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Newburg to Newell's Island, Canada
NEWBURG, an incorporated village in Addington co , Out., on the Napanee river,
22 miles from Kingston, 7 miles from Napanee It contains a telegraph office, a
printing office issuing a weekly newspaper, an iron foundry a paper mill,
tannery fulling and carding mill, grist mill. 2 hotels and about 12 stores. Poo.
NEWBURGH, a post village in Carleton co., N.B., on the New Brunswick railway 55
miles from Fredericton. Pop. 100.
NEWBURY, a flourishing post village in Middlesex co , Out., on the G. W. R., 36
miles from London. It contains 2 telegraph offices, 5 hotels, about a dozen
stores, and a woolen mill. Pop. 1,000.
NEW CALEDONIA, a name formerly given to that portion of the North West west of
the Rocky Mountains, between lat. 43° and 57°
N , now called British Columbia, which see.
NEW CALEDONIA, a post office in Halifax co., N.S., 74 miles from Shubenacadie.
NEW CAMPBELLTON, a post settlement in Victoria co., N S., 25 miles from Baddeck.
Coal is mined here. Pop. 150.
NEW CANAAN, a post settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., on the proposed Spring
Hill and Parrsboro' railway, 12 miles from Athol. It contains 1 church, 1 store,
3 saw mills and 1 grist mill. Pop 300
NEW CANAAN, a post settlement in Queens co , N.B., 18 miles from Petitcodiac Pop
NEW CANADA, a post village in Lunenburg co., NS., 12 miles from Bridgewater. It
contains 1 store Pop. 120
NEW CARLISLE, a seaport town and port of entry of Quebec, capital of the co of
Bonaventure, on the Baie des Chaleurs lat. 48°
3 N., lon 60° 19 W. It is the most important
fishery station on the north side of the Bay. and contains 2 churches, 2 hotel 3
, 5 or 6 stores, a telegraph office, and a printing office issuing a weekly
newspaper The Gulf Ports steamers call here. The number of arrivals for 1873 was
53 (tons ,523), and the clearances 79 (tons 9,372.) Total value of imports
$131,373; exports $393,131. Pop 455.
NEWCASTLE, an incorporated village and port of entry in the co. of Durham, Out.,
on the G. T. R , 47 miles E. of Toronto, with a harbor on Lake Ontario (formerly
called Bond Head ) It contains churches of 3 denominations, 2 telegraph offices,
4 hotels, 9 or 10 stores, an agricultural implement factory, a tannery, a
flouring mill, and one of the largest woolen mills in the province Total value
of imports for 1872 $54,533; exports $57,702. Pop. 1,100
NEWCASTLE or MIRAMICHI a port, of entry and flourishing town of New Brunswick,
capital of the co. of Northumberland, beautifully situated on the left bank of
the Miramichi, about 18 miles from its entrance into Miramichi Bay, and on the
I. R.. 78˝ miles from Moncton. Its
streets are lighted with gas, and it contains a branch bank, a telegraph office,
a printing office issuing a weekly newspaper, a Masonic hall, 3 hotels, about 25
stores, several churches, a tannery, &c. A very large trade is done here in fish
and lumber; also in shipbuilding The number of arrivals for 1872 was 68 (tons
27,501), and the clearances 61 (tons 20,591) Total value of imports $109,142;
exports $289,467. Pop. 1,309.
NEWCASTLE BRIDGE, a post village and settlement in Queens co., N.B., on Grand Lake, 33 miles from Sheffield This district contains Inexhaustible
coal mines. Pop. 200.
NEWCASTLE CREEK, a post village and settlement in Queens co, N.B at the head of
Grand Lake 33 miles from Sheffield. A company is engaged in raising coal here.
The beds extend over an area of 40 miles. Steamers run between here and St.
John. Pop. 300.
NEWCOMBE, a post village in the d strict of Muskoka, Out on White Stone Lake. 27
miles from Parry Sound. It contains 1 church 1 store and 1 saw mil. Pop 53
NEWCOMBE'S CORNERS a post office in Halifax co. N.S. 6 miles from Arthur Gold
NEWCOMB'S MILLS it small village in Northumberland co Ont., 8 miles from
Brighton. It has carding and gist mills. Pop. 60.
NEW CONCEPTION Harbor Main, Nfld. See Cat's Cove.
NEW CORNWALL, a post settlement in Lunenburg co., N S. 9 miles Mahone Bay.
Pop. 200.
NEW DOMINION, a post village in Glengarry co, Ont.. 21 miles from Lancaster.
Pop. 120.
NEW DUBLIN, or DUBLIN CORNERS, a post village in Leeds co , Ont., 31˝
miles from
Bellamy's. Pop. 150.
NEW DUNDEE, a post village in Waterloo co., Ont , 12 miles from Berlin. It has 2
stores, 2 hotels, a saw mill and a grist mill. Pop. 30;
NEW DURHAM, a post village in Brant co., Ont., on Big Creek, 19 miles from
Brantford. It contains 3 stores and a tannery. Pop. 150.
NEW DURHAM, or SOUTH DURHAM, a post village in Drummond co.,
Que., on the G. T. R., 66 miles from Montreal. It has pearlash and hemlock bark
factories, a telegraph office, 2 hotels, and 4 stores. Pop. 200.
NEWDY QUODDY, WEST, a post village in Halifax co., N.S., on Quoddy river, 34
miles from Halifax. It contains 2 churches, 2 hotels, 2 stores and a lobster
factory. Inhabitants chiefly engaged in the fisheries. Pop. 330.
NEW EDENBOROUGH, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, co. of Digby, at the entrance
of Sisseboo River into St Mary's Bay. 20 miles S.W. of Digby The inhabitants are
mostly fishermen. Pop 180.
NEW EDINBURGH, an important town of Ontario, co of Russell, on the Rideau and
Ottawa rivers, 11 miles from Ottawa The Rideau river here falls into the Ottawa
over a limestone ledge, 50 feet perpendicular forming a magnificent "curtain,"
(Fr Rideau) New Edinburgh contains Rideau Hall, the residence of the Governor
General of Canada; and has saw, grist and woolen mills, a cloth factory, a
telegraph office, an Episcopal Church, an hotel, and 7 or 8 stores. Street cars
connect it with the capital. Pop. 596.
NEWELL'S ISLAND, an island in the district of Bonavista, Nfld.,
˝ mile from
Green's Pond, It is settled by fishermen Pop. 57.
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America,
Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873
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