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Ontario, Canada
ONTARIO, a province of the Dominion of Canada, bounded on the N.E. and E. by
the province of Quebec; on the S.E., S.S.W. and W. by the River St. Lawrence
and its great lakes; and on the N.W. and N. by the North West Territories.
Length from S.E. to N.W. about 750 miles, and from N.E. to S.W., about 500
miles. Area, land and inland waters, 107,780 square statute miles, equal to
18,979,372 acres. Area of the Ontario frontier waters of the St. Lawrence and
its large lakes about 27,094 square statute miles, or 17,340.160 acres.
The surface of the country is gently undulating, rather than mountainous, and
is diversified by rivers aid lakes. The ridge of high laud which enters the
province at Niagara Falls extends to Hamilton, and is continued to Owen Sound,
thence along the peninsula to Cabot Head and through the Manitoulin Islands of
Lake Huron. The Laurentian hills run westward from the Thousand Islands, near
Kingston, and 'extend north of Lake Simcoe, forming the coast of Georgian Bay
and Lake Huron. A main watershed separate, the waters of the Ottawa from those
of the St. Lawrence; a minor one divides the streams flowing into Lake Simcoe,
Georgian Bay and Lake Huron, from those flowing into Lakes Erie a al Ontario.
The agricultural resources of the country are very great. The fertile belt
extends over three-fourths of the present inhabited parts, and a vast area, in
the hands of the Government, now open for settlement. Immense cops of
wheat are annually raised; also oats, barley Indian corn, rye, potatoes,
turnips, &c. The apple orchards of the south western counties are very
productive, and pears, plums, grapes, cherries and various kinds of berries
thrive luxuriantly. The climate of Ontario is agreeably tempered by the
proximity of the great lakes. The winter is considerably shorter and milder than
that of Quebec.
The principal rivers of Ontario are the tributaries of the Ottawa; the
French, the Maganetawan, the Severn, and the Nottawasaga falling into Georgian Bay; the Saugeen, the Maitland, and the Aux Sables, falling into Lake Huron; the
Thames, running S.W. into Lake St. Clair; the Grand, flowing S.E. into Lake
Erie; the Trent, in part of its course called the Otonabee, and the Moira,
flowing S.E. into the Bay of Quinte; and the Niagara, falling into Lake Ontario.
The mighty St. Lawrence sweeps through the eastern part of the province, from
Kingston, and the Ottawa forms part of its N.E. boundary. The lakes of Ontario
are numerous and magnificent. The largest are Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie and
Ontario. They cover an area of 80,000 square miles, and contain nearly half the
fresh water of the globe. The minor lakes are Nipigon, Simcoe, Nipissing, and
those in the counties north of Lake Ontario, and in the Ottawa and the St.
Lawrence rivers. The principal bays are the Georgian, Nottawasaga, Owen Sound,
Long Point, Burlington and Quite.
The mineral wealth of the country is not surpassed, if indeed it be equaled,
by any other in variety and richness. Iron is found in large quantities a short
distance hack of Lake Ontario, in the country between Georgian Bay and the
Ottawa; also, in the same region, copper, lead, plumbago, antimony, arsenic,
manganese, gypsum, marble of the finest quality, and building stone. Gold has
also been found in the same region, but not as yet in quantities sufficient to
pay well. On the north shore of Lake Huron are extensive mines of copper, and on
the shores of Lake Superior, particularly round Thunder Bay, are enormous
silver deposits. Amethysts and agates are also found there, as well as mica,
iron, gold, cobalt and bismuth. The petroleum wells in the south westerly part
of the province are yielding immense
supplies, and so are the salt wills at Goderich and Kincardine. The article is
obtained by evaporating the brine, and is exceedingly good for table use,
having been found, upon chemical analysis, to be of almost perfect puaty. Large
peat beds exist in many parts of the province.
The almost unlimited supply of water power throughout Ontario affords
unusual facilities for manufactures to which that power is adapted, and in
consequence various descriptions of industry are springing up in all directions; steam power is also used to a large extent. The principal articles
manufactured are cloth, linen, furniture, sawn timber, flax, iron and hardware,
paper, soap, starch, hats, caps, boots, shoes, leather, cotton and woolen
goods, steam engines and locomotives, sewing machines, wooden ware of all
descriptions, agricultural implements, &c.
The settlements in Ontario have
hitherto been made south of the Laurentian range of hills, which was thought to
bound the lands fit for settlement, but it has been discovered that behind this range there is another tract of rich agricultural land, as level as the St.
