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Newfrage to Northwest Range, Canada
NEWFRAGE, a small village in Kings co., P.E.I. Pop. 50.
NEW GAIRLOCH, a post village and settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 18 miles from
Glengarry. Pop. 200.
NEW GEORGIA, is a name applied to the coast line of North America, on the
Pacific, comprising Vancouver Island and the adjacent mainland, with the Oregon
territory, as far south as the River Columbia.
NEW GERMANY, a village in Waterloo co., Ont., 3½ miles from Breslan. Pop. 150.
NEW GERMANY, a village in Welland co., Ont., 3 miles from Black Creek. Pop. 75.
NEW GERMANY, or CENTREVILLE, a post village in Lunenburg co., N.S , on the La
Have river, 18 miles from Mahone Bay. It contains 8 Stores, and 1 hotel. Pop.
NEW GLASGOW a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., in the Clyde river, 17 miles
from Charlottetown. It contain an iron foundry, tannery, grist and saw mill, a
shipyard, an hotel and 4 stores. Pop. 150.
NEW GLASGOW, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, co. of Pictou, on the East river,
near its entrance into Pictou harbor, and on the I. R., 104 miles N.E. of
Halifax. It contains 2 foundries, several tanneries, a pottery, a branch bank, a
telegraph office, a
printing office issuing a weekly newspaper, several shipyards, 4 hotels, and
about 40 stores. Some of the largest ships of Nova Scotia were built here.
Extensive coal mines are worked in the vicinity. Pop. 3,000.
NEW GLASGOW, a thriving post village in Terrebonne co., Que., 36
miles N.W. of Montreal. It his a large trade in lumber and flour,
and contains a telegraph office, 8 stores, a tannery, and saw, grist
and carding mills. Pop. 168.
NEW GLASGOW, Elgin co., Ont. See Aldboro.
NEW HAMBURG, a flourishing post village in Waterloo co., Out., on the River Nith,
with a station on the G. T. R, 75 miles W. of Toronto. It contains an iron
foundry, a woolen factory, brewery, tannery, grist mill, 2 telegraph offices, a
printing office issuing a German weekly newspaper, 4 hotels and about a dozen
stores. Pop. 1,003.
NEW HARBOR, a fishing settlement in the district of Bargeo and La
Poile, Nfld., at the entrance to Rencontre Bay, 42 miles from Harbor Briton. Pop. 127.
NEW HARBOR, a post settlement in Guysborough co., N.S., 25 miles from
Guysborough. Pop. 50.
NEW HARBOR, a fishing settlement on the south shore of Trinity Bay, Nfld., 32
miles from Hearts Content. The inhabitants are also engaged in shipbuilding and
farming. Pop. 240.
NEW HARBOR, a small settlemet in the district of Fortune Bay, Nfld., 50
miles from Harbor Briton. Pop. 20.
NEW HOPE, formerly a post village in Waterloo co., Ont., 7 miles N.W. of Gait,
now called Hespeler, which see.
NEW HORTON, a seaport of New Brunswick, eo. of Albert, on Cumberland Basin, 84
miles, N.E. of St. John. Lat. 45° 40' N.,lon. 64° 27 W. Pop. 150.
NEWINGTON, a post village in Stormont co., Ont., 10 miles from Wales. It contains
2 stores and a saw mill. Pop. 90.
NEW IRELAND, a post settlement in Albert co., N.B., 75 miles N. E. of St. John.
Pop. 150.
NEW IRELAND, a post village in Megantic co., Que., 17 miles from Somerset. Pop.
NEW IRELAND, or SHEPODY ROAD, a pose settlement in Albert co., N.B., 66 miles
from St. John. Pop. 150.
NEW ITALY, a settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S , 11 miles from Bridge-water.
Pop. l00.
NEW JERUSALEM, a post settlement in Queens co., N.B., 31 miles from St. John.
Pop. 250.
NEW LANCASTER, Glengarry co., Ont. See Riviere Raisin.
NEWLAND, York co., N.B. See Mount Albert.
NEW LARIG, a post settlement in Pictou co , N.S., 22 miles from Glengarry. Pop.
