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Meyersburg to Mont Perce, Canada

MEYERSBURG, a small village in Northumberland co., Out., lo miles from Brighton. Pop. 80.

MICHAELS BAY, a post office in the district of Algoma, Ont.

MICHIPICOTEN RIVER, a post village and Hudson's Bay post in the district of Algoma, Out., 120 miles from Sault Ste. Marie. It. was once noted as the Hudson's Bay Depot for supplying goods, etc., for the purposes of trade to Lakes Superior and Huron. The goods were conveyed inland by flat-bottomed boats of about 5 tons capacity. There were brigades which took one year's collection of furs to Moose Factory in James Bay, returning with the goods received in exchange conveyed in the Company's ships from England. The establishment is within 3 miles from Gros Cap harbor, in Lake Superior, one of the best harbors in the lake. The coast line is very irregular. Nothing in the shape of mining has been done in this district, though cop-per, plumbago and iron has been found in considerable quantities.

MIDDLE ARM, a small fishing settlement at the head of Conception Bay, Nfld., 88 miles from St. John's. Pop. 65.

MIDDLE BIGHT, a fishing settlement on the south side of Conception Bay, Nfld., 17 miles from St. John's. Pop. 140.

MIDDLE BILL COVE, a fishing settlement in the district of Bonavista, Nfld., 15 miles from Greens Pond. Pop. 161.

MIDDLEBORO, a post village in Cumberland co., N.S., on Wall ice river, 10 miles foot Greenville, 5 miles from Port Wallace. It contains 2 churches, 2 stores, 2 saw mills, and 2 grist mills. Pop. 475.

MIDDLE BROOK, a small fishing settlement on the French shore, .Mid., on St. George's Bay, 15 miles from Sandy Point. Pop. 45.

MIDDLE CHURCH, a post office in the district of Lisgar, Man., on Red River, 8 miles N. of Fort Garry.

MIDDLE CLYDE RIVER, a post village in Shelburne co., N.S., on the River Clyde, 12 miles from Barring ton. It contains 1 church and 3 saw mills. Pop. 75.

MIDDLE COVE, a small fishing settlement in the district of St. John's, Nfld., 6 miles from St. John's. Pop. 80.

MIDDLE COVERDALE, a post settlement in Albert co., N.B., 21 miles from Salisbury. Pop. 100.

MIDDLEFIELD, a post settlement in Queens co., N.S., 14 miles from Liverpool. Pop. 80.

MIDDLE KFNNETCOOK, Hants co., V .S. See Mosherville.

MIDDLE LA HAVE FERRY, a post settlement it in Lunenburg co., N.S., on the La Have river (east side), 7 miles from Lunenburg. Pop. 300.

MIDDLE MUSQUODOBOIT, a post settlement in Halifax co., N.S , on the Musquodoboit river, 18 miles from Shubenacadie. It contains a carding mill, and 4 stores. Pop. 800.

MIDDLE OHIO, a post village in Shelburne co., N.S., on Shelburne river, 14 miles from Shelburne. It contains 1 church, 2 stores, 3 saw mills and 2 grist mills. Pop. 200.

MIDDLEPORT, or TUSCARORA, a post village in Brant co., Ont., on the G. T. R. (Buffalo division), 10¼ miles from Brantford. It contains 3 stores and 1 hotel. Pop. 150.

MIDDLE RIVER, a settlement in Gloucester co., N.B., on Middle river, 6 miles from Bathurst. Pop. 125.

MIDDLE RIVER, or ELMVALE, a post settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 10 miles from Glengarry. Pop. 120.

MIDDLE RIVER, or WAGAMATCOOK, a post settlement in Victoria co., N.S., on Middle river, 13 miles from Baddeck. This is a gold district, no mining operations, however, are carried on, owing to the absence of roads and the consequent comparative inaccessibility of the mines. Pop. 150.

MIDDLE ST. FRANCIS, a post office in Victoria co., N.B., on the River St. John, 21 miles from Edmundston.

MIDDLE SECTION OF NORTH EAST MARGARFE, a post settlement in Inverness co., N.S., on Margaree river, 49 miles from Whycocomah. Pop. 150.

