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Saugeen to Siloam, Canada

SAUGEEN or GILEGHELO or FISHING ISLANDS, a group of islands on the eastern side of Lake Huron, about 18 miles from Southampton, the N. terminus of the W. G. & B. R., extending for about 7 miles and varying in distance from 2 to 5 miles from the main shore. They are celebrated for the large quantities of white fish and herring that are caught in the fall of the .year, and form safe and commodious harbors for large vessels.

SAUGEEN, or SOUTHAMPTON, an incorporated village and port of entry of Ontario, co. of Bruce, at the mouth of the Saugeen river in Lake Huron, and at the northern terminus of the W. G. & B. R., 32½ miles from Owen Sound, 60 miles from Goderich. It contains a telegraph office, brewery, saw, grist and woolen mills, and a number of stores. Value of imports for 1872 was $918; exports $8,649. Pop. 2,579.

SAULNIERVILLE, a post village in Digby co., N.S., on St. Marys Bay, 25 miles from Digby. Pop. 300.

SAULT AU COCHON, a river port in Saguenay co., Que., on the N. shore of St. Lawrence, 60 miles below Tadousac.

SAULT AU RECOLLET, or BACK RIVER, a post village in Hochelaga co., Que., on Riviere des Prairies, 6 miles from Montreal. It is the seat of the Convent of the Sacred Heart, one of the largest educational institutions in the Province, contains several stores and hotels, and is a favorite resort of pleasure seekers. Pop. 650.

SAULT AUX MOUTONS, a village in Saguenay co., Que., on the N. shore of the St. Lawrence, 35 miles below Tadousac. Pop. 100.

SAULT STE. MARIE, a post village and port of entry of Ontario, capital of the district of Algoma, on St. Mary's Strait at the point where Lake Superior flows into Lake Huron, 350 miles N.W. of Collingwood. The rapids at this place have a descent of 22 feet in less than a mile, and form the natural limit of steamboat navigation. A canal, however, has been cut around them on the American side (see St. Mary's Strait). The village is pleasantly situated, and contains churches for the Episcopalians, Roman Catholics and Wesleyan Methodists, and 5 stores. Many of the inhabitants are engaged in the fur trade and the fisheries. Sault Ste. Marie is the seat of the Sec of the missionary Bishop of Algoma, the Right Rev. Dr. Fauquier, consecrated October 28, 1873. Total value of imports for 1872 $150,507; exports $855,599. Pop. 400.

SAULT ST. LOUIS, Laprairie co., Que. See Caughnawaga.

SAVAGE COVE, a fishing station on the French shore, Nfld., 26 miles from Cape Norman. Pop. 23.

SAVAGE'S MILL, a post village in rd CO., Que., 10 miles from Grainy. Pop. 90.

SAW MILL CHEEK, a post village in Annapolis CO., N.S., 3½ miles from Annapolis Pop. 60.

SAWYERVILLE, a post village in Compton co., Que., on Eaton river, 16 miles from Lennoxville. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 175.

SCANLON'S, a station on the North. era railway, in Simcoe co., Ont., 44 miles from Toronto.

SCARBOROUGH, a post village in York co., Ont., on the G. T. R, 11 miles from Toronto. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 200.

SCARBOROUGH JUNCTION, a post office in York co., Ont., at the junction of the Grand Trunk and Toronto and Nipissing railways, 9 miles E. of Toronto.

SCHANTZ, a station on the G. T. R., in Waterloo co., Ont., 55½ miles W. of Toronto.

SCILLY COVE, a fishing settlement in the district of Trinity, Nfld., 33 miles from Harbor Grace. Pop. 560.

SCHOMBERG, formerly BROWNSVILLE, a post village in York co., Oat., 15 miles from Aurora. It contains an iron foundry, tannery, flour mills, woolen mills, telegraph office, and several stores. Fop. 200.

SCONE, a post village in Bruce co., Ont., 17 miles from Walkerton. It contains a saw mill, a grist mill, and a store. Pop. 50.

SCOTCH BLOCK, a post village in Halton co., Out., 6 miles from Georgetown. It contains 2 saw and 2 flouring mills. Pop. 150.

SCOTCH BRIDGE, a settlement in Charlotte co., N.B., 10 miles from St. Stephen. Pop. 20 .

SCOTCH CORNER, Carleton co., N.B. See Richmond Corner.

SCOTCH CORNERS, Simcoe co., Ont. See Duntroon.