Lawrence valley and timbered with a heavy growth of mixed white pine and
hardwood. These lands are approached by the Northern, Midland, and Toronto and
Nipissing, railways on the one hand, and the upper Ottawa on the other. They
have the basis of Lake Nipissing and the water shed of the Ottawa for their
drainage. Their waters are in part navigable, and the rest can be made so.
Settlement has already commenced to enter rapidly into this new district,
considerable tracts of which have been set aside as free grants to settlers.
The railway system has made rapid. strides in Ontario during the past 20
years. In 1852 there was not a single mile in the whole province. In 1873,
there were 2078 miles in operation, viz: Grand Trunk, 804 miles; Great
Western and branches,453 miles; Canada Southern,327 miles; Toronto, Gray and
Bruce, 215 miles; Northern, 143 miles; Midland, 109 miles; Brockville and
Ottawa, 89 miles; St. Lawrence and Ottawa, 54 miles; London and Port Stanley,
24 miles; Welland, 25 miles; Canada Central, 28 miles; Cobourg, Peterboro and
Marmora, 25 miles; Wellington, Grey and Bruce,195 miles; Toronto and
Nipissing, 88 miles; Hamilton and Lake Erie, 35miles; Kingston and Pembroke,
18 miles; and Whitby and Port Perry, 19 miles. The following roads were
chartered, and some of them are in course of construction: Ontario and Quebec,—miles; Kingston and Pembroke, 140 miles; London, Huron and Bruce, 105 miles;
Brantford and Port Burwell, 45 miles; and the Canada Pacific, 2,500 miles; 600
or 730 miles of which will be in this province.
There are several canals in Ontario. The Welland, between Lakes Erie and
Ontario, to avoid the Niagara Falls; the Rideau, between Kingston and Ottawa;
and the St. Lawrence canals, rendered necessary by the rapids of that river. Two
others have been for some time contemplated, but their construction is doubtful,
one to connect Georgian Bay with Lake Ontario; the other to connect Georgian
Bay with the Ottawa river.
The school system of Ontario is admirable. It affords the children of the
rich and poor alike the means of free education. It is under the control of a
Chief Superintendent, and exends over the whole province. The schools are
supported by a tax on property, with some assistance from the Legislature, and
are free to all. Each Township is divided into school sections, with a Board of
School Trustees, composed of 3 persons, to each section. This Board employs the
teacher aid controls the school. There are 53 inspectors of schools for the
entire province, but no Inspector line the supervision of more that 120 or less
than 30 schools. They are paid partly by the Council and partly by the
Government. These gentlemen visit their respective schools twice a year,
examine into the state of educational matters and send an elaborate Report to
the Chief Superintendent of the result of their inspection, and the exact
standing of the schools. Roman Catholics may, if they think proper, establish
separate schools. and are in such cases exempted from supporting public schools,
and receive a separate grant from the Government. In 1872 there were 4,598
public schools, (of which 100 were Roman Catholic separate schools,) with
440,326 pupils attending them. The amount of money expended in their support was
$1,514,821. The School Act of 1871 has given an immense impetus to public
school education, and it is confidently believed that the year immediately following its passage will show a much greater increase in educational
statistics than has yet been known The high (formerly grammar) schools of
Ontario number 102, with 7,490 pupils, They are principally confined to cities,
towns and villages. Pupils enter them from the public schools, and thence to
college and the university. The Normal School at Toronto is designed to
perfect teachers in their profession, and to show them the best method of
teaching. Upwards of 300 young men and women attend it annually. The system of
Teacher's Certificate is as follows: There is a Central Board of Examiners at
Toronto, which issues let class certificates alone. Each County has a local
Board of Examiners for the granting of 2nd and 3rd class certificates. There are two examinations per annum, the papers being got up by the Central Board and
sent sealed up to the local Boards. Any candidate who fancies justice has not
been done to him may appeal to the Education Department. Or late years the
status of teaching qualifications has greatly increased. There are 17
Protestant universities and colleges, and 3 Roman Catholic co1leges in
Ontario. Private schools are few, and generally in cities and large towns. The
total number of Educational Institutions in Ontario, in 1872, was 5,004, with
433,057 pupils, and a total amount available for educational purposes of
The municipal system of Ontario is among the most perfect in the world. All
religions are free without State preference.
There are numerous public institutions throughout the province, chiefly
under control of the Government. Of these are the Lunatic Asylums at Kingston,
Toronto, London, Amherstburg and Orillia; the Reformatory Prison at
Penetangashire; the Asylum for the Blind at Brantford; the Deaf and Dumb
Asylum at Belleville; the Normal School, University College, and Osgoode Hall, Toronto.
Other public buildings are in course of construction.
