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Philipsburg East to Ponds, Canada

PHILIPSBURG EAST originally MISSISQUOI BAY, an incorporated village of Quebec, co. of Missisquoi, on the east side of Missisquoi Bay, 2 miles from St. Armand Station. It is a port of entry and warehousing port, and contains 3 churches, a high school, an extensive carriage factory, a telegraph office, and sever, 1 stores and hotels. Total value of imports for 1872 $1,612; exports $18,724. Pop. 500.

PHILIPSBURG WEST, a post village in Waterloo co., Ont., 12 miles from Berlin. It contains a telegraph office, a tannery, and 2 stores. Pop. 300.

PHILIPSVILLE, a post village in Leeds co., Ont., 28 miles from Brockville. It contains saw and grist mills, and several stores. Pop. 100.

PHINNEYS MOUNTAIN, a settlement in Annapolis co., N.S., on the Bay of Fundy, 7 miles from Bridgetown. Pop. 200.

PICCADILLY, a station on the Kingston and Pembroke railway, in Frontenac co., Ont., 28 miles from Kingston. See Deniston.

PICKANOCK, a telegra h station in Pontiac co., Que. See Utter Luke.

PICKAREE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Fortune Bay, Nfld., on Long Island, 3 miles from Gaultois Pop. 33.

PICKERING or DUFFIN'S CREEK, originally CANTON, a thriving post village of Ontario, co. of Ontario, on the north shore of Lake Ontario, near the mouth of Duffin's Creek, with a station on the G. T. R. (called Duffin's Creek), 23 miles E. of Toronto. It contains several stores and hotels, a grist mill, and a telegraph office. Pop. 500.

PICKETT'S WHARF, a landing on Minus Basin, Kings co., N.S.. 5 miles from Port Williams Station.

PICTON, the capital of the co. of Prince Edward, Ont., situated on the Bay of Quinte, 40 miles S S.W. of Kingston, 24 miles from Napanee. It contains, besides the county buildings, churches of 5 denominations, 1 branch bank, 1 telegraph office, about 60 stores, manufactories of iron castings, steam engines, machinery, &c , a brewery, pottery, tannery, saw and grist mills, and 3 newspaper offices. It is a port of entry. Total value of imports for 1872 $16,120; exports $223,017. Pop. 2,361.

PICTOU, a county of Nova Scotia, bordering on Northumberland Strait. Except an elevation called Mount Thorn, the surface is nearly level, and intersected with numerous streams flowing chiefly into Merigomish, Pictou and Cariboo Harbors, on its coast. The soil is remarkably fertile. The rock that underlies the surface is the Devonian limestone. The county contains rich mines of coal and iron ore. The coal deposits comprise the strata; the main coal band is 33 feet in thickness, with 24 feet of good coal. Next to Halifax Pictou is the most populous county in Nova Scotia. It is settled mostly by Scotch Highlanders. Area 720,496 acres. Capital, Pictou. Pop. 32,114.

PICTOU, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, capital of Pictou co., at the head of a harbor of its own name, opening into Northumberland Strait, and at the E. terminus of the Pictou branch of the I. R., 113 miles N.N.E. of Halifax. It is situated in a fertile and well cultivated district, containing extensive coal mines and quarries of building stone. The annual exports of coal are very large. The harbor is one of the finest on the S. shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. At the S. side of its entrance is a lighthouse, with a fixed light 65 feet above the sea. The town is well built, and has an academy, library, 3 branch banks, a telegraph office, newspaper office, Masonic hall, several churches and hotels, a number of stores, 2 steam carding mills, 2 tobacco factories, an iron foundry, several saw and grist mills and tanneries, &c. Pictou is a port of entry. Its streets are lighted with gas. The number of arrivals for 1872 was 780 (tons 170,430),and the clearances 741 (tons 152,174.) The total value of imports was $407,029; exports $245,643 Pop. 3,200.