NEW LIVERPOOL, or ST. ROMUALD D'ETCHEMIN, a thriving post village in Levis co.,
Que., situated on the south shore of the St. Lawrence, 5 miles S.W. of Levis. It
contains a Roman Catholic church, an axe factory, 2 saw mills, a tannery, and a
telegraph office, and has a large lumber trade. Pop. 700.
NEW LONDON or FRENCH RIVER, a seaport on the northern coast of Prince Edward
Island, Queens co., at the west side of the entrance to Greenville Bay; in
lat. 64° 33' N., lon. 63° 32' W. It contains 2 grist mills, and 2 stores. Pop.
NEW LOWELL, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., on Coate's Creek, and on the N.
R., 78 miles from Toronto. It contains several stores and mills, and 2 telegraph
offices. Pop. 200.
NEWMAN'S COVE, a fishing settlement in the district of Bonavista, Nfld. Pop.
NEWMARKET, an incorporated town in York co., Ont., on the east
branch of Holland river, and on the N. R., 34 miles N.N.W. of
Toronto. It contains 3 churches, a branch bank, 2 telegraph offices,
several stores and hotels, a foundry, a
brewery, woolen, saw and grist mills, and 2 printing offices issuing weekly
newspapers. Pop. 1,760.
NEW MARYLAND, a post settlement and parish in York co., N.B., 5 miles from
Fredericton. Pop. 488.
NEW MILLS, a post settlement in Restigouche co., N.B., on the I. R., 14 miles
from Dalhousie. Pop. 200.
NEW MINAS, a post village in Kings co.. N.S. , at the head of Minas Basin, 3
miles from Kentville. It has
saw and grist mills, and 2 stores. Pop. 150.
NEW PAISLEY, a village in Terrebonne co., Que., 3 miles from New Glasgow. Pop.
NEW PERLICAN, a post town on the south side of Trinity Bay, Nfld... 3 miles from
Hearts Content. Inhabitants are engaged in shipbuilding and farming, as well as
in the cod fisheriess. Hundreds of names have been cut on a table rock here,
some dating back two centuries. Pop. 420.
NEW PERTH, a post, village in Kings co., P.E.I, 8 miles from Georgetown. Pop.
NEW POINT, a post office in Gaspe co., Que., 35 miles from Percé
NEWPORT, a post village in Brant co., Ont., on Grand River, 3½ miles from
Brantford. It contains 3 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 100.
NEWPORT, a post village in Gaspe co., Que., on Baie des Chaleurs, 37 miles from
Perce. It has good anchorage for small vessels, and contains several fishing
establishments, and a telegraph office. Pop. 200
NEWPORT, or BROOKLYN, a thriving post village in Hants co., N.S., 6 miles from
Newport Station. It has a church, 2 grist mills, a sawmill, 2 tanneries, a boot
and shoe factory, and several stores. Pop. 400.
NEWPORT CORNER, a post village in Hants co., N.S., 2 miles from Ellershouse. It
contains 2 stores and a saw mill. Pop. 100.
NEWPORT LANDING, or AVONDALE, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, co. of Hants, on
an arm of Midas Basin, 3 miles from Windsor. Ship-building is largely engaged
in at this place. Pop. 500.
NEWPORT STATION, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, co. of Hints, on the Avon River,
opposite Falmouth, and on the W & A. R., 39 miles N.N.W. of Halifax. Large
quantities of gypsum are annually shipped from this port. Pop. 100.
NEW PROSPECT, a settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., 3 miles from Parrsborough,
25 miles from Athol. Pop. 100.
NEW RICHMOND, a seaport in Bonaventure co., Que., on Ba e des Chaleurs, between
Great and Little Cascapedia Rivers, 53 miles from Campbellton, N.B. It has good anchorage for largo vessels, a large trade in lumber
aid fish, and contains a telegraph office, l0 stores, and an hotel. Pop. 250.
NEW RIVER, a post settlement in Charlotte co., N.B., 30 miles S.W. of St. John.
Pop. 100.
NEW ROSS, a post village in Dundas co., Ont , 9 miles from Matilda (Iroquois).