The public affairs of the province
are administered by a Lieutenant Governor, an Executive Council of 5 members,
and a Legislative Assembly of 88 members, elected every 4 year.
The laws and the mode of administering them are mainly the same as in England , the practice, however, is simpler and far less expensive. The Courts are the Queen's Bench, Common Pleas and Chancery, each presided over by a Chief
Justice and two assistants, and a Court of Error and Appeal, composed of a
President and the Judges of Superior Courts of Lap and Equity. In each county
there is a County Court, presided over by a County Judge. The Judges of the
Superior Court (who are all appointed by the Dominion Government) go circuit to
each county throughout the province twice a year, to hold assizes for the trial
of civil and criminal cases. The judges of the Court of Chancery also hold their
courts in various counties as well as at Osgoode Hall.
Ontario is divided into the following counties (which are sub-divided into 88
electoral districts), viz:
Counties |
Pop. |
County Town |
Addington |
21,312 |
Napanee |
Algoma District |
7,018 |
Sault S. Marie |
Bothwell |
20,701 |
Sardis |
Brant |
32,259 |
Brantford |
Bruce |
43,515 |
Walkerton |
Cardwell |
13,500 |
Brampton |
Carleton |
43,281 |
Ottawa |
Dundas |
18,777 |
Cornwall |
Durham |
37,839 |
Colmar |
Elgin |
33,030 |
St Thomas |
Essex |
32,697 |
Sandwich |
Frontenac |
28,717 |
Kingston |
Grey |
59,395 |
Owen Sound |
Haldimand |
20,091 |
Cayuga |
Halton |
22,006 |
Milton |
Hastings |
48,334 |
Belleville |
Huron |
63,165 |
Goderich |
Kent |
26,836 |
Chatham |
Lambton |
31,994 |
Sarnia |
Lanark |
33,020 |
Perth |
Leeds & Grenville |
57,908 |
Brockville |
Lennox |
16,333 |
Napanee |
Lincoln |
21,672 |
St. Catharines |
Middlesex |
82,595 |
London |
Monck |
15,130 |
Niagara |
Muskoka Dist |
5,410 |
Bracebridge |
Niagara |
3,693 |
Niagara |
Nipissing |
1,791 |
Bracebridge |
Norfolk |
30,760 |
Simcoe |
Northumberland |
39,030 |
Cobourg |
Ontario |
45,893 |
Whitby |
Oxford |
45,207 |
Woodstock |
Parry Sound |
1,519 |
Parry Sound |
Peel |
11,359 |
Brampton |
Perth |
46,536 |
Stratford |
Peterboro |
30,473 |
Peterboro |
Prescott |
17,547 |
L'Orignal |
Prince Edward |
20,333 |
Picton |
Renfrew |
27,977 |
Pembroke |
Russell |
18,244 |
L'Orignal |
Simcoe |
57,309 |
Barrie |
Stormont |
11,873 |
Cornwall |
Glengarry |
20,524 |
Cornwall |
Victoria |
30,200 |
Lindsay |
Waterloo |
40,251 |
Berlin |
Welland |
20,572 |
Welland |
Wellington |
63,289 |
Guelph |
Wentworth |
57,599 |
Hamilton |
York |
115.974 |
Toronto |
Total |
1,620,851 |
Total area of the above counties, 68,097,643 acres.
The prevailing religion of Ontario is Methodist, next Presbyterian, then that of
the Church of England. The dioceses of the latter are five in number, viz:
Toronto, Western Toronto, Ontario, Huron and Algoma. The Roman Catholic dioceses
are five in number, viz: the archdiocese of Toronto, and the dioceses of
Ottawa, Kingston, Hamilton and London. According to the census of 1871, the
religions denominations in the province
are as follows:
Methodists |
Wesleyan |
233,911 |
Episcopal |
92,198 |
New Connexion |
30,889 |
Primitive |
24,045 |
Bible Christians |
23,225 |
Other Methodists |
14,518 |
466,786 |
Presbyterians |
Canada |
293,275 |
Kirk |
63,167 |
356,442 |
Church of England |
339,993 |
Church of Rome |
274,162 |
Baptists |
86,830 |
Lutherans |
32,399 |
Congregationalists |
42,858 |
Miscellaneous creeds |
41,304 |
Jews |
510 |
Of no religion |
4,908 |
No creed stated |
13,849 |
Total |
1,620,831 |
The largest, and in every respect the most important, city is Toronto, the
capital of Ontario. This city has a population of over 56,000; it is well
situated on Lake Ontario, very handsomely built, and contains a large number of
fine buildings. Ottawa is the capital of the Dominion, and is beautifully situated
on the river of the same name. It contains the Parliament Building:, one of the
noblest structures on the America continent. Kingston is a well built and
fortified city, beautifully situated at the outlet of Lake Ontario. Hamilton
is a fine commercial city, at the head of navigation on Lake Ontario. London is a handsome inland
city, in the centre of the western peninsula.