PIEDMONT VALLEY, a post settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 18 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 250.

PIERCETON, Missisquoi co., Que. See Pearceton.

PIERREVILLE, or ST. THOMAS, a thriving post village in Yamaska co.. Que., on the River St. Francis, near its entrance into the St. Lawrence, 28½ miles N E. of Sorel. It contains a telegraph office, about a dozen stores, and saw, grist and carding mills, and has a very extensive lumber trade. Buckskin gloves, mitts and shors are made here in large quantities by a tribe of Abenakis Indians. Shipbuilding is also engaged in. Pop. l,200.

PIERREVILLE MILLS, a post village in Yamaska no., Que., on the River St. Francis, 3 miles from Pierreville, 30½ miles from Sorel. Here is a telegraph office, and saw, grist and carding mills.

PIGEON HILL, a post village in Missisquoi co., Que., 13½ miles from the Province line, 5 miles from St. Armand. It contains a pretty Episcopal church, 3 stores and 2 hotels. This village was the scene of Fenian outrages in June, 1860. Pop. 200.

PIGEON LAKE, a post office in the district of Marquette, Man., on the River Assiniboine, 52 miles from Fort Garry.

PIKE FALLS, a station on the B. & O R., in Lanark co., Ont., 6 miles from Smith's Falls. See Port Elmsley.

PIKE RIVER, a post village in Missisquoi co., Que., on a tributary of the Richelieu River, 2 miles from Des Rivieres. It has water communication with Sorel on the north and ports on Lake Champlain on the south, and contains 2 stores, 2 hotels, and a saw and grist mill. Pop. 200.

PILGRIMS, four islands lying off the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, below L'Islet. They are mere piles of rocks covered with low brushwood and a few trees.

PINCHARD'S ISLAND, an island in the district of Bonavista, Nfld., on Bonavista Bay, 8 miles from Green's Pond. It is inhabited by fishermen. Pop. 316.

PINEDALE, a post office in Ontario co., Ont., 4 miles from Wick.

PINE GROVE, a post village in York co., Ont., on a branch of the Humher River, 1½ miles from Woodbridge. It contains a large flouring mil. Pop. 250.

PINE HILL, Lambton co., Ont. See Widder.

PINE ISLAND, in the River St. Francis, between Wickham and Upton, Que.

PINE ORCHARD, a post village in York co., Ont., near Newmarket.

PINE RIVER, or ALMA, or LURGAN. a post village in Bruce co., Ont., 10 miles from Kincardine. Pop. 100.

PINEO VILLAGE, or WATERVILLE, a post village in Kings co., N.S., on the W. & A. R., 10 miles from Kentville. It has several saw and grist mills. Pop. 140.

PINE TREE, a settlement in Pictou co., N.S., at the head of Merigomish harbor, 6 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 100.

PINETTE, a hamlet in Queens co., P.E.I. near Belfast. It has a saw mill.

PINKERTON, a post village in Bruce co., Ont., on the W. G. & B. R., 11 miles N.W. of Walkerton. It contains 2 stores, and grist, saw and carding mills. Pop. 80.

PIOPOLIS, or ST. ZENON, a post village in Compton co., Que.,7 miles from Lake Megantic. Pop. 200

PIRATE HARBOR, a post village and settlement in Guysborough co., N.S., on the Gut of Canso, 3 miles from Port Hawkesbury. Pop. 120.

PISARINCO, a post settlement in St. John co., N.B , 14 miles S.W. of St. John. Pop. 200.

PISQUID BRIDGE, a post village in Queens co., P.E.I , on the Prince Edward Island railway. 21 miles from Charlottetown. Pop. 150.

PISTOLET ISLAND, an island and fishing station in a bay of the same name, on the French shore, Nfld., 7 miles from Cape Norman. Pop. 20.