Pop. 120.
NEW ROSS, or SI1ERBROOKE, a post settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S., 26 miles
from Kentville. Pop. 150.
NEW ROSS ROAD, a post village in Kings co., N.S., on Salmon Tail River, 20 miles
from Kentville. It contains 1 hotel, 1 grist mill, and 2 saw mills. Pop. 150.
NEWRY, a post village in Perth co, Ont., on the W. G. & B. R.,
(South extens on,)
15 miles from Palmerston. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 75.
NEWRY, Durham co., Out. See Yelverton.
NEW SARUM, a post village in Elgin co., Ont, 7 miles from St. Thomas. Pop. 180.
NEW SOUTH WILTSHIRE, a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., 9 miles from
Charlottetown. Pop. 150.
NEWTON, Durham co., Ont. See Clarke.
NEWTON BROOK, a post village in York co., Out., 5 miles from Thornhill. It
contains several stores and saw and grist mills. Pop. 200.
NEWTON MILLS, a post settlement in Colchester co., N.S., 6 miles from Upper
Stewiacke. Pop. 100.
NEWTON ROBINSON a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 9 miles from
Bradford. It
has 2 stores and a woolen mill. Pop. 150.
NEWTONVILLE, a station on the G. T. R., in Durham co., Ont., 54 miles east of
Toronto. It has a telegraph office.
NEWTOWN, a post office in Guysborough co., N.S.,11 miles from Melrose.
NEWTOWN, a post settlement in Kings co., N.B., 12 miles from Sussex. It contains
several stores and mills. Pop. 300.
NEWTOWN, a post village in Queens co., P.E. I., 20 miles from Charlottetown. Pop.
NLWTOWN, a settlement in Kent co., N.B., 22 miles from Richibucto. Pop. 100.
NEW TUSKET, a post settlement in Digby co., N.S., on Tusket River, and on the
Annapolis and Yarmouth railway, (in course of construction,) 9miles from
Weymouth. It emit tins 2 churches, 2 stores and a large number of saw mills.
There are some line lakes in the vicinity abounding with trout. Pop. 500.
NEW WESTMINSTER, the former capital of British Columbia, is beautifully
situated on the north bank of the Eraser River, 85 miles from Victoria. Lat. 49°
12' 47' N., lon. 122° 53' W. The town boasts of a very handsome Episcopal
(of stone) and the only peal of bells on the coast, presented some years ago by
Miss Burdett Coutts, now Baroness in her own right. There are also very neat
churches in connection with the Roman Catholic, Presbyterian and Methodist
denominations. The town also contains a telegraph office, 2 newspaper offices, 1
distillery, 1 grist mill, 3 saw mills, a public hospital, a mint and assay
office, court house, gaol, penitentiary, legislative building, government house,
savings bank, a number of stores, &c. At present the principal industry is
salmon fishing, of which immense numbers run up the River Fraser.
Sturgeon also
of fabulous size besides other kinds of fish are caught in great abundance.
Magnificent trout are taken in various small streams in the neighborhood. New
Westminster was a prosperous and busy place when it was the capital, but since
the removal of the government to Victoria it has materially decreased in
business and population. But nothing can deprive it of its magnificent site and
of its unequalled climate and scenery. The steamers from Vancouver Island make
it their forwarding station for all passengers and freight from abroad; and the
river steamers make it their headquarters, whence they convey passengers and
freight to Yale, 100 miles distant, the head of navigation on the Fraser River,
and supply the demands of the whole of the interior. Steamers run twice a week
between New Westminster and Victoria. Burrard Inlet, one of the finest harbors
on the Pacific coast, and spoken of as the probable terminus of the Canada
Pacific railway, is only a few miles from New Westminster.
NEW ZEALAND, a post settlement in York co., N.B., on the New Brunswick railway,
20 miles N.W. of Fredericton. It contains a hotel and grist and saw mill. Pop. 250.
NIAGARA, formerly NEWARK, an incorporated town of Ontario, co. of Niagara,
situated on Lake Ontario, at the mouth of Niagara river, and on the C.S. R.