SCOTCH FORT, a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., on Hillsborough river, 15 miles from Charlottetown. Pop. 100.

SCOTCH RIVER MILLS, Prescott co., Ont. See Kerry.

SCOTCH SETTLEMENT, a post settlement in Westmorland co., N. B., 14 miles from Shediac. Pop. 100.

SCOTCH SETTLEMENT, Kent co., Ont. See Darrell.

SCOTCH TOWN, a post village in Queens co., N. I!., on Grand bake, 16 miles from Sheffield. Pop; 150.

SCOTCH VILLAGE, a post village in Hants co., N. S. on Kennetcook River, 9 miles from Newport Station. Pop. 200.

SCOTLAND, a thriving post village in Brant co., Out., 11 miles from Brantford. It contains a carding mill, grist mill, tannery, 4 stores, 3 hotels, and a telegraph office. Pop. 400.

SCOTSBURN, Pictou co., N.S. See Roger's Hill.

SCOTT'S BAY, a post village in Kings co.. N.S., on the Bay of Fundy, 20 miles from Canning. It has good facilities for shipbuilding. Pop. 350.

SCOTT'S CORNERS, Frontenac co., Ont. See Elginburg.

SCOVIL'S MILLS, a post office in Westmorland co., N.B., 7 miles from Cocagne.

SCUGOG, a post village in Ontario co., Oat., 7½ miles from Port Perry. Pop. 200.

SEAFORTH, an incorporated village of Ontario, co. of Huron, on the Buffalo branch of the G. T. R., 21 miles from Goderich. It contains a branch bank, 2 telegraph offices, a newspaper office, mechanics' institute, an iron foundry, woolen mills, several hotels and churches, and a number of stores. Here are the most extensive salt wells known on the American continent. At a depth of 1,100 feet is a solid stratum of pure rock salt of unknown thickness. Seaforth is an important market town. The exports of wheat and other grain exceed a million bushels annually. Pop. 1,800.

SEA HORSE POINT of the North West Territories, is at the E. extremity of Southampton Island. Lat. 63° 40' N., lon. 80° 10 W.

SEAL COVE, a fishing settlement in the district of Fortune Bay, Nfld., 8 miles from Harbor Briton. Pop. 36.

SEAL COVE, a fishing settlement on the south side of Conception Day, Nfld., 25 miles from St. John's. Pop. 90.

SEAL COVE, a fishing settlement on the south side of Trinity Bay, Nfld., 9 miles from Old Perlican. Pop. 197.

SEAL COVE, a fishing station on the French shore, Nfld., 30 miles from La Scie. Pop. 20.

SEAL ISLAND, a lighthouse station 18 miles W. of Cape Sable, the S. extremity of Nova Scotia.

SEAL ISLANDS, a small cluster at the entrance of Garia Bay, Newfoundland. They are inhabited by fishermen. Pop. 52.

SEAL ISLANDS, a small cluster W. by S. of Grand Manan Island, N.1J.

SEAL RIVER, a hamlet in Queens co., P.E.I.

SEARLTOWN, a post village in Prince co., P.E.I., 6 miles from Georgetown. Pop. 80.

SEATON, a post office in York co., Ont.

SEBASTOPOL, a hamlet in Lunenburg co., N.S. It has I carding mill, 1 grist mill, and 2 stores.

SEBASTOPOL, a hamlet in Renfrew co., Ont. It has 1 hotel and 2 stores.

SEBRINGVILLE, formerly BLACK CREEK, a thriving post village in Perth co., Ont., on the Buffalo branch of the G. T. R., 40½ miles from Goderich. It contains 2 churches, a telegraph office, tannery, saw and grist mills, stave and carriage factories, 3 hotels, and 4 or 5 stores; and has a large lumber trade. Pop. 500.

SECOND FALLS, or UPPER MILLS, a post village in Charlotte co., N.B., 9 miles from St. George. It contains several saw mills, and has a large lumber trade. Pop. 500.

SEELEY, a post settlement in Victoria co., Out., on the N. branch of the River Muskoka, 21 miles from Bracebridge. Pop. 16.

SEELEY'S BAY, a post village in Leeds co., Ont., on the Rideau Canal, 23 miles from Kingston. It contains a telegraph office, 5 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 150.

SEELEY'S MILLS, a post settlement in Kings co., N.B., 9 miles from Sussex. Pop. 550.