PITT'S ARCHIPELAGO, in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of British Columbia, is mostly between lat. 52° and 54° N , lon. 130° W. Pitt's Island, the largest of the group, is about 75 miles in length from N.W. to S E. Several other islands in the Pacific have this name.

PITTSFERRY, a post village in Frontenac co , Ont.. 9 miles from Gananoque Pop. 60.

PITTSTON a post office in Grenville co., Ont., 6 miles from Edwardsburg

PLACENTIA. a seaport town of Newfoundland, on the W coast of the peninsula extending from the S.E side or the island, in about lat 47° 11' 30' N, lon 53° 55' W. The harbor has 3½ fathoms of water; and, on either side of its entrance, which is not more than 60 fathoms across, stands a fort. Placentia was first settled by the French in 1626 and strongly fortified, and for many years withstood the attacks of British squadrons. It is a post town and port of entry and chiefly settled by fishermen. Pop 400.

PLACENTIA MANS COVE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Burin, Nfld . on Mortier Bay, 11 miles from Burin Pop 33.

PLA1NFIELD, a post village in Picton co , N S., on a branch of the River John, 15 miles from Pictou. Pop. 100.

PLAINFIELD, originally LATTA'S MILLS, a post village in Hastings co , Ont., 10 miles from Belleville. It contains a flouring mill, a large saw mill, and 2 stores. Pop. 200

PLAINS OF ABRAHAM, a table land immediately S.W of the city of Quebec Here Generals Wolfe and Montcalm, the respective commanders of the British and French forces, were killed in the action of the 18th September, 1759.

PLAINVILLE, also called BOWMAN'S CORNERS, a village in Northumberland co., Ont., 9½ miles from Cobourg. Pop. 60.

PLAISTER COVE, or PORT HASTINGS, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, co. of Inverness, on the Gut of Canso, 182 miles from Halifax, 72 miles from New Glasgow. This is a repeating station of the Western Union and New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph companies. It has a fine harbor and contains several stores and hotels. A large trade is done in the fisheries, in cattle and general produce. Pop. 600.

PLANTAGENET, originally HATTVILLE, a post village in Prescott co., Ont., on the South Nation river, 40 miles from Ottawa, it has a telegraph office, 4 stores, 2 hotels, a saw mill and a carding mill. The celebrated Carratracca mineral springs are in the vicinity Pop. 180.

PLATE COVE, a fishing settlement in the district of Bonavista, Nfld., 17 miles from King's Cove. Pop. 250.

PLATTSVILLE, a flourishing post village in Oxford co., Ont., on the River Nith, 5 miles from Bright. It contains 2 woolen factories. 1 flax mill, 1 flouring mill, an iron foundry, a telegraph office, 6 stores, and 3 hotels. Pop. 900.

PLAYFAIR, a post village in Lanark co, Ont., on the Mississippi river, 12 miles from Perth. Pop. 75.

PLAYFAIRS CORNERS, Addington co., Ont. See Gemley.

PLEASANT BAY or GRAND ANSE, a post office in Inverness co., N S., 25 miles from Cheticamp.

PLEASANT GROVE. Queens co., P E.I. See Suffolk

PLEASANT HILL or WALSINGHAM CENTRE a post village in Norfolk co, Ont, 18½ miles from Tilsonburg. It contains a woolen mill and 3 stores. Pop 250

PLEASANT RIDGE, a post settlement in Charlotte co., N B., 29 miles from St. Stephen. Pop 250

PLEASANTVILLE. a thriving post village in Albert co., N B., on the Coverdale River, 10 miles from Petitcodiac. It contains a Methodist church, 1 store, 1 hotel, 1 grist mill, 1 saw mill , 2 blacksmith's shops, 1 carriage factory, and 1 furniture factory. The village is surrounded by large forests of spruce and pine. Pop 150.

PLEASANT VALLEY, a hamlet in Queens co., P.E.I. It has a saw mill and an hotel.

PLEASANT VALLEY, a post office in Digby co., N.S., 4 miles from Digby.