According to late returns, the total value of the imports of tee province from
all foreign countries in 1872 amounted to $37,523,304, of which $16,278,934
were from Great Britain, and $19,531,778 from the United States. The exports for
the same period amounted to $25,560,410. The imports for Toronto alone
amounted to $13,098,133. The fisheries of Ontario yielded, in 1871, 28,5601 brls.,
valued at $185,074. The province of Ontario contains many objects of interest to
the tourist. Not to speak of its beautiful cities, the Thousand Islands of the St.
Lawrence, and the unrivalled scenery on the Great Lakes, there arc the
world-renowned Falls of Niagara, a never failing source of attraction, and the
Falls of Kakabikki. on the River Kaministiquia, 30 miles from its outlet into
the head of Lake Superior. The scenery surrounding this fail, although less
extensive, vies in grandeur and sublimity with that of Niagara. In beholding it,
the spectator is inspired with equal awe, the principal features are equally
striking, while the deep intonation is more sensible than that of its rival,
and has a nearer resemblance to the roar of distant thunder and the rumblings of
an earthquake.
The existence of Upper Canada as a distinct province can be dated only from the
year 1791, previous to which it formed hart of the old Province of Quebec Major
General J. G. Simcoe was the first Lieutenant Governor appointed, and the first
Parliament met at Niagara on September 17, 1792. In 1820, dissensions of a
political nature arose in Lower Canada, which went on increasing in intensity
year by year, deepened by the national prejudice of' the French and English
colonists to each other, until, in 1834, it extended to Upper Canada, and
finally terminated ill insurrections in both provinces in 1837. These were,
however, quickly suppressed. The result of these proceedings was the reuniting
of the provinces, which took place in 1840. In 1867,
under the Act of Confederation, Upper Canada was erected a province, under the
name of Ontario. It is the most populous province n the Dominion, having a
population, according to the census of 1871, of 1,620,851. The Indians in
Ontario, as far as known, number about 13,000.
A Work was published in 1863, entitled "Eighty Years' Progress of British
North America," in which an exceedingly interesting article from the pen of T.
C. Keefer, C.E., descries in lively and animated language the aspect Upper
Canada presented in 1777, only 14 years before it was erected into a Province.
"Upper Canada was at that period in possession of the Northern Iroquois, a
confederation of the most warlike of the native tribes; and there are those yet
living who remember when—save the few families around the precincts of the old
French forts—not a white man could be found over all the vast area of Canada
West. Toronto was then an Indian village, whose warriors speared the salt water
salmon in her harbor, or chased the deer through the county of York; and their
squaws then paddled canoes among the rice beds of the smaller lakes, and
threshed out the wild grains over the gunwales of their canoes. In the Western
peninsula the noble elk herded upon the prairies of St. Clair, or roamed over
the oak forests, untroubled by the sound of the settler's axe, and swam the
waters where paddle and screw, barque and brig now plow their busy way. Myriads
of wild pigeons from the South annually invaded the beech woods and bore down
the branches by their weight; thousands of black squirrels from the East swam
the broad Niagara, and marched westward in extended line; while flocks of
gorgeously clad turkeys and plump breasted quails stalked solemnly along the
wild pathways of the forest, undisturbed by the hoarse roar of the locomotive.
In every narrow valley and upon every living streamlet the laborious beavers
arrested the rich alluvion and prepared rich meadows for the flocks and herds of
the red man's successors. The hunter and the hunted have exterminated each
An erroneous impression prevails, not only on the continent of Europe, but in
Great Britain, that the British North American Colonies recently confederated
have been completely eclipsed in growth of population and material resources by
other communities similarly circumstanced; nevertheless it can be demonstrated
with almost the accuracy of a mathematical problem that in their aggregate
character these colonies have maintained the highest standard of progress, while
in one instance, that of the Province of Ontario, historical records and census
returns can be adduced to prove beyond contradiction that she has kept pace
with the most ambitious and successful of her competitors, and can compare
favorably with the most prosperous States in the American Union.