MIDDLE SETTLEMENT OF TUB SOUTH RIVER or FRASER'S .MILLS, a post settlement in Antigonish co., N.S., on South river, 48 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 300.

MIDDLE SETTLEMENT RIVER INHABITANTS, a post settlement in Inverness co., N.S., 7 miles from Port Hastings. Pop. 250.

MIDDLESEX, a county in the westtern part of Ontario, intersected by the Thames river, and traversed by the Grand Trunk, Great Western, and London and Port Stanley railways. It comprises an area of 725,832 acres. Capital, London. Pop. 82,595.

MIDDLE SIMONDS, a post village and settlement in Carleton co., N.B., on the St. John river, 17 miles from Woodstock. It contains a church, an hotel and 1 store. Pop. 450.

MIDDLE SOUTHAMPTON, a post settlement in York co., N.B , o i the St. John river, 47 miles above Fredericton. Pop. 200.

MIDDLE STEWIACKE, a post settlement in Colchester co., N.S., 8 miles from Brookfield. Gold has been found in the vicinity. Pop. 300.

MIDDLETON, a post village in Annapolis co., N.S., on the W. & A. II., 101 miles from Halifax. It contains a telegraph office, 2 hotels and 3 stores, and has a considerable trade in lumber and country produce. Iron and copper mines are worked in the vicinity. Pop. 200.

MIDDLETON, a post village in Prince co., P.E.I., 13 miles from Summerside. Pop. 150.

MIDDLETON, a post village in Westmorland co., N.B., 1 mile from Dorchester. Pop. 50.

MIDDLETON CENTRE, Norfolk co., Ont. See Courtland.

MIDDLETOWN, a small village in Simcoe co., Ont., 2 miles from Bradford. Pop. 100.

MIDDLE VILLE, a post village in Lanark co., Ont., 7 miles from Lanark. Pop. 200.

MIDGIC, a post settlement in Westmorland co., N.B., 10 miles from Sackville. Pop. 200.

MIDHURST, a post village in Simcoe co, Ont., on Oliver's Creek, 5 miles from Barrie. It contains a grist mill, and 1 saw mills. Pop. 100.

MIDLAND, a post office in Kings co., N.S.

MIDLAND, a post office in Simcoe co., Ont.

MILBURNE, a small village in Frontenac co., Ont., 15 miles from Kingston, It contains a telegraph office and a large tannery. Pop. 50.

MILDMAY, or MERNERSVILLE, a post village in Bruce co., Out., on the W. G. & B. R., G miles from Walkerton. It contains a woolen factory, a pottery, a saw mill, a grist mill, 5 stores, 2 hotels, and a telegraph office. Pop. 250.

MILE END, or COTE ST. LOUIS, an incorporated village in Hochelaga, co., Que., adjoining St. Jean Baptiste village, 2 miles from Montreal post office. It contains a Roman Catholic church, a deaf and dumb asylum, a driving park, a race course, and extensive stone quarries. Pop. 4,000.

MILFORD, a post village in Annapolis co., N.S., 14 miles from Annapolis. It contains 4 saw mills. Pop. 150.

MILFORD, a thriving post village in Prince Edward co., Ont,, on Black river, 10 miles S. of Picton. It contains a telegraph office, 6 stores, 2 hotels, carding, grist and saw mills. Pop. 400.

MILFORD, (formerly called Wickwire Station,) a post village in Hants co., N.S., on the I. R., 35 miles from Halifax. It contains a good limestone quarry, and near by there is an extensive gypsum quarry. Considerable quantities of lumber, hay and gypsum are shipped from this station. Pop. 175.

MILFORD HAVEN BRIDGE, a post village in Guysborough co., N S., 5 miles from Guysborough. Pop. 150.

MILLAR'S CORNERS, a small village in Grenville co., Out., 2 miles from Oxford. Pop. 150.

MILLBANK, a thriving post village in Perth co., Out., 16 miles from Stratford. It contains a telegraph office, 4 stores, 2 hotels, a foundry, a grist mill, a saw mill, a flax mill, and a carding mill. Pop 300

MILL BRIDGE, or JORDAN, a post village in Hastings co., Oat , 43 miles from Belleville. It contains 8 stores and 1 hotel. Pop. 100.