SEGUIN FALLS, a post office in Victoria co., Ont., 14 miles from Ashdown.

SELBORNE, a village in Elgin co., Ont., 1 mile from Port Stanley. Pop. 35.

SELBY, a post village in Lennox co., Ont., 4 miles from Napanee. It contains a telegraph office and 4 stores. P.p. 200.

SELDOM-COME-BY, a fishing settlement and harbor of refuge in the district of Twillingate and Fogo, Nfld., 5 miles from Fogo. Pop. 160.

SELKIRK, a post village in Haldimand co., Ont., 11 miles from Cayuga. It contains several stores, a grist mill and a carding mill. Pop. 300.

SELKIRK MOUNTAINS, a bolt of mountainous country in British Columbia.

SELMAH, a post village in Hants co., N.S., on Cobequid Bay, 2 miles from Maitland. Pop. 225.

SELTON or OSTRANDER, a post village in Bothwell eo., Out., 5½ miles from Thamesville. Pop. 50.

SELWYN, a post village in Peterboro Co., Out., 5 miles from Lakefield. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 100.

SENECA, or CALEDONIA, an incorporated village in Haldimand co , Ont., on Grand Liver, and on the Grand Trunk (Buffalo branch) and Hamilton and Lake Erie railways, 16 miles from Hamilton, 11 miles from Cayuga. It has good water power, and contains a telegraph office, a printing office publishing a weekly newspaper, several churches and hotels, a number of stores, a large foundry and machine shop, a woolen mill, and saw and grist mills. Pop. 2,000.

SETTRINGTON, a post village and parish in Charlevoix co., Que., 8½ miles from Les Eboulemens. Pop. 900.

SEVEN ISLANDS, a group in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, opposite the entrance of Seven Islands' Bay, near Moisic.

SEVERN BRIDGE, a post village in Victoria co., Ont., on the River Severn, 14 miles from Orillia. It contains 2 stores and a telegraph office. Pop. 50.

SEVIGNE, a post village in Ottawa co., Que., 55 miles from Ottawa. Pop. 50.

SEYMOUR EAST, Northumberland co., Ont. See Menie.

SHAFTESBURY, Algoma district, Ont. See Little Current.

SHAG LAY, a settlement in Halifax co., N.S., 21 miles from Halifax. Pop. 100.

SHAG HARBOR, a post village in Shelburne CO., M.S., on the Atlantic coast, 12 miles from Barring ton. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 350.

SHAKESPEARE, a thriving post village in Perth co., Ont., on the G.T. R., 82 miles W. of Toronto. It contains several stores and hotels, and 2 telegraph agencies. Pop. 100.

SHAMBLER'S COVE, a fishing settlement in the district of Bonavista, Nfld., 8 miles from Green's Pond. Pop. 22.

SHAMROCK, a post village in Ren-frew co., Ont., 12 miles from Renfrew. Pop. 50.

SHANICK or BAILEY'S CORNERS, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., 34 miles back of Belleville. Pop. 150.

SHANKLIN, a post settlement in St. John co., N.B., 26 miles N.E. of St. John. Pop. 100.

SHANLY or WALLACE'S CORNERS, a post village in Grenville co., Ont., 8 miles from Spencerville. Pop. 70.

SHANNON VALE, a post office in Restigouche co., N.B., 5 miles from Dalhousie.

SHANNONVlLLE,a flourishing post village of Ontario, co. of Hastings, on the Salmon river, 1½ miles from the Bay of Quinte, and on the G. T. R , 40½ miles W. of Kingston. Vessels of all sizes come up from the bay to this port and take and deliver cargoes. It contains a large saw mill, a flouring mill, 2 tanneries, about a dozen stores, a telegraph office, and 3 churches. Pop. 700.

SHANTY BAY, a post office in Simcoe co., Ont., G miles from Barrie.

SHARBOT LAKE, a station on the Kingston and Pembroke railway, 46 miles N. of Kingston, Ont.

SHARON, or DAVIDTOWN, or HOPE, a post village in York co., Ont., 4½ miles from Newmarket. It contains a telegraph office, a foundry, saw mill, flouring mill, and several stores. Pop. 400.

SHARPE'S BRIDGE, or CAMBRIDGE, a post village in Kings co., N.S., 3 miles from Waterville. Pop. 100.

SHARPE'S CORNERS, Durham co.. Out, See Ida.

SHARPTON, a post village in Frontenac co., Ont., 12 miles from Kingston. Pop. 1 0.