A statist who draws his inferences from accumulated data, finds himself
fortified in his conclusions when depicting a country in the possession of a
salubrious climate and a grateful soil— inhabited by a population industrious
and enterprising, proud of their colonial connection, needing no army for
their protection, only asking time and opportunity to conquer the wilderness,
and with a firm belief in their glorious destiny. Ile takes up their statistical
returns and finds that Ontario has grown from 120,000 in 1851 to 1,620,851 in
1871, thus repeating herself twelve times in fifty years; and looking into the
future, sees no obstacle to prevent her attaining a population of ten millions
before the close of another century.
This anticipation is not extravagant, because it is based on the assumption of
an annual increase of two per cent., whereas the results for the two last
decades exceed that ratio, as the following figures demonstrate:
Population in 1851 |
952,004 |
Population in 1861 |
1,396,095 |
Population in 1871 |
1,620,851 |
Whereas, had the increase of population been restricted to 2 per cent. per
annum, the figures would then have been: |
Population in 1851 |
952,004 |
Population in 1861 |
1,132,404 |
Population in 1871 |
1,370,884 |
Thus while according to the census the
actual population in 1871 was 1,620,851,
yet had the increase been but 2 per cent
per annum, the return should have been 249,967 less.
Ninety one years ago the entire population of Upper Canada did not exceed
10,000 inhabitants.
There are unmistakable signs that a prolonged period of unexampled prosperity
is dawning on Ontario, and it may fairly be assumed that her growth and
population must for several decennial stages equal, if not exceed, those
recorded in the past. Amongst other reasons for arriving at these conclusions
the following are suggestive: The migration of the native born from Ontario
has almost ceased, while numbers of American citizens, farmers, manufacturers,
miners, or lumber merchants are making that province their home. Emigration
from the European continent and Great Britain is encouraged by reduced rates
of passage money and free grants of 100 acres to actual settlers. The
Legislature moreover votes large funds fur the construction of national
colonization roads, extending into tin unoccupied public domain. Railways
liberally subsidized, either under construction or projected, and intersecting
every district, connect every section of the province with that great railway
artery of the Dominion, the Grand Trunk, thus affording facilities for the
conveyance of emigrants to public lands, enhancing the value of farm produce
and real estate, and calling into activity long dormant manufacturing and mining
The financial statement of the Ontario Treasurer on the 18th February, 1873,
revealed a condition of prosperity rarely reached, and is a testimony of the
prudence and economy of the people and their aptitude fur public affairs. The
revenue for 1373 amounts to $3,093,401; the expenditure, conducted on a liberal
scale, $2,690,913. The surplus savings accumulated since 1867,and invested in
interest-bearing securities, exceed four millions and a quarter, with a further
sum of $352,091 cash in bank, besides enormous assets in real estate, pine
forests and mineral lands. From the 1st July, 1867,to the 1st January,1873,
1,484 miles of railway have been constructed, or were in course of construction,
at an estimated cost of thirty five millions, all bona fide enterprises, built
mainly with local funds. Thirty four thousand emigrants. from Great Britain and
the continent made Ontario their
home in 1872, in addition to 2,000 American citizens who reported themselves to
the emigrant agents as having permanently removed to that Province. 115,075
acres were given away to actual settlers, besides a bonus of $6 by the
Government to each adult emigrant who entered and resided three months in that
Province, and arrangements have been made to turn the tide of Scandinavian
migration towards the vast unoccupied forest lands around Nipissing, Georgian Bay, and the shores of Lakes Huron and Superior, where a
brighter sun and more grateful soil will banish the regrets of the emigrants,
and reward their industry.
No language can convey so vivid a picture of the prodigious strides in
population and civilization of counties, a few years since wild and untenanted,
like the present Nipissing region, as the passionless figures of the census. In
1827 the Huron country was an unbroken. wilderness; in 1821 the counties of
Huron, Perth and Bruce counted only 5,000 inhabitants; in 1851 the number had
risen to 37,580; in 1871 the enumeration was 161,216; being nearly thirty fold
within thirty years, a rate of progress rarely paralleled amongst a population
exclusively devoted to agriculture, and without the attractions of
manufacturing centers.
The cities and towns of Ontario show as encouraging a record of steady and
continuous progress:
Population |
1851 |
1871 |
Toronto |
30.775 |
53,092 |
Hamilton |
14,112 |
26,716 |
Kingston |
11,697 |
12,407 |
Ottawa |
7,760 |
21,545 |
London |
7,030 |
15,823 |
Brantford |
3,877 |
8,107 |
Belleville |
4,596 |
7,315 |
Chatham |
2,070 |
5,573 |
Port Hope |
2,476 |
5,114 |
Brockville |
3,236 |
5,102 |
St. Catharines |
4,338 |
7,864 |
Guelph |
1,820 |
6,878 |
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America,
Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America |