MILL BROOK, an incorporated village in Durham co., Ont , with a station on the M. R , 18 miles from Port Hope. It contains 2 telegraph offices, about q dozen stores, 2 hotels, a printing office issuing a weekly newspaper, a foundry, woolen factory, saw and grist mill's, &c. Pop. 1.200.

MILL BROOK, a post settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 11 miles from Glengarry. Pop. 200.

MILL COVE, a post settlement in Lunenburg co., N.B., 35 miles W. of Halifax. Pop. 120.

MILL COVE, a post settlement in Queens CO., N.B., 52 miles from St. John. Pop. 50.

MILL CREEK, a post settlement in Kent co., N.B., 4 miles from Buctouche. Pop. 100.

MILL CREEK, Lennox co., Ont. See Odessa.

MILLEDGEVILLE, a post village in St. John co., N.B., 4 miles from St. John. It contains several saw mills and shipyards. Pop. 300.

MILLE ISLES, a post village in Argenteuil co., Que., 16 miles from Lachute. Pop. 100.

MILLE ROCHES, or MOULINETTE, a post village of Ontario, CO. of Stormont, situated on the Cornwall Canal, with a station (called Moulinette) on the G. T. R., 72½ miles from Montreal. It contains 4 stores, a grist mill, and a telegraph office. Pop. 200.

MILLERSBURG, a small village in Elgin co., Ont., adjoining the town of St. Thomas. Pop. 110.

MILLER'S CREEK, a post village in Hants co., N.S., on the River St. Croix, 2½ miles from Newport Station. Pop. 200.

MILLER'S PASSAGE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Fortune Bay, Nfld. 7 miles from Harbor Briton. Pop. 00.

MILLE VACHES, a post village in Saguenay co., Que., 45 miles from Tadousac. Pop. 350.

MILLFIELD, a post office in Megantic co. Que.

MILL GROVE, a post village in "Wentworth co., Ont., 5½ miles from Dundas. It contains 2 stores and a shingle mill. Pop. 180.

MILL HAVEN, a post village in Lennox co., Ont ,on the Bay of Quinte, 13 miles from Kingston. It contains several stores and mills, and has a good harbor. Pop. 100.

MILLIKEN, a post village in York co., Ont., 3 miles from Unionville. It has 2 stores. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 30.

MILLINGTON, a post office in Ontario co., Ont., 9 miles from Orillia.

MILL POINT, or BOWEN, a post village and river port in Hastings co., Ont , on the Napanee river, 7 miles from Napanee. It contains a telegraph cilice, 7 stores, 1 hotel, and 2 saw mills. Pop. 500.

MILLSTREAM, a post settlement in Kings Co., N.B., 5m.lesfrom Apohaqui. It contains 2 stores and saw and grist mills. Pop. 400.

MILL'S VILLAGE, a thriving post village in Queens co., N.S., on Port Medway river, 9 miles from Liverpool. It contains 7 saw mills, a match factory, and 3 stores, and has a considerable lumber trade'. Pop. 400.

MILLSVILLE, a post office in Picton co., N.S., 14 miles from Pictou.

MILTON, a small village in Queens co., P.E.I., on the Prince Edward Island railway, 7 miles from Charlottetown. Pop. 150

MILTON, a thriving post village in Queens co., N.S., on Liverpool river, 2½ miles from Liverpool. It has a large lumber trade, and contains a number of saw mills, a tannery, a planing mill, and about 12 stores. Pop. 1,100.

MILTON EAST, a post village in Shefford co., Que., 9 miles from Granby. It contains an hotel, a store and a cheese factory. Pop. 100.

MILTON WEST, an incorporated town, capital of Halton co., Ont., situated on Sixteen Mile Creek, 16 miles from Georgetown. It contains, besides the county buildings, a telegraph office, an iron foundry, a tannery woolen factory, saw and grist mill, a printing office issuing a weekly newspaper, and a number of stores. Pop. 801.

MILLTOWN, a flourishing post town in Charlotte co., N.B., beautifully situated on the Schoodiac or St. Croix river, 2½ miles from St. Stephen. It contains 18 saw mills, an edge tool factory, 3 churches, several schools, a number of stores, and a telegraph office. Several bridges span the river here connecting this village with Milltown, in the State of Maine. An immense quantity of lumber is annually shipped from this port. Pop. 2,000.