SHAWBRIDGE, a post village in Terrebonne co., Que., 9 miles from St. Jerome. It contains a store and 2 saw mills. Pop. 175.

SHAWENEGAN, or ST. BONIFACE, a post village in St. Maurice co., Que., on the River St. Maurice, 23 miles from Three Rivers. It contains saw and grist mills. The stupendous Falls of the Shawenegan, 150 feet high, and second only to Niagara, are in the vicinity. Pop. 250.

SHAWVILLE, a post office in Carleton co., N.B., on the River St. John, 5½ miles above Woodstock.

SHEA'S RIVER, or BROOK VILLAGE, a post village in Inverness co., N.S., 8 miles from Mabou. Pop. 200.

SHEDDON, Victoria co., Ont. See Coboconk.

SHELDON, a station on the C. S. R., in Elgin co., Ont., 8 miles from St. Thomas.

SHEDIAC, a post town and port of entry on an island, near the mouth of a river of the same name, on the S.E. coast of New Brunswick, co. of Westmorland. The town has a tolerable harbor and some trade. Here is a station of the I. R., a telegraph office, a printing office, 15 stores, 6 hotels, several nulls, and a large boot and shoe factory. The number of arrivals for 1872 was 207 (tons 04,532), and the clearances 254 (tons 67,710). Total value of imports $252,055; exports $301,141. Pop. 5ii0.

SHEDIAC BRIDGE, a post office in Westmorland co., N.B., 5 miles from Shediac.

SHEDIAC ROAD, a post settlement in Westmorland co., N.B., 1A miles from Shediac. Pop. 1. 0.

SHEENBORO, a post settlement in Pontiac co., Que., miles from Chichester. Pop. 350.

SHEET HARBOR, a post village in Halifax co., N.S., on the Atlantic coast, 77 miles E. of Halifax. It has several saw mills, stores and shipyards. Pop. 375.

SHEFFIELD, a post village in Sunbury co., N.B., on the River St. John,. 64 mil is from St. John. It is the seat of the Sheffield Academy, one of the best educational institutions in the province, and contains an hotel and 2 Pop. 150.

SHEFFIELD, a post village in Wentworth co., Ont., 14 miles from Dundas. It has 3 stores. Pop. l50.

SHEFFIELD MILLS, a post village in Kings co., N.S., at the head of Habitant River, 7 miles from Kentville. Pop. 200.

SHEFFORD. a county in the S.W. central part if Quebec, drained by the Yamaska River , and traversed by the Stanstead, Shefford, and Chambly railway. Area 357,762 acres. Capital, Waterloo. Pop. 19,077.

SHEFFORD MOUNTAIN, a post village in Shefford CO., Que., 4½ miles from Granby. Pop. 100.

SHELBURNE, a county in the S.W. extremity of Nova Scotia, bordering on the Atlantic Area 007,000 acres. The coasts are remarkable for their numerous deep indentations, forming excellent harbors into which flow the Clyde, Jordan and other considerable rivers. The surface is mountainous along the shore, the interior is mostly level, except at Blue Mountain, in the N.E. The capital is Shelburne. Pop. 12.417.

SHELBURNE, a post village in Grey co., Ont., on the T. G. & B. R., 15 miles from Orangeville. It contains a telegraph office, a few general stores, a carriage factory, and several work-shops. Pop. 80.

SHELBURNE, a seaport town and port of entry of Nova Scotia, capital of the co. of Shelburne, on the N.E. arm of a capacious harbor of the same name, 160 miles S.W. of Halifax. This harbor is general regarded as the best in Nova Scotia, from its easy entrance and perfectly secure anchorage. On the S.E. point of McNutt's Island, at its entrance, stands, a lighthouse exhibiting two lights, the higher of which is 120 feet above the sea. Shelburne is a place of considerable trade, and has excellent facilities for the repairing and furnishing of vessels. It contains a telegraph office, iron works, several hotels, and a number of stares. The number of arrivals for 1872 was 8 (tons 612,) and the clearances 8 (tons 1,071). Total value of imports $21,810; exports $6,043. Pop. 1,000.

SHELBURNE RIVER, Shelburne co., N.S. See Middle Ohio.

SHELDON, a post village in Cardwell co., Ont., 10 miles from Mono Road. It contains several saw mills. Pop. 125.