(Erie and Niagara division), 36 miles S. of Toronto. It contains 4 churches,
several stores and hotels, a telegraph office, and a printing office issuing a
weekly newspaper. This is one of the oldest towns in the province, and was the
scene of many stirring events in the beginning of the present century. In 1813,
it was burned down by Gen. McClure, of the American army, in his retreat from
the north. It is a favorite resort during the summer months fir pleasure and
health seekers. Total value of imports for 1872 $26,633; exports $108. Pop.
NICHOLL'S CORNER, a post office in Annapolis co., N.S., 6 miles from
NICKSVILLE, a station on the G. W. R. (Canada Air line), in Norfolk CO., Out.,
,5 miles from Simcoe.
NICOLET, a central county of Quebec, comprises an area of 379,320 acres. The
Becancour river intersects tins county, and the St. Lawrence washes its N.
shore. Capital, Becancour Pop. 23,262.
NICOLET. a flourishing post village and market town in Nicolet co., Que , 8
miles from St. Gregoire, 81 mil s N.N.E. of Montreal. It contains 15 Stores, 2
saw and 2 flouring mills, a boot and shoe factory, and a telegraph office. It
has a line college, with a library containing over 10,100 volumes. Pop. 1,200:
NICOLET FALLS, a village in Richmond co., Que., 2 miles from Danville. It
contains a broom handle factory, a grist mill, a saw mill, and a store. Pop.
NICOLSION, a post village in Sim-coe co., Out., on Nottawasaga River, 14 miles
from Gilford. It contains woolen and grist mills, a store, and a telegraph
office. Pop. l00.
NICTAUX FALLS, a post village and settlement in Annapolis co., N.S., on the
Nictaux River, 5 miles from Wilmot. It contains 5 stores. Pop. 300,
NIELS HARBOUR, a post office in Victoria, co., N.S., 14 miles from Ingonish, 65
miles from Baddeck.
NILE, a post village in Huron co., Out., 9 miles from Goderich. It contains 2
stores and a saw mill. Pop. 100.
NILE'S CORNERS, a small village in Prince Edward co , Out., 20 miles from
Belleville. Pop. 40.
NILESTOWN, a post village in Middlesex co., Out., on the River Thames, 7 miles
from London. It contains several stores, a flax mill, a woolen mill, and a
flouring mill. Pop 250.
NIMROD, a small fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo,
Nfld., 24 miles from Tilt Cove. Pop. 11.
NINE MILE CREEK, a post village in Queens co , P.E.I., 9 miles from
Charlottetown Pop. 300.
NINE MILE RIVER, a post village in Hants co., N.S., 8 miles from Elmsdale.
Gold has been found on this river. Pop. 100.
NIPISSING, a district in the N part of Ontario, comprises an area of 2,382,080
acres. Pop. 943.
NIPISSINGAN, a post office in the district of Nipissing, Ont., 64 miles from
NIPPER'S HARBOR, a fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo,
Nfld., on the north side of Green Bay, 10 miles from Tilt Cove. Pop. 120.
NISSOURI, a post village in Oxford co , Ont., on a branch of the River Thames, 8
miles from Thamesford. It contains 1 church, 1 store, 1 grist mill, and 2 cheese
factories. Pop 400
NITHBURG, a post village in Perth co., Ont., on the River Nith, 8½ miles from
Shakspeare It contains 2 stores, an hotel, a grist mill, and a saw mill. Pop.
NITHVALE, a small village in Waterloo co. Ont., 7 miles from Paris. Pop. 50.
NOBLETON, or LAMMERMOOR, a post village in York co., Ont., 7 miles from King. It
contains an hotel and 3 stores Pop. 200
NODDY BAY, a fishing station on the French shore, Nfld., 5 miles from Quirnon.
Pop. 34.
NOEL, a post village in Hants co., N.S., on Cobequid Bay, 32 miles from
Shubenacadie. It contains 2 stores, several mills, and a manufactory of
Terra Alba. This article is used in bleaching cotton. Pop. 300.
NOEL SHORE, a post settlement in Hants co., N.S., on Cobequid Bay, 8 miles from
Maitland. Pop. 100.