MILLTOWN, a village in Hastings co., Out., 2 miles from Shannonville. Pop. 200.

MILLVIEW, a village in Queens co., P.E.I., 12 miles from Charlottetown. It contains 1 store, 2 hotels, a woolen factory and a gristmill. Pop. 100.

MILLVILLE. a hamlet in Cumberlaud co., N.S., on the Dewar river, near Wallace. It has 1 grist and 2 saw mills.

M1LLVILLE, a post settlement in York co., N.B., on the Nackawick River, and on the New Brunswick railway, 38 miles from Fredericton. Pop. 300.

MILLVILLE, a village in Durham co., Oat., 5 miles W. of Bowmanville. It contains several mills and stores. Pop. 200.

MILNESVILLE, a post village in York co., Oat., 2h miles from Markham. It contains 1 store and several saw mills. Pop. 125.

MILVERTON, or WEST'S CORNERS, a post village in Perth co., Out., 221 miles from Stratford. It Contains a telegraph office, 3 or 4 stores, 2 hotels, a saw mill, a tannery, and a cheese factory. Pop. 150.

MIMICO, a post village in York co., Ont., on the G. W. R., 7 miles W. of Toronto. Pop. 100.

MIMINEGASH, a post village in Prince co., P.E.I., 87 miles from Charlottetown. Pop. 100.

MIMOSA, or DUBLIN VILLAGE, a post village in Wellington co., Ont., 16 miles from Fergus. It contains 3 stores. Pop. 50.

MINDEN, a post village and river port in Peterborough co., Ont., 30 miles from Bobcaygeon. It contains a telegraph office, 2 churches, 6 stores and 3 hotels. Pop. 150.

MINGO, a small fishing station and harbor on the French shore, Nfld, 18 miles from La Scie. Fine Serpentine (a beautiful species of marble) is found in the vicinity. Pop. 9.

MINESING, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 10 miles from Barrie. Pop. 50.

MINGAN, a post village in Saguenay co., Que., on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, at the mouth of the Mingan river, opposite the Mingan Islands, 398 mile3 below Quebec. It is a Hudson Bay Company's post. The inhabitant , chiefly Indians, are engaged in hunting and fishing. Mingan harbor is one of the finest on the north shore. Pop. 560.

MINGAN ISLANDS, a group in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, north of Anticosti, on the coast of Labrador.

MINUDIE, a post settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., 17 miles from Maccan, 24 miles from Amherst. Pop. 600.

MIRA GUT, or MIRA BAY, a post settlement in Cape Breton co., N.S., at the mouth of Mira River in the Atlantic Ocean, 7 miles from Albert Bridge. Pop. 200.

MIRANDA, a post village in Missisquoi co., Que., 2½ miles east of the River Richelieu, 4 miles from St. Armand. It contains 1 church, 3 stores and 1 hotel. Pop. 200.

MISCOU, an island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, off Shippegan Island, Gloucester co., N.B. It has a light-house exhibiting a fixed red light, 79 feet above the level of the sea. It possesses a fine harbor, which is couch frequented by fishing craft.

MISCOUCHE, a post village in Prince co., P.E.I, on the Prince Edward Island railway, 5 miles from Summerside. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 200.

MISPEC, a post village in St. John co., N.B., on the Bay of Fundy, 9 miles from St. John. It contains a woolen factory. Pop. 200.

MISSISQUOI, a county in the southern part of Quebec, bounded on the south by the State of Vermont and Lake Champlain, comprises an area of 229,173 acres. Capital, Frelighsburg. Pop. 16,922.

MISSISQUOI BAY, Missisquoi co.. Que. See Philipsburg East.

MITCHELL, an incorporated village in Perth co., Ont., on the River Thames, with a station on the G. T. R.,32 miles from Goderich. It contains Episcopal, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, and Methodist churches, a branch bank, 2 telegraph offices, a printing office issuing a weekly newspaper,2 foundries, saw, grist, woolen, flax and oatmeal mills, several factories, 6 hotels, and a number of stores. Pop. 1,802.

MITCHELL'S BAY, a post office in Kent co., Ont.

