
Newport. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 150.
SUMMIT, a station on the Midland railway, in Durham co., Ont., 14 miles from Port Hope.
SUNBURY, a county in the S. central part of New Brunswick, intersected by the
European and North American and Fredericton Branch railways, and by the River
St. John, and watered by several other streams. The surface is nearly level; the
soil is fertile and heavily wooded. Area 770,000 acres. Capital, Oromocto. Pop
SUNBURY, a post village in Frontenac co., Ont., 11½ miles from Kingston. Pop.
SUNDAY COVE ISLAND, at the entrance to Hall Bay, Nfld., 20 miles from Hill Cove.
SUNDERLAND, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., on the T. & N. R., 53 miles
from Toronto. It has a telegraph office and 4 stores. Pop. 110.
SUNNIDALE, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., on the N. R., 2 miles from New
Lowell. Top. 100.
SUSPENSION BRIDGE, a bridge that has been thrown across the Niagara river, 2
miles below the great cataract, to connect the Great Western railway with the
several railways of New York. The bridge is a single span of 800 feet in length,
raised 230 feet above the water, and supported by 4 wire cables 9¼ inches in
diameter, with an ultimate capacity of sustaining 10,000 tons. There are two
floors, the upper for the railroad track and the lower for wagons. The E.
end of the bridge commands a fine view of the falls and of the rapids under
and below the bridge, for ¾ of a mile to the
whirlpool. The water of these rapids runs at the rate of 25 miles per hour, with breakers dashing from 10 to
20 feet in height. Viewed from the shore they present one of the grandest sights
of the kind in
the world, and the tourist has not done justice to Niagara until he has stood on
the shore 150 rods below the bridge.
SUSSEX CORNER, a post village in Kings co., N.B., 2 miles from Sussex Yale. It
contains 2 stores, 2 hotels and a brewery. Pop. 200.
SUSSEX PORTAGE, a post village in Kings co., N.B., 2 miles from Aunagance. Pop.
SUSSEX STATION, a village in Kings co., N.B., on the I. R., 44 miles from St
John. It contains 1 hotel, a tannery, and 4 stores.
SUSSEX VALE, a thriving post village in Kings co., N.B , 2 miles from Sassex
Station. It contains a telegraph office, iron foundry, cheese factory, salt
factory, and several stores. Pop. 400.
SUTHERLAND'S CORNER, a post village in Bothwell co., Ont., 8 miles from Newbury.
Pop. 80.
SUTHERLAND'S MILLS, a post village in Pictou co., N.S., 8 miles from New
Glasgow. Pop. 80.
SUTHERLAND'S RIVER, a post settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 8 miles from New
Glasgow. Pop. 150.
SUTTON FLATS, a nourishing post village in Brome co., Que., on the N. branch of
the Missisquoi river, and on the S. E. R., G7 miles from Montréal. It contains
3 churches, 2 hotels, 7 or 8 stores, grist and saw mills, and a telegraph
office. Iron, cooper, soapstone, and other minerals are found in the vicinity.
It is a port of entry. Total value of imports for 1872 $14,885; exports
$48,841. Pop. 350.
SUTTON, York co., Ont. See Georgina
SWAINE'S ISLAND, on the N. side of Bonavista Bay, Nfld., 4 miles from Green's
Pond. It is inhabited by fishermen, and has a fine harbor, but difficult of
access. Pop. 265.
SWAN CREEK, a post settlement in Sunbury co., N.B., 11 miles from Gagtown.
Pop. 130.
SWEABURG, a post village in Oxford co., Ont., 6 miles from Woodstock. It
contains a grist mill, 3 saw mills, and 2 stores. Pop. 200.
SWEETSBURGH, a thriving post village in Missisquoi co., Que., on the S. E. R.,
57 miles S.E. of Montreal. It contains an Episcopal church, a high school, a
telegraph office, a tannery, and several stores and hotels. It is the seat
of justice for the district of Bedford. Pop. 300.
SWEET'S CORNERS, a village in Haldimand co., Ont., 11 miles from Dunnville.
Pop. 60.
SWITZERVILLE, a post village in Lennox co., Ont., 6 miles from Napanee. Pop.
SYDENHAM, Brant co., Ont. See Cathcart
SYDENHAM, Frontenac co., Ont. See Loughborough.
SYDENHAM, Grey co., Ont. See Owen Sound.
SYDENHAM, Peel co., Ont. See Dixie.
SYDENHAM MILLS, a post village in Grey co., Ont, on a branch of the Big Head
river, 13 miles from Meaford. It contains 1 church, 1 store, 1 saw mill, 1 grist
mill, and a shingle factory. Pop. 30.
SYDENHAM PLACE, a post village in Drummond co., Que., 15 miles from Richmond.
Pop. 200.
SYDNEY, or SIDNEY, Antigonish co., N.S. See Antigonish.
SYDNEY, or SOUTH SYDNEY, an important seaport town of Nova Scotia, formerly
capital of the Colony of Cape Breton, situated in the E. part of the Island of
Cape Breton, at the head of one of the finest harbors in the world, having a
safe and secure entrance, 285 miles N.E. of Halifax. Lat. 46° 18 N., Lon. 60° 9
W. A lighthouse on a low point of land at the S. side of the entrance to the
harbor, shows a fixed light 160 feet above the sea. 3 miles above the lighthouse
are the famous Sydney Coal Mines, estimated to contain 250 miles of workable
coal. The thickness of the mine worked is six feet The coal is transported 3
miles by railway to a wharf, where it is taken on board of vessels. At the
distance of 15 miles are the Bridgeport Mines, where the coal is 9 feet in
thickness. A railway (constructed at a cost of $800,000,) connects the latter
mines with Sydney. In 1872, 340 vessels (tons 91,826) arrived at Sydney bringing cargoes valued and $149,758; and 387 vessels (tons 102,931) cleared for
foreign ports with cargoes valued at $264,491. Sydney is the chief town of the
co. of Cape Breton. It contains churches of 6 denominations, 3 branch banks, a
court house, Masonic hall, telegraph office, 2
printing offices issuing weekly newspaper, 2 or 3 good hotels, an iron foundry,
steam tannery, boot factory, shipyards, and a number of stores. It has a
considerable trade with Newfoundland and the Islands of St. Pierre and
Miquelon. The French Squadron make this their North American station. Pop.
SYDNEY MINES, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, co. of Cape Breton, on the N. shore
of Sydney harbor,20 miles from Sydney. Here are the famous Sydney Coal Mines,
estimated to contain 250 miles of workable coal The thickness of the bed worked
is six feet. The coal is transported 3 miles by railway to a wharf in Sydney
harbor, where it is taken on board of vessels. Over 500 men are employed in the
mines. Pop. 2,500.
SYLVAN, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., on Silver Creek, 3 miles from
Widder. It contains 1 saw mill and 1 store. Pop. 80.
SYPHER'S COVE, a post village in Queens co., N.B., on Grand Lake, 64 miles from
St. John Pop. 100.
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America,
Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873
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