NOGGIN COVE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo,
Nfld., 16 miles from Fogo. Pop. 15
NORFOLK, a county of Ontario, bordering upon Lake Erie, comprises an area of
406, 486 acres. This county is watered by several small streams flowing into Lake Erie, and is traversed by the Canada Southern and Canada Aar Line railways.
Capital, Simcoe. Pop. 30,760
NORHAM, or CENTREVILLE, a post village in Northumberland co., Out., on Salt
Creek, 14 miles from Colborne It contains 2 stores and a grist mill Pop. 200
NORLAND, a post village in Victoria co., Out., on Gull river, 18 miles from
Fenelon Falls It contains a saw and grist mill, and 2 stores. Pop. 100.
NORMANDALE, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., on Lake Erie, 11 miles from
Simcoe. It contains 1 store and a saw mill. Pop. 100.
NORM ANDIN, a township in Chicoutin co.. Que., bounded S. by the River Ashuapmouchonan, named after the surveyor who surveyed this fine river from its
mouth to its source, and thence by a series of lakes connected this operation
with the first waters falling into the St Maurice.
NORMANDY, Grey co., Ont. See Orchard.
NORMANTON, or PORT ELGIN, a post village of Ontario, co. of Bruce, situated on
the E. shore of Lake Huron, and on the W. G. & B R., 5 miles from Saugeen, 28j
miles from Walkerton. It contains several stores, hotels and mills, a telegraph
office, aid a printing office issuing a weekly newspaper. Normanton is a port
of entry. Total value of imports for 1872 $20,099; exports, $22,380. Pop. 750.
NORTH ADJALA, a post office in Cardwell co., Ont., 31 miles from Gilford.
NORTHAM, a station on the Prince Edward Island railway, in Prince co.
NORTHAMPTON, a post settlement and parish in Carleton co., N.B., 8 miles from
Woodstock. Pop. 935
NORTH AUGUSTA, a thriving post village in Grenville co., Out., on a branch of the
Rideau River, 4½ miles from Bellamy's. It contains 4stores, 1 hotel, a tannery,
and carding, saw and grist mills. Pop. 400.
NORTH BRANCH OROMOCTO, Sunbury co., N.B. See Tracey Station.
NORTH BRISTOL, a post village in Pontiac co., Que., 5 miles from Bristol. Pop.
NORTH BROOKFIELD, a post settlement in Queens co., N.S., on the Port Medway
River. 25 miles from Bridgewater. Pop. 130
NORTH BRUCE, a post village in Bruce co., Ont., 10 miles from Saugeen. Pop. 70.
NORTH DOURO, or LAKEFIELD, a flourishing post village in Peterborough co.,
Ont., on the Otonabee River, with a station on the M. R., 40 miles from Port
Hope. It has extensive water power privileges, and contains several stores and
hotels, saw, grist and woolen mills, and a telegraph office. Pop. 500
NORTH EARLTOWN, a village in Pictou co., N.S., 25 miles from Pictou.
NORTH EAST BRANCH MARGAREE, a post settlement in Inverness co.. N.S., 45 miles
from Port Hood. Pop.
NORTH EAST HARBOUR, a post village in Shelburne co., N.S., on the sea coast, 21
miles from Shelburne. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 250.
NORTH EAST MABOU, a post office in Inverness co., N.S., 2 miles from Mabou.
NORTHERN BAY, a large fishing settlement in the district of Bay de Verds, Nfld.,
on the north shore of Conception Bay, 20 miles from Carbonear. Pop. 390
NORTHERN HARBOR, a fishing settlements the district of Twillingate
and Fogo, Nfld., at the mouth of Exploits Bay, 20 miles from Twillingate. Pop. 40.
NORTH ESK BOOM, a post settlement in Northumberland co., N.B., 7 miles from
Newcastle. Pop. 500.
NORTHFIELD, a post settlement and parish in Sunbury co., N.B., 34 miles from
Fredericton. Here are extensive beds of coal. Pop. 200.
NORTHFIELD, a post settlement in Annapolis co., N S., 30 miles from
Pop. 80.