MOBILE, a fishing settlement in the district of Ferryland, Nfld., 24 miles south of St. John's. Pop. 220.

MOE'S RIVER, a post village in Compton co., Que , on a stream of the same name, 2 miles from Compton. It contains 1 church, 2 or 3 stores, and several mills and factories. Pop. 120.

MOFFATT, a post office in Hal ton co., Ont., 19 miles from Guelph.

MOHANNAS, a small settlement in Charlotte co., N.B., 5 miles from St. Stephen. Pop. 100.

MOHAWK, or MOUNT PLEASANT, a post Tillage in Brant co., Ont., on Spring Creek, 5 miles from Brantford. It contains 3 or 4 stores, 2 hotels and 2 flouring mills. Pop. 400.

MOHR'S CORNERS, Carleton co., Ont. See Hubbell's Falls.

MOIDART, a post settlement in Antigonish co., N.S., 25½ miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 120.

MOIRA, a post village in Hastings co , Ont., 16 miles from Belleville. Pup. 200.

MOISIC, a post village in Saguenay co., Que., at the mouth of the Moisic river, on the north shore of the St Lawrence, 202 miles east of Tadousac. Here are great deposits of black iron sand. The Moisic river is celebrated for its salmon fishery. Pop 366.

MOLASSES HARBOR, or PORT FELIX, a post Settlement in Guysborough co., N.S., on Ter Bay, 30 miles from Guysborough. Pop. 200.

MOLESWORTH, a post village in Perth co., Ont., 11 miles from Listowel. It contains 3 churches, 2 stores, 1 hotel and 1 sawmill. Pop. 60.

MOLL'S RIVER, a post settlement in Kent co., N.B , 13 miles from Kingston. Pop. 150.

MONAGHEN, a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., 15 miles from Charlottetown. Pop. 50.

MONCK, a county of Ontario, situated at the east end of Lake Erie, by which it is bounded on the S. Area 238,786 acres. It is traversed by the Grand Trunk, Great Western, an Canada Southern railways. Pop. 16,179.

MONCK, a post office in Wellington co., Out., 9 miles from Arthur.

MONCKLAND, a post village in Stormont co., Ont., on a branch of the Riviere aux Raisin, 13 miles from Cornwall. It contains l hotel, 3 stores, and a saw mill. Pop. 170.

MONCTON, a post town of New Brunswick, co. of Westmorland, beautifully situated at tie bend of the Petitcodiac river, 89 miles N.E. of St. John. It is at the head of navigation of the Petitcodiac river, has a line harbor, and contains 4 churches, several hotels, a number of stores, a printing office issuing a weekly newspaper, 2 branch banks, a telegraph office, and manufactories of iron castings, steam engines, machinery, tobacco, leather, wooden ware, &c. Here are the general offices and principal workshops of the Intercolonial railway. Moncton is a port of entry The number of arrivals for 1872 was 22 (tons 1,847), and the clearances 22 (tons 1,953.) Total value of imports $80,665 ; exports $15,476. Pop. 4,810.

MONCTON ROAD, a post village in Westmorland co., N.B., 7 miles from Shediac.

MONEYMORE, a post office in Hastings co., Ont., 21 miles from Belleville.

MONGENAIS, a post office in Vaudreil co., Que., 19½ miles from Coteau Station.

MONGOLIA, or CALIFORNIA, a post village in York co, Out., 3 miles from Stouffville. Pop 100.

MONK'S HEAD, a village in Antigonish co., N.S., 6 miles from Lower South River.

MONKTON, a thriving post village in Perth co., Ont., 10½ miles from Mitchell. It contains a telegraph office, several stores and hotels, and a number of saw mills. Pop. 200.

MONO CENTRE, a post village in Cardwell co., Ont., 10 miles from Orangeville. Pop. 50.

MONO MILLS, a thriving post village in Cardwell co., Ont., on the Humber river, 9 miles from Mono Road. It contains a telegraph office, a tannery, woolen and grist nulls, and several hotels and stores. Pop. 500.

MONO ROAD, a station on the T. G. & B. R., in Cardwell co., Ont., 32½ miles from Toronto. It contains a telegraph office, a large grain warehouse, an hotel, and a steam saw mill.