SHELDRAKE, a post village in Saguenay co., Que., on the Gulf of the St. Lawrence, 113 miles from Gaspe Basin.

SHEPODY, a seaport of New Brunswick, co. of Albert, at the head of Shepody Bay, about 59 miles N.E. of St. John.

SHEPODY ROAD, a post settlement in Kings co., N.B., 47 miles from tit. John. Pop. 200.

SHERBROOKE, a county of Quebec, comprises an area of 140,300 acres. It is traversed by three railways — the Grand Trunk, Massawippi Valley, and
St. Francis and Lake Megantic International, and watered by the River St. Francis and other streams. Capital, Sherbrooke. Pop. 8,516.

SEHERBROOKE, an incorporated town of Quebec, capital of the co. of Sherbrooke, on both sides of the River Magog, and on the Grand Trunk and Massawippi Valley railways, and at the W. terminus of' the St. Francis and Lake Megantic International railway (now building), 101 miles E. of Montreal, 121 miles S.S.W. of Quebec, and 196 miles N.N.W. of Portland. It contains the head offices of the Eastern Townships Bank, 1 branch bank, the chief office in Canada of the British America Land Company, several assurance and insurance agencies, churches of 5 or 6 denominations, 3 printing offices issuing weekly newspapers, an academy, about 30 stores, and manufactories of woolen and cotton cloths, flannels, iron castings, machinery, axes, pails, etc.; also saw mills, breweries, &c. It is the seat of the district courts, and returns one member to the House of Commons, and one to the Provincial Legislature. Pop. 4,432.

SHERBROOKE, a river port of Nova Scotia, co. of Guysborough, on the estuary of the River St. Marys, about 12 miles from the Atlantic and 124 miles E.N.E. of Halifax. Shipbuilding is engaged in to some extent, and large quantities of deals are annually shipped to England. It contains 2 churches, 2 hotels, 5 or 6 stores, a tannery and a chair factory. Valuable gold mines are worked 3 miles from the village. Pop. 500.

SHERBROOKE, Lunenburg co., N.S. See New Ross.

SHERBROOKE GOLD MINES, or GOLDENVILLE, a post village in Guysborough co., N.S., 3 miles from Sherbrooke. It contains the richest gold mines in the. province. In 1372 twelve quartz mills were in operation. The value of the gold product from the first working of the mines in 1860 to the close of 1872 was £948,000. Pop. 900.

SHERIDAN, a post village in Halton co., Ont., 4 miles from Oakville. It has 2 stores. Pop. 100.

SHERKSTON, a post village in Welland co., Ont., on the Buffalo and Goderich branch G. T. R., 7 miles from Port Colborne. Pop. 100.

SHERRINGTON, ST. PATRICK DE, a post village in Napierville co., Que., 21 miles from Hughes, 30 miles from Montreal. It contains 4 stores and 4 hotels, and has a good trade in grain and country produce. Pop. 400.

SHERWOOD SPRINGS, a post office in Leeds co., Ont.

SHETLAND, a post village in Bothwell co., Ont., 12 miles from Newbury. Pop. 175.

SHICKSHOCK MOUNTAINS, a conspicuous range of highlands on the Gaspe peninsula, extending about 65 miles from the east side of the St. Anne des Moats to the Matane. They stand on a breadth of from 2 lo 6 miles, at a distance of about 12 miles from the St. Lawrence, and rise into points attaining heights of between 3,000 and 4,000 feet.

SHIGAWAKE, a post village in Bonaventure co., Que., 58 miles from Perce. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 225.

SHIKTEHAWK, a post settlement in Carleton co., N.B., 26 miles from Woodstock. Pop. 150.

SHINIMICAS BRIDGE, a post settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., 4 miles from River Philip. Pop. 250.

SHIP COVE, a fishing settlement on the N. shore of Conception Bay, Nfld., 4 miles from Brigus. Pop. 439.

SHIP COVE, a fishing settlement on the N. shore of Trinity Bay, Nfld., 3 miles from Trinity. Pop. 350.

SHIP COVE, a fishing settlement on the W. side of Placentia Bay, Nfld., 10 miles from Placentia. Pop. 24.

SHIP HARBOUR, a fishing settlement on the E. side of Placentia Bay, Nfld., 9 miles from Little Placentia. Pop. 48.

SHIP HARBOUR, a post village in Halifax co., N.S., on the Atlantic coast, 48 miles N.E. of Halifax. It contains an hotel and a store.