PLEASANT VALLEY, a settlement in Hants co., N.S., on Mill Lake, 19 miles from Elmsdale. Pop. 50.

PLEASANT VALLEY, a settlement in Pictou co., N.S., S miles from Vest River. Pop. 140.

PLEASANT VALLEY, Prince Edward co., Ont. See Hillier.

PLEASANT RIVER, a post settlement in Queens co., N.S., 20 miles from Bridgewater. Pop. 250.

PLEASURE ISLAND, an island in Lake Ontario, immediately opposite Toronto. It is a favorite resort during the summer months. A steam ferry runs between the city and the island every half hour.

PLESSISVILLE, Megantic co., Que. See Somerset.

PLUM HOLLOW, a post office in Leeds co., Ont, 20 miles from Brockville.

PLUMWESEE., a post village in Kings co , N.S., on the I. R., 47 miles from St. John. Pop. 50.

PLYMOUTH, a post office in Yarmouth co., N.S. 9 miles from Yarmouth.

PLYMPTON, a hamlet in Digby co., N.S. It contains an hotel, 2 stores, and a shipyard.

POCKMOUCHE, a post settlement in Gloucester co. N.B., 59 miles from Chatham, 9 miles from Caraquette. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 800.

POCKSHAW, a post settlement in Gloucester co., N.B., on Baie des Chalenrs, 26½ miles from Bathurst. Pop. 600.

POINT ABINO or BERTIE, or RIDGEWAY, a thriving post village in Welland co., Ont., on the G. T. R. (Buffalo division), 9 miles from Buffalo. It contains a telegraph office, a sawmill, an iron foundry, a cheese factory, and several stores The station is called Bertie, the post office Point Abino. Pop. 600.

POINT ALEXANDER, a post office in Renfrew co., Ont., 39 miles from Pembroke.

POINT BRULE, a post village and settlement in Colchester co., N.S., on Minas Basin, 30 miles from Truro. Pop. 400.

POINT CARDINAL, Grenville co., Ont. See Edwardsburg.

POINT A GROUETTE, a village in the district of Provencher, Man., on Red River, 41 miles from Pembina.

POINT CLEAR, a post office in Victoria co,, N.S., 7 miles from Boularderie.

POINTE A CAVAGNOL, Vaudreuil co.. Que. See Hudson.

POINTE A FLEURANT, Bonaventure co., Que. See Fleurant.

POINTE A LA GARDE, Bonaventure co., Que. See Escuminac.

POINTE A PIC, a post office in Charlevoix co., Que., 2 miles from Murray Bay.

POINTE AU BOULEAU or DUCK RIVER, a post village in Charlevoix co., Que., at the outlet of the Saguenay River into the St. Lawrence, opposite Tadousac, 27 miles from Murray Bay. Pop. 16l.

POINTE AU CHENE, a post village in Argenteuil co., Que., 9 miles from Grenville. Pop. 50.

POINTE AUX ANGLAIS, a village in the co. of Two Mountains, Que., on the Ottawa river, 42 miles from Montreal. Pop. 20.

POINTE AUX PINS, a post office in the district of Algoma, Ont., on the N. shore of Lake Superior, 9 miles from Sault Ste. Marie.

POINTE AUX TREMBLES DU LAC ST. JEAN, a small settlement in Chicoutimi co., Que., 60 miles from Chicoutimi. Pop. 70.

POINTE AUX TREMBLES EN BAS, a post village in Portneuf co., Que., on the N. shore River St. Lawrence, 19 miles S. of Quebec. It contains several saw and grist mills, and shipyards, 6 stores and a telegraph office. Pop. 600.

POINTE AUX 'TREMBLES EN HAUT, a post village ii Hochelaga co., Que., on the Island of Montreal, 10 miles from Montreal. It contains a French Protestant college, 3 stores and 3 hotels. Pop. 400.