MONTAGUE, a flourishing post village in Kings co., P.E.I., 26 miles E. of Charlottetown. It contains several stores, 1 hotel, 1 brewery, 1 tannery, 2 grist and saw mills, shipyards, &c. Pop. 350

MONTAGUE CROSS ROADS, a post village in Queens co., P. E. I., 20 miles from Charlottetown. Pop. 200.

MONTAGUE GOLD MINES, a post village in Halifax co., N.S., near Lake Loon, 5 miles from Halifax. Here are rich gold mines. Pop. 400.

MONTAGUE MILLS, a thriving post village in Kings co., P.E.I., 28 miles from Charlottetown. It has several Stores and shipyards, and a good trade in lumber and grain. Pop. 200.

MONTCALM, a county in the W. part of Quebec, bounded on the N.E. by the co. of Joliette, on the S.E. by the county of L'Assomption, on the S W. by the counties of Terrebonne, Argenteuil and Ottawa, and on the N. by the North West Territories. Area 2,577,063 acres. This county is drained by the Gatineau, Da Lievre, Rouge, North, Lac Ouareau and other rivers. Capital, Ste. Julienne. Pop. 12,742.

MONTCALM, a post village in Montcalm co., Que., 10 miles from Joliette. It contains several stores and mills, and has good water power privileges. Pop. 200.

MONT CARMEL, Champlain co., Que. See Valmont.

MONTEBELLO, a post village in Ottawa co., Que., on the River Ottawa, 80 miles from Montreal. It was originally inhabited by Indians of the Algonquin tribe, who called it "Quiennontaterous,' signifying a place intersected by two mountains. It contains 2 telegraph offices, 3 hotels and 7 stores. An aqueduct of tamarac logs brings a pure mountain stream into the village and supplies every house with water. Its port is called Major's. Pop. 300.

MONT ELIE, a post village in St. Maurice co.. Que., on the Yamachiche River, 18 miles from Yamachiche. It contains 1 store and a saw mill. Pop. 109.

MONTICELLO, a post village in Kings co., P.E.I., 42 miles from Charlottetown. Pop. 150.

MONT LOUIS, a post village in Gaspe CO., Que., on the south shore of the St. Lawrence, 41 miles from Fox River. Pop. 200.

MONTMAGNY, a county in the S.E. part of Quebec, having the St. Lawrence for its N. boundary and the State of Maine for its S. Area 393,953 acres. It is traversed by the Grand Trunk railway. Capital, St. Thomas. Pop. 13,555.

MONTMAGNY, or ST. THOMAS, an incorporated village of Quebec, capital of the co. of Montmagny, on the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, and on the G. T. R., 49 miles E. of Quebec. It contains, besides tie county buildings, a Roman Catholic church, a telegraph office, a college, about 25 stores, and saw grist and carding mills. Pop. 1,512.

MONTMORENCY, a county in the S. E. part of Quebec, comprising an area of 1,397,080 acres, is bounded on the S.E. by the St. Lawrence. Capital, Chateau Richer. Pop. 12,085.

MONTMORENCY FALLS, a post village in Quebec co., Que., 6 miles from Quebec. The Falls of Montmorency present one of the most majestic spectacles in the province. The Montmorency itself, so called after a French admiral of that name, is an inconsiderable stream. Its course lies through an almost continued forest, over an irregular broken rocky bottom, until it arrives at the precipice, where its breadth is from 1G to 20 yards. A little declination of the bed before it reaches this point gives a great velocity to the stream, which in being impelled over the brink of a perpendicular rock, falls in an extended sheet of water into a rocky chasm 240 feet below. An immense spray rises from the bottom in curling volumes, which, when the sun shines upon it, displays bright prismatic colors. producing an effect inconceivably beautiful. The Falls area great source of attraction to visitors to the Ancient Capital.

MONT MORIN, a post office in the parish of Ste. Agathe des Monts, Terrebonne co., Que.. 60 mines from Montreal.

MONT PERCE, or TABLE ROULANTE, a remarkable mountain in rear of Perce, co. of Gaspe, Que. It rises to a height of 1,230 feet above the level of the sea, and can be seen by the mariner at a distance of 40 miles.

Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America, Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873


Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America

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