SHIP ISLAND, on the N. shore of Bonavista Bay, Nfld. .i mile from Green's Pond. It is inhabited by fishermen. Pop. 142.

SHIPLEY, a post village in Perth co. Ont,, 8 miles from Palmerston. Pop. 100.

SHIPMAN'S CORNERS, Brant co., Oat. See Rosebank.

SHIPPEGAN an island of New Brunswick, near its N E. coast, at the S.E. entrance of Rue des Chaleurs. It is of somewhat triangular shape, about 20 miles long by 10 miles broad.

SHIPPEGAN, a seaport town of New Brunswick, co. of Gloucester, at the entrance to Baie des Chaleurs, 70 miles from Chatham, 70 miles from Bathurst, 419 miles from Quebec. It has a line harbor with good anchorage for the largest vessels, and contains a telegraph office and several stores. The inhabitants are chiefly engaged in the fisheries. The number of arrivals for 1872 was 6 (tons 702), and the clearances 3 (tons 351). Total value of imports $29,525; exports $32,804. Pop. 500.

SHIPTON, a post village in Richmond co., Que., on the River Nicolet, 3 miles from Danville. It contains a number of saw mills, several grist mills, and a slate quarry. Pop. 250.

SHOAL BAY, a fishing settlement in the district of Ferryland, Nfld., 15 miles from St. John's. Copper ore is found here. Pop. 103.

SHOAL BAY, a fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo. Nfld., 7 miles from Fogo. Pop. 50.

SHOAL RAY, a fishing settlement on Cotterell's Island, Bonavista Bay, Nfld., 10 miles from Green's Pond. Pop. 91.

SHOAL BAY. a settlement in Halifax co., N.S., 52 miles N.E. of Halifax. Pop. 200.

SHOAL COVE, a fishing settlement on the French shore, Nfld., 45 miles from Cape Norman.

SHOAL HARBOR, a fishing settlement on the S. side of Trinity Bay,. Nfld. 14 miles from Hearts Content. Pop. 70.

SHOAL COVE, a fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo, Nfld., 4 miles from Tilt Cove. Pop. 230.

SHOE COVE, a fishing settlement on the N. side of Bonavista Bay., Nfld., 3 miles from Green's Pond. Pop. 42.

SHOOLBRED, a post village in Bonarenture co., Que., on the River Restigouche, near the mouth of the Nouvelle river, 29½ miles from Campbellton. Pop. 175.

SHORT BEACH, Yarmouth co., N.S. See Darling's Lake.

SHREWSBURY, a post office in Argenteuil co., Que., 10 miles from Lachute.

SHRIGLEY, a post village in Grey co., Oat., 23 miles from Collingwood. Pop. 180.

SHUBENACADIE, a post village in Colchester co., N.S., on the Shubenacadic River, 20 miles from its mouth, and on the I. R., 38 miles from Halifax. It contains several brickfields, a tannery, pail factory, saw mill, 2 hotels, 3 stores, and a telegraph office. Pop. 350.

SHULIE, a seaport of Nova Scotia, co. of Cumberland, on Chignecto Bay, 24 miles from Maccan. Pop. 75.

SIDDELLSVILLE, a village in Middlesex co., Ont., 4 miles from Ailsa Craig. Pop. 50.

SIDNEY CROSSING, a post office and telegraph station in Hastings co., Ont.

SIDNEY, or SYDNEY, Antigonish co., N.S. See Antigonish.

SIERRA, a post village in Glengarry co., Oat., 11½ miles from Riviere Raisin. Pop. 100.

SIGHT POINT, a post village in Inverness co., N.S., 15 miles from Mabou. Pop. 150.

SIGNAL HILL, a bold and picturesque promontory on the N. side of the entrance to the harbor of St. John's, Nfld. It is 520 feet high.

SIGNAY, a village in Chicoutimi co., Que., 45 miles from Chicoutimi. Pop. 50.

SILLERY COVE, or St. COLOMB, a post village and parish of Quebec, co. of Quebec, on the N. shore of the St. Lawrence, 6 miles above Quebec The parish contains Anglican and Roman Catholic churches, a large convent, an academy, several schools, 17 timber coves, a number of stores, and about 3,500 inhabitants.

SILLSVILLE, a post village in Lennox co., Ont., 15 miles from Napanee. Pop. 60.

SILOAM, a post office on Ontario co., Ont., 5 miles from Uxbridge.

Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America, Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873


Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America

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