POINTE AUX VACHES, a head-land on the N. shore of the ht. Lawrence, between the Rivers Saguenay and Bergeronne. It derives its name from the walrus, an animal once common in the River St. Lawrence and the Saguenay.

POINTE CLAIRE, an incorporated village of Quebec, capital of the co. of Jacques Carrier, situated on the Island of Montreal, on the N. shore of the River St. Lawrence, with a station on the G. T. R., 14½ miles from Montreal. It contains a telegraph office, 3 stores, and 2 hotels. Pop. 461.

POINTE DE CHENE, a post settlement in the district of Provencher, Man., on both sides of a little river called Pointe de Chenes, 30 miles E. of Fort Garry. It contains a Roman Catholic church, 1 flouring mill, and 2 stores. A large bridge spans the river. The country around here is very fertile; wheat especially produces a large crop. Hay is in great quantity. Pointe de Chenes river is very irregular; it is 16 miles in length and about 60 feet in breadth. About 90 miles from the village is Lake of the Woods, surrounding which are large forests of cedar and tamarac, and grove- of maple, oak and elm. Pointe De Chene is on tie Dawson or Lake of the Woods road. It is likely to become a town of considerable importance. The population is composed of about one hundred families.

POINTE DE MEURON, on the Kaministiquia river, in the district of Thunder Bay, Ont., 8 miles above Fort William.

POINTE DE MONTS, a headland on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, co. of Saguenay, Que., lat. 49° 19' 35 ' N., 67° 21' 55' W. On it is a lighthouse exhibiting a fixed light 100 feet above the level of the sea. During fog and snow storms a gun is fired every hour. This is a depot of provisions for ship wrecked mariners. The coast here is very dangerous.

POINTE DU BUTE, a village in Westmorland co., N.B., 5 miles from Sackville. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 250.

POINTE DU CHENE, a seaport town of New Brunswick, co. of Westmorland, on Northumberland Strait, at the N.E. terminus of the Shediac branch of the I. R., 108 miles from St. John. It has a lighthouse, a telegraph office, and 7 stores. Pop. 150.

POINTE DU LAC, a post village in St. Maurice co., Que., at the E. end of Lake St. Peter, 81 miles N.N.E. of Monreal. It contains 2 stores, and several saw and grist mills. Pop. 500.

POINT EDWARD, originally PORT SARNIA, a flurishing post village of Ontario, co. of Lambton, situated on the St. Clair river, near Lake Huron, and at the Canada terminus of the G. T. R., 2 miles from Sarnia, 168 miles W. of Toronto. It contains a telegraph office, 9 stores, 5 hotels and 2 saw mills. Steamers plying on Lakes Huron, Superior, Michigan and Erie call here. Fort Gratiot, a military post in the State of Michigan, and a station on the G. T. R., is immediately opposite. A steam ferry maintains communication between the two places. Pop. 1,000.

POINTE FORTUNE, a post village in Vaudreuil co., Que., on the River Ottawa, 45 miles N.W. of Montreal It has a telegraph office, 2 stores and 1 hotel. Pop. 100.

POINT ESCUMINAC, the S.E. point of Miramichi Bay. Lat. 47° 4' 32" N., lon. 64° 47' 30" W. On it is a light-house.

POINT FARM, a summer resort on Lake Huron, near Goderich, Ont. It has a telegraph office.

POINT FERROLLE, French shore, Nfld. See Flower's Cove.

POINT KAYE, a post office in Victoria co., Ont, on Lake Muskoka, 16 miles from Bracebridge.

POINT LA NIM, a post settlement in Restigouche co., N.B., 2½ miles from Dalhousie. Pop. 150.

POINT LANCE, a fishing settlement in the district of Placeatia and St. Marys, Nfld., 5 miles from Branch. Pop. 22.

POINT LEVI, Levis co., Que. See Levis.