NORTHFIELD, a post settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S., 12 miles from Bridgewater Pop. 250.
NORTHFIELD, a post village in Stormont co., Out., 7 miles from Cornwall It
contains a store, a saw mill, and an hotel Pop. 40.
NORTHFIELD, a village in Brant co., Ont.. 10½ miles from Princeton. It contains
a store and a saw mill. Pop. 150
NORTHFIELD, a village in Hants co., N.S.. 22 miles from Shubenacadie. Pop 70.
NORTH FORKS, a settlement in Sunbury co., N.B., 3 miles from Brigg's Corners.
Pop. 150.
NORTH GEORGETOWN, a post office in Chateauguay co., Que., 20 miles from
NORTH GLANFORD, a post village in Wentworth co., Ont,. 5½ miles from Hamilton.
Pop. 175.
NORTH GOWER, a post village in Catleton co., Ont., on Stephen's Creek, 8 miles
from Osgoode. It contains 2 churches, a telegraph office, 3 stores, 2 hotels,
and a tannery. Pop. 250.
NORTH HAM, or ESPERANCE, a post village in Wolfe co., Que., 21 miles from
Arthabaska. It contains a carding mill and 2 saw and grist mills Pop. 100.
NORTH HARBOR, a fishing settlement at the head of Placentia Bay, Nfld., 33
miles from Little Placentia.
NORTH HARBOR, a fishing settlement in the district of Placentia and St Marys,
Nfld., at the head of St. Marys Bay, 7 miles from Salmonier.
NORTH HATLEY, a post village in Stanstead co., Que., pleasantly situated at the
outlet of Massawippi Lake, and on the M. V. R., 12 miles from Sherbrooke. It
contains an hotel, 3 stores, and a saw mill Pop 100
NORTH HEAD, a post office in Charlotte co., N.B., on the Island of Grand Manan
NORTH JOGGINS, a post settlement in Westmorland co., N.B., 17 miles from
Sackville. Pop. 150.
NORTH KEPPEL, a post village in Grey co., Ont., 19 miles from Owen Sound. It
contains a grist mill, and 2 saw mills. Pop. 120.
NORTH LAKE, a post settlement in York co , N.B., 17 miles from Canterbury
Station. Pop 400,
NORTH LAKE, a post village in Kings co., P.E.I., 40 miles from Georgetown. P..
p. 120.
NORTH LAKE, or COOKSVILLE a post settlement in Westmorland co., N.B., 12 miles
from Sackville. Pop. 150.
NORTH LANCASTER, or CLAIRVILLE, a post village in Glengarry co., Ont., on the
River Beaudette, 24 miles from Cornwall. It has several stores and mills. Pop.
NORTH MONTAGUE, a post office in Lanark CO., Out., 10 miles from Smith's Fall.
NORTH MOUNTAIN, a post settlement in Dundas co. , Ont, 6 miles from Kemptville
Pop. 100.
NORTH MOUNTAIN, a post settlement in Kings co., N.S., 10 miles from Kentville.
Pop. 60.
NORTH NATION MILLS, a thriving post village in Ottawa co., Que., on North Nation
River. 9 miles from Thurso. It contains a telegraph office, and several
sawmills, and has a large trade in lumber Pop. 300.
NORTH ONSLOW, a post village in Pontiac co., Que., 10 miles from Arn-prior. Pop.
NORTH PELHAM, a post village in Welland co., Ont., 14 miles from Port Robinson.
Pop. 150.
NORTH PINNACLE, a post settlement in Missisquoi co., Que., 6½ miles from
Frelighsburg. Pop. 125.
NORTH PORT, a post village in Prince Edward co., Ont., on the Bay of Quinte, 12
miles from Belleville. It has 2 stores. Pop. 200.
NORTH RANGE CORNER, a post settlement in Digby co., N.S., 10 miles from Digby.
Pop. 200.
NORTH RIDGE, a post village in Essex co., it., 19 miles from Windsor. It has a
saw mill, two shingle mills and 3 stores Pop. 100.
NORTH RIVER, a post settlement in Colchester co., N.S., 6 miles from Truro. It
contains 2 stores. Pop. 300.
NORTH RIVER, a post settlement in Westmorland co.. N.B., 3 miles from Salisbury.
Pop. 200.
NORTH RIVER, or WARREN GROVE MILLS, a small village in Queens co., P.E.I., 6
miles from Charlottetown Pop. 150.
NORTH RIVER BRIDGE, a post office in Colchester co., N.S., 2 miles from Truro.
NORTH FIVER BRIDGE, a post office in Victoria co., N.S., 6 miles from St. Ann's.
NORTH RIVER PLATFORM, (Pollett River Station,) a post settlement in Westmorland
co., N.B., on the I. R., 71 miles from St. John. Pop. 100.
NORTH SALEM, a post settlement in Hints co., N.S., 5 miles from Shubenacadie
Pop. 50.
NORTH SECTION OF EARLTOWN, a post office in Colchester co., N.S., 26 miles
from Truro.
NORTH SENECA, a post village in Haldimand co., Ont , 11 miles from Hamilton It
contains 2 stores. Pop. 200.
NORTH SHORE, a post office in Cumberland co., N S, 9 miles from Wallace.
NORTH SHORE, a post settlement in Victoria co., N S., 10 miles from English
town. Pop. 150
NORTH SIDE OF BASIN, RIVER DENNIS a post settlement in Inverness co
, N S., 8 miles from River Dennis. Pop. 130.
. NORTH STANBR1DGE a post village in Missisquoi co , Que.. 6 miles from
Stanbridge Pop 250
NORTH STOKE, a post village in Richmond co , Que., 19 miles from Sherbrooke Pop
NORTH STUKELEY, a post village in Shefford co Que: 14 miles from Waterloo. Pop.
NORTH SUTTON, a pretty post village in Brome co , Que , 12 miles from Richford
It contains 2 stores Pop. 200.
NORTH SYDNEY a seaport town of Nova Scotia, co. of Cape Breton, on the north
west arm of Sydney harbor, 18 miles from Sydney. It contains a telegraph
office, a number of stores, several tanneries, a boot and shoe factory, and
several shipyards It is a port of entry. Large quantities of coal are annually
shipped from here. The number of arrivals for 1872 was 167 (tons 22,374), and
the clearances 151 (tons 16,249) Total value of imports $9,060, export;
$68,831, Pop. 1,000.
NORTH TROY, a post office in Brome co., Que.,22 miles from Knowlton.
NORTE TRYON, a village in Prince co., P. E.I., 27 miles from Charlottetown. It
contains a woolen factory and a saw mill. Pop. 150.
NORTHUMBERLAND, a county of Ontario, lying upon the N. shore of Lake Ontario,
comprises an area of 475, 376 acres. Rice Lake is in the northern part of this
county, and numerous streams flow thence to Lake Ontario. The county is
intersected by the Grand Trunk and Cobourg, Peterboro and Marmora railways
Capital, Cobourg. Pop. 39,086.
NORTHUMBERLAND, an extensive maritime county of New Brunswick,
bordering on the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It is drained by the
beautiful River Miramichi,
forming at its mouth the extensive harbor of the same name. The river is 9
miles wide at its mouth, and navigable for vessels of the largest class 30
miles. Northumberland is one of the best watered and most heavily timbered
counties in New Brunswick, and its commerce, already extensive, is annually
increasing. Area 3,046,640 acres. Capital, Newcastle Pop. 20,116.
NORTH WAKEFIELD, a post village in Ottawa co , Que , on the River Gatineau, 27
miles from Ottawa. It contains 3 stores, 2 hotels, and a telegraph office Pop
NORTH WEST ARM, a post settlement in Cape Breton co., N.S., 10 miles from
Sydney Pop. 400.
NORTH WEST GAY, a settlement in Queens co , N.S , 12 miles from Liverpool Pop.
NORTH WEST COVE, a post settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S., 38½ miles from Halifax. Pop. 150.
NORTH WEST RANGE, a settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S., 4 miles from Mahone Bay
Pop. 150.
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America,
Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America |