POINT OF CAPE, a post settlement in Antigonish co., N.S., G miles from Cape George. Pop. l00.

POINT PELE, or SOUTH FORELAND, an island in Lake Erie, off Pigeon Bay. It is about 7 miles long by 2 broad. On its N.E. point is a lighthouse.

POINT PETER, a post village in Prince Edward co., Ont., on Lake Ontario, at the entrance to Peter's Bay, 12 miles from Picton. Lat. 43° 51" N., lon. 77°13' 40" W. Pop. 40.

POINT PETER, the N.E. point of Malbaie and the S. point of Gaspe Bay, Que.

POINT PLATON, a post office in Lotbiniere co., Que., on the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, 40 miles above Quebec.

POINT MOLL, a small fishing settlement, on the E. side of Placentia Bay, Nfld., 5 miles from Placentia, Pop. 34.

POINT PLEASANT, a headland at the entrance of the Bay of Quinte, Prince Edward co., Ont. On it is a lighthouse.

POINT PLEASANT, a small village in St. John Co., N.B., adjoining Fairville.

POINT PRIM, a post village in Queens co., P.E., 29 miles from Charlottetown. Pop. 150.

POINT MICHAUX, a fishing settlement in Richmond co., N.S., 17 miles from St. Peters. Pop. 150.

POINT MUZERALL, a headland on the N. side of the entrance to Portage River, Kent co., N.B. It is settled by fishermen. Pop. 100.

POINT ROSY, a small fishing settlement in the district of Burgeo and La Poile, Nfld., miles from Channel. Pop. 25.

POINT SAPIN, a post village in Kent co., N.B., near the entrance to Kouchibouguac Bay, 28 miles from Richibucto. Here is one of the best salmon fisheries in the province. Pop. 250.

POINT ST. CHARLES, a suburb of Montreal. It contains the head offices and chief workshops of the Grand Trunk Railway Company.

POINT ST. PETER, a post village in Gaspe co., Que., at the western extremity of Gaspe Bay, 22 miles from Gaspe Basin. It contains a telegraph office and 4 stores. Pop. 100.

POINT TRAVERSE, or LONG POINT, a post village in Prince Edward co., Ont., 17 miles from Picton, Pop. 200.

POINT VERDE, a fishing settlement in the district of Placentia and St. Marys, Nfld., 2 miles from Placentia. Pop. 135.

POINT WOLF, a post village in Albert co., N.B., on the Bay of Fundy, 35 miles from Penobsquis. Pop. 150.

POIRIER, a post office in Richmond co.. N.S., 26 miles from Port Hawkesbury.

PORT ACADIE, a post village in Digby co., N.S., on St. Marys Bay, 30 miles from Digby. Pop. 250.

POLAND, a post village in Lanark co., Ont., 25 miles from Perth. Pop. 40.

POLLET RIVER, a post settlement in Westmorland co., N.B., 5 miles from Petitcodiac. It contains a saw mill and a carding mill. Pop. 250.

POLLET RIVER STATION, a station on the I. R., in Westmorland co., N.B., 71 miles from St. John.

POLLY BOG, a station on the I. R., in Colchester co., N.S., 48 miles from Halifax.

POMEROY RIDGE, a post settlement in Charlotte co., N.B., 8 miles from St. Stephen. Pop. 200.

POMONA, a post settlement in Grey co., Ont., 13½ miles from Durham. Pop. 150.

POMQUET CHAPEL, a post village in Antigonish co., N.S., on St. George's Bay, 44 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 200

POMQUET FORKS, a post settlement in Antigonish co., N.S., 45 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 400.

POND MILLS, a small village in Middlesex co., Ont., on the L. & P. S. R., 6 miles from London. Pop. 70.

PONDS, a post settlement in Pictou co., NS., on the Gulf of St, Lawrence, 21 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 150.

PONDS, a settlement in Yarmouth co., N.S., 2 miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 150.

Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America, Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873


Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America

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